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cultural patterns
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2022 ◽  
Ugur Bakan ◽  
Ufuk Bakan ◽  

The change and increasing diversity in communication tools with globalization have ensured the universal presentation of visual elements shaped by local cultural patterns. Today, design products have turned into a strategic tool for many countries in order to reach higher competitive power. As the visual design industry contributes as an important visual communication and marketing tool for different industries within and outside the creative sector, its role in ensuring sustainability becomes even more important. Graphic design is much more effective, direct, and fast than other means of information in order to develop environmental awareness and motivate desired behaviors. The biomimetic graphic is a design process and style that has been spread and passed along throughout today’s culture and society via various channels and networks of communication. In today's world, where globalization and associated social and environmental problems are increasing, design education plays an important role in the development of sustainable design products. In design education, the students should be taught the concepts of ecological material selection, environmentally friendly energy use, recycling, reconsideration, and reuse. In this study, the role of biomimicry in visual design education will be examined with sample applications. In addition to new skills and knowledge in design education, sustainability will emerge as an important feature sought in designers soon.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-43
Magdalena Rembeza ◽  
Aleksandra Sas-Bojarska

In the <em>in-between </em>spaces of cities, there are many problems of various nature and scale: functional, spatial, economic, environmental, visual, and social. There are also some hidden potentials that can be activated. The aim of the article is to explore the possibilities of solving existing problems and to show the possibilities of using the potentials of <em>in-between </em>spaces with regard to the changing nature of a city. The article, of a discursive character, aims to answer the questions of whether connecting a city with public spaces can be a catalyst of changes, and what tools should be used to facilitate the flux of material factors (like goods or natural resources) and immaterial matter (e.g., ideas or cultural patterns). The new approach is based on the assumption that this would be most effective when using landscape architecture, green/blue infrastructure, artistic strategies, and universal design in public spaces. The expected result of the research is to show the purposefulness and possibilities in creating attractive and safe public areas of <em>in-between </em>spaces as an on-going micro- or macro-process of urban change on a wider scale. It was recognised that integrated actions combining the humanistic, ecological, and technical approaches could bring significant benefits to society, preventing existing problems, not only spatial and visual (changing the city directly), but above all social and environmental, having an impact on the functioning of the city from a much longer perspective. The results of the research show how the transformation process of public spaces may change the nature of the cities, improve the compactness of existing cities, and increase the quality of life. Selected case studies are presented to show the scale, scope, and benefits of possible actions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-49
Anne Agersnap ◽  
Kirstine Helboe Johansen

This article discusses the concept of reading and presents a method thatcombines distant and close reading, while drawing on insights fromcomputational humanities. Focusing on basic features in language, distantreading allows for the construction of new types of text. By close reading thesetexts, it is possible to analyse cultural patterns across individual texts. Thismethod of reading is illustrated by two cases stemming from a project basedon a corpus of 11,955 Danish sermons. The first case begins with a distantreading of gendered pronouns in the corpus. The second case begins with adistant reading of named agents.*

2021 ◽  
pp. 295-306
Muhammad Basir

This paper aims to describe how sensitive cultural may be a pattern of words and actions that should be played according to social status. This sensitive culture is ideal for each ethnic group supporting the culture. If each does not play it according to its status, it can cause misunderstanding and even conflict. Therefore, the relationship between ethnicity, immigrants, and ethnic minorities needs to be sensitive to indigenous nationalities and dominant cultural understanding. The methodology used in obtaining the data uses a qualitative approach to data collection techniques: observation and interviews. The location of the research is Makassar City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The results show that the city of Makassar, which is still dominated by a single ethnic group of the Bugis-Makassar to be ideal in inter-ethnic relations, uses interaction patterns of the pattern of the dominant ethnic culture or ethnic original. Thus, it should be understood by all ethnic groups who live in the city, whether its status as indigenous or tribal settlers, so that the inter-ethnic relations be harmonious. Makassar, a multi-ethnic city, is still dominated by ethnic Bugis-Makassar. At the same time, the original ethnic and cultural patterns become ideal interaction patterns in the city. As for ethnic immigrants, for example, ethnic Toraja, Mandar, Java, Ambon, Papua New Guinea, NTT, NTB, Batak, Padang, Chinese, Arabic, Padoe, and others, must understand its status as an immigrant minority, must be adaptive and be accepted in its interaction with the ethnic dominant. Therefore, as ethnic immigrants in the exchange must follow the pattern of interaction patterns in one's ideals by the dominant ethnic group, whether it be words or actions, said eg Iye, iyo, ba, iya, tabe, kita, kau, daeng, katte. Besides that, there are also rude words, namely tai laso or tai baro, nassundala’, and suntili’. It is undoubtedly susceptible when there are ethnic immigrants who do not language and act as the dominant culture because it can be considered not adaptive or do not respect an indigenous culture as a manifestation of the ideal of the dominant ethnic groups.

Muhammad Dewantara

The pattern of political culture is the pattern of people's behavior in the life of the state, nation, state administration, government politics, and the law carried out by the whole community every day. One of these political cultures is influenced by immigrant communities living in one area. This study aims to determine the cultural patterns of the immigrant community, especially the Palembang people in Pangkalpinang City, which are cognitive, affective, and evaluative oriented. Knowing the immigrant community's cultural way in Pangkalpinang City will produce conclusions and prove that the immigrant community (Palembang people) carries out the pattern of political culture in Pangkalpinang City.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 ◽  
Musheerul Hassan ◽  
Umer Yaqoob ◽  
Shiekh Marifatul Haq ◽  
Hammad Ahmad Jan ◽  
Huma Habib ◽  

2021 ◽  
Ramadhan Yusuf Firdhaus

Indonesia is a country that has a variety of diversity in it. For example, seen from the tribe, this country consists of various tribes such as SundaNese Java, Dayak, Bugis, and so on. From each tribe has a variety of cultures that enrich the original cultural patterns of Indonesia. All of this diversity requires unity. How to realize the insight of the archipelago as a political unity, social and cultural unity, economic unity, and hankam unity. The real application of nusantara insight can be done through thinking, behaving, even speaking. Thus, nusantara insight can also be interpreted as the Indonesian nation's view of themselves and their environment based on their national ideas based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution, which is the aspiration of an independent, sovereign, dignified nation and animates its lifestyle and wisdom in achieving national goals.

Jessica Rawson ◽  
Limin Huan ◽  
William Timothy Treal Taylor

AbstractHorses and chariots—and the associated technology and expertise—derived from the steppe contributed to the success of the Zhou conquest of the Shang in c. 1045 BC and remained important throughout Zhou rule in ancient China. On the basis of material cultural patterns, including the style and material used in bridle cheek-pieces found in tombs of the late second and early first millennium BC, this paper points to a northern origin for Zhou horses. Important intermediaries, providing these horses, were the clans whose cemeteries have been identified on the northern edges of the Central Plains. The necessity for repeated exchanges bringing south horses from the north was a consequence of key environmental differences between the steppe and the Central Plains, including climate, geomorphology, essential soil nutrients, and land use. These created significant difficulties in sustainably breeding and pasturing horses of quality. As a result, the people of the Central Plains were bound, over millennia, to seek horses from the northwest, along a cultural corridor that also moved northern materials and technologies, such as gold-, iron- and some bronze-working, into the Central Plains from the steppes.

Ramdhan Muhaimin ◽  
Rizal A Hidayat ◽  
Eldha Mulyani

To fight the Covid-19 pandemic, several countries, through their pharmaceutical companies, conduct research and production of vaccines. Efforts to invent a vaccine are racing with the rapid mutation of Covid-19. The World Health Organization with GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) and CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) initiated a collaborative forum called Covid-19 Vaccine Global Access (COVAX). The goal there is justice and equity in the distribution of vaccines throughout the world. Although strategic efforts to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic are carried out multilaterally through COVAX, many countries have also taken bilateral steps to get their vaccine needs. On the other hand, the Covid-19 vaccine diplomacy that took place in an anarchic international system showed three different cultural patterns, namely Hobbesian (conflictual), Lockean (competitive), and Kantian (cooperative). By using a qualitative approach, this study analyzes three cultural patterns of anarchy in vaccine diplomacy. Data collection techniques in this research are based on library research. The theory used in this research is diplomacy and cultures of Anarchy in Constructivism approach. From this research, it was found that the COVAX is a representation of the cooperative pattern carried out by countries in overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic. But apart from that, there is also Hobbesian or conflictual diplomacy between the United States and China. Meanwhile, competitive diplomacy can be seen in the competition among vaccine-producing countries.AbstrakUntuk mengatasi pandemi Covid-19, sejumlah negara melalui perusahaan farmasinya melakukan penelitian dan produksi vaksin. Upaya pencarian vaksin berlomba dengan mutasi Covid-19 yang cepat. Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (World Health Organization) bersama GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization) dan CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations) menginisiasi wadah kolaboratif bernama Covid-19 Vaccine Global Access (COVAX). Tujuannya, agar terjadi keadilan dan pemerataan dalam distribusi vaksin ke seluruh dunia. Meski upaya strategis menghadapi pandemik Covid-19 dilakukan secara multilateral melalui COVAX, tapi langkah-langkah bilateral juga banyak dilakukan negaranegara dalam memenuhi kebutuhan vaksinnya. Pada sisi lain, diplomasi vaksin Covid-19 yang terjadi dalam sistem internasional yang anarki menunjukkan tiga pola budaya yang berbeda, yaitu Hobbesian (konfliktual), Lockian (kompetitif), dan Kantian (kooperatif). Dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, penelitian ini menganalisis tiga pola budaya anarki dalam diplomasi vaksin yang terjadi saat ini. Tekni pengumpulan data pada penelitian berdasarkan riset kepustakaan (library research). Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Diplomasi dan Budaya Anarki dalam Konstruktivisme yang dikembangkan Alexander Wendt. Dari penelitian ini, ditemukan wadah COVAX merupakan representasi pola kooperatif yang dilakukan negara-negara dalam mengatasi pandemik Covid-19. Namun selain itu, terjadi juga diplomasi ala Hobbesian atau konfliktual seperti yang terjadi antara Amerika Serikat dan China. Sedangkan diplomasi yang bersifat kompetitif terlihat pada persaingan di antara negara-negara produsen vaksin.

2021 ◽  
pp. 412-417
Cristian Ștefan LIUȘNEA

Introduction. Currently, the crises triggered by the pandemic, in the fields of health, freedom of movement, economic, with impact in the social and cultural spheres, bring back today the practical applicability of the concepts of fitness and wellness. Material and method. In our study we will refer to the effects of the pandemic on health (everyone's well-being), to see how they accentuated the negative effects of the risks that specialists linked to sedentary lifestyle; increased stress; static anti-physiological positions for prolonged periods of time, which result in cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and even cancer, to which is added an irrational diet. We will also refer to the relationship between the quality of life of people and the need to find the most effective ways to combat the negative effects of risk factors, by overcoming the obstacles posed by the financial situation and cultural patterns both in terms of lifestyle, as well as the eating behavior of people from different backgrounds. Results and discussions. We are of the opinion that specialists must go in their approaches, from the cultural understanding of man, to find ways to individualize the means of intervention so as to achieve the proposed objectives. The framework could be, for children and adolescents - the reorganization of school physical education, and for young people and adults - leisure activities, in which the emphasis could be falls on the concepts of Fitness and Wellness, with a beneficial effect on quality of life and personal satisfaction. Conclusion In this context, we believe that it is necessary to reconsider the need to make the population aware of the formation of a healthy lifestyle. The means could be physical fitness, wellness, rational nutrition and recovery according to the effort made, their benefits can have a major impact on health and prolong life expectancy. Keywords: Fitness, Wellness, Health, Physical education, cultural perspectives,

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