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image production
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2022 ◽  
Meghan Doherty

The book traces major concepts including: the creation of the visual effects of accuracy through careful action and training; the development of visual judgment and connoisseurship; the role of a network in the production of knowledge; balancing readers’ expectations with representational conventions; and the effects of acts of collecting on the creation and circulation of knowledge. On the one hand, this study uncovers that approaches to knowledge production were different in the seventeenth century, as compared with in the twenty-first century. On the other, it reveals how the early modern struggle to sort through an overwhelming quantity of visual information - brought on by major changes in image production and circulation - resonates with our own.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Vladimir Uskov

The article is devoted to the study of a system of two inhomogeneous Fredholm integral equations of the first kind with two required functions depending on one variable. Integral equations describe the restoration of a blurred image, production costs, etc. Fredholm integral equations with one desired function have been considered in many works, but relatively few works have been devoted to systems of such equations. The questions of stability for the solution of systems and the construction of a regularizing system of equations were investigated, but the solution was not constructed in an explicit form. In this paper, the kernels depend on two variables. The case is considered: in the kernels and inhomogeneities, the variables are separated in the equations; these functions are decomposed on the basis of two functions on the interval of integration. Examples of basic functions are given. A condition is determined under which the system has a unique solution in the chosen basis, formulated as a theorem. The solution is found in the form of an expansion in this basis. To illustrate the results obtained, an example is considered

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 153
Arie Vatresia ◽  
Ferzha Putra Utama

The process of forming an image requires a correct color composition, location and distance between the lines to produce a good image. Human abilities in both creativity and high imagination are very limited, especially in forming new images by utilizing existing image patterns or images that resemble old images. Here we showed the implementation of L-System to generate new image generations with additional flame as a fire effect/glow on images for image transformation. This research used the L-System algorithm, Iterated Function System, and Voronoi Diagram to improve the result of image transformation. The results of this study indicated that mathematical calculations can be applied in the formation of images and the resulting images can be abstract and symmetrical. The next generation of images produced in this research can be in unlimited numbers as the generation of morphogenesis processes. The process of generating images is carried out randomly by merging the two existing images with morphogenesis analogy. The resulting images can be exported into jpg, png, and svg formats. Furthermore, this research showed that the implementation of the calculation for the variation reach the value of 99.48% while the image variation composition has a value of 99.29%.

Михаил Юрьевич Волошин

Биоинформатики часто описывают собственную научную деятельность как практику работы с большими объемами данных с помощью вычислительных устройств. Существенной частью этого самоопределения является создание способов визуального представления результатов такой работы, некоторые из которых направлены на построение удобных репрезентаций данных и демонстрацию закономерностей, присутствующих в них (графики, диаграммы, графы). Другие являются способами визуализации объектов, непосредственно не доступных человеческому восприятию (микрофотография, рентгенограмма). И создание визуализаций, и особенно создание новых компьютерных методов визуализации рассматриваются в биоинформатике как значимые научные достижения. Репрезентации трехмерной структуры белковых молекул занимают особое место в деятельности биоинформатиков. 3D-визуализация макромолекулы, с одной стороны, является, подобно графику, представлением результатов компьютерной обработки массивов данных, полученных материальными методами, – данных о взаимном расположении элементов молекулы. С другой стороны, подобно микрофотографии, такие 3D-структуры должны служить точными отображениями конкретных научных объектов. Это приводит к параллельному существованию двух противоречивых эпистемических режимов: творческий произвол в создании удобных, коммуникативно успешных моделей сочетается с верностью объекту «как он есть на самом деле». Парадокс усиливается тем, что научное исследование репрезентируемых объектов (определение свойств структуры, ее функций, сравнение с другими структурами) посредством компьютеров само по себе вообще не требует визуализации. Ее очевидно высокая ценность для биоинформатики не выглядит оправданной, если иметь в виду значительную искусственность и художественность получаемых изображений. Однако статус этих изображений становится яснее при соотнесении с более ранними представлениями о роли визуального в научном поиске. Высокая оценка визуализации как итогового результата научного исследования была характерна для науки эпохи Возрождения. Художественная репрезентация идеальных существенных свойств вместо строгого соответствия конкретному биологическому объекту – эпистемическая добродетель, типичная для натуралистов XVII–XVIII веков. И то и другое предполагало тесное сотрудничество ученого с художником; и стандарты визуализации макромолекул в биоинформатике вырастают из аналогичного сотрудничества (рисунки Гейса). Стремление же к максимальной точности и детализации наследует регулятиву «механической объективности» (как определяли это Л. Дастон и П. Галисон), для которого важным оказывается и устранение субъекта из процесса производства изображения (в биоинформатике – передача этих функций компьютерным программам). Таким образом, 3D-визуализация белковых структур несет на себе следы исторически разных ценностных ориентиров, но научная практика XX–XXI веков, дополненная компьютерными технологиями, позволяет им сочетаться в конкретных дисциплинарных единствах. Bioinformatics scientists often describe their own scientific activities as the practice of working with large amounts of data using computing devices. An essential part of their self-identification is also the development of ways to visually represent the results of this work. Some of these methods are aimed at building convenient representations of data and demonstrating patterns present in them (graphics, diagrams, graphs). Others are ways of visualizing objects that are not directly accessible to human perception (microphotography, X-ray). Both the construction of visualizations and (especially) the creation of new computer visualization methods are considered in bioinformatics as significant scientific achievements. Representations of the three-dimensional structure of protein molecules play a special role in the inquiries of bioinformatics scientists. 3D-visualization of a macromolecule, on the one hand, is, like a graph, a representation of the results of computer processing of data arrays obtained by material methods – spatiotemporal coordinates of structural elements of the molecule. On the other hand, like microphotography, these 3D structures should serve as accurate representations of specific scientific objects. This leads to the parallel existence of two contradictory epistemic regimes: creative arbitrariness in making convenient, communicatively successful models, is combined with commitment to the object “as it really is”. The paradox is reinforced by the fact that the scientific study of objects in question (determining the properties of the structure, its functions, comparison with other structures) by means of computers does not require visualization at all. Its obviously high value for bioinformatics does not look justified if we take into account the prominent artificiality and artistry of the resulting images. However, the status of these images becomes clearer if we relate them to earlier notions of the role of the visual in scientific discovery. The highest estimation of visualization as the final result of scientific research was characteristic of Renaissance science. The artistic representation of ideal essential properties, instead of a strict correspondence to a particular biological object, is an epistemic virtue typical of the naturalists of the 17th and 18th centuries. Both suggested a close collaboration between the scientist and the artist; and standards for visualizing macromolecules in bioinformatics grow out of a similar collaboration (Geis’ drawings). The desire for maximum accuracy and detail inherits the regulation of “mechanical objectivity” (as Daston and Galison put it into words), for which it is also important to eliminate humans from the image production process (in bioinformatics, to transfer these functions to computer programs). Thus, 3D-visualization of protein structures bears traces of historically different value orientations, but the scientific practice of the 20th and 21st centuries, supplemented by computer technologies, allows them to be intertwined in particular disciplinary units.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
Katy Barrett ◽  
Geoffrey Belknap

This article considers the history of medical image-making to shed light on an aspect of the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting from a contemporary art commission in the Science Museum's ‘Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries’, we look at the role of image production and presentation in understanding the spread of disease. From the intertwined histories of art and scientific image-making, we explore five examples of iconic medical images, by John Snow, Florence Nightingale, Arthur Schuster, Donald Caspar and Aaron Klug, ending with a model of the coronavirus by the Cambridge University Laboratory of Molecular Biology. We trace how images have provided the means for discovery, for description and for diagnosis and outline the different ways in which diseases have been located in the history of the medical image: in the community, in the body, in the cell and on the image itself.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 2965-2976
Renato Rodrigues Martins

Aborda a pesquisa de pós-doutoramento do autor, que propõe a terceira linguagem apoiada nas dimensões culturais de Hofstede, uma abordagem da comunicação mercadológica transcultural no século XXI. Nos mercados internacionais a influência cultural determina a gestão estratégica da comunicação persuasiva. As organizações multinacionais brasileiras que atuam nos mercados externos enfrentam a competição que foca suas ações comunicacionais na produção de imagem e em produtos de valor. A terceira linguagem, ao incorporar a comunicação transcultural, pode ser utilizada como um diferencial competitivo das organizações brasileiras internacionais.   Addresses the author's post-doctoral research, which proposes the third language supported by Hofstede's cultural dimensions, an approach to cross-cultural marketing communication in the 21st century. In international markets, cultural influence determines the strategic management of persuasive communication. Brazilian multinational organizations that operate in foreign markets face competition that focuses their communication actions on image production and value products. The third language, by incorporating cross-cultural communication, can be used as a competitive differential of Brazilian international organizations.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Rendy Pandita Bastari ◽  
Wahyu Lukito ◽  
Fauzi Arif Adhika

The internet is one of information, business and entertainment source to date. It’s also the apparatus for communication. Thus, the internet become one virtual world, it possessed almost the same mechanism as the real world, and subsequently rising new culture. One of the internet cultures is internet meme. Recent study conducted on internet meme conclude that the internet meme is another way of communication and the sample of the study is fairly obsolete. This study is an endeavor of new approach on internet meme, seeing it as a visual culture and phenomenon rather than mere communication phenomenon. This research also seeks to provide a novelty of understanding about internet memes. Three samples of internet meme were taken, ranging from 2018 to 2020. Samples is analyzed using visual methodology by looking at 3 sites of the sample image: production, image, and audience. Each of the sites contain 3 modalities: technology, compositionality, and social which will be elaborated through this study. The result of the study is that the internet meme can be a visual representation of important events from the history presented in more amusing way by people, although the communication aspect is still attached. The internet meme is also an attempt to respond an important historical event of their time in an amusing way.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (17) ◽  
pp. 3351
Tianxin Chen ◽  
Yongxue Liu

A band-to-band mis-registration (BBMR) error often occurs in remote sensing (RS) images acquired by multi-spectral push broom spectrometers such as the Sentinel-2 Multi-spectral Instrument (MSI), leading to adverse impacts on the reliability of further RS applications. Although the systematic band-to-band registration conducted during the image production process corrects most BBMR errors, there are still quite a few images being observed with discernible BBMR. Thus, a quick BBMR detection method is needed to assess the quality of online RS products. We here propose a hybrid framework for detecting BBMR between the visible bands in MSI images. This framework comprises three main steps: first, candidate chips are captured based on Google Earth Engine (GEE) spatial analysis functions to shrink the valid areas inside image scenes as potential target chips. The redundant data pertaining to the local operation process are thus narrowed down. Second, spectral abnormal areas are precisely extracted from inside every single chip, excluding the influences of clouds and water surfaces. Finally, the abnormal areas are matched pixel by pixel between bands, and the best-fit coordinates are then determined to compare with tolerance. Here, the proposed method was applied to 71,493 scenes of MSI Level-1C images covering China and its surrounding areas on the GEE platform. From these images, 4356 chips from 442 scenes were detected with inter-band offsets among the visible bands. Further manual visual inspection revealed that the proposed method had an accuracy of 98.07% at the chip scale and 88.46% at the scene scale.

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