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weak force
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2022 ◽  
pp. 2100421
Shi‐Lei Chao ◽  
Da‐Wei Wang ◽  
Zhen Yang ◽  
Cheng‐Song Zhao ◽  
Rui Peng ◽  

2021 ◽  
Hammad Aftab ◽  
Sajjad Hussain ◽  
Shahzad Mahmood ◽  
Mahnaz Haseeb ◽  
Haseeb Hasnain

Abstract The neutrino beam driven instability of fast and slow magnetosonic waves with oblique applied magnetic field in multi-component ion, electron, and neutrino beam plasma is studied. The dissipation effects of ion-neutral collisions are also included in the model. The neutrino and electron interactions through electro-weak force are included. It is found that the dissipation of ion collisions has significant effect on the phase velocity of the wave propagation and growth rate of the neutrino beam driven instability. The analytical expression of the growth rate of the fast and slow magnetosonic waves instability is found under the weak neutrino beam approximation and in the absence of ions and neutrals (atoms) collision effect. The numerical illustration of growth rates of the fast and slow magnetosonic waves are also presented with variations of magnetic field angle, neutrino beam energy, neutrino beam density, magnetic field intensity. It is found that the growth rate of the fast magnetosonic wave is maximum in case of the perpendicular directed magnetic field to the direction of wave propagation, while growth rate of slow magnetosonic wave is minimum in that case. It is also noticed that growth rate of fast magnetosonic wave comes out to be larger (of the order tens) than the slow magnetosonic wave case, which is quite different from earlier published results of Type II core-collapse supernova.

2021 ◽  
xianjin wu

Abstract This article assumes that the elementary particle is a magnetic poles field formed by the interaction of positive and negative magnetic pole, believes that the gravity, the electromagnetic force, the strong force and the weak force are all produced by the interaction of positive and negative magnetic pole. The collision of the high-energy elementary particles appears as a strong force, and the decay of the high-energy elementary particles appears as a weak force, the cohesive force of the high-energy elementary particle magnetic pole field (the gravitational field) to its magnetic pole is the gravity, and the spin force of the high-energy elementary particle magnetic pole field in the external field (the gravitational field) is the electromagnetic force. This article discuss the high-energy proton-antiproton collision experiment based on the interaction of positive and negative magnetic pole, reveals the production mechanism of the protonium, tauium, muonium, positronium, three generation of leptons and neutrinos, and final state. This article explains unify of the strong force, weak force, electromagnetic force and gravity with unified phase field theory, and tested with the data of ATLAS and CMS experiment at the LHC. The data of ATLAS and CMS experiment at the LHC is completely consistent with the calculated data of the phase field curvature tensor equation; Differential geometric variables are covariant with physical variables; The Lagrangian function of Einstein's mass-energy equation, the Lagrangian function of Schrodinger particle differential motion wave function based on the theory of relativity, the Lagrangian density of Young-Mills gauge field equation, and the planets phase difference momentum-energy tensor of the curvature tensor equation is completely consistent in the high-energy proton-antiproton collision experiment. These fully prove that the unified phase field theory is more in line with the physical reality of the high-energy proton-antiproton collision experiment.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Xiaohe Zhang ◽  
Bing Gu ◽  
Cheng-Wei Qiu

AbstractHighly sensitive force measurements of a single microscopic particle with femto-Newton sensitivity have remained elusive owing to the existence of fundamental thermal noise. Now, researchers have proposed an optically controlled hydrodynamic manipulation method, which can measure the weak force of a single microscopic particle with femto-Newton sensitivity.

2021 ◽  
jinjun Cheng

The "zero result" of Michelson Morley's experiment was not enough to deny the existence of a fifth element---ether, as conceived by Aristotle. Hubble's explanation of the Doppler effect of the systematic cosmic the red shift was incomplete and needed to be introduced into the ether.The physical significance of universal gravitation constant reveals the possibility of the existence of ether. After much thought and logical reasoning, there is good reason to think that the ether is negative energy, stream of consciousness, and space itself, it combines with photons to build elementary particles, elementary elements, everything in the universe, including ourselves. In addition, it is feasible to explain the causes of gravitation, electromagnetic force, strong force and weak force from the perspective of the ether, which seems to be easier for us to understand. The most tragic conclusion is that the universe was created out of nothing and will eventually return to nothing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
Miguel Montero ◽  
Cumrun Vafa ◽  
Thomas Van Riet ◽  
Gerben Venken

Abstract Demanding that charged Nariai black holes in (quasi-)de Sitter space decay without becoming super-extremal implies a lower bound on the masses of charged particles, known as the Festina Lente (FL) bound. In this paper we fix the $$ \mathcal{O}(1) $$ O 1 constant in the bound and elucidate various aspects of it, as well as extensions to d > 4 and to situations with scalar potentials and dilatonic couplings. We also discuss phenomenological implications of FL including an explanation of why the Higgs potential cannot have a local minimum at the origin, thus explaining why the weak force must be broken. For constructions of meta-stable dS involving anti-brane uplift scenarios, even though the throat region is consistent with FL, the bound implies that we cannot have any light charged matter fields coming from any far away region in the compactified geometry, contrary to the fact that they are typically expected to arise in these scenarios. This strongly suggests that introduction of warped anti-branes in the throat cannot be decoupled from the bulk dynamics as is commonly assumed. Finally, we provide some evidence that in certain situations the FL bound can have implications even with gravity decoupled and illustrate this in the context of non-compact throats.

Rispalman Rispalman ◽  
Khairani Khairani ◽  
Samsul Bahri

Execution of Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara (PTUN) judges verdict in some nation administrative dispute resolution practice in Indonesia have not been properly implemented due to the absence of an executorial Instution as well as a strong legal basis lead to weak force power for  verdict of  the PTUN. Undang-undang Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara also do not explicitly and clearly regulate the issue of force of verdict PTUN and  the execution of the verdict really depends on the goodwill of the Tata Usaha Negara Entity or Officials in obeying the law. How was the execution of the PTUN judges verdict? What was the reason for the unexecuted  judges verdict? So that we can find out how the judges verdict was executed and the reasons why the judges verdict was not executed. We use sociological research method to search what happened. Executor of a decision required to overcome and minimize the PTUN judges verdict  that was not executed as well as improvements to the basis of the Law which is more concrete and forces the execution of PTUN  judges verdict so that no party were harmed. Pelaksanaan putusan hakim Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara dalam praktek penyelesaian sengketa Administrasi negara di Indonesia sebahagiannya belum terlaksana sebagaimana semestinya yang disebabkan ketiadaan lembaga eksekutorial, maupun landasan hukum yang kuat mengakibatkan putusan Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara tidak mempunyai daya paksa. Undang-undang Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara pun tidak mengatur dengan tegas dan jelas mengenai masalah daya paksa putusan Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara, sehingga dalam pelaksanaan Putusan benar-benar tergantung pada iktikad baik Badan atau Pejabat Tata Usaha Negara dalam mentaati hukum. Bagaimana pelaksanaan putusan hakim PTUN.? Apa sebab tidak terlaksananya eksekusi putusan hakim tersebut? Sehingga dapat mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan putusan hakim  dan sebab mengapa tidak terlaksananya putusan hakim tersebut. Dalam meneliti sengekta ini penulis menggunakan metode (Sosiologis research) lebih kepada penelitian lapangan apa yang terjadi, untuk mengatasi dan meminimalisir putusan hakim PTUN yang tidak terlaksana diperlukan adanya eksekutor putusan, serta perbaikan pada landasan Undang-Undang yang bersifat lebih konkrit dan memaksa Pelaksanaan putusan hakim PTUN sehingga tidak ada pihak yang dirugikan.  

Tao te Ching ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 176-178

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Chun-Xuan Jiang ◽  

Using space-time ring we establish the mathematical theory of space-time with subluminal and superluminal coexistence(SASC) and ILS [1]. Using two methods we deduce the new gravitational formula. Tardyonic rotating motion produces the centrifugal force ,but tachyonic rotating motion produces the centripetal force, that is gravity. Using it we establish the expansion theory of the universe and suggest the new universe model. We prove that in the universe there are no dark matter and no dark energy. New gravitational formula changes all that. Multiverse and gravitational waves do not exist. Theory of everything has the two forces: (1) the subluminal force (electromagnetism and weak force) and (2) superluminal force(gravity and strong force).We prove that equivalence principle does not exist.Therefore we prove that general relativity is the biggest wrong theory [2]

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (16) ◽  
pp. 165301
Beili Gong ◽  
Daoyi Dong ◽  
Wei Cui

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