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youth policy
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Анастасия Эдуардовна Пилипенко ◽  
Вадим Геннадьевич Пантелеев

В статье рассматривается социальная активность молодежи в контексте смысловых представлений студентов вузов. На основании материалов регионального эмпирического исследования были проанализированы смыслы, которыми наделяется активность и которые имеют высокую значимость в саморегуляции общественно направленной и индивидуализированной активности студентов. Выявлено, что смысл социальной активности в восприятии вузовской молодежи соотносится с приоритетами органов исполнительной власти, занимающихся реализацией молодежной политики; определена зависимость между частотой участия студентов в практиках социальной активности и готовностью воспринимать данную деятельность посредством институционально организованных форм. Определены доминирующие мировоззренческие установки среди вузовской молодежи и описана их связь с мотивацией социальной активности в исследуемой группе. Выявлено противоречие между смысловым представлением о социальной активности и проявляемой деятельностью: образ определяется студентами через доминирование альтруистических ценностей, а в основе реальной активности молодых людей находятся гедонистические и инструментальные ценности. The article attempts to analyze the social activity of youth in the context of semantic representations of university students. Based on the materials of a regional empirical study, the meanings of activity are analyzed, as well as those meanings that are significant in the self-regulation of socially directed and individualized activity of students. The research shows that the meaning of social activity in the perception of university youth correlates with the priorities of executive authorities involved in the implementation of youth policy; the dependence between the frequency of students' participation in social activity practices and the willingness to perceive this activity through institutionally organized forms is determined. The dominant ideological attitudes among university youth are analyzed and their connection with the motivation of social activity is described. The contradiction between the semantic idea of social activity and the activity manifested is revealed: the students determine this activity basing on the altruistic values, but in practice, hedonistic and instrumental values are at the heart of the activities of young people.

2022 ◽  
Elena Orehova ◽  
Lyudmila Polunina

The textbook is an innovative presentation of the discipline program "History and current state of youth policy abroad". The authors consider the process of formation and development of youth policy of the leading world powers in a broad socio-cultural context, relying on numerous authentic sources and relevant documents of international organizations devoted to social policy and sociology. Meets the requirements of the federal state educational standards of higher education of the latest generation. It is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying under bachelor's degree programs in the field of training 39.03.03 "Organization of work with youth", and will also be of interest to specialists in the field of state youth policy and work with youth, teachers of humanities, researchers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 30 (12) ◽  
pp. 32-47
E. M. Kharlanova ◽  
E. V. Shirokova ◽  
O. V. Besschetnova ◽  
A. B. Fedulova

Currently, in the context of the transition to hybrid education, new network forms of communication and interaction of teachers, students as well as specialists are in demand in the framework of personnel training, research and professional activities. The article reveals the main aspects of the integrated network community for training professionals working with youth in the field of educational and youth social policy. Network community can be viewed as an important resource for the development of both the participants themselves and the specific professional sphere. The purpose of the article is to describe the conceptual framework of a professional network community for training personnel for working with youth in the context of social, educational and youth policy and identify the prerequisites for its creation.In the course of the work, we used such methods as structural and functional analysis, system synthesis, modeling and an online survey. The sample comprised university students, faculty members, and youth workers (n = 147) from six federal districts of Russia.The conceptual framework of the professional network community presented on the basis of systemic-synergetic and constructive methodological approaches enables 1) to formulate its idea as a collaboration for personnel training, scientific research, joint projects implementation and self-development of participants; 2) to identify systemic contradictions, the solution of which is directed by the interaction of community members; 3) to determine the axiological basis, purpose, objectives and stages of deployment; 4) to identify the degree of its relevance, the presence of common interests among all its participants on the basis of the results of empirical research that may be useful in the professional network communities design.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (4) ◽  
pp. 902-932
Inna S. Shapovalova

Introduction. The relevance of the research is due to the modern transformation of the institute of state youth policy, the change in its functions, and the need to reflect on the results of outgoing forms of administration and work with youth. Based on the conducted research, the article assesses the satisfaction of young people with the organization of the main measures to support all of their life strategies implemented by the governing bodies in the field of state youth policy. Materials and Methods. The results of a survey of young people aged 16 to 30, conducted in the Belgorod Region in 2020-2021, were used as the research materials. Based on the developed tools, including using online forms, 866 respondents were interviewed; students and working youth were interviewed through a street survey. The uniformity of diagnostics for each life strategy made it possible to obtain a comparative evaluation matrix in all areas of the state youth policy. Results. Regional Russian youth have given a reflexive assessment of the key problematic points in the implementation of the state youth policy and youth support; their interest in and the potential of involvement in activities and projects related to youth issues have been revealed. A map of youth satisfaction with the activities proposed by the governing bodies in the field of the state youth policy has been drawn. Discussion and Conclusion. The youth satisfaction with the situation that exists today in the field of state youth policy management is assessed as quite low, which makes it possible to conclude that the proposed measures are insufficiently effective and to raise the question of proposing new formats and strategies for developing work with youth. The research materials may be in demand by state youth policy administration bodies, state and municipal government bodies, youth organizations, and educational institutions. The data obtained can be a scientific increment for sectoral sociology (sociology of youth) in the methodological and demonstrative terms.


В «Основах государственной молодежной политики Российской Федерации на период до 2025 года» стратегическим приоритетом названо создание условий для формирования личности гармоничной, постоянно совершенствующейся, эрудированной, конкурентоспособной, неравнодушной, обладающей прочным нравственным стержнем, способной при этом адаптироваться к меняющимся условиям и восприимчивой к новым созидательным идеям. Молодёжную политику в городе Якутске реализует Управлением общественных связей и молодежной политики, которое является отраслевым (функциональным) органом местной администрации, входящим в структуру Окружной администрации города Якутска. Управление обеспечивает осуществление полномочий в сфере молодежной и семейной политики на территории города. Ежегодно Управление проводит множество мероприятий в рамках реализации программ муниципальной молодежной политики: акций помощи, деловых и развлекательных игр, молодёжных форумов и т.д. Одной из слабых сторон молодежной политики является неполный охват целевой аудитории, отсутствие координации между отдельными участниками молодежной политики, неосведомленность молодежи о молодежной политике в целом и мероприятиях, проводимых в рамках осуществления программ молодежной политики. В статье представлены результаты исследования информированности молодёжи г. Якутска о муниципальной молодежной политике в целом и о деятельности Управления общественных связей и молодежной политики. Исследование проводилось путем простого анкетирования, проводимого в электронной форме посредством Google-анкет. Кроме анализа ответов, в ходе исследования были изучены различные информационные источники на предмет полноты освещения реализуемой молодежной политики. На основе полученных данных были сделаны выводы о недостаточной информированности молодежи и предложены некоторые мероприятия, которые могут способствовать как получению информации, так и оценке реализации молодежной политики, установлению обратной связи. In the “Fundamentals of the State Youth Policy of the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2025”, the strategic priority is the creation of conditions for the formation of a harmonious personality, constantly improving, erudite, competitive, not indifferent, possessing a strong moral core, capable of adapting to changing conditions and receptive to new creative ideas. The youth policy in the city of Yakutsk is implemented by the Department of Public Relations and Youth Policy, which is a sectoral (functional) body of the local administration, which is a part of the structure of the District Administration of the city of Yakutsk. The Department ensures the exercise of powers in the field of youth and family policy in the city. Every year, the Department holds many events within the framework of implementing the municipal youth policy programs: charity actions, business and entertainment games, youth forums, etc. One of the weaknesses of the youth policy is incomplete coverage of the target audience, lack of coordination between individual staekholders, lack of awareness of the youth of the youth policy in general and activities carried out within the framework of the youth policy programs. The article presents the results of a survey of the awareness of young people in Yakutsk of the municipal youth policy in general and about the activities of the Department of Public Relations and Youth Policy. The research was done by means of a simple questionnaire, carried out in electronic form using Google-questionnaires. In addition to analyzing the answers, in the course of the study, various information sources were studied for the completeness of coverage of the implemented youth policy. Based on the data obtained, conclusions were drawn about the lack of awareness of young people and some measures were proposed that could contribute to both obtaining information and assessing the implementation of youth policy, establishing feedback.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 707-714
Denis Arkadievich Chernienko

The article presents some results of a sociological survey within the framework of the second stage of work on the topic “Ethnic factor in the socio-political life of the regions of Russia: from ethnopolitical mobilization to civic integration (the Republics of Bashkortostan, Mari El, Mordovia, Udmurtia, Chuvashia)”, conducted among the students of Izhevsk. The survey was aimed at identifying current youth problems and studying social identities, the nature of interethnic relations, the peculiarities of ethnopolitical processes in the republic, the perception of migrants, the public activity of student youth in the capital of Udmurtia. According to preliminary results, new social risks and threats related to the pandemic and attacks on educational organizations are being updated; the trend of the formation of Russian identity continues; the assessment of the sphere of inter-ethnic relations differs at the federal and regional levels, while some conflict potential remains; at the same time, there is no request for active protest actions among young people; there are sentiments on migration outflow from the region under the influence of a whole range of reasons and concerns related to the possible mass arrival of new arrivals in the region; social activity of students is multi-vector, the desire to prove themselves in the work of ethno-cultural organizations is not among the priorities. The results of the study will be used to develop practical recommendations to the authorities and public associations involved in the implementation of the state youth policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 542-549
T. V. Fomicheva ◽  
I. V. Dolgorukova ◽  
J. O. Sulyagina ◽  
E. M. Kryukova ◽  
N. N. Filimonova ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of the attitudes of contemporary Russian youth to a healthy lifestyle, healthcare in general, and physical culture and sports. As a result of a qualitative sociological study, the main trends and perspectives in the perception of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture, and sports in Russian regions are discovered and defined. The study specifies the motivational aspects of young Russians’ attitudes to a healthy lifestyle, healthcare, physical culture, and sports. The specific features of the development of regional physical culture and sports in Russia, as well as the characteristics of the perception of physical culture and sports by various groups of Russian youth in the regions of the country, are identified. The attitudes to social stereotypes concerning a healthy lifestyle and sports in the minds of Russian citizens are discovered. The practical significance of the study results: the conclusions of the project can be used for the development of youth policy, as well as the development of new programs for the optimization of young people’s lifestyle and the development of physical culture and sports in Russia. The study results can be utilized for the innovation of courses on the sociology of health and disease.

Nataliіa Levchenko

Youth is the predominant component of modern Ukrainian society, major factor of socio-economic progress, the driving force of youth work. The purpose of the article is to analyze the semantic content of the basic concept of «youth» in the context of the development of youth work as a field of scientific and practical activities. Research methods: on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature and legal documents, comparison of scientific sources and regulations characterizing a subject of research, the basic aspects of conceptual-terminological content of concepts «youth» and «youth work» are covered; synthesis and generalization of scientific and regulatory sources helped to form definition of the basic concepts of the study. The article analyzes the definition of «youth», «youth work» in the scientific and formal business literature; the main tasks of youth work are defined; It is noted that young people are the bearers of great intellectual potential, new and modern knowledge from various spheres of public life. The research uses such methods as analysis, comparison and generalization of scientific sources on the researched problem. The study highlights the main needs of young people: social and economic; adherence to a healthy lifestyle; involvement in public life; national and patriotic identity; tolerance; assessment of the effectiveness of public policy; the values of youth are determined in the following directions: values of youth, efficiency of youth policy (assessed by youth); civic and political activity of youth; participation and role of youth in the processes of state reformation; training, education; mobility and migration guidelines for young people; family and family values of young people.We have determined that youth work is work with young people, which is aimed at: personal and professional development with the acquisition of relevant competencies; youth participation in public life; involving young people in planning and decision-making at the local, regional and national levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (336) ◽  
pp. 121-131
Elena Viktorovna Matveeva ◽  
Alexander Mitin ◽  
Daria Trofimova

In the article, the authors pay attention to the issue of value preferences of Russian youth on the example of the one of the regions of the Russian Federation – the Kemerovo region - Kuzbass. The problem of political activity of young people is considered through the system of current legislation on youth, socialization and directly value orientations and preferences of young people. The main legal acts regulating youth policy in the Russian Federation are marked. As an empirical basis a number of methodological approaches were used-the system approach (D. Easton, G. Almond), the normative-value approach of J. Rawls, a method of expert interviews and questionnaire survey. The article shows the inconsistency of the value beliefs of modern youth, which is caused by the Russian model of democratic development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 186-199
Alexey S. Butorov ◽  
Roman A. Adlov

This article examines the main causes and processes for the development of US public youth policy due to legal regulation of governmental and public institutions. The research identifies the main legal terms used by American and Russian legislators and the systems of youth policy, analyze the mechanisms of functioning of state and public institutions for working with youth. In addition, the study provides examples of the implementation of youth policy in the United States and the Russian Federation at the federal, regional and municipal (local) levels.

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