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Jurnal Teknologi
Latest Publications





Published By Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

2301-4474, 2301-4474

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-64
Johan Johan

yang berkenaan dengan sumber daya manuisa pada sebuah organisasi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk dapat menganalisis kebutuhan akan sistem informasi yang berkaitan aktivitas sumber daya manusia pada PT. Batanghari Barisan. Terdapat beberapa masalah dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia yang dapat diangkat dari perusahaan ini yang dapat di jadikan penelitian. Aktivitas dari manajemen sumber daya manusia yang dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah perekrutan, perkembangan kinerja karyawan. Hasil dari analisis tersebut adalah perncangan sistem human resource management yang dapat mendukung proses bisnis manajemen sumber daya manusia. Metode perancangan sistem informasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode berorientasi objek dengan menggunakan unified Modeling Language (UML)berdasarkan metode Satzinger,Jackson & Burd. Hasil yang didapat adalah sistem informasi Human Resource Management berbasis website yang dapat mendukung proses bisnis manajemen sumber daya manusia perusahaan khususnya dalam pengolahan data menjadi informasi seputaran kinerja karyawannya yang bermanfaat bagi pihak yang membutuhkan terutama pada PT. Batanghari Barisan. Kesimpulan yang dapat dihasilkan dari penelitian ini adalah dengan penerapan sistem informasi Human Resource Management ini yang dapat membantu perusahaan dalam proses penglihatan kinerja karyawannya, serta mempermudah proses otorisasi dan mengahsilkan informasi yang akurat

2021 ◽  
pp. 50-56
Eva Rianti ◽  
Firna Yenila ◽  
Hari Marfalino

Gingivitis is a disease in the form of abnormalities in the gingiva that can cause bleeding accompanied by swelling, redness, exudate, changes in normal contours which are sometimes considered normal by some patients even though it is considered serious by the Health Department. This study aims to educate the public in understanding the importance of knowing the condition of the body, especially the teeth that are most vulnerable to experience by the community. The lack of time required for consultation with experts resulted in this disease being left unattended. So it is necessary to develop IT-based consulting in the form of an expert system. The system is built using the certainty factor method. Certainty factor works by reading all the data submitted by the expert and gives the result in the form of the percentage of confidence the patient has gingivitis. Experts used in this system are dentists / dental specialists. The data were obtained from direct experts and the results of the consultations obtained new knowledge in the form of the percentage of the patient's confidence level with gingivitis. Data collection was obtained from Acute Gingivitis, Sub-Acute Gingivitis, Recurrent Gingivitis and Chronic Gingivitis as well as symptoms and solutions obtained from experts. This study contributes to a new service for patients who experience dental disease (gingivitis) without having to come directly to an appointed specialist. The level of accuracy of this system is quite helpful because the data source comes from direct experts so that the solution obtained can be an initial reference for patients before further treatment is carried out. The results of the study were in the form of softcopy and hardcopy that could be used as needed, based on the test data given to the patient, a 95% confidence level was obtained for the system trial results based on the patient's condition at that time. So that the results of the consultation are obtained in the form of information about the disease and the desired solution.

2021 ◽  
pp. 44-49
Eka Praja Wiyata Mandala ◽  
Dewi Eka Putri

The retail industry is currently growing rapidly, especially in Indonesia. One form of the retail industry is modern retail which includes supermarkets, minimarkets and others. This study focuses on the grouping of products sold at minimarkets. This research is caused by seeing the phenomenon of the large number of transactions that occur in one day, the result is the number of products sold. This makes it difficult for minimarket managers to determine the next product procurement. Therefore, This study is conducted to group the products sold so that the products that need to be procured are seen next. This study propose a software to perform the grouping using the K-means algorithm. For the data sample, this study obtained sales transaction data for 3 months from the Sastra Mart minimarket. In this study, manual calculations were carried out on 10 samples of beverage data taken randomly from sales transactions which would be divided into 3 clusters. The results of manual calculations, there are 3 drink data entered into the “Sangat Laris” cluster, 2 drink data entered the “Laris” cluster and 5 drink data entered the “Kurang Laris” cluster. The software produced from the research gives the same results as manual calculations in classifying products. This study has also carried out software testing to test all its functionalities, from the test results, everything runs normally and as expected.

2021 ◽  
pp. 36-43
Retno Devita ◽  
Ruri Hartika Zain ◽  
Ipriadi ◽  
Ondra Eka Putra ◽  
Sri Rahmawati

Aglonema is a plant that is widely cultivated by ornamental plant lovers, because it has various species with varied and beautiful leaf patterns. Aglonema cultivation can be a business opportunity in agriculture because aglonema plants are in great demand but also because the prices offered vary from hundreds of thousands to millions of rupiah. Aglonema plant care is quite easy and simple. However, the wrong aglonema plant care such as irregular watering, excessive fertilizer application, and the wrong plant placement can make plants grow less optimally or even die. Greenhouse is a building that was formed to avoid and treat plants against various kinds of weather. Weather is the state of the atmosphere in a place at a certain time related to air temperature, sunlight, wind, rain and other air conditions. Thus, the types of plants that are not in accordance with the local climate, such as ornamental plants, vegetables and fruit, which have high economic value but are difficult to cultivate in outdoor areas, can be cultivated through climate control in the greenhouse. Various benefits such as controlling air temperature, adjusting humidity levels, to the interval between watering times can be adjusted easily. Internet of things (IoT) is a concept or program where an object has the ability to transmit or transmit data over a network without using the help of computer and human devices. With this IoT, spraying insecticides at the Greehouse for aglonema plants can be done automatically

2021 ◽  
pp. 28-35
Nanang Fatchurrohman ◽  
M. Ilham Adelino ◽  
Meldia Fitri

Abstract In today’s overwhelming competition, the knowledge on product development represents a very significant aspect for companies to survive in the market. Among these sectors is the automotive industry, where it is one of the fastest growing, highly demanding and stiff competition marketplaces. Intensive research in this field is targeted to produce light weight and high-performance components which can increase fuel efficiency and sustainability of an automobile.  One of the recent avenues is the investigation of increased performance engineered materials to replace the conventional materials. In this study product development of engineered material - component is explored. To achieve a sound product development, new integrated product development framework which utilized simultaneous approach is developed. The framework is referred to as Integrated Conceptual Selection (ICS) which streamlines the phases in the product development process, including product investigation, product specification and conceptual design.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Thasbih Al Fajri ◽  
Rafki Imani ◽  
Zakpar Siregar

The office building of the food security office of West Sumatra Province is a multi-storey building with reinforced concrete structures built in earthquake-prone areas that have the potential for large-scale earthquakes such as the one that occurred in 2009. Based on USGS data, from December 2004 to October 2009 There have been 10 earthquakes measuring more than 5 on the Richter scale that rocked Indonesia and resulted in damage to buildings, both minor damage to heavy damage and evencollapsing. The big earthquake that occurred on September 30, 2009 in Padang City, West Sumatra, was measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale. In this study, evaluated the seismic capacity of a reinforced concrete building 4 (four) floors built in earthquake-prone areas in the city of Padang. The seismic capacity of the building is evaluated based on the standard published by Japan, namely The Standard for Seismic Evaluation of Existin Reinforced Concrete Building, 2001. In this evaluation, it only looks at the structural elements of the column on the first floor. Seismic capacity is expressed in terms of the lateral strength index and the ductility index of the building. The results of the evaluation of seismic capacity obtained the total strength index value of the building is 0.707. The seismic capacity of this building can be shown to be adequate or strongin earthquake-prone areas compared to the seismic capacity of reinforced concrete buildings that survived the massive earthquake of 7.6 on the Richter Scale in West Sumatra in September 2009. From the evaluation results on this building which is located in an area including the prone to strong earthquakes can be stated to be able to behave ductile and able to withstand an earthquake or not experience sudden collapse

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Triyolla Ivandina ◽  
Yuhandri ◽  
Aggy Pramana Gusman

The system applied by CV Jogja Convection which is one of the distributors in the city of Padang. In the data processing information system that supports sales which includes goods data, customer or customer data, and others. The design of this system is one of the choices to help the distribution of goods such as sales at CV Jogja Convection. The information system created is based on a website and has a function as a medium for the distribution of goods CV Jogja Convection. This web-based information system can speed up accurate data entry and fast search processes in sales information systems in particular.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Beni Harma ◽  
Helga Ika Sudra

Activities carried out in the warehouse include material handling. Generally, the costs involved in material handling activities are quite large. One method that can be used in managing the layout of raw material placement in raw material warehouses is the class based storage method. Class based storage is a policy that divides storage into three classes A, B and C based on Pareto law. Pareto law is the principle of putting items that have the greatest accessibility near the Input-Output point. The distance of material handling to the initial layout raw material warehouse is 3,513,337 meters / month and the material handling costs are Rp. 134,534,765 / month, because the initial layout of the raw material warehouse still uses random storage and the raw materials that are widely used are not placed close to the intake floor of the production, so that the distance to get raw materials for production needs is far. After the re-layout design was made based on the placement of raw materials in the class based storage method, the material handling transfer distance was reduced to 2,644,459 meters / month and the material handling cost for the repair raw material warehouse layout fell to Rp. 99,949,520 / month. In other words, there was a decrease in material handling distance by 25% and material handling costs by 26%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  

Peternakan ayam H.Mangkuto merupakansalah satupeternakan penghasil limbah yang cukup besar di Lintau Buo dan limbah yang dimaksud adalah kotoran ayam. Limbah jenis ini dapat menyebabkan polusi udara dan akan mengganggu kesehatan manusia tentunya. Dari kondisi tersebut maka peneliti terinspirasi untuk mengolahlimbahdengankatalainkotoranayammenjadisesuatuyangbernilaijualdengancaramengolahkotoranayaminimenjadipupukorganiksecaraaerobdenganteknologirendahdalambentukremah,kemudianmengetahuikadarairdanPHpupukorganiktersebutberdasarkanparameteridealpupukorganik.Danhasilyangdiperolehdaripenelitianiniadalahpupukorganikdalambentukremahdengankadarair32,98%danPH9,30danusahainimemanglayakuntukdikembangkankarenabaikuntukkesehatandanramahlingkungantentunya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-13
Refael Elnatan ◽  
Hendy Tannady

Laptops are thing that are needed by the community in educational activities and in work activities, but the accuracy in choosing laptops based on needs is difficult because there are many laptop brands with a variety of prices and features. This study discusses the selection of laptops as a daily driver for students in North Jakarta, researchusing the AHP method to analyze several alternatives that have been determined based on filling priority weights between criteria and criteria, and alternatives with alternativesfor each criterion. The results of this study indicate that the price, processor, and RAM criteria are the three biggest criteria determining laptop selection. The alternative chosen in this study is the ASUS A456UR

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