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sixth grade students
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José Ignacio Menéndez Santurio

The goal of this study was to examine teacher, students and parents’ perceptions of a quidditch-muggle Sport Education season at a primary school. Fifty-two sixth-grade students from one primary school participated in the study. A case study research design was followed. One Physical Education specialist with expertise in the Sport Education Model agreed to participate and conducted a season based on the quidditch-muggle sport (17 sessions; 60 minutes/each, two days/week). Finally, forty-five parents, 86.52% of the total sample, agreed to provide their insights on their children’s Harry Potter experience. Several instruments were used to collect qualitative data: teacher’s diary, students’ open-ended question, parents’ open-ended question and students’ discussion groups. From the analysis of all data obtained, four positive categories emerged: enjoyment, novelty, learning and self-construction and one negative: competitiveness. Teacher, students and parents highlighted the usefulness of the SEM despite of the overemphasis on the competition. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar las percepciones del profesor, estudiantes y familias de una temporada de Educación Deportiva de quidditch-muggle. 52 estudiantes de 6º de Educación Primaria de un colegio participaron en la investigación. Se llevó a cabo un estudio de caso. Un profesor de Educación Física experto en el modelo de Educación Deportiva participó en el estudio y dirigió la temporada de quidditch-muggle (17 sesiones; 60 minutos por sesión, dos días a la semana). Finalmente, 45 familias, esto es un 86,52% del total de la muestra, aceptaron participar y proporcionar sus puntos de vista acerca de la experiencia de Harry Potter de sus hijos. Se utilizaron diferentes instrumentos de recogida de datos: diario del profesor, preguntas abiertas del alumnado, preguntas abierta de las familias y grupos de discusión del alumnado. Del análisis de datos se extrajeron cuatro categorías positivas: diversión, novedad, aprendizaje y autoconstrucción y una negativa: competitividad. El profesor, el alumnado y las familias destacaron la utilidad del modelo a pesar de la competitividad presente.

Merve YILDIZ ◽  

The purpose of this study is to examine the process of writing algorithms using step by step instructions of students through computer science unplugged activity. Accordingly, CityMap activity which is related to daily life and scenario based was developed. The aim of this activity is to write algorithms of going from one place to another using step by step instructions. The rules are also to reach the destination with the shortest way and the least number of steps using correct instructions. The study group consists of 15 sixth grade students. The case study was used as a research method.  For the activity, a map and a worksheet designed by the researchers were used as data collection tools and an answer key was used for the analysis. Both individual and group evaluation were made and for this process gamification components were used. The findings revealed that students could wrote algorithms step by step instructions for the tasks determined in the activity. In addition, it was concluded that using of the gamification components made the activity more enjoyable and the students be motivated towards learning of computer science.

2021 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-49
Sarah Caroline Halford ◽  
Marcia B. Imbeau ◽  
Linda H. Eilers

Sixth-grade students who had been identified as gifted and talented participated in a literacy intervention designed and implemented by the first author as part of an action research project. These students were meeting the grade-level standards in literacy, so the project aimed to push their vocabulary knowledge further in order to prepare them for the complex vocabulary they encounter in their independent reading and assigned content units. This daily intervention directly taught students the origins and histories of words and word parts from Latin, Greek, Germanic, and French languages, introduced morphemic analysis strategies, and gave them techniques to analyze the words’ meanings based on that information. Content-specific vocabulary, as well as general vocabulary knowledge of the participating students increased significantly. Throughout the intervention, students’ confidence in vocabulary knowledge improved, and they gained a deeper understanding of the nuances of language as their ability to apply this knowledge in other contexts grew and facilitated better understanding of the words they read.

Bassam Mahmoud Mohammed, Reem Mihoub Slemon, Haifa Hassan Ib Bassam Mahmoud Mohammed, Reem Mihoub Slemon, Haifa Hassan Ib

The study aimed to identify the level of basic sixth-graders' acquisition of some of the values of citizenship and their level of competence in confrontation, and to reveal the relationship between the level of their acquisition of some values of citizenship and the level of competence of confrontation they have, and to reveal the differences between them in the acquisition of specific citizenship values (patriotism, commitment, responsibility The study sample consisted of (420) male and female students of the sixth grade, of whom (219) were pupils, and (201) pupils in the schools of Tartous city, and the study adopted the descriptive approach, and the Specific Citizenship Values Scale, and the Confrontation Efficiency Scale were used, which were prepared by the researcher using the previous studies. The city of Tartous, and their average level of confrontation competence, and the presence of a positive correlation between the scores of the study sample "of sixth grade students" in the scale of citizenship values and their scores in the scale of confrontation competence, a J The higher the level of students ’acquisition of citizenship values, the higher their level of coping competence, and there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study sample of sixth-grade students on the scale of citizenship values according to the gender variable in favor of female students in the overall score and sub-dimensions. Except for the second dimension (commitment value), it was not statistically significant and there were no differences between males and females, and there were no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the study sample of sixth grade students on the scale of coping efficiency according to the gender variable.

Ilker Ugulu

This study explores the scientific epistemological beliefs of gifted students. It attempts to investigate gender, age and grade level-based differences in scientific epistemological beliefs. The study group comprised 120 gifted students (67 girls, 53 boys). To determine the scientific epistemological beliefs of these students, the Scientific Epistemological Beliefs Survey was employed. The results reveal that while the average scores of fifth and sixth-grade students were close to each other, the highest mean epistemological beliefs score was at the seventh and eighth-grade levels. Thus, there is a positive change in the scientific epistemological beliefs of gifted students who receive more science education. Statistically, the results showed that the difference between the epistemological beliefs scores of the female and male students was not statistically significant.

Hesa Juhaz Zaben Al-Harbi Hesa Juhaz Zaben Al-Harbi

The current study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a program based on the theory of successful intelligence in developing creative reading skills among sixth grade students. To this end, the researcher has used the experimental approach with a quasi-experimental design for the two equivalent experimental and control groups. She has also used the following tools and materials; (1) a list of creative reading skills to be developed, (2) an achievement test to measure the creative reading skills, and (3) teacher's manual. The researcher has also validated the data collection tools and administered them on a random sample of the sixth-grade female students in the schools in Al-Rass governorate (N=60); 30 students for each group. Findings of the study revealed that there were statistically significant differences at the level of (0.05) between the experimental and control groups students' skills in the post -tests scores of creative reading skills for the benefit of the experimental group students who studied using the program based on the theory of the successful intelligence. The results also showed a significant positive impact of the program based on the theory of successful intelligence in developing the creative reading skills of the experimental group students. In light the previous findings, the researcher provided many recommendations and the most major ones were to take care of developing creative reading skills for different stages particularly the elementary stage, to use the program based on the theory of successful intelligence as it was found effective in developing the creative reading skills, and to hold training programs for Arabic language teachers and supervisors to orient them how to best employ the theory of successful intelligence in teaching and clarify its role in developing creative reading skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 56 (5) ◽  
pp. 389-398
Ashraf Daglas ◽  
Wajeeh Daher

The present paper examines the impact of a TRIZ educational program on students’ creativity in mathematical problem solving and on psychological variables, namely general self-efficacy, creative self-efficacy, curiosity, and creative emotions. The research sample consisted of 50 sixth grade students. They were distributed into two groups. The control group consisted of 25 students who learned geometry units in the traditional way. The experimental group consisted of 25 students who studied the same unit using a program based on TRIZ theory. The research results indicated that the TRIZ-based educating unit influences positively the four variables, resulting in significant differences in the participating students’ mean scores in favor of the group of students who learned the TRIZ-based mathematics unit. This influence could be a result of the educational TRIZ program features. Theory-based educational programs are suggested for use in the mathematics classroom, as these programs benefit students’ creativity and different psychological variables.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Apriliani Indah Sari ◽  
Rokhmaniyah Rokhmaniyah ◽  
Tri Saptuti Susiani

The<em> study aimed to describe the implementation of blended learning model to improve independent learning in theme ‘Towards a Prosperous Community’ for sixth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Kemujan in the Covid-19 era. It was qualitative approach with a case study research method. Data collection techniques were observation, interview, and document study. Data analysis was according to Miles and Huberman included data reduction, data presentation, and verification. The results showed that the implementation of blended learning model to improve independent learning for sixth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Kemujan in the Covid-19 era was good.  The planning of blended learning was good included creating learning schedules, compiling lesson plans, choosing types of blended learning model, preparing learning materials, tools/media, face-to-face and online learning resources, and implementing health protocol of Covid-19 during face-to-face learning. The implementation of blended learning was sufficient included seeking of information, acquisition of information, and synthesizing of knowledge. The evaluation of blended learning was good in improving independent learning. It concludes that blended learning to improve independent learning meets the indicators.</em><br /><p> </p>

Катерина Гордієнко

Статтю присвячено проблемі психологічного кібернасилля студентської молоді з метою обґрунтування сутності феномену та поширеності його проявів в юнацькому середовищі у закладах вищої освіти. Актуальність, недостатня вивченість питання та спроба обґрунтувати важливість наукового підходу до даної проблеми, обумовили вибір теми, теоретичне узагальнення та аналітичний огляд досліджень, що стали поштовхом для здійснення подальшого емпіричного дослідження. Методами дослідження були теоретичний аналіз юридичної та психолого-педагогічної літератури щодо розуміння понять булінгу, мобінгу та кібербулінгу, емпіричні результати діагностики рівня поширеності кібербулінгу серед студентів за розробленою авторською анкетою, в основу якої покладено дослідження О. Макарової (2016) «Психологічні особливості кібербулінгу як форми інтернет-злочину». Визначено поняття «булінгу» і «мобінгу» у юридичному та психолого-педагогічному аспектах, обґрунтовано використання поняття «кібербулінгу» для дослідження студентської молоді та його поширеності серед юнацького віку. Встановлено актуальність проблеми та необхідність подальшої розробки теоретичних засад і практичних досліджень кібербулінгу не лише для школярів, але й для повнолітніх здобувачів вищої освіти. Розглянуто особливості проявів кібербулінгу у студентів та їх відмінності від шкільного насилля в мережі Інтернет у науково-практичних дослідженнях. Отримано кількісні дані та визначено основні тенденції щодо розуміння проблеми діджиталізації психологічного насилля у кіберпросторі серед студентів різних спеціальностей. Емпірично виявлено наявність кібербулінгу у різних сферах життя здобувачів та частоту проявів феномену серед студентів-користувачів соціальної мережі у межах закладу вищої освіти. Дане дослідження буде основою для теоретико-емпіричного вивчення соціально-психологічних чинників протидії та засобів профілактики кібербулінгу в студентському середовищі й стане поштовхом для подальшого розвитку кіберпсихологічної науки в Україні. Література Аверкиева, Е.В. (2020). Психологические особенности влияния кибербуллинга на молодежь. И.А. Ершова, С.Б. Малых, Т.Н. Тихомирова (Ред.), Психология образования: современный вектор развития. (Монография) (с. 454–467). Екатеринбург : Издательство Уральского университета. Гордієнко, К.О. (2021). Діджиталізація психологічного насильства студентської молоді. Л.В. Помиткіна & О.М. Ічанська (Ред.), Авіаційна та екстремальна психологія у контексті технологічних досягнень (с. 182–187). Київ : «Кафедра». Режим доступу: https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/49819 Гордієнко, К.О. (2021). Причини виникнення кібербулінгу у студентському середовищі. ІV  Всеукр. наук. інтернет-конф. (з міжнародною участю) «Медіатворчість в сучасних реаліях: протистояння медіатравмі» (м. Київ, 25 червня 2021 р.). Київ : Інститут соціальної та політичної психології НАПН України. Режим доступу: https://er.nau.edu.ua/handle/NAU/52245 Жданова, Т.А., & Черноярова, Н.С. (2015). Влияние виртуальной среды на социализацию современной молодежи. Электронное научное издание «Ученые заметки ТОГУ», 6(2), 121–127. Режим доступа: http://pnu.edu.ru/media/ejournal/articles-2015/TGU_6_84.pdf Лубенець, І.Г. (2016). Кібернасильство (кібербулінг) серед учнів загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Національний юридичний журнал: теорія і практика, 3(19), 178–182. Режим доступа: http://www.jurnaluljuridic.in.ua/archive/2016/3/38.pdf Макарова, Е.А., Макарова, Е.Л., & Махрина, Е.А. (2016). Психологические особенности кибербуллинга как формы интернет-преступления. Российский психологический журнал, 13(3), 293–311. https://doi.org/10.21702/rpj.2016.3.17 Найдьонова, Л.А. (2014). Кібербуллінґ або агресія в інтернеті: способи розпізнання і захист дитини (методичні рекомендації). Київ : Інститут соціальної та політичної психології НАПН України. Петросянц, В.Р. (2011). Проблема буллинга в современной образовательной среде. Вестник ТГПУ, 6(108), 151–154. Романов, А.А., Левашова, А.В., Сиденко, К.О., & Михайлова, Е.А. (2021). Сущность буллинга как социально-правового явления. Вопросы российского и международного права, 11(1А), 98–106. https://doi.org/10.34670/AR.2020.59.72.014 Фомиченко, А.С. (2018). Особенности проявления кибербуллинга в высшем образовании (по материалам зарубежных исследований). Интернет-журнал «Мир науки», 6(5). Carney, J., Jacob, C.J., & Hazler, R. (2011). Exposure to school bullying and the social capital of sixth-grade students. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 50(2), 238–253. https://doi.org/10.1002/j.2161-1939.2011.tb00122.x Kota, R., Schoohs, S., Benson, M. & Moreno M.A. (2014). 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