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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-2
Ilse Vranken ◽  
Dominique Troost ◽  
Raad Sharar ◽  
Pieter Hanssens ◽  
Simon Van Espen ◽  

Our world is facing various wicked problems, such as climate change and extinction. These complex problems require an in-depth understanding. STEM disciplines in higher education play a crucial role in preparing students to solve such problems in their career. Yet it can be questioned whether STEM in higher education offers all the elements required to prepare students for a sustainable future. Additionally, a sole focus on STEM fields may not contribute to finding solutions to these problems. With STE(A)M in higher education, we explore what the missing element in higher education is and how higher education can be improved. We addressed this question within the Honours Programme Transdisciplinary Insights of the Institute for the Future at KU Leuven. Within this programme, a team of students, PhD researchers and coaches from various disciplines examined the educational system and explored how students can be better prepared to co-create a more sustainable future. This learning path was supported by reading books about systems thinking, watching documentaries, following co-creative workshops, and engaging in team discussions. In this process, we found that the following four key elements could be given a greater emphasis in education: transdisciplinarity, systems thinking, co-creation, and critical thinking. To promote this, we created a board game that aims to make learning about the importance of these elements engaging. While playing this game, we learned that we can bring students from different dis ciplines together and foster critical thinking and reflec tions. These insights illustrate how creative tools (e.g. board games) can be used in higher education to foster important skills that can prepare students for a sustainable future. Since this game, developed by students for students, is entirely learner-driven, it departs from the current educational system in which knowledge is mainly transferred by professors. An important advantage of such initiatives is that they foster co-creation and learning between students. Our findings have been summarised in a small video.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 737-751
Silvia María González ◽  

This article analyses and describes the different conceptual terms used in gastronomy to under‑ stand it as an art and way of promoting a region or a destination, as a tool for cultural diplomacy, now known as gastro‑diplomacy. The central axis of the article studies and researches the main agents in the sector and the different strategies that can be carried out to improve this field. In the conclusions, we offer some reflec‑ tions on trends in gastronomy, tourism, culture, and society

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (5) ◽  
pp. 34
Tamás Köpeczi-Bócz

Industry 4.0 requires highly skilled, sophisticated workers and entrepreneurs, and continuous training is essen-tial for them, and its scene is increasingly shifting to higher education. For this reason, higher education peda-gogy must go through continuous innovation. In this article, we present a model experiment of VET teacher training, which consists of a so-called proactive learning method and a portfolio-based evaluation process. In the pedagogical model, the student-teacher relationship focuses on the preparation process before the classroom meeting. During proactive learning, the student prepares for the lesson using ICT systems, gets to know his / her classmates, collects and processes data. By combining his impressions, his own written works, his reflec-tions during the learning process, he creates a kind of developmental history and work description, which is the actual portfolio. Portfolio as an assessment method is an integral part of the proactive learning model. Portfolio implementation requires a proactive learning model, and in this model, portfolio is the most appropriate as-sessment method. One of the aims of our experiment is to investigate whether performance measurement in higher education pedagogy can be carried out through portfolio-type evaluation. Another aim of our experiment is to examine whether the efficiency of knowledge transfer in higher education pedagogy can be improved through a proactive learning process.

Nataliia Evgenyevna Melnikova ◽  
Evgenii Nikolayevich Boklagov ◽  
Tatyana Mikhailovna Tsygankovа

The paper presents a reflection of the theory of eve-ryday life with an emphasis on the problems of not only the space of everyday life, but also the methods of studying it, as a «case» the analysis of the com-ponents of the daily life of a modern city dweller is proposed, revealing the peculiarity of the modern sociocultural space through the perception of social problems represented in the fields of social advertis-ing: ecology, social responsibility, healthy lifestyles and deviations in various spheres of social space (from corruption to domestic violence). The pre-sented results of the authors’ research represent explicit and «invisible» components of the daily life of the inhabitants of a modern city. The factors that determine the formation of the space of everyday life of the city dwellers are highlighted. Markers, signs of everyday life, to which the city dwellers today demonstrate heightened sensitivity and latent reflec-tions that remain outside the field of perception, are noted.

Diana Aksamit ◽  
Barbara Marcinkowska

Diana Aksamit, Barbara Marcinkowska, My adult son, my adult daughter – reflec-tions of mothers of children with profound intellectual disabilities. Interdisciplinary Contexts of Special Pedagogy, no. 26, Poznań 2019. Pp. 255–269. Adam Mickiewicz University Press. ISSN 2300-391X. e-ISSN 2658-283X. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14746/ikps.2019.26.12 Everyone has the right to participate in society, regardless of his or her current personal situation, level of psychosocial functioning or experience. No reason can justify marginalisation or exclusion of people from social life at any stage of their lives. The aim of the article is an attempt to characterise the adulthood of people with profound intellectual disabilities on the basis of subjective assessment of their mothers. The methodology applied was that of a qualitative research, where the main research technique was narrative interviews. The results of the research demonstrate that adulthood is the stage of life when people with profound intellectual disabilities and their caregivers require special support in mental, spiritual, social, societal and educational dimensions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 59 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-91
Borys Cymbrowski

The article discusses the social differentiation of the elite at the French court in the era of absolutism, as depicted by Norbert Elias in his book Die höfische Gesellschaft [The Court Society]. The internal struggles of this elite are presented as a special form of figuration, which Elias calls ‘court figuration’ to indicate the processual nature of the phenomenon. The departure point for the author of the article’s further reflec-tions is the premise that these conflicts are similar to class struggle in the Marxist sense (particularly the analyses contained in Marx’s earlier writings). As a result, figurational analysis, based on Elias’s historical sociology, is shown to be a particularly useful category in studying the social differentiation lying at the base of social change, that is, in analysing both long-term processes of social change and rapid processes ofa revolutionary character.

Geophysics ◽  
2007 ◽  
Vol 72 (2) ◽  
pp. S71-S76 ◽  
Remco Muijs ◽  
Johan O. Robertsson ◽  
Klaus Holliger

Depth imaging using primary and multiple reflections (DIPMR), as described in Part I of this study, allows subsurface information carried by multiple reflections to be utilized. In the presence of strong lateral heterogeneity, however, the migration results may be distorted by artifacts originating from reflections associated with layers above the imaging plane that are commonly referred to as crosstalk. We present an image enhancement procedure that allows such artifacts to be effectively suppressed by predicting the initial crosstalk in a second migration phase. This second migration uses reflections imaged at shallower depth levels and requires knowledge of the total and primary downgoing wavefield at the receiver level. The predicted crosstalk image it-self may assist the interpretational effort by indicating areas where artifacts may result in incorrect identification of geologic structures or may cause local distortions of amplitude informa-tion. Furthermore, a clean depth image can be obtained by adap-tively subtracting the predicted crosstalk-related noise from the original image. The proposed method is an extension of the DIPMR procedure outlined in Part I of this study. However, it is also applicable to seismic data imaged by using conventional mi gration techniques that are based exclusively on primary reflec-tions. In the latter case, the enhancement procedure allows the ef-fects of imperfect multiple removal during preprocessing to be revealed in the migrated sections. When applied to synthetic data simulated for a complex salt model, the proposed enhancement procedure proved to be valid and effective.

1981 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 429-440
Alberto Bondolfi

The «everyday» is not the direct object of any one human science. It is rather a kind of substrata within each discipline. But, on reflection, is not the notion of the everyday capable of challenging the currently established division of knowlege? Sarting from this question, the author of this article proposes some epistemological and ethical reflections which initiate a pro cess of inter-disciplinarity or even trans-disciplinarity. His remarks must therefore be understood as an attempt to compare what is stated by «theories of the everyday» and certain reflec tions found in philosophical and theological ethics.

1964 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 480 ◽  
GG Bowman

The occurrence of high� multiple reflections (10 hops and more) from the F. layer of the ionosphere at night is considered. Sunspot-cycle, annual, and diurnal variations are presented. The sunspot. cycle and annual variations are similar to those for the upper-atmosphere neutral particle density. Periodicities in occurrence of around 60 min are found. Associations are found between high-multiple trace occurrence and sunset and sunrise times at the 90 km level. Ionospheric irregularities which are present at the time of high.multiple reflections indicate that these reflec� tions are probably not due to focusing effects. Evidence is presented to support a mechanism involving the reduction of non�deviative absorption to explain these reflections. This reduction may be caused by acoustic waves propagating in the high atmosphere.

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