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detonation front
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2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-70
E. S. Prokhorov

A mathematical model of gas detonation of fuel-enriched mixtures of hydrocarbons with oxygen has been formulated, which makes it possible to numerically study the equilibrium flows of detonation products in the presence of free carbon condensation. Reference data for graphite were used to describe the thermodynamic properties of carbon condensate. The calculations are compared with the known results of experimental studies in which, when detonating an acetylene-oxygen mixture in a pipe closed at one end, it is possible to obtain nanoscale particles from a carbon material with special properties. It is assumed that the melting point of such a material is lower than that of graphite and is about 3100 K. Only with such an adjustment of the melting temperature, the best agreement (with an accuracy of about 3 %) was obtained between the calculated and experimental dependence of the detonation front velocity on the molar fraction of acetylene in the mixture.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1(59)) ◽  
pp. 6-15
Sergii Shlyk

The object of research is the processes of pulse explosive loading in an explicit formulation for simulation of complex nonlinear dynamics of solids, gases, and their interactions. One of the most problematic areas of modern studies of nonlinear dynamic loads of materials using a numerical analysis is that such studies usually do not take into account the characteristic transition of the stationary deformation zone of the loaded material to the unsteady one and the front pressure and shockwave velocity variation by time. The work is aimed at developing a mathematical model of a pulsed load of materials by a shockwave, developing a mathematical apparatus for calculating the parameters of a shockwave, creating analytical dependences of the interaction of a shockwave with a loaded surface. A study of dynamic explosive loading using software based on an explicit method for solving the equations of continuum mechanics is proposed. In this work, the stress-state equation at a point of the material under pulsed load conditions was further developed, methods for determining the principal stresses and the invariant of the stress tensor, taking into account the pulsed nature of the load, were established. The character of the behavior of the shockwave formed as a result of the detonation of the explosive has been established. Analytical dependences of the interaction of a shockwave with a loaded surface are compiled. A mathematical apparatus has been developed for calculating such parameters of the shockwave as the detonation front pressure and its change in time and the velocity of the shockwave at the moment when it reaches the surface. Mathematical dependences have been developed and proposed, which, in contrast to the existing ones, make it possible to determine the current values of stresses and strains passing through the points of the actual stress curve, as well as the intensity of stresses and strains under pulse loading of metals. On the basis of theoretical and experimental studies of the parameters of body material deformation under the action of explosive loading, the mechanisms of destruction of the KrAZ «Shrek» and KrAZ «Fiona» (Ukraine) specialized armored vehicles body were clarified to establish the compliance of the declared landmine resistance of vehicles with the STANAG 4569 standardization agreement.

V.V Sobolev ◽  
O.V Skobenko ◽  
I.I Usyk ◽  
V.V Kulivar ◽  
A.V Kurliak

Purpose. To develop a laser method for initiating a converging cylindrical front of a detonation wave and a method for calculating the kinematic parameters of the cylindrical shell walls, accelerated by the pressure of the detonation products of an external explosive charge. Methodology. An experimental technology for the manufacture of a photosensitive explosive composite and an experimental technique for igniting the surface of its layer with an extended laser beam without the use of a fiber-optic cable are used. The results of simulation modeling the Monte Carlo method were used to study the effect of illumination on the process of ignition of explosives by laser pulsed radiation. For the selected type of photosensitive explosive composite, its explosive and optical characteristics, the distance from the surface of the explosive charge to the lens scattering the laser beam, and taking into account the total area of the expanded beam, the regularities of the distribution of the radiation energy density over the vertical and horizontal sections of the laser beam were studied. Findings. The analysis of the scientific and technical level of methods of shock-wave processing of materials in the region of ultrahigh pressures from the point of view of the fundamental value of the cumulation of energy in the waves of a converging cylindrical detonation and shock front is carried out. Physicomathematical modeling was carried out and the regularities of pressure increase in the wave front were established in the process of approaching the shell walls to the axis. The scientific results of modeling converging cylindrical shells under the influence of the pressure of the explosion products have been analyzed. A method for laser initiation of a converging cylindrical front of a detonation wave has been developed, and a method for calculating the kinematic parameters of the converging walls of a cylindrical shell has been proposed. Originality. A technique has been developed for determining the energy characteristics of an expanded laser beam, calculating the laser radiation energy required to initiate detonation simultaneously on the entire lateral cylindrical surface of a photosensitive explosive composite. The idea of technical implementation of the cumulation of converging cylindrical detonation and shock waves was developed further. A technique has been developed for the numerical determination of the change in the internal average compression rate of the shell during the movement of its walls towards the axis for various ratios of its external radius to the wall thickness and taking into account the increase in pressure in the converging detonation front. Practical value. For the first time, a method for laser initiation of a converging cylindrical front of a detonation wave was developed and a device was tested that forms a converging cylindrical front of a detonation wave and a corresponding shock front in the material under study by the impact of a metal shell converging to the axis. The core of the device is a laser explosive initiation system that uses light-sensitive explosive composites to initiate an explosive charge.

Yupei Qin ◽  
Kuibang Huang ◽  
Huan Zheng ◽  
Yousheng Zhang ◽  
Xin Yu

Detonation propagation in a confined circular arc configuration of an insensitive high explosive PBX9502 is investigated via numerical simulation in this paper. We introduce a steady detonation wave entering the explosive arc with confinements of stainless steel, and then it undergoes a transition phase and reaches a new steady state with a constant angular speed eventually. The influences of the inner and the outer confinements on the propagating detonation wave as well as the characteristics of the detonation driving zone (DDZ) in the steady state are discussed, respectively. Ignition and Growth (I&G) reaction rate and Jones–Wilkins–Lee (JWL) equations of state for the reactants and the products of PBX9502 are employed in the numerical simulations on the basis of a two-dimensional Eulerian code. The equation of state for stainless steel is in the Grüneisen form with a linear shock speed–particle speed Hugoniot relationship. Our results show that the inner confinement dominates the evolution of the detonation wave and the outer confinement only takes effect in a local region near the outer boundary within a limited initial stage during the transition phase. As for the steady state, the existence of the inner confinement makes the DDZ possess a certain width on the inner boundary. While as to the outer part of the detonation wave, the width of the DDZ decreases until the sonic locus intersects with the detonation front shock, which results in the detachment of the DDZ from the outer boundary and makes the detonation propagation fully independent of the outer confinement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (13) ◽  
pp. 4585
Jianguo Ning ◽  
Da Chen ◽  
Jian Li

Numerical simulation of propagation mechanisms of gaseous detonations in the inhomogeneous medium is studied by using the reactive Euler equations coupled with a two-step chemical reaction model. The inhomogeneity is generated by placing artificial temperature perturbations with different wavelengths and amplitudes. The motivation is to investigate the effect of artificial perturbations on the evolution or amplification of cellular instability. The results show that, without artificial perturbations, a planar ZND detonation can evolve into a fully-developed cellular detonation after a distance because of the amplification of the cellular instability. With the artificial perturbations evolved in, at the early stage, the artificial perturbations control the transverse wave spacing by suppressing the amplification of the cellular instability. However, after a steady-state, the cellular instability starts to amplify itself again and eventually transits to a fully-developed cellular detonation. It is demonstrated that the presence of the artificial perturbations delays the formation of the cellular detonation, and the increase of instability factor can slow down this delay. It is also found that, if the wavelength of the artificial perturbations is close to the transverse wave spacing of the cellular detonation in the homogeneous medium, synchronization of these two factors occurs, and hence a cellular detonation with extremely regular cell pattern is immediately formed. The temperature discontinuity causes the front to be more turbulent with the presence of weak triple-wave structure locally besides the natural transverse waves. The artificial perturbations can increase the intrinsic instability, and hence changes the propagation mechanism of the detonation front. In contrast, large artificial perturbations could prohibit the propagation but reduce cellular instability. It is concluded that the competition of artificial perturbations with intrinsic detonation instability dominates the evolution of cellular structures of the detonation front.

2019 ◽  
Vol 879 ◽  
pp. 54-84 ◽  
César Huete ◽  
Marcos Vera

The standard D’Yakov and Kontorovich (DK) instability occurs when a planar shock wave is perturbed and then oscillates with constant amplitude in the long-time regime. As a direct result, pressure perturbations generated directly behind the shock propagate downstream as non-evanescent sound waves, an effect known as spontaneous acoustic emission (SAE). To reach the DK regime, the slope of the Rankine–Hugoniot curve in the post-shock state must satisfy certain conditions, which have usually been related to non-ideal equations of state. This study reports that the DK instability and SAE can also occur in shocks moving in perfect gases when exothermic effects occur. In particular, a planar detonation, initially perturbed with a wavelength much larger than the detonation thickness, may exhibit constant-amplitude oscillations when the amount of heat released is positively correlated with the shock strength, a phenomenon that resembles the Rayleigh thermoacoustic instability. The opposite strongly damped oscillation regime is reached when the shock strength and the change in the heat released are negatively correlated. This study employs a linear perturbation model to describe the long-time and transient evolution of the detonation front, which is assumed to be infinitely thin, and the sound and entropy–vorticity fields generated downstream.

2019 ◽  
Vol 484 (5) ◽  
pp. 550-553
E. L. Popov ◽  
A. N. Samsonov ◽  
F. A. Bykovskii ◽  
E. F. Vedernikov

Conversion possibility of the chemical energy of combustion products of a hydrogen–oxygen mixture into electrical energy with the use of continuous spin detonation has been demonstrated for the first time in an MHD system. The specific conductivity of detonation products in the region of rotation of the detonation front was measured to be ~3 · 10–2 Ω–1 m–1. The structure of transverse detonation waves was examined, their velocity was measured (2220 ± 50 m/s), and the flow in their vicinity was studied.

2019 ◽  
Vol 865 ◽  
pp. 602-649 ◽  
Wenhu Han ◽  
Cheng Wang ◽  
Chung K. Law

The role of a transversal concentration gradient in detonation propagation in a two-dimensional channel filled with an $\text{H}_{2}{-}\text{O}_{2}$ mixture is examined by high-resolution simulation. Results show that, compared to propagation in homogeneous media, a concentration gradient reduces the average detonation velocity because of the delay in reaching downstream reaction equilibrium, leading to a large amount of unreacted $\text{H}_{2}$ and hence significant species fluctuations. The transversal concentration gradient also enhances the cellular detonation instability. Steepening it reduces considerably the number of triple points on the front, lengthens the global detonation front structure on average and consequently increases the deficit of the average detonation velocity. It is further found that the interaction of the leading shock with the transversal concentration gradient influences the formation of local $\text{H}_{2}$ bump and thus the unreacted pocket behind the front, while the transverse wave causes mixing and burning of the residue fuel downstream. Nevertheless, for the steepened concentration gradient, a transverse detonation is present and consumes the fuel in the compressed and preheated zone by the leading shock; consequently, the detonation velocity deficit is not increased significantly for detonation with the single-head propagation mode close to the limit.

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