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dimensional hilbert space
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Hans Havlicek ◽  
Karl Svozil

Abstract Criteria for the completion of an incomplete basis of, or context in, a four-dimensional Hilbert space by (in)decomposable vectors are given. This, in particular, has consequences for the task of ``completing'' one or more bases or contexts of a (hyper)graph: find a complete faithful orthogonal representation (aka coordinatization) of a hypergraph when only a coordinatization of the intertwining observables is known. In general indecomposability and thus physical entanglement and the encoding of relational properties by quantum states ``prevails'' and occurs more often than separability associated with well defined individual, separable states.

2021 ◽  
S. Jalalzadeh ◽  
S. Abarghouei Nejad ◽  
P. V. R L Moniz

Abstract We investigate the holographic bound utilizing a homogeneous, isotropic, and non-relativistic neutral hydrogen gas present in the de Sitter space. Concretely, we propose to employ de Sitter holography intertwined with quantum deformation of the hydrogen atom using the framework of quantum groups. Particularly, the $\mathcal U_q(so(4))$ quantum algebra is used to construct a finite-dimensional Hilbert space of the hydrogen atom. As a consequence of the quantum deformation of the hydrogen atom, we demonstrate that the Rydberg constant is dependent on the de Sitter radius, $L_\Lambda$. This feature is then extended to obtain a finite-dimensional Hilbert space for the full set of all hydrogen atoms in the de Sitter universe. We then show that the dimension of the latter Hilbert space satisfies the holographic bound. We further show that the mass of a hydrogen atom $m_\text{atom}$, the total number of hydrogen atoms at the universe, $N$, and the retrieved dimension of the Hilbert space of neutral hydrogen gas, $\text{Dim}{\mathcal H}_\text{bulk}$, are related to the de Sitter entropy, $S_\text{dS}$, the Planck mass, $m_\text{Planck}$, the electron mass, $m_\text{e}$, and the proton mass $m_\text{p}$, by $m_\text{atom}\simeq m_\text{Planck}S_\text{dS}^{-\frac{1}{6}}$, $N\simeq S_\text{dS}^\frac{2}{3}$ and $\text{Dim}{\mathcal H}_\text{bulk}=2^{\frac{m_\text{e}}{m_\text{p}}\alpha^2S_\text{dS}}$, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-4
Kaifan Yang

In this paper, the positive operator solutions to operator equation X − A ∗ X − t A = Q (t > 1) are studied in infinite dimensional Hilbert space. Firstly, the range of norm and the spectral radius of the solution to the equation are given. Secondly, by constructing effective iterative sequence, it gives some conditions for the existence of positive operator solutions to operator equation X − A ∗ X − t A = Q (t > 1). The relations of these operators in the operator equation are given.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 117-124

One of the major problems in the theory of maximal monotone operators is to find a point in the solution set Zer( ), set of zeros of maximal monotone mapping . The problem of finding a zero of a maximal monotone in real Hilbert space has been investigated by many researchers. Rockafellar considered the proximal point algorithm and proved the weak convergence of this algorithm with the maximal monotone operator. Güler gave an example showing that Rockafellar’s proximal point algorithm does not converge strongly in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space. In this paper, we consider an explicit method that is strong convergence in an infinite-dimensional Hilbert space and a simple variant of the hybrid steepest-descent method, introduced by Yamada. The strong convergence of this method is proved under some mild conditions. Finally, we give an application for the optimization problem and present some numerical experiments to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.

2021 ◽  
Vol 50 (3) ◽  
pp. 66-76
Khalil Shafie ◽  
Mohammad Reza  Faridrohani ◽  
Siamak Noorbaloochi ◽  
Hossein Moradi Rekabdarkolaee

Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a fundamental tool in advancing our understanding of the brain's functionality. Recently, a series of Bayesian approaches have been suggested to test for the voxel activation in different brain regions. In this paper, we propose a novel definition for the global Bayes factor to test for activation using the Radon-Nikodym derivative. Our proposed method extends the definition of Bayes factor to an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. Using this extended definition, a Bayesian testing procedure is introduced for signal detection in noisy images when both signal and noise are considered as an element of an infinite dimensional Hilbert space. This new approach is illustrated through a real data analysis to find activated areas of Brain in an fMRI data.

Manoj K. Mishra ◽  
Hari Prakash ◽  
Vibhuti B. Jha

Superposition of optical coherent states (SCS) [Formula: see text], possessing opposite phases, plays an important role as qubits in quantum information processing tasks like quantum computation, teleportation, key distribution, etc. and are of fundamental importance in testing quantum mechanics. Passage of such SCS from a 50:50 beam splitter leads to generation of entangled coherent states. Recently, ququats and qutrits defined in four- and three-dimensional Hilbert space, respectively, have attracted much attention as they offer advantage in secure quantum communication. However, practical utilization of these advantages essentially requires physical realization of quantum optical ququats and qutrits. Here, we define four new multi-photonic states (MPS) with [Formula: see text] (here, [Formula: see text] or 3 and [Formula: see text]) numbers of photon and show how the SCS can be used to encode ququat using these MPS as basis vectors of a four-dimensional Hilbert space. When these MPS fall upon a 50:50 beam splitter, the resulting states are bipartite four-component entangled coherent states (BFECS) equivalently representing the entangled ququats. We briefly discuss the photon statistical properties of such MPS and BFECS. We show that these MPS and BFECS can be synthesized using even coherent states as input to an interferometer. We give a simple linear optical protocol for almost perfect teleportation of a ququat encoded in SCS with the aid of BFECS as quantum channel. We also describe how these ququats can be used for realization of higher-dimensional BB84 protocol to increase the security of quantum key distribution. Finally, we discuss the possible advantages of using SCS as ququats and BFECS as quantum channel in different quantum information processing tasks.

Meijiao Wang ◽  
Qiuhong Shi ◽  
Qingxin Meng ◽  
Maoning Tang

The paper is concerned with a class of stochastic differential equations in infinite dimensional Hilbert space with random coefficients driven by Teugel's martingales which are more general processes. and its optimal control problem. Here Teugels martingales are a family of pairwise strongly orthonormal martingales associated with L\'{e}vy processes (see Nualart and Schoutens). There are three major ingredients. The first is to prove the existence and uniqueness of the solutions by continuous dependence theorem of solutions combining with the parameter extension method. The second is to establish the stochastic maximum principle and verification theorem for our optimal control problem by the classicconvex variation method and dual technique.The third is to represent an example of a Cauchy problem for a controlled stochastic partial differential equation driven by Teugels martingales which our theoretical results can solve.

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