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system change
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Cecilia Azorín ◽  
Michael Fullan

AbstractThe pandemic has made deeper problems more transparent and has stimulated many to realize that there may be an opportunity over the next period to pursue much needed innovations in learning. In this essay we describe the ways in which the pandemic has provided the conditions for new human development that joins two powerful forces: the pulsar model which elevates human potential with respect to student learning, and new, deeper forms of collaboration that have long eluded those interested in system change. In this article we show how ‘spirit work’ and collaboration can combine to develop schools systems that are essential for coping with the new post-pandemic conditions facing humanity. We also identify spinoff opportunities arising from the pandemic, and a corresponding pressure that could generate more widespread system improvement designed to improve learning for all, including advances in both equity and excellence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 134
Azqal Azkia ◽  
Devi Silvia Panjaitan ◽  
Fikri Hanif ◽  
Reni Rahmadani

Abstrak: Proses pelayanan perpustakaan di SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan awal nya dilakukan secara konvensional lalu berganti menjadi Sistem Berbasis Teknologi (Web). Terdapat beberapa kendala setelah pergantian sistem tersebut. Hal ini dikarenakan kurang familiarnya siswa terhadap pengunaan Sistem Perpustakaan Berbasis Teknologi (Web), sehingga siswa menjadi kebingungan dalam mengimplementasikan pengunaannya. Untuk itu dilakukan kegiatan pengenalan literasi digital untuk membantu siswa dalam menggunakan sistem perpustakaan. Kegiatan ini dilakukan menggunakan metode seperti, Menyusun Rancangan Kegiatan, Pelatihan dan Penerapan, Evaluasi. Sehinga mendapatkan sebuah hasil Modul Pedoman Penggunaan, media pelatihan penggunaan web perpustakaan, serta video pelaksanaan kegiatan berisi informasi tentang Penggunaan Web Perpustakaan, petunjuk serta saran penggunaan media Web Perpustakaan. Program MBKM terlaksana melalui beberapa rangkaian kegiatan maupun persiapan yang bertujuan untuk mengoptimalkan Pengunaan web perpustakaan di SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan, sehingga mempermudah pelayanan untuk belajar disekolah mitra. Kata Kunci: Literasi Digital, Pelatihan, Web, Modul Pelatihan Abstract: The library service process at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan was initially carried out conventionally and then changed to a Technology-Based System (Web). There are several problems after the system change. This is because students are less familiar with the use of the Technology-Based Library System (Web), so that students become confused in implementing its use. For this reason, digital literacy activities were carried out to assist students in using the library system. This activity is carried out using methods such as Preparing Activity Plans, Training, and Implementation, Evaluation. the result of this activity is the Usage Guidelines Module, training media on the use of the library's web, as well as a video of the implementation of activities containing information about the use of the library's web, instructions, and suggestions for using the library's web media. The MBKM program is implemented through several series of activities and preparations aimed at optimizing the use of the library web at SMP Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Medan, thus facilitating services for learning at partner schools. Keyword: Digital Literacy, Training, Web, Training Module

2021 ◽  
Sean Alexander Maxfield

No longer does society consider the full extent of the argument and consequences or benefits of a system change. All the record-breaking economic success of the last few decades simply furthers a divide between people/organizations that have money and people/organizations that need money. However, those that can view this divide assign the capitalistic system as the culprit when in fact it is the modern mutation of capitalism that is at fault. Within modern neoclassical economies, there is no form of value-based meritocracy between people and organizations.

2021 ◽  
Sean Alexander Maxfield

No longer does society consider the full extent of the argument and consequences or benefits of a system change. All the record-breaking economic success of the last few decades simply furthers a divide between people/organizations that have money and people/organizations that need money. However, those that can view this divide assign the capitalistic system as the culprit when in fact it is the modern mutation of capitalism that is at fault. Within modern neoclassical economies, there is no form of value-based meritocracy between people and organizations.

2021 ◽  
pp. 27-39
Robert Romanowski ◽  
Jakub Jasiczak

In the chapter, the network innovation is defined in two ways: as networking innovation model and as networking that is the result of innovation. Strategic entities in building relationships for these two approaches are described. Particular emphasis is put on analysis of social innovation process, including six stages, i.e., inspiration, proposition, prototypes, testing, scaling and system change. This process was implemented by Poznań University of Economics and Business Knowledge Transfer Company LTD, while creating The Hospital Help Initiative (WsparcieDlaSzpitala.pl) during Covid-19 pandemic. The aim of the chapter it to diagnose network innovations on the basis of The Hospital Help Initiative (WsparcieDlaSzpitala.pl) coordinated by Poznań University of Economics and Business Knowledge Transfer Company LTD. The case study method was used to show how social needs appeared, how adequate solution was smartly developed by a group of professionals, how the Relationship Team successfully adopted the technology, and finally how the organization model was tested and scaled. This kind of network innovation may stimulate system change in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Élizabeth Côté-Boileau ◽  
Mylaine Breton ◽  
Linda Rouleau ◽  
Jean-Louis Denis

PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to explore the appropriation of control rooms based on value-based integrated performance management tools implemented in all publicly funded health organizations in Quebec (Canada) as a form of legitimate sociomaterial work.Design/methodology/approachMulti-site organizational ethnographic case studies in two Integrated health and social services centers, with narrative process analysis of triangulated qualitative data collected through non-participant observation (163 h), individual semi-structured interviews (N = 34), and document review (N = 143).FindingsThree types of legitimate sociomaterial work are accomplished when actors appropriate control rooms: 1) reformulating performance management work; 2) disrupting accountability work and; 3) effecting value-based integrated performance management. Each actor (tools, institutions and people) follows recurrent institutional work-paths: tools consistently engage in disruptive work; institutions consistently engage in maintaining work, and people consistently engage in creation work. The study reveals the potential of performance management tools as “effective integrators” of the technological, managerial, policy and delivery levels of data-driven health system performance and improvement.Practical implicationsThis paper draws on theoretically informed empirical insights to develop actionable knowledge around how to better design, implement and adapt tool-driven health system change: 1) Packaging the three agents of data-driven system change in health care: tools, institutions, people; 2) Redefining the search for performance in health care in the context of value creation, and; 3) Strengthening clinical and managerial relevance in health performance management practice.Originality/valueThe authors aim to stimulate new and original scholarship around the under-theorized concept of sociomaterial work, challenging theoretical, ontological and practical conceptions of work in healthcare organizations and beyond.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 52-70
Sandra Geelhoed ◽  
Hayley Trowbridge ◽  
Sarah Henderson ◽  
Lauren Wallace-Thompson

Abstract Storytelling is a powerful instrument for system change. Telling stories of lived experience, listening to them, and sharing them contributes to a culture of trust based on dignity, mutual respect and shared values. In this paper we draw attention to public service innovation and co-creation with the people the service is meant for. In the past years, public service innovation was result-and output driven, targeting technological and managerial innovation. Stories of service users revealed the unintended negative consequences of such innovation policies and opened new perspectives for conversations of change based on shared values leading to innovations based on human development and dignity.

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