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climate control
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2022 ◽  
Vol 309 ◽  
pp. 118457
Andrea Costantino ◽  
Lorenzo Comba ◽  
Paolo Cornale ◽  
Enrico Fabrizio

2022 ◽  
Vol 214 ◽  
pp. 207-229
Wouter J.P. Kuijpers ◽  
Duarte J. Antunes ◽  
Simon van Mourik ◽  
Eldert J. van Henten ◽  
Marinus J.G. van de Molengraft

Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 586
Alberto Gascón ◽  
Roberto Casas ◽  
David Buldain ◽  
Álvaro Marco

Household appliances, climate control machines, vehicles, elevators, cash counting machines, etc., are complex machines with key contributions to the smart city. Those devices have limited memory and processing power, but they are not just actuators; they embed tens of sensors and actuators managed by several microcontrollers and microprocessors communicated by control buses. On the other hand, predictive maintenance and the capability of identifying failures to avoid greater damage of machines is becoming a topic of great relevance in Industry 4.0, and the large amount of data to be processed is a concern. This article proposes a layered methodology to enable complex machines with automatic fault detection or predictive maintenance. It presents a layered structure to perform the collection, filtering and extraction of indicators, along with their processing. The aim is to reduce the amount of data to work with, and to optimize them by generating indicators that concentrate the information provided by data. To test its applicability, a prototype of a cash counting machine has been used. With this prototype, different failure cases have been simulated by introducing defective elements. After the extraction of the indicators, using the Kullback–Liebler divergence, it has been possible to visualize the differences between the data associated with normal and failure operation. Subsequently, using a neural network, good results have been obtained, being able to correctly classify the failure in 90% of the cases. The result of this application demonstrates the proper functioning of the proposed approach in complex machines.

Т. Лефко

Мир меняется, время доминирования Америки проходит. Россия, Китай и Штаты вступают в новые взаимоотношения. Природа технологий и инвестиций определяет никогда ранее в истории не встречавшиеся критерии социального, политического и военного превосходства. Технические возможности растут вне зависимости от роста моральной ответственности.Притязания Америки на лидерскую позицию подвергаются сомнению, в тот же момент, когда сомнению подвергается и власть внутри страны. Статус России, как одной из крупнейших военных держав, оспаривается. Стремление Китая к господству наталкивается на внутренние преграды — зависимость от импорта ресурсов, реакцию инициативы «Один пояс и один путь», экономическое давление. Основополагающий принцип доминирования демократического устройства общества под вопросом из-за повсеместного распространения авторитарных форм правления.Планирование стабильного развития перешло в разряд категорий теории сложности.Новые задачи -- контроль климата, пандемия, кибер-угрозы, негосударственные террористические группировки, внутренние экономические раздоры -- вместе не позволяют выработать действующий сценарий стабильного развития.Традиционные политические, экономические и религиозные учения не дают ответы на заданные обществом вопросы.В статье обсуждаются эти факторы и описываются сложности, с которыми сталкиваются Россия, Китай и Соединенные Штаты. As the world shifts from an American-dominated presence, the roles of Russia, China and the US enter a new relationship. The nature of technology and investment will determine social, political, and military power, in a form not previously viewed in history.Technological capability develops at an unrelated pace to moral considerations.American assumptions of continuing world leadership are being challenged at the very moment when internal American governance is being challenged.Russian desires to remain an international force are questioned in many quarters.Chinese desires for world leadership face internal issues of resource dependency, reaction to the Belt and Road Initiatives, and economic pressures. The basic issue of democratic governance is under threat from growing worldwide authoritarianism.Planning for stability has entered a realm of complexity theory, with challenges such as climate control, pandemics, cyber threats, terrorism by non-state actors,and growing internal economic divisions do not allow a clear theory for guaranteed growth and abundance.Traditional political, religious and economic theories have not provided answers to a world which seeks solutions.The article discusses these factors and describes the difficulties facing Russia, China, and the United States.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 315
Julian Koch ◽  
Mehmet Cüneyd Demirel ◽  
Simon Stisen

Spatial pattern-oriented evaluations of distributed hydrological models have contributed towards an improved realism of hydrological simulations. This advancement has been supported by the broad range of readily available satellite-based datasets of key hydrological variables, such as evapotranspiration (ET). At larger scale, spatial patterns of ET are often driven by underlying climate gradients, and with this study, we argue that gradient dominated patterns may hamper the potential of spatial pattern-oriented evaluation frameworks. We hypothesize that the climate control of spatial patterns of ET overshadows the effect model parameters have on the simulated patterns. To address this, we propose a climate normalization strategy. This is demonstrated for the Senegal River basin as a modeling case study, where the dominant north-south precipitation gradient is the main driver of the observed hydrological variability. We apply the mesoscale Hydrological Model (mHM) to model the hydrological cycle of the Senegal River basin. Two multi-objective calibration experiments investigate the effect of climate normalization. Both calibrations utilize observed discharge (Q) in combination with remote sensing ET data, where one is based on the original ET pattern and the other utilizes the normalized ET pattern. As objective functions we applied the Kling-Gupta-Efficiency (KGE) for Q and the Spatial Efficiency (SPAEF) for ET. We identify parameter sets that balance the tradeoffs between the two independent observations and find that the calibration using the normalized ET pattern does not compromise the spatial pattern performance of the original pattern. However, vice versa, this is not necessarily the case, since the calibration using the original ET pattern showed a poorer performance for the normalized pattern, i.e., a 30% decrease in SPAEF. Both calibrations reached comparable performance of Q, i.e., KGE around 0.7. With this study, we identified a general shortcoming of spatial pattern-oriented model evaluations using ET in basins dominated by a climate gradient, but we argue that this also applies to other variables such as, soil moisture or land surface temperature.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 666
Sunil Kumar Sharma ◽  
Swati Mohapatra ◽  
Rakesh Chandmal Sharma ◽  
Sinem Alturjman ◽  
Chadi Altrjman ◽  

Energy-efficient retrofits embrace enhancement of the building envelope through climate control strategies, employment of building-integrated renewable energy technologies, and insulation for a sustainable city. Building envelope improvements with insulation is a common approach, yet decision-making plays an important role in determining the most appropriate envelope retrofit strategy. In this paper, the main objective is to evaluate different retrofit strategies (RS) through a calibrated simulation approach. Based on an energy performance audit and monitoring, an existing building is evaluated on performance levels and improvement potentials with basic energy conservation measures. The considered building is experimentally monitored for a full year, and monitoring data are used in calibrating the simulation model. The validation of the base model is done by comparing the simulation analysis with the experimental investigation, and good agreement is found. Three different retrofit strategies based on Intervention of minor (RS1), Moderate (RS2), and Major (RS3) are analyzed and juxtaposed with the base model to identify the optimal strategy of minimizing energy consumption. The result shows that total energy intensity in terms of the percentage reduction index is about 16.7% for RS1, 19.87 for RS2, and 24.12% for RS3. Hence, RS3 is considered the optimal retrofit strategy and is further simulated for a reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and payback investigation. It was found that the annual reduction in CO2 emissions of the building was 18.56%, and the payback period for the investment was 10.6 years.

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 03008
Victoria Petropavlovskaya ◽  
Alexander Shishkov ◽  
Sergey Zamaraev ◽  
Nikita Pshenisnov ◽  
Maksim Gort

Purpose of this article is to demonstrate the features of the use of existing connection interfaces for the functioning of climate control systems of agricultural complexes. The article contains the author's classification of the characteristics of the connection interfaces. The two most suitable interfaces are considered. The article compares RS-485 and CAN protocols. Key differences between CAN and RS-485 for use in agricultural complexes are shown. A test sample of a system containing 3 sensors was presented.

Jurnal Wasian ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-132
Nurlita Wahyuni ◽  
Abdul Hasyim ◽  
Soemarno Soemarno

The land use and land cover change phenomenon has become one concern over many regions worldwide, including Indonesia. Land use and land cover change due to human activities triggered alteration terrestrial ecosystems and its services including climate control functions. The study aimed to analyze land use and land cover change in Banyuwangi regency during 1995 – 2019. Four satellite images from acquisition year 1995, 2000, 2014 and 2019 were used to analyze the spatial and temporal changes along with field observations. The classification processes of land use and land cover included determination of training areas, supervised classification, and accuracy assessment. There are 12 land use and land cover based on supervised classification as follow primary forest, secondary forest, plantation forest, mangrove forest, plantation, settlement, cropland, paddy field, shrubs, water, fishpond and barren land. The result showed during observation period of 1995 until 2019 land use and land cover which tends to decrease are secondary forest, mangrove forest, and rice fields. On the other hand, the area of settlements, shrubs and fishponds were increased significantly.

Дмитрий Валерьевич Лобанов ◽  
Игорь Иванович Звенигородский ◽  
Александр Александрович Мерщиев ◽  
Роман Александрович Шепс

Умственный труд достаточно разнообразен и характеризуется различной степенью ответственности, монотонности, внимания, уровнем эмоционального напряжения. Для обеспечения комфортных условий пребывания человека на постоянном рабочем месте, необходимо в том числе организовывать системы климатизации. Наиболее перспективными для указанной деятельности, являются персональные системы вентиляции, обеспечивающие качественную воздушную среду в зоне дыхания человека при одновременном снижении капитальных и эксплуатационных затрат по сравнению с традиционными видами систем вентиляции (смешивающая, вытесняющая вентиляция). Однако, при проектировании таких систем следует ориентироваться не на «среднего условного человека», а учитывать индивидуальные особенности работника (возраст, пол и др.), выполняющего конкретный вид умственной деятельности. С целью уточнения фактической величины углекислого газа, выделяемого человеком при определенной умственной работе, проведены натурные экспериментальные исследования, результатом которых является подтверждение характера и динамики изменения углекислого газа в помещении при отсутствии (бездействии) вентиляционных систем (линейная зависимость), а также уточнение величины выделяющейся двуокиси углерода при конкретном виде умственной деятельности (исследовался труд инженера-проектировщика). Intellectual work is quite diverse and is characterized by different degrees of responsibility, monotony, attention, the level of emotional tension. In order to ensure comfortable conditions for a person staying at a permanent workplace among other things it is necessary to arrange climate control systems. The most promising ventilation systems for the above activities are personal ones that provide high-quality air environment in the breathing zone of a person while reducing capital and operating costs compared with traditional types of ventilation systems (mixing, displacement ventilation). However, the design of such systems should be guided not by the "average conditional person" but by the individual characteristics of the worker (age, gender, etc.) performing a particular type of mental activity. In order to clarify the actual value of carbon dioxide emitted by a person doing a particular mental work, we conducted a series of field experimental studies. They resulted in confirmation of the nature and dynamics of changes in carbon dioxide in the room in the absence (inactivity) of ventilation systems (linear dependence). As well we clarified the value of emitted carbon dioxide at a particular type of mental activity (in this article we studied the work of an engineer-designer).

2021 ◽  
pp. 36-43
Retno Devita ◽  
Ruri Hartika Zain ◽  
Ipriadi ◽  
Ondra Eka Putra ◽  
Sri Rahmawati

Aglonema is a plant that is widely cultivated by ornamental plant lovers, because it has various species with varied and beautiful leaf patterns. Aglonema cultivation can be a business opportunity in agriculture because aglonema plants are in great demand but also because the prices offered vary from hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah. Aglonema plant care is quite easy and simple. However, the wrong aglonema plant care such as irregular watering, excessive fertilizer application, and the wrong plant placement can make plants grow less optimally or even die. Greenhouse is a building that was formed to avoid and treat plants against various kinds of weather. Weather is the state of the atmosphere in a place at a certain time related to air temperature, sunlight, wind, rain and other air conditions. Thus, the types of plants that are not in accordance with the local climate, such as ornamental plants, vegetables and fruit, which have high economic value but are difficult to cultivate in outdoor areas, can be cultivated through climate control in the greenhouse. Various benefits such as controlling air temperature, adjusting humidity levels, to the interval between watering times can be adjusted easily. Internet of things (IoT) is a concept or program where an object has the ability to transmit or transmit data over a network without using the help of computer and human devices. With this IoT, spraying insecticides at the Greehouse for aglonema plants can be done automatically

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