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training costs
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2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-139
Sunarta Sunarta

Abstract Compensation programs need to be aligned with organizational policies and objectives. This article is a literature review on employee compensation programs in support of organizational policies and goals. Organizations can use a combination of fixed-variable compensation, direct-indirect compensation according to organizational goals. Fixed compensation is more appropriate for routine work, whereas variable compensation is more appropriate for behavioral incentives and performance-based management. The amount of direct compensation will provide autonomy for employees in spending their family needs, however, it does not guarantee employees to allocate it, such as for: education and training costs, sports, health insurance, old age insurance, recreation. These costs are more suitable for indirect compensation. Organizations can consider the amount of compensation both in planning, evaluation through several factors, namely internal employees, organizational environment, and external environment.   Keyword: planning program, compensation, fixed-variable compensation, and organization.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Farhad Salimian

The main purpose of this study is to calculate the return on investment of two training modules of electrical protection and uninterruptible power supply (UPS) using the corrective approaches applied to the basic model presented in previous research. In this study, first, the effect points of the training were identified using open questionnaires completed by experts. Then, its content validity is ensured by Lawshe, Waltz, and Basel approaches. Data on training costs were extracted through financial documentation and estimates. Details of measures, savings, internal supply, and so on were identified and cited to convert the observed effects into financial equivalents. Using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) approach, the role of training in comparison with other initiatives in each of the effects and achievements was determined, and the net financial achievements of the training were determined. The training return on investment for the electrical protection module was 243% and for the UPS module was 1637%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-156
Rahmawati Sururama ◽  
Oklin Riinan Winowoda ◽  
Ahmad Eka

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan pengembangan sumber daya aparatur melalui diklat teknis di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin serta mengetahui hambatan dan upaya yang dilakukan dinas tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif  kualitatif dengan pendekatan induktif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi Teknik analisis data yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Keempat indikator yang digunakan dalam menganalisis fokus penelitian ini yaitu tiga diantaranya (pengetahuan, sikap, keterampilan) telah terimplementasikan dengan baik, dan yang satu (penampilan) masih belum terimplementasikan dengan baik. Faktor penghambat dalam pengembangan sumberdaya manusia ini yaitu berhubungan dengan Anggaran Diklat yang disebabkan oleh kepala daerah yang mengubah kebijakannya untuk meniadakan biaya untuk pengembangan pegawai khususnya diklat teknis. Sehingga biaya diklat ditanggung sendiri oleh peserta diklat itu sendiri. Rendahnya inisiatif dan motivasi pegawai untuk meningkatkan keterampilan, yang disebabkan oleh besarnya biaya diklat yang ditanggung sendiri serta tidak adanya penghargaan terhadap pegawai yang telah melaksanakan diklat tersebut seperti jenjang karir yang jelas atau yang lebih baik. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan yang ada yaitu Untuk masalah anggaran, pihak dinas tidak dapat berbuat banyak karena hilangnya anggaran untuk diklat teknis merupakan kebijakan dari kepala daerah, sehingga pihak dinas hanya bisa loyal terhadap kebijakan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan rendahnya inisiatif dan motivasi pegawai untuk meningkatkan keterampilan, kepala dinas menginstruksi-kan para Kasubbag dan Kabid untuk menyampaikan kepada bawahannya agar dapat menggunakan waktu kosong untuk menambah pengetahuan dengan cara mengakses sumber-sumber informasi yang ada di internet.   Kata kunci: Pengembangan, Sumber Daya Aparatur.   ABSTRACT This research was conducted to find out how the implementation of apparatus resource development through technical training at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Musi Banyuasin Regency and to find out the obstacles and efforts made by the service. The method used is descriptive qualitative with an inductive approach. Data collection techniques with interview techniques, observation, documentation Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study are the four indicators used in analyzing the focus of this research, namely three of them (knowledge, attitudes, skills) have been implemented well, and one (appearance) is still not implemented properly. The inhibiting factor in the development of human resources is related to the education and training budget caused by the regional head changing his policy to eliminate costs for employee development, especially technical training. So that the training costs are borne by the training participants themselves. The low initiative and motivation of employees to improve skills, which is caused by the large costs of training that are borne by themselves and the absence of appreciation for employees who have carried out the training, such as a clear career path or better. Efforts are being made to overcome the existing obstacles, namely for budget problems, the agency cannot do much because the loss of the budget for technical training is a policy of the regional head, so that the agency can only be loyal to the policy. In connection with the low initiative and motivation of employees to improve skills, the head of service instructs the Head of Subsection and Head of Subdivision to convey to his subordinates so that they can use their free time to increase knowledge by accessing information sources on the internet.   Keywords: Development, Apparatus Resources.

2021 ◽  
Melissa A Little ◽  
Robert C Klesges ◽  
Indika Mallawaarachchi ◽  
Timothy McMurry ◽  
Kinsey Pebley ◽  

ABSTRACT Background Alcohol misuse poses significant public health concerns in the U.S. Military. An Alcohol Misconduct Prevention Program (AMPP), which includes a brief alcohol intervention (BAI) session, plus random breathalyzer program, has been shown to reduce alcohol-related incidents (ARIs) among Airmen undergoing training. Purpose The current study sought to examine whether a booster BAI administered at the end of Airmen’s training reduced ARIs out to a 1-year follow-up. Methods Participants were 26,231 U.S. Air Force Technical Trainees recruited between March 2016 and July 2018. Participants were cluster randomized by cohort to two conditions: AMPP + BAI Booster or AMPP + Bystander Intervention. The primary analysis was a comparison of the interventions’ efficacies in preventing Article 15 ARIs at a 1-year follow-up, conducted using a generalized estimating equations logistic regression model controlling for covariates. Results There was no significant difference by condition in Article 15 ARIs at the 1-year follow-up (P = .912). Conclusions Findings suggest that a booster may not be necessary to produce maximum effects beyond the initial AMPP intervention. It is also possible that alcohol behaviors changed as a result of the intervention but were not captured by our outcome measures. Future research should consider alternative outcomes or participant-tracking measures to determine whether a different or more intensive BAI booster is effective. The majority of Article 15 ARIs were for underage drinking; therefore, developing an intervention focused on this problem behavior could lead to large reductions in training costs in the military.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 112-121
Sunarta Sunarta

Abstract Compensation programs need to be aligned with organizational policies and objectives. This article is a literature review on employee compensation programs in support of organizational policies and goals. Organizations can use a combination of fixed-variable compensation, direct-indirect compensation according to organizational goals. Fixed compensation is more appropriate for routine work, whereas variable compensation is more appropriate for behavioral incentives and performance-based management. The amount of direct compensation will provide autonomy for employees in spending their family needs, however, it does not guarantee employees to allocate it, such as for: education and training costs, sports, health insurance, old age insurance, recreation. These costs are more suitable for indirect compensation. Organizations can consider the amount of compensation both in planning, evaluation through several factors, namely internal employees, organizational environment, and external environment.   Keyword: planning program, compensation, fixed-variable compensation, and organization

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (S1) ◽  
pp. 26-26
Scott Gibson ◽  
Sita Saunders ◽  
Amanda Hansson Hedblom ◽  
Maximilian Blüher ◽  
Rafael Torrejon Torres ◽  

IntroductionThe United Kingdom spends approximately GBP4.2 billion (USD5.6 billion; EUR4.7 billion) each year on medical devices, but healthcare providers receive little health technology assessment (HTA) guidance on cost-effective device procurement. Our objective was to assess the availability of HTA guidance for medical technologies and to identify key challenges related to the economic assessment of these technologies.MethodsNational Institute for Health and Care Excellence technology appraisal (TA) and Medical Technologies Evaluation Programme (MTEP) appraisals published online between November 2009 and October 2020 were identified. The “case for adoption” recommendation, type of devices, and critiques of economic analyses for each MTEP appraisal were extracted and categorized.ResultsIn comparison to 415 publicly available TAs for pharmaceuticals, only 45 medical technologies have been appraised through the MTEP. MTEP-submitted technologies can be categorized into diagnostic (7), monitoring (3), prophylaxis (5), therapeutic (28), and other (2). Furthermore, 11 were implants, seven were used by patients, and 27 had provider interaction. Major points of MTEP criticism were a failure to model cost consequences, training costs, and organizational impact. There was also the barrier of transferring costs across budgeting divisions.ConclusionsIn comparison to HTA guidance for pharmaceuticals, there is a dearth of medical device guidance. Therapeutic and implantable devices appear to be disproportionately overrepresented in the MTEP process. This may be because their appraisal is most akin to pharmaceuticals, for which HTA processes are well established. To encourage more HTAs of medical devices, HTA guidance should elaborate on issues specifically related to medical devices.

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (23) ◽  
pp. 2977
Yan Li ◽  
Mengyu Zhao ◽  
Huazhi Zhang ◽  
Fuling Yang ◽  
Suyu Wang

Most current studies on multi-agent evolution based on deep learning take a cooperative equilibrium strategy, while interactive self-learning is not always considered. An interactive self-learning game and evolution method based on non-cooperative equilibrium (ISGE-NCE) is proposed to take the benefits of both game theory and interactive learning for multi-agent confrontation evolution. A generative adversarial network (GAN) is designed combining with multi-agent interactive self-learning, and the non-cooperative equilibrium strategy is well adopted within the framework of interactive self-learning, aiming for high evolution efficiency and interest. For assessment, three typical multi-agent confrontation experiments are designed and conducted. The results show that, first, in terms of training speed, the ISGE-NCE produces a training convergence rate of at least 46.3% higher than that of the method without considering interactive self-learning. Second, the evolution rate of the interference and detection agents reaches 60% and 80%, respectively, after training by using our method. In the three different experiment scenarios, compared with the DDPG, our ISGE-NCE method improves the multi-agent evolution effectiveness by 43.4%, 50%, and 20%, respectively, with low training costs. The performances demonstrate the significant superiority of our ISGE-NCE method in swarm intelligence.

Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh

<p>Research using the method of synthesis, document analysis and interview has identified six criteria through which the evaluation application provides accurate and comprehensive information about the table tennis movements among officials and employees at Saigon University. In addition, the article also provided information on the form, organization method, time, number of training sessions, time and location, training costs of officials, employees, lecturers and table tennis coaches. The research results are a reference for managers, contributing to the development of the sport movement among officials and employees at Saigon University.</p><p> </p><p><strong> Article visualizations:</strong></p><p><img src="/-counters-/edu_01/0983/a.php" alt="Hit counter" /></p>

2021 ◽  
Alison Ruth Viskovic

<p>This thesis presents the findings of an investigation into the effects of a change in government policy for the funding of polytechnic tutor training in New Zealand after 1990. The new policy arose from Learning for Life: Two, and was part of a major reform of the administration and funding of all tertiary education and training in New Zealand. The main intentions of Learning for Life: Two were to make individual institutions more autonomous, through the decentralisation of management and funding, and so to create increased equity and excellence in tertiary education. From 1973 to 1990, tutor training had been directly funded by the Department of Education; the 1990 Tutor Training Policy required each polytechnic thenceforward to provide for tutor training from its annual bulk funding. Comparative data was collected by survey and interview, relating to polytechnics' treatment of initial tutor training in 1990 and 1993, and a more detailed case study was carried out at one polytechnic that had made substantial changes in practice. In 1990 all new tutors had been entitled to 12 weeks of initial training at one of three regional centres, with all training costs met centrally, including travel, accommodation and relief staffing. Analysis of the findings showed that by 1993, despite some transitional funding protection for the regional centres, tutor training provision varied considerably around the country, as polytechnics made local decisions about funding and implemented various forms of training delivery. When the emerging trends and effects were compared with the policy intentions of Learning for Life, it was concluded that the equity and access intentions had not been achieved consistently around the country in respect of tutor training. Longer term research was recommended into the effects of changes in tutor training on teaching quality in polytechnics.</p>

2021 ◽  
Alison Ruth Viskovic

<p>This thesis presents the findings of an investigation into the effects of a change in government policy for the funding of polytechnic tutor training in New Zealand after 1990. The new policy arose from Learning for Life: Two, and was part of a major reform of the administration and funding of all tertiary education and training in New Zealand. The main intentions of Learning for Life: Two were to make individual institutions more autonomous, through the decentralisation of management and funding, and so to create increased equity and excellence in tertiary education. From 1973 to 1990, tutor training had been directly funded by the Department of Education; the 1990 Tutor Training Policy required each polytechnic thenceforward to provide for tutor training from its annual bulk funding. Comparative data was collected by survey and interview, relating to polytechnics' treatment of initial tutor training in 1990 and 1993, and a more detailed case study was carried out at one polytechnic that had made substantial changes in practice. In 1990 all new tutors had been entitled to 12 weeks of initial training at one of three regional centres, with all training costs met centrally, including travel, accommodation and relief staffing. Analysis of the findings showed that by 1993, despite some transitional funding protection for the regional centres, tutor training provision varied considerably around the country, as polytechnics made local decisions about funding and implemented various forms of training delivery. When the emerging trends and effects were compared with the policy intentions of Learning for Life, it was concluded that the equity and access intentions had not been achieved consistently around the country in respect of tutor training. Longer term research was recommended into the effects of changes in tutor training on teaching quality in polytechnics.</p>

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