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fitness training
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Bernardo N. Ide ◽  
Amanda P. Silvatti ◽  
Moacir Marocolo ◽  
Clarcson P. C. Santos ◽  
Bruno V. C. Silva ◽  

This conceptual review investigates whether functional training (FT) is a different approach from traditional strength, power, flexibility, and endurance (aerobic or cardiorespiratory) training already adopted in the physical training plan of professional, recreational athletes, healthy, and older adults. The 20 most recent papers published involving FT were searched in the PubMed/Medline database. Definition, concepts, benefits, and the exercises employed in FT programs were analyzed. The main results were: (a) there is no agreement about a universal definition for FT; (b) FT programs aim at developing the same benefits already induced by traditional training programs; (c) exercises employed are also the same. The inability to define FT makes the differentiation from traditional training programs difficult. Physical training programs can be easily described and classified as strength, power, flexibility, endurance, and the specific exercises employed (e.g., traditional resistance training, ballistic exercises, plyometrics and Olympic-style weightlifting, continuous and high-intensity interval training). This apt description and classification may provide consistent and clear communication between students, coaches, athletes, and sports scientists. Based on the current evidence and to avoid confusion and misconceptions, we recommend that the terms FT, high-intensity FT, and functional fitness training no longer describe any physical training program.

2021 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 337-346
Chuck Chandler

With industry changes surrounding expectations of how singers appear in costume and move on stage, many singers integrate fitness training into their lifestyle as they use their bodies as instruments and as athletes. This article comes from both lived experience in fitness training while being a singer and the science that gov-erns the process of training. It examines safe ways for vocational singers to engage in fitness training without detriment to performance careers.

Retos ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 ◽  
pp. 625-635
Oscar L Veiga ◽  
Manel Valcarce-Torrente ◽  
Alejandro Romero-Caballero

Esta es la sexta edición de las Encuestas Nacionales de Tendencias de Fitness en España, que reproducen de forma anual la metodología de las encuestas internacionales promovidas por el Colegio Americano de Medicina del Deporte (ACSM). El objetivo del presente estudio es identificar las principales tendencias en el sector del fitness español mediante la presentación de los resultados de la encuesta realizada para 2022, así como comparar los resultados con los obtenidos en las encuestas nacional e internacional de 2021. Además, también se analizó el posible impacto del COVID-19 en la incorporación de tecnología en el sector del fitness en España. La encuesta fue enviada electrónicamente a un total de 6551 profesionales relacionados con el sector del fitness recogiéndose un total 520 respuestas (tasa de respuesta de 7.9%), de las cuales un 27.3% fueron mujeres. Las cinco tendencias más relevantes para 2022 fueron, por ese orden: “contratación de profesionales certificados”, “entrenamiento funcional de fitness”, “entrenamiento personal en pequeños grupos”, “entrenamiento personal” y “programas de ejercicio y pérdida de peso”. Las tendencias en el top-20 en España para 2022 fueron muy congruentes con las de 2021, tanto en el número de coincidencias (18 tendencias comunes) como en las posiciones ocupadas (dentro del top-10 hubo 9 tendencias comunes a ambas encuestas). Al igual que en años anteriores, se produjo una mayor discrepancia entre la encuesta española para 2022 y la encuesta internacional de 2021, con sólo 13 tendencias comunes dentro del top-20 y únicamente dos coincidencias en el top-10.  Estos hallazgos vuelven a confirmar, en consonancia con ediciones anteriores, la estabilidad de las tendencias en el sector del fitness español y la progresiva divergencia con las tendencias internacionales.  Abstract. This is the sixth edition of the National Surveys of Fitness Trends in Spain, which annually reproduces the methodology of the worldwide surveys endorsed by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). The objective of this study is to identify the main trends in the Spanish fitness sector by presenting the results of the Spanish survey for 2022, as well as comparing the results with those obtained in the national and international surveys for 2021. In addition, the possible impact of COVID-19 on the incorporation of technology in the fitness sector in Spain was also analyzed. The survey was electronically sent to 6551 professionals related to the fitness sector, collecting a total of 520 responses (response rate 7.9%), of which 27.3% were women and 72.7% were men. The five most relevant trends for 2022 were, in that order: “employing certificate fitness professional”, “functional fitness training”, “personal training in small groups”, “personal training” and “exercise and weight loss programs”. The trends in the top-20 in Spain for 2022 were very congruent with those of 2021, both in the number of coincidences (18 common trends) and in the positions occupied (9 common trends within the top-10). As in previous years, there was a greater discrepancy between the Spanish survey for 2022 and the worldwide survey for 2021, with only 13 common trends within the top-20 and only two coinciding trends in the top-10. These findings confirm again, in accordance with previous editions, the stability of trends in the Spanish fitness sector and the progressive divergence with worldwide trends. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 2134-2141
Yustiana Nabila ◽  
Helmi Fatinabila ◽  
Imroautul Maghfiroh ◽  
Yusril Ihza Mualana ◽  
Gilang Nuari Panggraita

AbstractThis training activity aims to provide health sports program training for the maintenance of physical fitness of students at the madrasah level during the covid-19 pandemic. The substance of this devotional activity includes; education on the importance of maintaining physical fitness during pandemics, mentoring physical fitness practice, and education on the principles of good and correct physical fitness training include; Form of exercise, objectives and targets of exercise. Students / i who are the target of this devotional activity are students / i level Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Delegtukang, Wiradesa Subdistrict, Pekalongan Regency.. This devotional activity is carried out using a lecture approach and direct practice assistance by the service team. The result of this devotional activity is (1) students / i have a good understanding of the importance of maintaining physical fitness, (2) mastering physical exercise skills for the maintenance of physical fitness during the covid-19 pandemic, and (3) have an understanding of the principles of good and correct physical fitness training including; Form of exercise, objectives and targets of exercise.Keywords: Physical Fitness And Health, Choreographed Activities, Pandemic Imaji Gymnastics AbstrakKegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pelatihan program olahraga kesehatan untuk pemeliharaan kebugaran jasmani siswa/i tingkat madrasah di masa pandemi covid-19. Substansi kegiatan pengabdian ini meliputi; edukasi pentingnya pemeliharaan kebugaran jasmani selama masa pandemi, pendampingan praktik latihan kebugaran jasmani, serta edukasi mengenai prinsip-prinsip latihan kebugaran jasmani yang baik dan benar meliputi; bentuk latihan, tujuan dan sasaran latihan. Siswa/i yang menjadi target kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah siswa/i tingkat Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Delegtukang, Kecamatan Wiradesa, Kabupaten Pekalongan. Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakasanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan ceramah dan pendampingan praktik secara langsung oleh tim pengabdi. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah (1) siswa/i memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai pentingnya pemeliharaan kebugaran jasmani, (2) menguasai keterampilan latihan fisik untuk pemeliharaan kebugaran jasmani selama pandemi covid-19, serta (3) memiliki pemahaman mengenai prinsip-prinsip latihan kebugaran jasmani yang baik dan benar meliputi; bentuk latihan, tujuan dan sasaran latihan.Kata kunci: Kebugaran Jasmani Dan Kesehatan, Aktivitas Koreografi, Senam Imaji Pandemi

2021 ◽  

One of the great limitations in applying research involving the military population is that data are taken from other studies that do not reflect the specific characteristics or conditions of Colombian soldiers. Regardless, the outcomes are applied and appropriated as if these soldiers were, in fact, the sample of the study. In response to this situation, this work publishes the results of research involving the physical performance of Colombian military personnel to provide the academic community with descriptions of the variables that make up this population’s physical fitness training. This work is a first attempt to characterize their physical, physiological, and biomechanical capabilities using the best available evidence and state-of-the-art technology. One of this book’s main contributions to military physical training knowledge is that it is the first initiative to evaluate Colombian military personnel’s level of physical training. The scientific rigor of the studies in this compilation allows the reproducibility of the tests (external validity). It paves the way for a series of studies in military physical performance and health-related factors concerning active members of the National Army, seeking to characterize, evaluate, and determine training programs to optimize the institution’s pillars of doctrine. The ultimate goal is to drive the improvement of soldiers’ physical conditions, favoring a better quality of life and safety in operational performance.

2021 ◽  
Joaquin Anguera ◽  
Joshua Volponi ◽  
Alexander Simon ◽  
Courtney Gallen ◽  
Camarin Rolle ◽  

Abstract Preserving attention abilities is of great concern to older adults who are motivated to maintain their quality of life as they age. Both cognitive and physical fitness interventions have been utilized in intervention studies to assess maintenance and enhancement of attention abilities in seniors, and a coupling of these approaches is a compelling strategy to buttress both cognitive and physical health in a time- and resource-effective manner. With this perspective, we created a closed-loop, motion-capture video game (Body-Brain Trainer: BBT) that adapts a player’s cognitive and physical demands in an integrated approach, thus creating a personalized and cohesive experience across both domains. Older adults who engaged in two months of BBT improved on both physical fitness and attention outcome measures beyond that of an expectancy-matched, active, placebo control group, with maintenance of improved attention performance evidenced 1 year later. Following training, the BBT group’s improvement on the attention outcome measure exceeded performance levels attained by an untrained group of 20-year-olds, and showed age-equilibration of a neural signature of attention shown to decline with age: midline frontal theta power. These findings highlight the potential benefits of an integrated, cognitive-physical, closed-loop training platform as a powerful tool for both cognitive and physical enhancement in older adults.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 10-15
Jan Belka ◽  
Karel Hulka ◽  
Vaclav Riedel ◽  
Michal Safar

Abstract Introduction. The present study deals with the effect of the duration of small-sided games (SSGs) with a floater player on the external (covered distance) and internal (heart rate) load of the elite female players. Material and methods. The research group consisted of nine professional elite female team handball field players (age 22.8 ± 4.5 years) playing in the first international league for female players in the Czech Republic. Their height was 170.4 ± 6.4 cm, weight 67.7 ± 9.2 kg, and maximal heart rate 200.2 ± 3.3 beats∙min-1. The duration of the SSGs was 4 (SSG4) minutes, 5 (SSG5) minutes, and 6 (SSG6) minutes. Results. The highest heart rate value of 177.2 ± 9.9 beats / minute resp. 88.5 ± 4.4% HRmax was measured in SSG5. The lowest mean heart rate values were measured at SSG6 of 172.01 ± 15.7 beats / min resp. 85.9 ± 6.8% HRmax. Most time 38 resp. 34% of the drill time, players were in the 85-90% HRmax load intensity zone of SSG4 and SSG5. There was a statistically significant difference in load intensity zones of 80-85% HRmax and ≥ 95% HRmax between SSG5 and SSG6 and p = .008 (η2 p = 0.22) and .013 (η2 p = 0.26), respectively. In the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) evaluation, there was a statistically significant difference in SSG6 and SSG4 p = .003 (η2 p = 0.27) and between SSG6 and SSG5 p = .004 (η2 p = 0.25). The total longest distance in SSG6 was 786.8 ± 41.9 m, but in the one-minute drill the longest average distance in SSG4 was 136.2 ± 21.1 metres per minute. Conclusions . SSGs with a floater are a suitable means for training technical and tactical activities in handball with an overlap into fitness training in women’s handball. According to our results, the intensity of the load will not decrease if we increase the game time to six minutes and also the covered distance will not decrease during the game.

R. Andreeva ◽  
O. Shalar ◽  
Y. Strykalenko ◽  
V. Huzar

The article examines the changes in the indicators of physical fitness of women of the first mature age under the influence of fitness classes of the Kherson fitness center "Dominant". Fitness training included aerobic training, strength training (for all major muscle groups) and independent training. It is proved that the systematic use of training fitness programs allowed to determine the positive dynamics in the development of physical qualities of women of the first mature age. Significant changes were found in all indicators: the level of manifestation of speed and strength abilities during the long jump improved by 6.2%, the manifestation of strength abilities on the test "Bending and unbending the arms while lying down" changed by 21.7% , and according to the test "Lifting the torso to the side" - by 11.5%, the results of the development of flexibility changed by 12.1%, and the level of general endurance on the test exercise "Uniform running 1000 m" improved by 7.9%. The obtained results testify to the effectiveness of the proposed method of fitness classes in the indicators of physical fitness of women of the first mature age and can be used in the practice of fitness trainers and fitness instructors. In recent years, various types of health fitness are gaining popularity, maintaining the optimal level of physical condition, vital functions and reducing the risk of developing specific diseases of the cardiovascular, immune, respiratory, endocrine and other body systems. The modern system of physical education raises certain contradictions regarding the capabilities, orientation and determination of the propensity of people of different ages to engage in various types of physical culture and health activities. Taking into account the needs of different groups of the population determines the interest and desire of women of the first mature age to engage in specific types of physical activity, including fitness.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (20) ◽  
pp. 9731
Juan Hernández-Lougedo ◽  
Eduardo Cimadevilla-Pola ◽  
Tomás Fernández-Rodríguez ◽  
Jesús Guodemar-Pérez ◽  
Álvaro Otero-Campos ◽  

Background: Functional Fitness Training (FFT) is a new exercise modality prioritizing functional multi-joint movements executed at high intensity as a circuit. Objective: To examine the impacts of introducing rest intervals in a FFT workout compared to “rounds for time” (RFT) FFT. Materials and Methods: Participants were 25 resistance-trained adults who completed two FFT workouts 1 week apart. The study design was crossover such that in a given session half the participants completed the standard and the other half the adapted FFT (FFTadapted). The workouts consisted of the same exercises (circuit of four rounds of exercises), but one (FFTadapted) included preset rest intervals (three sets of 1 min after each completed round). Before and after the workouts, countermovement jump ability and blood lactate were measured. Heart rate (HR) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured post-exercise. Results: For both the standard and adapted protocols, mean HR was 90% age-predicted maximum. Final RPE was also similar for both workouts (~15–15.5) and indicated a “hard” work intensity. Both FFTs took the same time to complete (~13 min). Furthermore, no significant differences were observed in jump ability between FFTs. In contrast, lactate (15.11 ± 3.64 vs. 13.48 ± 3.64 mmol·L−1, p < 0.05), measured 3 min post-exercise, was significantly lower in FFTadapted. Conclusions: In FFTadapted, there was a significant reduction in RPE and blood lactate concentrations after exercise, while there were no significant differences in either HR or jumping ability, compared to a FFT workout in RFT methodology.

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