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planting material
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2022 ◽  
Vol 51 (4) ◽  
pp. 712-722
Elena Kulikova ◽  
Sergey Makarov ◽  
Irina Kuznetsova ◽  
Anton Chudetsky

Introduction. The demand for honeysuckle berries and planting material is growing. Clonal micropropagation is the most effective method for industrial plantations. The research objective was to study the effect of cytokinins and auxins on Russian and Canadian honeysuckle microshoots and roots. Study objects and methods. The study featured regenerated honeysuckle (Lonicera edulis Turcz.) of three Russian cultivars (Bakcharsky Velikan, Doch Velikana, Yugana) and two Canadian cultivars (Boreal Beauty, Boreal Beast). The experiment focused on the effect of sterilizing agents and sterilization time on the viability of honeysuckle explants at the stage of culture introduction in vitro. The effect of the growth regulator Cytodef in the QL nutrient medium on organogenesis was studied at the stage of micropropagation proper, the effect of auxin IBA on plant root formation – at the stage of rooting in vitro. Results and discussion. The greatest viability of honeysuckle explants (80–94%) was registered in the samples affected by Lizoformin 3000 (5%) and silver nitrate (0.2%) as sterilizing agents with a sterilization time of 10 min at the stage of in vitro culture introduction. The biggest quantity (8.8 pcs.) and total length (40.1 cm) of microshoots were observed when the content of cytokinin Cytodef in the culture medium QL was 0.3 mg/L at the stage micropropagation proper. The Boreal Beast cultivar had the largest total length of shoots (29.0 cm). The biggest quantity (5.5 pcs.) and total length (30.8 cm) of roots resulted from 0.5 mg/L of auxin IBA at the stage of rooting in vitro. Coconut substrate produced the highest survival rate (92–99%) at the stage of adaptation to non-sterile conditions in vivo, with the greatest number of leaves (8.1–10.2 pcs.) observed in Canadian cultivars. Conclusion. Cytodef and IBA proved to be effective growth-regulating substances for microplants of Russian and Canadian honeysuckle cultivars in vitro, which makes them promising for berry plantations.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Khonesavanh Chittarath ◽  
Chung Huy Nguyen ◽  
Wendy C. Bailey ◽  
Si-Jun Zheng ◽  
Diane Mostert ◽  

Fusarium wilt, caused by the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc), poses a major threat to global banana production. The tropical race 4 (TR4) variant of Foc is a highly virulent form with a large host range, and severely affects Cavendish bananas. Foc TR4 was recently observed within the Greater Mekong Subregion, after Chinese private companies expanded Cavendish production to the region. In this study, extensive surveys conducted across Laos and Vietnam show that Foc TR4 is still mainly constricted to the northern regions of these countries and is limited to Cavendish cultivation settings. In Laos, Foc TR4 is associated with large-scale Cavendish plantations owned by or involved with Chinese companies through which infected planting material could have been imported. In Vietnam, mostly small-holder Cavendish farmers and backyard gardens were affected by Foc TR4. In Vietnam, no direct link is found with Chinese growers, and it is expected the pathogen mainly spreads through local and regional movement of infected planting materials. Foc TR4 was not recorded on banana cultivars other than Cavendish. The extensively cultivated ‘Pisang Awak’ cultivar was solely infected by VCGs belonging to Foc race 1 and 2, with a high occurrence of VCG 0123 across Laos, and of VCG 0124/5 in Vietnam. Substantial diversity of Foc VCGs was recorded (VCGs 0123, 0124/5, 01218 and 01221) from northern to southern regions in both countries, suggesting that Fusarium wilt is well established in the region. Interviews with farmers indicated that the local knowledge of Fusarium wilt epidemiology and options for disease management was limited. Clear communication efforts on disease epidemiology and management with emphasis on biosecurity practices need to be improved in order to prevent further spread of Foc TR4 to mixed variety smallholder settings.

2022 ◽  
Vol 951 (1) ◽  
pp. 012074
M Jalil ◽  
B Basyah ◽  
E Idris ◽  
M Sari ◽  
S Zakaria

Abstract Sigupai is one of Aceh’s local rice that highly popular because of the distinctive scent. Sigupai is still widely grown by the farmers in the southern western region of Aceh. However, this local rice has inferior production, height plant architecture, deep age and the average of production about 4 tons ha-1. The improvement of Sigupai local rice from the agronomic character and the harvest age can be done through crosses with Yinzhan varieties that carry sd-1 genes. The study aims to analyze changes in agronomic character and fragrant gene inheritance in Sigupai/Yinzhan F2 derived. Analysis of agronomic character is carried out by observing harvest age, plant height, weight of 1000 grains, grain weight per clump and yield potential per hectare. The planting material used was F2 derivative of Sigupai/Yinzhan as many as 104 individuals planted in pots. PCR analysis was conducted to analyze the presence of fragrant genes in F2 progenies of Sg/Yz. The data was analyzed with Chi-Square analysis. The results showed 104 plant genotypes analyzed by PCR, 64.42% of F2 progenies Sigupai/Yinzhan inherited the fragrant gene. The results of analysis of agronomic character showed 62 genotypes there were 95.08% of ripening aged, 59.01% had a short stem architecture and 6 genotypes (9.83%) had a potential yield of 4,04,-5,33 tons ha-1.

2022 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 02012
Marina Yu. Sautkina ◽  
Nina F. Kuznetsova ◽  
Michael A. Semenov ◽  
Andrew S. Khoroschev

The transition to biologically based technologies is one of the priority scientific areas of agriculture and forestry in Russia. The aim of the work is to develop and modify the technology of using biological products on forest tree species and to test it on Scots pine. The effect of pre-sowing inoculation of pine seeds with biological products on soil germination, safety of one- and two-year-old seedlings and their biometric characteristics was studied. The results of the analysis of soil germination of seeds and the safety of 1-year-old seedlings showed that these biological products can be introduced into the technology of growing planting material of Scots pine. It was revealed that the seeds of sensitive trees of the Stupinskaya population turned out to be the most responsive to inoculation with biological products. A stimulating effect has been established on the survival rate of seedlings, preservation, height, growth and diameter of 2-year-old plants in a forestry area (Vernadsky forestry, Tambov region). The height of 2-year-old seedlings of pine 'Ostrogozhskaya' exceeds the control by an average of 18.1%. The use of this biotechnology in forestry production will create favorable conditions for the germination of pine seeds, the growth of seedlings and their higher survival rate.

В.А. Волков ◽  
Г.В. Калько

Процессы генезиса хвойных лесов интенсивно изучаются с использованием методов молекулярного маркирования. Микросателлитные локусы рассматриваются в качестве наиболее полиморфной и воспроизводимой системы кодоминантных молекулярных маркеров. В цели исследования входило установить возможность использования микросателлитных маркеров для определения видовых различий между елью европейской и сибирской (Picea abies и Picea obovatа), а также оценить степень генетической обособленности региональных популяций ели на территории Европейской части РФ. Исследование показало, что использование набора из двенадцати микросателлитных маркеров позволяет разделить выборку елей, собранных с европейской и азиатской частей страны, на два генетических кластера, соответствующих видам Picea abies и Picea obovatа. Проанализированные в исследовании микросателлитные локусы могут быть использованы для оценки генетического разнообразия и географического происхождения ели европейской и сибирской. The processes of genesis of coniferous forests are widely investigating using molecular markers. Many studies are based on the analysis of microsatellite loci, which are acknowledged as the most reproducible and polymorphic co-dominant molecular markers. This study is aimed to establish the possibility of using microsatellite markers to determine differentiation between Norway and Siberian spruce (Picea abies and Picea obovata). Another task of this research was to assess the degree of genetic isolation of regional spruce population in the territory of European part of the Russian Federation. This study shows that using a large number of microsatellite markers allows to divide the sample of spruce collected from European part of Russia and Siberia in two genetic clusters, corresponding to Picea abies and Picea obovata. The microsatellite loci analyzed in the study can be used to assess genetic diversity and geographic origin of spruce trees and determine the origin of wood and planting material of Norway and Siberian spruce.

Forests ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Seung-Beom Chae ◽  
Hyo-In Lim ◽  
Yong-Yul Kim

The restoration of damaged or disrupted forests with genetically appropriate restoration planting material that can adapt to future environmental conditions will ensure the conservation of forest genetic resources. Abies koreana is endemic to the Republic of Korea, with declining populations under current environmental changes. In this study, we examined the genetic diversity of its largest population growing on Mt. Hallasan to determine the sampling size of planting material from the population that will ensure 95% coverage of alleles in the population. We evaluated the genetic diversity and spatial genetic structure of three subpopulations of A. koreana on Mt. Hallasan. A total of 456 samples were evaluated using 10 microsatellites. The observed heterozygosity and expected heterozygosity were 0.538 and 0.614 at the population level, respectively. The differences among the subpopulations accounted for 4% of the total variance. Intervals between individuals of the sample to be extracted were based on the two-target distance (5 and 10 m) inferred from the spatial genetic structure. Through random sampling methods considering the target distance, we showed that genetic diversity can be captured by obtaining at least 35 individuals in the population of A. koreana on Mt. Hallasan.

Hidayat Bambang Setyawan ◽  
Roni Yulianto ◽  
Oviaki Zelin ◽  
Listya Purnamasari

The growth and yield of taro (Colocasia esculenta L.) plants are influenced by the planting material. The use of planting material derived from corms is expected to improve the quality and quantity of taro growth and yield. This research aimed to find the best type of planting material and cultivars for taro growth and the potential of taro plants as animal feed. The experiment was carried out in Jember, East Java ( elevation ±89 m asl). The experiment used the randomized completed block design method with two treatment factors, the type of planting material (B) as the first factor (B1: taro corms, B2: taro tiller, B3: taro stolon) and the use of taro cultivars (V) as the second factor (V1: green taro, V2: ketan taro, V3: Sukabumi taro). The treatment was repeated four times. The results showed that there was an interaction between the use of taro planting material and taro cultivar that could influence the tuber weight per plant. The types of planting material had a significant effect on the number of tillers, leaf area, corm weight and diameter, and the planting of several taro cultivars significantly affected all observed variables. The treatment that gave the best results was planting material from taro tuber (B1) and Sukabumi cultivar (V3) with a tuber weight yield of 362.58 g (±14.5 tons/ha). Meanwhile, the Sukabumi cultivar (V3) had the best potential as animal feed. Overall, the stems and leaves of taro had a protein content of 1.19–2.02%, while the corms had 2.82–4.09%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Sandra Bijelić ◽  
Nenad Magazin ◽  
Sava Džankić ◽  
Draža Janković ◽  
Borivoje Bogdanović ◽  

The latest trends in hazelnut production are moving in the direction of selection and breeding of more productive cultivars, isolation of native clones, and more intensive clonal selection of rootstocks aimed at enhancing the agronomic performance of plants. Serbia stands out in the production of quality planting material by grafting on Turkish filbert (Corylus colurna L.), which does not form shoots and develops in the form of a tree. The aim of this research was to investigate the success achieved by grafting leading Italian cultivars (Tonda gentile romana, Tonda di Giffoni, and Tonda Gentile della Langhe) and their clones on Turkish filbert seedlings using technology developed at the University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, Serbia, as well as determine possible differences in the quality and variability of the obtained planting material. For this purpose, from the end of March to the end of April, two-year-old C. colurna generative rootstocks (seedlings) were grafted by the whip and tongue method. At the beginning of September, the grafted plants were counted, and after the plants entered the dormant period (autumn in the year of grafting), they were taken out of the soil and classified. The obtained results revealed that the chosen hazel cultivars and clones exhibited excellent grafting success rate. In both analyzed years, as well as throughout the entire study period, greater grafting success was achieved using clones relative to the main cultivars. Over the two-year study period, the highest grafting success was achieved by clone AD17. Class I grafted plants were obtained in 80% of the cases, especially with Tombesi and AD17 clones, while significantly fewer Class I grafted plants were produced by grafting basic cultivars. Clones AD17 and Tombesi also produced grafted plants of greatest height and graft union diameter. All clones exhibited superior uniformity (i.e., a more stable grafting success) relative to their basic cultivars.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (37) ◽  
pp. 136-140
Catita Plopa ◽  
Adina Iancu ◽  
Madalina Butac ◽  

Viral diseases can influence negatively a good evolution of cherry plantations. Two of the viral diseases that attack this species are caused by the ArMV virus, which spreads by multiplying the infected propagating material, by seed and nematodes, and by the TBRV virus, which spreads by multiplying the infected material and nematodes. In order to study the incidence of the two viruses, 10 cherry plantations located in the south of the country were evaluated, in the district of Argeș, Dolj, Ialomița, Ilfov, Călărași, Dâmbovița, Buzău. The planting material used to set up the plantations was both from Romania and from an external source: the Netherlands, Greece, Italy. Viral evaluation performed visually and serologically by DAS-ELISA technique, identified viral infections in 2 of the 10 plantations. In one plantation, TBRV was identified in 20% of the tested samples and in the second, ArMV viruses were identified in 20% of the samples and TBRV in 5% of the samples.

2021 ◽  
Olivier Sènankpon DASSOU ◽  
Olivier Sènankpon Dassou ◽  
Adolphe Adjadohoun ◽  
Wouter Vanhove ◽  
Reinout Impens ◽  

Abstract Background and aims: In oil palm, similar fertilization treatments can result in leaflet potassium and magnesium concentrations that vary significantly from one progeny to another. This hinders the development of standardized fertilizer recommendations for this crop, as they are usually calculated based on optimum leaflet nutrient concentrations.Methods: 4-high-yielding oil palm progenies with contrasting leaflet K and Mg concentrations (C1, C2, and C3 of Deli x La Mé origin and C4 of Deli x Yangambi origin) were treated with combinations of 3-levels of KCl and MgSO4, in a completely randomized split-plot factorial design with 6-replicates, where progenies were a sub-factor.Results: For a given level of KCl or MgSO4, different leaflet K and Mg concentrations were found between progenies (p < 0.0001). Leaflet K concentration and yield response to KCl applications revealed that the four oil palm progenies have different optimum leaflet K concentrations. In our study period (5-8 YAP), progenies C1 and C3 showed their highest fresh fruit bunch (FFB) yields (13.62 and 16.54 t ha-1 year-1, respectively) at K2, whereas progenies C2 and C4 showed their highest yields (14.62 and 12.39 t ha-1 year-1, respectively) at K1. Conclusion: Our study highlighted specific optimum leaflet K and Mg concentrations for different oil palm progenies in a given environment. It paves the way for adopting K and Mg fertilizer application rates adapted to specific requirements of each type of oil palm planting material.

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