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literacy process
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2022 ◽  
pp. 258-279
Zanthia Yvette Smith

Few research-based family studies have focused specifically on the perceptions of African American hearing parents' use of home literacy strategies. This study was conducted with a small group of African American families, taking into account family's individual literacy needs (African American hearing families with deaf/hard of hearing [DHH] children), African-American culture and language, emergent literacy research, American Sign Language (ASL), and parent-child book reading strategies. The purpose of this study was to document parental perception of the literacy process, while establishing opportunities for parents to practice under the guidance of mentors and within the home environment. Recordings documented parental progress and their comments about the reading process. Field notes were generated from the mentors' discussions with parents. This exploratory case study identified changes in parental perception of communication and literacy development during a nine-week intervention and records their reactions to those support strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 233
Maria Eurácia Barreto de Andrade ◽  
Thaís Costa de Freitas

O presente artigo apresenta reflexões sobre Alfabetização e Práticas Pedagógicas na Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA), como recorte de uma pesquisa mais ampla, realizada no Colégio Entre Fios, no ano de 2018, objetivando compreender se as práticas pedagógicas realizadas nos últimos anos do Ensino Médio na EJA contribuem com o processo de alfabetização; para tanto, foram aplicadas situações do INAF com educandos da EJA do terceiro tempo formativo, nos eixos VI e VII. No âmbito metodológico, constitui-se como uma pesquisa qualitativa, com imersão no estudo de caso. Nessa tessitura, respaldam nossos estudos, prioritariamente, as teorias de Paulo Freire (2003, 2014, 2015, 2018), Miguel Arroyo (2005, 2015, 2017), dentre outros que contribuem para melhor compreender a temática em tela, além de pesquisas realizadas em meios eletrônicos e revistas, que nos permitem tecer relevantes fios sobre a referida abordagem. Nessa trama que engloba alfabetização no lócus da pesquisa, podemos perceber que os estudantes pesquisados apresentam níveis assustadores de analfabetismo, considerando que já estão na última etapa da Educação Básica. O resultado deste estudo evidencia a necessidade de investimento com políticas públicas voltadas para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos; a relevância da formação de profissionais na área e a necessidade de se refletir sobre a alfabetização no âmbito do Ensino Médio, no considerado “ensino regular”.Palavras-chave: Educação; Alfabetização de Jovens e Adultos; Analfabetismo.Literacy at Eja and Inaf indicators: a look across pedagogical practicesAbstractThis article presents reflections on Literacy and Pedagogical Practices in the Youth and Adult Education (EJA), as part of a broader research, carried out at Colégio Entre Fios, in 2018, aiming to understand if the pedagogical practices carried out in the last years of High School in the EJA contribute to the literacy process; for this purpose, INAF situations were applied with EJA students from the third training period, in axes VI and VII. In the methodological scope, it is a qualitative research, with immersion in the case study. We bring, in this texture, to support our studies, primarily the theories of Paulo Freire (2003, 2014, 2015, 2018), Miguel Arroyo (2005, 2015, 2017), among others that contribute to better understanding the theme at hand, in addition to a research carried out in electronic media and magazines, which allow us to better understand relevant threads about this approach. In this plot that encompasses literacy in the locus of research, we can see that the students surveyed have frightening levels of iliteracy, considering that they are already in the last stage of Basic Education. The result of this study highlights the need for investment in public policies aimed at the Education of Young people and Adults; the relevance of training professionals in the area and the need to reflect on literacy in the context of high school, in what is considered “regular education”.Keywords: Education; Literacy for youth and adults; Illiteracy.Alfabetización en la Eja e los indicadores del Inaf: una mirada a través de prácticas pedagógicasRESUMENEste artículo presenta reflexiones sobre Alfabetización y Prácticas Pedagógicas en Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos, como parte de una investigación más amplia, realizada en el Colégio Entre Fios, en 2018, con el objetivo de comprender si las prácticas pedagógicas realizadas en los últimos años de Educación Secundaria en EJA contribuyen al proceso de alfabetización; para ello, se aplicaron situaciones del INAF con alumnos de EJA del tercer período formativo, en los ejes VI y VII. En el ámbito metodológico, se trata de una investigación cualitativa, con inmersión en el estudio de caso. Traemos, en esta textura, para sustentar nuestros estudios, principalmente las teorías de Paulo Freire (2003, 2014, 2015, 2018), Miguel Arroyo (2005, 2015, 2017), entre otras que contribuyen a comprender mejor el tema en por otra parte, además de las investigaciones realizadas en medios electrónicos y revistas, que nos permiten tejer hilos relevantes sobre este enfoque. En esta trama que engloba la alfabetización en el locus de investigación, podemos observar que los estudiantes encuestados tienen niveles de analfabetismo alarmantes, considerando que ya se encuentran en la última etapa de Educación Básica. El resultado de este estudio destaca la necesidad de invertir en políticas públicas orientadas a la Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos; la relevancia de la formación de profesionales en el área y la necesidad de reflexionar sobre la alfabetización en el contexto del bachillerato, en lo que se considera “educación regular”Palabras clave: Educación; Alfabetización para jóvenes y adultos; Analfabetismo.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 224-238
Katalin Tiron ◽  
Cristina Maria Bostan ◽  
Alois Ghergut

Visual skills play a controversial role in the literacy process. The predictive part of RAN on fluency is known, especially in transparent spelling. In this research, we wanted to explore the influence of visual abilities on literacy for primary school students; for this purpose, we evaluated 209 students. We tested both the Reading and decoding efficiency, rapid naming, and visual abilities. The interaction of rapid naming (RAN) and visual ability (VA) significantly determined fluency. This association is discussed concerning other findings that have demonstrated the visuospatial abilities influence literacy.

Abdullah Alper Ertem ◽  
Alper Güzel ◽  
Aysu Zekioğlu

The concept of health literacy, which is related to issues such as health behaviors, use of health services, satisfaction, has increased in national and international level in recent years. This concept refers to the individual's cognitive and social skills in health-related issues. The aim of this study is to determine the health literacy levels of individuals living in Ankara. The study was carried out with 387 volunteers. In the study, Adult Health Literacy Scale (AHLS), which consists of 23 questions developed by Sezer, was used. Mann Whitney U and Kruskal Wallis test were used to analyze the data. The average level of health literacy obtained in the study was formulated in accordance with the European Health Literacy Study and the level of international competence was determined. Accordingly, 50.1% (194) of the participants in the study were found to be inadequate, 42.1% (163) limited and 7.8% (30) sufficient health literacy. The level of perfect health literacy has not been found. In order to increase the level of health literacy, roadmaps developed jointly by policy makers and health professionals are needed. As the impact of culture on health literacy is known, developing local strategies is thought to be an effective way to increase the level of health literacy. It is important for healthcare professionals, public health professionals and health educators working in primary health care services to take roles in targeting the target population, developing strategy and communicating in the health literacy process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (11) ◽  
pp. 1588
Moch Faisal ◽  
Sri Umi Mintarti Widjaja ◽  
Agus Hermawan

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> This research aims to decribe the economic literacy prosess of SME Cuinary Market businesses and the implications for the walfare of businesses. This research was conducted because there are differences in the category of business, smal business, medium business and large business. This study uses a qualitative approach with this type phenomenlogical study research. The results of this study show small businesses have not run the economic literacy process properly so that the welfare of business has not been obtained, medium business start to run economic literacy well so that the welfare of business and workers begins to be obtained and large businesses have run the economic literacy process properly so that the welfare of businesses and workers has been obtained.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong><em> </em>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan proses literasi ekonomi pelaku usaha UKM <em>Culinary Market </em>dan implikasi literasi ekonomi terhadap kesejahteraan pelaku usaha. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena terdapat perbedaan katergori pelaku usaha, pelaku usaha besar, pelaku usaha menengah dan pelaku usaha besar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi fenomenologi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan pelaku usaha kecil belum menjalankan proses literasi ekonomi dengan baik sehingga kesejahteraan pelaku usaha belum didapatkan. Pelaku usaha menengah mulai menjalankan literasi ekonomi dengan baik sehingga kesejahteraan pelaku usaha dan pekerja mulai didapatkan dan pelaku usaha besar telah menjalankan proses literasi ekonomi dengan baik sehingga kesejahteraan pelaku usaha dan pekerjanya telah didapatkan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 113-132
Lucilene Emidio ◽  
Ivana Esteve Passos de Oliveira

 Resumo: A presente pesquisa tem sua origem nos desafios experimentados como professora de alfabetização e na tarefa de formar leitores, o que motivou a busca de soluções por meio de estudos e de investigações. Tendo como ideia, que a leitura é um processo um tanto complexo a ser desenvolvido e não pode ser reduzido à mera decodificação de textos, mas sim, levar os alunos a serem investigadores e letrados. Em face a essa constatação adveio o interesse em desenvolver uma prática de professora/mediadora/multiplicadora, envolvendo as estratégias de leitura com livros infantis de um autor capixaba, na premissa de suscitar a apreciação literária com os alunos, do nível 1 da Educação Infantil de uma escola particular de Vila Velha/ES, na qual a pesquisadora atua em sala de aula, como alfabetizadora. A metodologia utilizada no estudo, foi a da pesquisa-ação, contemplando as Oficinas de Estratégias de Leitura com a Literatura Infantil, direcionadas aos alunos mencionados, sob a tutela dessa investigadora, em que consolidou-se uma experiência significativa de letramento literário, explicitado no estudo de caso. Dentre os teóricos que nos embasaram, têm como destaque Coelho,2010, Souza ,2012, Junqueira, 2012, Solé, 1998 e Zilberman, 2003 e outros autores que refletem a literatura infantil, a compreensão e a autonomia leitora, resultando em fruição. Os resultados nas compreensão das estratégias proporcionaram formas que levaram os alunos a se tornarem leitores, nos ajudando no processo de alfabetização.   

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 720-728
Luana Thais Dos Anjos Marques ◽  
Francisca Ivoneide Benicio Malaquias Alves

Resumo: A oralidade desempenha um papel fundamental no que diz respeito ao desenvolvimento das habilidades como leitura e escrita, isto se dá em função da capacidade de aprender desenvolvida através do ouvir. Nesse contexto, a alfabetização é um processo que pode ser mediado através da oralidade, tendo como metodologia para isso o uso da contação de história. Desta forma, o presente artigo "A importância da oralidade no processo de alfabetização com enfoque na contação de história”, parte da relevância e pertinência do tema para a área da Pedagogia, justificando sua escolha na importância de discutir sobre as ferramentas que podem ser utilizadas em sala de aula pelo professor a fim de contemplar o processo de alfabetização. O objetivo do trabalho é analisar de que forma a oralidade pode facilitar o processo de alfabetização e como a contação de história se comporta dentro do Ensino Infantil. Para realização do artigo foi feita uma abordagem bibliográfica de cunho qualitativa que utilizou de autores como Cavalcante e Mello (2006), Lemos e Dias (2018), Busatto (2012), Marcuschi (2008) e dentre outros para compor o aporte teórico, que já possuem publicações sobre o tema discorrido. Assim, foi perceptível que as contribuições ofertadas através da contação de história para o Ensino Infantil são notórias, uma vez que tende a contribuir de forma significativa para o processo de alfabetização. Contudo, o artigo salienta que a contação de história vai além do simples ato de ler um livro ou uma história, necessitando de diversos recursos que irão contribuir para que o momento da contação seja também um momento de interação e de troca de saberes. Portanto, se conclui que os professores do Ensino Infantil devem ministrar suas aulas fazendo uso da contação de histórias, como uma metodologia interessante que irá despertar o gosto dos alunos pelo universo literário, bem como os manter concentrados enquanto escutam a história, despertando assim as habilidades que o professor pretende desenvolver com os alunos através do uso das atividades orais.Palavras-Chave: Ensino Infantill; Alfabetização; Oralidade. Abstract: Orality plays a fundamental role about the development of skills such as reading and writing, this is due to the ability to learn developed through listening. In this context, literacy is a process that can be mediated through orality, using storytelling as a methodology. Thus, this article "The importance of orality in the literacy process with a focus on storytelling", starts from the relevance and pertinence of the theme for the area of Pedagogy, justifying its choice in the importance of discussing the tools that can be used in the classroom by the teacher in order to contemplate the literacy process. The aim of this work is to analyze how orality can facilitate the literacy process and how storytelling behaves within kindergarten. A qualitative bibliographic approach was made using authors such as Cavalcante and Mello (2006), Lemos and Dias (2018), Busatto (2012), Marcuschi (2008) and others to compose the theoretical contribution, who already have publications on the theme discussed. Thus, it was noticeable that the contributions offered through storytelling for kindergarten are notorious, since it tends to contribute in ways significant for the literacy process. However, the article emphasizes that storytelling goes beyond the simple act of reading a book or a story, requiring several resources that will contribute so that the storytelling moment is also a moment of interaction and exchange of knowledge. Therefore, it is concluded that Kindergarten teachers should teach their classes using storytelling, as an interesting methodology that will awaken students' taste for the literary universe, as well as keep them focused while listening to the story, thus awakening their skills that the teacher intends to develop with the students through the use of oral activities.Keywords: Kindergarten; Literacy; Orality. 

Øistein Anmarkrud ◽  
Ivar Bråten ◽  
Elena Florit ◽  
Lucia Mason

AbstractThis article reviews how individual differences have been conceptualized and researched within the area of multiple document literacy, in particular the extent to which proposed relationships between individual differences and the multiple document literacy process of sourcing have been supported by the empirical research. The findings showed that although the majority of the individual differences included in theoretical models of multiple document literacy have been researched, the empirical backing of proposed relationships is rather ambiguous. Still, in-depth analyses of the most researched individual differences in relation to sourcing revealed some interesting and interpretable patterns. Further, the review suggested that relationships between individual differences and sourcing may vary not only with the way sourcing is measured but also with the domain or topic addressed in the reading materials. We discuss the current status of research on individual differences in the context of multiple document literacy with a focus on sourcing and suggest potential avenues for further clarifications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (9) ◽  
pp. 93689-93702
Kátya Elyzabeth Charapa Alves ◽  
Cleidiane Sobreira de Sousa Castro ◽  
Ana Maria Do Nascimento ◽  
Maria Cristiane Domingo Ramos

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3B) ◽  
pp. 36-42
Márcia Cristina Florêncio Fernandes Moret ◽  
João Guilherme Rodrigues Mendonça ◽  
Livia Catarina Matoso dos Santos

There is a concern for deaf education, especially in the literacy stage, which consequently extends throughout regular education, where most deaf students have completed high school without knowing how to read and/or produce in Portuguese. This problem affects the social development of these subjects, since the Portuguese language is still expected as if it were the mother tongue of the deaf, not respecting their identity and culture, whose first language is LIBRAS. In this bias, the research aims to verify the methods and techniques in the literacy process of the deaf and seek new teaching models that are based on bilingual theory, thus ensuring the acquisition of LIBRAS as the mother tongue (L1) and teaching Portuguese as the second language (L2). This bibliographical research brings theoretical references and empirical experiences as a contribution to these reflections.

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