Relevance of the research topic. Research actuality is predefined by that question of process control of reforms and decentralization of power for the sake of providing of steady development of country the reformation of educational industry inalienably related to the process. Implementation of strategic tasks of reformation of the system of education, that will provide the increase of her quality and competitiveness, possibility of integration in European and world educational space, possible only on condition of sufficientness of financial resources for her functioning and development. Thus the problem of sufficientness of the financial providing of education remains actual on the modern stage of reformation of administrative-territorial device of country. Formulation of the problem.One of forms of financial participation of the state there is educational субвенція in providing of quality education. Educational subvention is money that is distinguished from the state budget after the special formula on financing of establishments of education. The operating mechanism of her extra charge uncan be considered optimal. As a result - the volume of educational subvention does not provide a requirement in facilities on the remuneration of labour of pedagogical workers in the field of universal middle education on a due levels. Analysis of recent research and publications. Modern aspects of solving the problems of decentralization and reforming the administrative-territorial system in the country are such scientists as Pavlyuk A. P., Oliynyk D. I., Batalov O. A., Datsko O. I., Murkovych L. L., Molodozhen Yu. B. etc. [1-4]. The results of our own research on the problem are given in [5-11]. Selection of unexplored parts of the general problem. As there is a problem of imperfection of determination of обстягів of educational субвенції the consequence of that are lacks of money for maintenance of universal middle education in united territorial communities (UTC) on a due levels, there is a decision problem of development of system mechanisms of management financing of education, as pre-conditions of grant of quality educational services and steady development of society. Problem statement, research goals. By the above-mentioned circumstances the predefined expediency of determination of ways of optimization of the system of calculation of volumes of educational subvention, that would allow to provide the sufficient level of financing of education in united territorial communities (UTC), as bases of steady development of the UTC. Method and methodology of research. In the process of conducting research, general scientific (analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, analytical grouping) and special (abstraction, modeling, etc.) methods of studying economic phenomena and processes were used. Presentation of the main material (results of work). Undertaken a study of efficiency of distribution of educational subvention mechanism between local budgets comes true on the basis of formula that takes into account many indexes. On results 2018 such conformity to law is set: a difference between actual and calculation filled of classes in unit grows into the end of year in the 1 thousand hrn. of proficit/of deficit of educational subvention in a calculation on one student. Imperfection of formula of calculation of sizes of educational subvention is well-proven. It is set that substantial disproportions are, when in one local budgets of volumes of educational subvention sufficiently for the legislatively set remuneration of labour, while in other - raises diminish for of prestige of pedagogical labour, a management, replacement temporally of absent teachers, is not paid cabinets and workshops, a salary is not provided in good time, forced pedagogical are warned of reduction of raises in next months. To imperfection of operating mechanism of educational subvention data of the analysis of situation conducted by us testify in relation to financing of educational sphere in the Zaporizhzhya area. Conclusions. There was undertaken a study of level of financial sufficientness of educational subvention on the example of the Zaporizhzhya area and educed unefficiency of operating mechanism of financing of education in united territorial communities (UTC). It is set that as a result of making alteration to the Budgetary and Tax codes practical steps are done in direction of budgetary decentralization, substantial changes took place in interbudgetary relations and filling of local budgets due to the redistribution of sources of tax receivabless between the different levels of the system. But more detailed analysis of possible consequences of realization of some mechanisms specifies on that they restrain development of united territorial communities (UTC), create the threat of them to financial possibility and assist maintenance of inequality and disproportions in development of territories and do impossible providing of steady development to the country. Such uneffective mechanism is, on our there are ideas, operating mechanism of grant of educational subvention. It is well-proven that one of reasons, that results in the deficit of educational субвенції, next to the optimized not enough network of establishments and presence of schools/of classes with small filled, there is imperfection of formula of distribution of educational субвенції that does not take into account part of envisaged normatively-legal acts Ministry of Education and Science educational services in secondary education. Thus needs a revision volumes of educational subvention and perfection of formula of distribution.