In the chapter, the network innovation is defined in two ways: as networking innovation model and as networking that is the result of innovation. Strategic entities in building relationships for these two approaches are described. Particular emphasis is put on analysis of social innovation process, including six stages, i.e., inspiration, proposition, prototypes, testing, scaling and system change. This process was implemented by Poznań University of Economics and Business Knowledge Transfer Company LTD, while creating The Hospital Help Initiative ( during Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of the chapter it to diagnose network innovations on the basis of The Hospital Help Initiative ( coordinated by Poznań University of Economics and Business Knowledge Transfer Company LTD. The case study method was used to show how social needs appeared, how adequate solution was smartly developed by a group of professionals, how the Relationship Team successfully adopted the technology, and finally how the organization model was tested and scaled. This kind of network innovation may stimulate system change in the future.