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Sensors ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 528
Aitizaz Ali ◽  
Muhammad Fermi Pasha ◽  
Jehad Ali ◽  
Ong Huey Fang ◽  
Mehedi Masud ◽  

Due to the value and importance of patient health records (PHR), security is the most critical feature of encryption over the Internet. Users that perform keyword searches to gain access to the PHR stored in the database are more susceptible to security risks. Although a blockchain-based healthcare system can guarantee security, present schemes have several flaws. Existing techniques have concentrated exclusively on data storage and have utilized blockchain as a storage database. In this research, we developed a unique deep-learning-based secure search-able blockchain as a distributed database using homomorphic encryption to enable users to securely access data via search. Our suggested study will increasingly include secure key revocation and update policies. An IoT dataset was used in this research to evaluate our suggested access control strategies and compare them to benchmark models. The proposed algorithms are implemented using smart contracts in the hyperledger tool. The suggested strategy is evaluated in comparison to existing ones. Our suggested approach significantly improves security, anonymity, and monitoring of user behavior, resulting in a more efficient blockchain-based IoT system as compared to benchmark models.

2022 ◽  
pp. 102390
Danial Shiraly ◽  
Nasrollah Pakniat ◽  
Mahnaz Noroozi ◽  
Ziba Eslami

2022 ◽  
pp. 107-131
Dhruti P. Sharma ◽  
Devesh C. Jinwala

E-health is a cloud-based system to store and share medical data with the stakeholders. From a security perspective, the stored data are in encrypted form that could further be searched by the stakeholders through searchable encryption (SE). Practically, an e-health system with support of multiple stakeholders (that may work as either data owner [writer] or user [reader]) along with the provision of multi-keyword search is desirable. However, the existing SE schemes either support multi-keyword search in multi-reader setting or offer multi-writer, multi-reader mechanism along with single-keyword search only. This chapter proposes a multi-keyword SE for an e-health system in multi-writer multi-reader setting. With this scheme, any registered writer could share data with any registered reader with optimal storage-computational overhead on writer. The proposed scheme offers conjunctive search with optimal search complexity at server. It also ensures security to medical records and privacy of keywords. The theoretical and empirical analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed work.

Xinghua Li ◽  
Qiuyun Tong ◽  
Jinwei Zhao ◽  
Yinbin Miao ◽  
Siqi Ma ◽  

Yinbin Miao ◽  
Wei Zheng ◽  
Xiaohua Jia ◽  
Ximeng Liu ◽  
Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Abdulaziz Almaslukh ◽  
Yunfan Kang ◽  
Amr Magdy

The unprecedented rise of social media platforms, combined with location-aware technologies, has led to continuously producing a significant amount of geo-social data that flows as a user-generated data stream. This data has been exploited in several important use cases in various application domains. This article supports geo-social personalized queries in streaming data environments. We define temporal geo-social queries that provide users with real-time personalized answers based on their social graph. The new queries allow incorporating keyword search to get personalized results that are relevant to certain topics. To efficiently support these queries, we propose an indexing framework that provides lightweight and effective real-time indexing to digest geo-social data in real time. The framework distinguishes highly dynamic data from relatively stable data and uses appropriate data structures and a storage tier for each. Based on this framework, we propose a novel geo-social index and adopt two baseline indexes to support the addressed queries. The query processor then employs different types of pruning to efficiently access the index content and provide a real-time query response. The extensive experimental evaluation based on real datasets has shown the superiority of our proposed techniques to index real-time data and provide low-latency queries compared to existing competitors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-46
Umme Habiba ◽  
Shamima Yesmin ◽  
Rozifa Akhter

The study’s main purpose was to investigate faculty members’ information searching behaviors while administering any research. This study designed an online questionnaire and printed questionnaires used for data collection. The data were analysed using several descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, percentages, and non-parametric tests, i.e., Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis. The findings showed that faculty members were heavily dependent on search engines to access information, and they have mainly used academic social media sites such as Google Scholar (n=139) and ResearchGate (n=133). Additionally, to keep up-to-date with new publications, they primarily relied on journal alerts (n=126). In the case of applying searching strategies, they used more than one keyword search and sometimes one keyword. Conversely, they do not apply proximity operators, discovery and federated tools and Boolean operators in their search techniques. Furthermore, for modifying search techniques, they used several keywords searching and utilise search engines, databases, and advanced search techniques. Moreover, the Mann-Whitney test result found no significant differences in terms of their gender regarding the types of e-resources used by them, and the Kruskal-Wallis tests found substantial differences in terms of faculty demographic characteristics of using only indexed databases, search engines, academic, social media sites (e.g., ResearchGate, and Zotero Network), current awareness services (i.e., Journal alerts, Web alerts, and discussion lists), and search techniques (i.e., Boolean operators, and Truncation).

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Nazar Fatima Khan ◽  
Mohammed Naved Khan

PurposeWith the rise in adverse impact of excessive technology use, such as smartphone; the issue of smartphone addiction has gained the attention of researchers in recent years. Therefore, this study undertakes to review the literature on smartphone addiction research by identifying the current state of research in this domain and the future avenues that need to be addressed.Design/methodology/approachA comprehensive bibliometric analysis was conducted on 652 articles extracted from SCOPUS database. Publications were extracted from Scopus by performing a keyword search of “Smartphone Addiction” OR “Problematic smartphone use”. Bibliometric methods such as performance analysis and science mapping were used to perform the overview of smartphone addiction research. In addition, VOSviewer software was used to organise, analyse and present the data. This study identifies the most prolific authors, journals, documents, collaborative work, major research themes, potential research avenues in this field of research.FindingsThe result shows that the research on smartphone addiction has increased recently, the dominance of research is found in few countries only. There is preponderance of research in this domain in Asian countries, particularly South Korea and still there is a significant scope for future research in this area, which is presented in detail in this study. The research on smartphone addiction has been mainly conducted in the field of medicine and psychology; the other subjects lack behind by a significant margin in terms of research publications in this domain. The findings suggest Elhai (US) is the most influential researcher in this field, and US has shown high collaboration in smartphone addiction research with other countries as well as with authors within its domestic territory. Thematic map obtained from R software presents the evolution of themes. It shows that quality of life, social support, self-efficacy, anxiety and depression are major variables studied over the period. Respondents in most of the studies were university students, as the young generation is technology-savvy and is more attracted to gadgets such as smartphones.Research limitations/implicationsThis study provides an overview of research on smartphone addiction through an exhaustive bibliometric analysis to organise the fragmented literature on smartphone addiction and provide structure for future research in the domain. This is the first study of its kind on the subject. This study has found important future research avenues in the domain, which need to be addressed. Also, it will provide guidance to stakeholders from different backgrounds like, manufacturers, marketers, regulators, policymakers, consumers and academicians to contribute in controlling this problem as a part of their social responsibility.Originality/valueThis paper is unique in the sense that it, for the first time, attempts to provides valuable insights on the current status of research on smartphone addiction and also provides guidance for potential future agenda through bibliometric and content analysis techniques.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1863-1874
Pinaka Swasti Ratu Suryantari ◽  
I Irnawati

AbstractCompliance in treatment and taking Anti Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) in pulmonary TB Patients is very necessary for consistency in increasing the success rate of treatment. Pulmonary TB Treatment must be done regularly. Otherwise, resistance to Anti Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) will occur, the duration of taking the drug will be longer, and there will be an increase in the dose consumed. Especially, it is about an adherence to take OAT in patients with Multy-Drug Resistant (MDR) TB and TB with HIV. To find out the description of medication adherence in pulmonary TB patients and and characteristics in pulmonary TB patients. This study used a literature review design. The pill count compliance measurement method was conducted through a keyword search and used 5 articles from Google Scholar, ProQuest, and PubMed published in 2017 – 2021. From the 5 articles reviewed, the results showed that most of the respondents were male (68% or 314 respondents). The education level of most of the respondents was elementary school education (34% or 105 respondents). Most of the respondents were employed (62% or 164 respondents). Compliance with taking medication in pulmonary TB patients was 322 (70%) compliant, given intervention was 159 (92%) compliant, without intervention was 163 (56%) compliant, MDR TB non-adherent was 105 (95%), and TB with HIV 135 was (86%) complied. Compliance with taking Anti Tuberculosis Drugs (OAT) in pulmonary TB patients must be continuously improved and maintained to achieve the World Health Organization's target of increasing the success of pulmonary TB treatment consistently at results of 90%.Keywords: Compliance, Taking Medicines, TB Drugs, Pill Count, and Pulmonary TB AbstrakKepatuhan dalam pengobatan dan minum Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT) pada pasien TB Paru sangat diperlukan konsistensinya dalam meningkatkan angka keberhasilan pengobatan. Pengobatan TB Paru harus dilakukan secara teratur, jika tidak akan terjadi resistensi pada Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT), semakin lama durasi minum obat dan terjadi peningkatan dosis yang dikonsumsi. Terutama kepatuhan minum OAT pada pasien TB Multy Drug Resistant (MDR) dan TB dengan HIV. Mengetahui gambaran kepatuhan minum obat pada pasien TB Paru dan karakteristik pada pasien TB Paru. Desain Literature Review dengan metode pengukuran kepatuhan pill count melakukan pencarian melalui kata kunci dan menggunakan 5 artikel dari database hasil penulusuran elektronik pada Google Cendekia, ProQuest, Pubmed yang dipublish pada tahun 2017 – 2021. Dari 5 artikel yang di review di dapatkan hasil responden pada artikel sebagian besar berjenis kelamin laki – laki yaitu 314 (68%). Tingkat pendidikan responden sebagian besar berpendidikan SD yaitu 105 (34%), dan sebagian besar responden bekerja yaitu 164 (62%). Kepatuhan minum obat pada pasein TB dengan mengabaikan intervensi yang diberikan yaitu 322 (70%) patuh, diberikan intervensi 159 (92%) patuh, tanpa intervensi yang diberikan 163 (56%) patuh, TB MDR tidak patuh 105 (95%), dan TB dengan HIV 135 (86%) patuh. Kepatuhan minum Obat Anti Tuberkulosis (OAT) pada pasien TB Paru harus terus ditingkatkan dan dipertahankan untuk mencapai target World Heatlh Organisation dalam meningkatkan keberhasilan pengobatan TB Paru secara konsisten pada hasil ≥ 90%.Kata kunci: Kepatuhan; Minum Obat; Obat TB; Pill Count; dan TB Paru

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Yu Lin ◽  
Lingling Xu ◽  
Wanhua Li ◽  
Zhiwei Sun

A personal health record (PHR) is an electronic application which enables patients to collect and share their health information. With the development of cloud computing, many PHR services have been outsourced to cloud servers. Cloud computing makes it easier for patients to manage their personal health records and makes it easier for doctors and researchers to share and access this information. However, due to the high sensitivity of PHR, a series of security protections are needed to protect them, such as encryption and access control. In this article, we propose an attribute set-based Boolean keyword search scheme, which can realize fine-grained access control and Boolean keyword search over encrypted PHR. Compared with the existing attribute-based searchable encryption, our solution can not only improve the flexibility in specifying access policies but also perform Boolean keyword search, which can meet the needs of large-scale PHR users. Furthermore, we simulate our scheme, and the experimental results show that our scheme is practical for PHR systems in cloud computing.

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