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2022 ◽  
Olga A. Glazunova ◽  
Konstantin V. Moiseenko ◽  
Natalia V. Shakhova ◽  
Nadezhda V. Psurtseva ◽  
Tatyana V. Fedorova

White-rot fungi isa source of a great variety of oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes suitable for biotechnological applications, e.g. in pulp and paper, textile and food industries, bioethanol production, degradation of recalcitrant environmental pollutants,and others. Steccherinumochraceum is a xylotrophicwhite-rot basidiomycetethat can be found in variousclimatic zones on different woody substrates (mostly well decayed). For this research, seventeenstrains of S. ochraceumwere collected in different regions of Russia from various wood substrates (aspen, alder, oak, hazel, birch and willow). Phylogeneticanalyseswere performedbasedon the nucleotide sequences of ITS1, ITS2, 5.8S rRNA, 28S rRNA, β-tubulin and tef1.Oxidaseandcellulaseactivitieswereassessedbyplate-tests with ABTS and CMC. Forevaluation of biodegradation potential,solid state fermentation on alder and pine sawdust wasperformed. Weightanddensitylossaswellas the C:Nratioweremeasuredafter 90 days of cultivation.All S. ochraceum strains exhibited high oxidative activity towards ABTS, indicating secretion of oxidative enzymes (i.e. laccases and class II peroxidases). Cellulase activity was medium or low for most strains and in some strains – absent. Allstrainswereabletodegradealderandpinesawdust. There was no correlation between the enzymatic activity, biodegradation potential and geographic origin of S. ochraceum strains. However, S. ochraceum strains isolated from the same wood substrates exhibited similar characteristics in most cases. Strain LE-BIN 3398 was the most effective for degrading both alder and pine sawdust and could be regarded as a promising source of oxidative enzymes for biotechnology. Keywords: basidiomycetes, biodegradation, solid state fermentation, oxidase activity, Steccherinumochraceum

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Marie C. Henniges ◽  
Robyn F. Powell ◽  
Sahr Mian ◽  
Clive A. Stace ◽  
Kevin J. Walker ◽  

AbstractThe vascular flora of Britain and Ireland is among the most extensively studied in the world, but the current knowledge base is fragmentary, with taxonomic, ecological and genetic information scattered across different resources. Here we present the first comprehensive data repository of native and alien species optimized for fast and easy online access for ecological, evolutionary and conservation analyses. The inventory is based on the most recent reference flora of Britain and Ireland, with taxon names linked to unique Kew taxon identifiers and DNA barcode data. Our data resource for 3,227 species and 26 traits includes existing and unpublished genome sizes, chromosome numbers and life strategy and life-form assessments, along with existing data on functional traits, species distribution metrics, hybrid propensity, associated biomes, realized niche description, native status and geographic origin of alien species. This resource will facilitate both fundamental and applied research and enhance our understanding of the flora’s composition and temporal changes to inform conservation efforts in the face of ongoing climate change and biodiversity loss.

2022 ◽  
Vol 51 (6) ◽  
pp. 31-38
K. K. Musinov ◽  
V. E. Kozlov ◽  
A. S. Surnachev ◽  
I. E. Likhenko

The need for vernalization is a duration-dependent effect of low, positive temperatures in order to ensure the plants' transition to generative development. If the requirement for the duration of germination is not met, the plant will not enter the stage of forming generative organs. The vernalization requirements of winter soft wheat samples of different geographical origins are determined. An assessment of the vernalization period duration influence on the severity of the elements of the yield structure is given. The research material consisted of 15 cultivars of soft winter wheat of various geographic origin. The samples were germinated in paper rolls, then vernalized in a climatic chamber at a temperature of 3–5 ºС for 60, 50, and 40 days. At the end of vernalization, 10 plants of each sample were planted in a greenhouse. The dates of the onset of phenological phases were noted: tube emergence, earing, flowering. To determine the main elements of the yield structure, a structural analysis of plants was carried out. With an increase in the vernalization period, a decrease in the interfacial periods from tube emergence to flowering was noted. The influence of the timing of vernalization was noted on the manifestation of the spike length trait. It was found that the total number of stems and the number of productive stems in almost all varieties decreases with an increase in the period of vernalization. Significant differences between collection varieties in the need for vernalization, due to both their geographical origin and the genotype of plants are revealed. In all the studied forms, with an increase in the period of vernalization, the rate of plant development increased to varying degrees, the total number of stems, the productive stem and the length of the spike decreased.

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 50-69
Chandramani Aryal ◽  
Prakash Chandra Aryal ◽  
Narayan Niraula ◽  
Bina Ghimire ◽  
Saroj Pokhrel ◽  

COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent has created recession in the tourism industry on the global scale impacting the livelihood of the millions of people worldwide. Speedy recovery of the tourism industry is essential to ensure the development progress do not retard drastically due to this pandemic. As the world is severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and international tourism will take quite a bit longer time to recover, domestic tourism could be a way forward for the recuperation of the industry. Therefore, this article aims to understand the potential of domestic tourism to keep the momentum of tourism development, after the pandemic situation gets over. Data on general characteristics of the respondents and their attitude towards travel after restrictions are over were collected using online survey. Descriptive and regression analyses were used to understand the relationship between travel decisions and respondents’ attributes. The travel decision was found significantly related to the age and geographic origin of the respondents indicating those who are less susceptible to infection are willing to travel sooner than other. Study indicates the expansion of tourism demand in relatively less popular destinations and diversified tourism products which might pose both the challenges and opportunities for tourism industry in post-COVID-19 situation. The findings of our study are expected to help in planning the post-pandemic recovery of the tourism industry in the country.

Foods ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Francesca Calò ◽  
Chiara Roberta Girelli ◽  
Selina C. Wang ◽  
Francesco Paolo Fanizzi

Geographical origin assessment of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is recognised worldwide as raising consumers’ awareness of product authenticity and the need to protect top-quality products. The need for geographical origin assessment is also related to mandatory legislation and/or the obligations of true labelling in some countries. Nevertheless, official methods for such specific authentication of EVOOs are still missing. Among the analytical techniques useful for certification of geographical origin, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and mass spectroscopy (MS), combined with chemometrics, have been widely used. This review considers published works describing the use of these analytical methods, supported by statistical protocols such as multivariate analysis (MVA), for EVOO origin assessment. The research has shown that some specific countries, generally corresponding to the main worldwide producers, are more interested than others in origin assessment and certification. Some specific producers such as Italian EVOO producers may have been focused on this area because of consumers’ interest and/or intrinsic economical value, as testified also by the national concern on the topic. Both NMR- and MS-based approaches represent a mature field where a general validation method for EVOOs geographic origin assessment could be established as a reference recognised procedure.

В.А. Волков ◽  
Г.В. Калько

Процессы генезиса хвойных лесов интенсивно изучаются с использованием методов молекулярного маркирования. Микросателлитные локусы рассматриваются в качестве наиболее полиморфной и воспроизводимой системы кодоминантных молекулярных маркеров. В цели исследования входило установить возможность использования микросателлитных маркеров для определения видовых различий между елью европейской и сибирской (Picea abies и Picea obovatа), а также оценить степень генетической обособленности региональных популяций ели на территории Европейской части РФ. Исследование показало, что использование набора из двенадцати микросателлитных маркеров позволяет разделить выборку елей, собранных с европейской и азиатской частей страны, на два генетических кластера, соответствующих видам Picea abies и Picea obovatа. Проанализированные в исследовании микросателлитные локусы могут быть использованы для оценки генетического разнообразия и географического происхождения ели европейской и сибирской. The processes of genesis of coniferous forests are widely investigating using molecular markers. Many studies are based on the analysis of microsatellite loci, which are acknowledged as the most reproducible and polymorphic co-dominant molecular markers. This study is aimed to establish the possibility of using microsatellite markers to determine differentiation between Norway and Siberian spruce (Picea abies and Picea obovata). Another task of this research was to assess the degree of genetic isolation of regional spruce population in the territory of European part of the Russian Federation. This study shows that using a large number of microsatellite markers allows to divide the sample of spruce collected from European part of Russia and Siberia in two genetic clusters, corresponding to Picea abies and Picea obovata. The microsatellite loci analyzed in the study can be used to assess genetic diversity and geographic origin of spruce trees and determine the origin of wood and planting material of Norway and Siberian spruce.

Viruses ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Bárbara Aparecida Chaves ◽  
Raquel Soares Maia Godoy ◽  
Thaís Bonifácio Campolina ◽  
Ademir Bentes Vieira Júnior ◽  
Andréia da Costa Paz ◽  

The successful spread and maintenance of the dengue virus (DENV) in mosquito vectors depends on their viral infection susceptibility, and parameters related to vector competence are the most valuable for measuring the risk of viral transmission by mosquitoes. These parameters may vary according to the viral serotype in circulation and in accordance with the geographic origin of the mosquito population that is being assessed. In this study, we investigated the effect of DENV serotypes (1–4) with regards to the infection susceptibility of five Brazilian Ae. aegypti populations from Manaus, the capital of the state of Amazonas, Brazil. Mosquitoes were challenged by oral infection with the DENV serotypes and then tested for the presence of the arbovirus using quantitative PCR at 14 days post-infection, which is the time point that corresponds to the extrinsic incubation period of Ae. aegypti when reared at 28 °C. Thus, we were able to determine the infection patterns for DENV-1, -2, -3 and -4 in the mosquito populations. The mosquitoes had both interpopulation and inter-serotype variation in their viral susceptibilities. All DENV serotypes showed a similar tendency to accumulate in the body in a greater amount than in the head/salivary gland (head/SG), which does not occur with other flaviviruses. For DENV-1, DENV-3, and DENV-4, the body viral load varied among populations, but the head/SG viral loads were similar. Differently for DENV-2, both body and head/SG viral loads varied among populations. As the lack of phenotypic homogeneity represents one of the most important reasons for the long-term fight against dengue incidence, we expect that this study will help us to understand the dynamics of the infection patterns that are triggered by the distinct serotypes of DENV in mosquitoes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Desta Woldetsadik ◽  
Eulogio J. Llorent-Martínez ◽  
Solomie Gebrezgabher ◽  
Mary Njenga ◽  
Ruth Mendum ◽  

AbstractKitchen gardening is considered a way to reconnect with agriculture and complement the cereal-based relief food offered to refugees in East Africa. This work aimed at profiling mineral content of okra in four refugee camps and settlements located in Ethiopia and Uganda and its contribution to adequate intake (AIs) or recommended dietary allowances (RDAs) for young children and pregnant and lactating women (PLW). The study also evaluated the applicability of portable X-ray fluorescence (PXRF) as compared with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) for mineral profiling of okra powder samples. The contents of minerals (mg kg−1) from the ICP-MS readings were in the following ranges: K (14,385–33,294), Ca (2610–14,090), P (3178–13,248), Mg (3896–7986), Cu (3.81–19.3), Fe (75.7–1243), Zn (33–141) and Mn (23.1–261). Regardless of geographic origin, at low-end consumption probability (17 g day−1 for young children and 68 g day−1 for PLW), okra could contribute ˂ 15% (2.7–12.9%) AI for macro-minerals (K and Ca). In addition, the contributions to RDA values for Fe and Zn, elements of known public health interest, ranged from 4.5 to 34.7% for young children. Interestingly, regression lines revealed strong agreement between ICP-MS and PXRF readings for Mn and Zn, with R2 values > 0.91. This information is useful in support of nutrition-sensitive kitchen gardening programs through scaling culturally important crops in refugee settings.

2021 ◽  
Alix Andrea Guevara Tique ◽  
Roberto C. Torres ◽  
Fabian Leonardo Castro Valencia ◽  
John Jairo Suárez ◽  
Ángel Alexandro Criollo Rayo ◽  

Helicobacter pylori have coevolved with mankind since its origins, adapting to different human groups. In America H. pylori has evolved in several subpopulations specific for regions or even countries. In this study we analyzed the genome of 163 Colombian strains along with 1,113 strains that represent worldwide H. pylori populations to better discern the ancestry and adaption to Colombian people. Population structure was inferred with FineStructure and chromosome painting identifying the proportion of ancestries in Colombian isolates. Phylogenetic relationship was analyzed using the SNPs present in the core genome. Also, a Fst analysis was done to identify the gene variants with the strongest fixation in the identified Colombian subpopulations in relation to their parent population hspSWEurope. Worldwide, population structure analysis allowed the identification of two Colombian subpopulations, the previously described hspSWEuropeColombia and a novel subpopulation named hspColombia. In addition, three subgroups of H. pylori were identified within hspColombia that follow their geographic origin. The Colombian H. pylori subpopulations represent an admixture of European, African and Native indigenous ancestry; although some genomes showed a high proportion of self-identity, suggesting a strong adaption to these mestizo Colombian groups. The Fst analysis identified 82 SNPs significantly fixed in 26 genes of the hspColombia subpopulation that encode mainly for outer membrane proteins and proteins involved in central metabolism. The strongest fixation indices were identified in genes encoding the membrane proteins HofC, HopE, FrpB-4 and Sialidase A. These findings demonstrate that H. pylori has evolved in Colombia to give rise to subpopulations following a geographical structure, evolving to an autochthonous genetic pool, drive by a positive selective pressure especially on genes encoding for outer membrane proteins.

Fatima-Zara Abou-Elaaz ◽  
Denis Sereno ◽  
Oumnia Himmi ◽  
Mohamed Ghamizi ◽  
Souad Guernaoui

Phlebotomus (Paraphlebotomus) sergenti Parrot, 1917, the proven vector of Leishmania tropica Wright, 1903, the causative agent of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis, is widely distributed in Morocco. Previous works using molecular markers (ITS2 rDNA and Cyt b mtDNA) have hy-pothesized the existence of multiple closely related populations of sandfly species (cryptic species) that would exhibit distinct vectorial capacities. In this work, descriptive characteristics of wings (size and shape of the right and left wings) were measured in samples collected from fourteen sta-tions in central Morocco. These analyses support the existence of distinct P. sergenti populations, enlightening significant phenotypic variations of P. sergenti’s wings, regarding their size and shape, depending on geographic origin. In addition, geomorphometric analyses of wing’s length, centroid size, alpha, and beta distances allowed clear discrimination of P. sergenti sub-populations. These data pinpoint the adaptative ability of P. sergenti to local environmental conditions. Additional studies are now required to further shed light on the genetic structure of P. sergenti populations in Morocco.

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