The B-spline R-matrix method has been used to investigate cross-sections for photoionization of neutral scandium from the ground and excited states in the energy region from the 3d and 4s valence electron ionization thresholds to 25 eV. The initial bound states of Sc and the final residual Sc+ ionic states have been accurately calculated by combining the multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock method with the frozen-core close-coupling approach. The lowest 20 bound states of Sc I belonging to the ground 3d4s2 and excited 3d24s, 3d24p, 3d4s4p, 4s24p, and 3d3 configurations have been considered as initial states. The 81 LS final ionic states of Sc+ belonging to the terms of 3p63d2, 3p63d4l (l = 0–3), 3p63d5l (l = 0–3), 3p63d6s, 3p64s2, 3p64s4l (l = 0–3), 3p64s5l (l = 0–1), and 3p64p2 configurations have been included in the final-state close-coupling expansion. The cross-sections are dominated by complicated resonance structures in the low energy region converging to several Sc+ ionic thresholds. The inclusion of all these final ionic states has been noted to significantly impact the near-threshold resonance structures and background cross-sections. The important scattering channels for leaving the residual ion in various final states have been identified, and the 3d electron ionization channels have been noted to dominate the cross-sections at higher photon energies.