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employee development
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2021 ◽  
Yusriadi Yusriadi

This study analyzes the effect of compensation and competence on employee performance through employee development at the Tourism Office in Bantaeng Regency. It conducted this research for two months; this study's population were all employees of the Bantaeng Regency Tourism Office as many as 96 people, the hypothesis that has been proposed, the path analysis technique, and the Sobel test were carried out. The result of his research is that compensation has a positive and significant effect on employee development at the Bantaeng Regency Tourism Office. Competence has a positive and significant impact on employee development and substantially impacts employee performance at the Bantaeng Regency Tourism Office. Compensation has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, and employee development has a positive and significant impact on employee performance at the Bantaeng Regency Tourism Office. And competence has a positive and insignificant effect on employee performance through employee development, and compensation has a positive and negligible impact on employee performance through employee development at the Bantaeng Regency Tourism Office.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-156
Rahmawati Sururama ◽  
Oklin Riinan Winowoda ◽  
Ahmad Eka

ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan pengembangan sumber daya aparatur melalui diklat teknis di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Musi Banyuasin serta mengetahui hambatan dan upaya yang dilakukan dinas tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif  kualitatif dengan pendekatan induktif. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi Teknik analisis data yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Keempat indikator yang digunakan dalam menganalisis fokus penelitian ini yaitu tiga diantaranya (pengetahuan, sikap, keterampilan) telah terimplementasikan dengan baik, dan yang satu (penampilan) masih belum terimplementasikan dengan baik. Faktor penghambat dalam pengembangan sumberdaya manusia ini yaitu berhubungan dengan Anggaran Diklat yang disebabkan oleh kepala daerah yang mengubah kebijakannya untuk meniadakan biaya untuk pengembangan pegawai khususnya diklat teknis. Sehingga biaya diklat ditanggung sendiri oleh peserta diklat itu sendiri. Rendahnya inisiatif dan motivasi pegawai untuk meningkatkan keterampilan, yang disebabkan oleh besarnya biaya diklat yang ditanggung sendiri serta tidak adanya penghargaan terhadap pegawai yang telah melaksanakan diklat tersebut seperti jenjang karir yang jelas atau yang lebih baik. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi hambatan yang ada yaitu Untuk masalah anggaran, pihak dinas tidak dapat berbuat banyak karena hilangnya anggaran untuk diklat teknis merupakan kebijakan dari kepala daerah, sehingga pihak dinas hanya bisa loyal terhadap kebijakan tersebut. Sehubungan dengan rendahnya inisiatif dan motivasi pegawai untuk meningkatkan keterampilan, kepala dinas menginstruksi-kan para Kasubbag dan Kabid untuk menyampaikan kepada bawahannya agar dapat menggunakan waktu kosong untuk menambah pengetahuan dengan cara mengakses sumber-sumber informasi yang ada di internet.   Kata kunci: Pengembangan, Sumber Daya Aparatur.   ABSTRACT This research was conducted to find out how the implementation of apparatus resource development through technical training at the Population and Civil Registration Office of Musi Banyuasin Regency and to find out the obstacles and efforts made by the service. The method used is descriptive qualitative with an inductive approach. Data collection techniques with interview techniques, observation, documentation Data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The results of this study are the four indicators used in analyzing the focus of this research, namely three of them (knowledge, attitudes, skills) have been implemented well, and one (appearance) is still not implemented properly. The inhibiting factor in the development of human resources is related to the education and training budget caused by the regional head changing his policy to eliminate costs for employee development, especially technical training. So that the training costs are borne by the training participants themselves. The low initiative and motivation of employees to improve skills, which is caused by the large costs of training that are borne by themselves and the absence of appreciation for employees who have carried out the training, such as a clear career path or better. Efforts are being made to overcome the existing obstacles, namely for budget problems, the agency cannot do much because the loss of the budget for technical training is a policy of the regional head, so that the agency can only be loyal to the policy. In connection with the low initiative and motivation of employees to improve skills, the head of service instructs the Head of Subsection and Head of Subdivision to convey to his subordinates so that they can use their free time to increase knowledge by accessing information sources on the internet.   Keywords: Development, Apparatus Resources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 327-336
Jayendira P Sankar ◽  
V.E. Kesavan ◽  
R. Kalaichelvi ◽  
Mufleh Salem M. Alqahtani ◽  
May Abdulaziz Abumelha ◽  

Generally speaking, education plays a potential role in shaping the economy. Like other organizations and education, employee development initiatives play a vital role in employee satisfaction. Therefore, this paper aims to study the influence of employee development on employee satisfaction in the education sector. Employee development is attached to empowerment, motivation, and training as independent variables. The data collected from 261 sample respondents from the education institutions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To prove the construct's hypothesis, SmartPLS 3.3.2 was utilized to analyze the measurement model and the structural model. Therefore, the study utilized the combinative PLS method that fulfills the characteristics of the model. Empowerment, motivation, and training were found to be conducive to employee satisfaction. Employee development (empowerment, motivation, and training) measures on employee satisfaction can help decision-makers emphasize their actions. The findings revealed that employee development positively influences employee satisfaction and commitment among employees in the education sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol XXIV (Special Issue 5) ◽  
pp. 77-90
Agnieszka Krugielka ◽  
Paulina Kostrzewa-Demczuk

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 5717-5725
Sun Chenghao ◽  
Zhang Yuxin ◽  
Sun Hanqiao

Objectives: Based on the data of questionnaire collected from tobacco enterprise, this paper uses regression model to focus on the relationship between the trade unions and the employee development. Besides, causal stepwise regression is adopted to find out the influential mechanism. The results show that the trade union in tobacco enterprise can significantly promote employee development by the mediating effect of contract guarantee, and this effect is more obvious in female groups. It is important to strengthen the development of trade union, creating more self-development opportunities for employees in tobacco enterprise.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 381-388
Arman Maulana ◽  
Soeganda Priyatna ◽  
Husen Saeful Insan ◽  
Helmawati Helmawati

The purpose of this study is to present a literature study and observation that was established in the employee training and development program as well as the benefits of cooperatives in the ranks of the Cimahi City Dekopinda. This study analyzes the structure and elements of employee training and development programs and then this studio presents what are the positive results for employees and the Organization. Organizations find it difficult to stay competitive in the recent global economy. The importance of employee development plans is growing for Organizations seeking to gain an edge over competitors. Employees are a respected resource of the Organization and the success or failure of the Organization depends on the performance of the employees. Therefore, the organization finances a large number of employee training and development programs. Furthermore, the training program is very supportive for companies to emphasize the knowledge, skills and abilities of employees. There is substantial interest among professionals and researchers about the impact of development programs on employees and the organization. The study described here is an assessment of the literature on the basis of employee development programs and their benefits to organizations and employees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (S3) ◽  
pp. 585-595
Sadaf Khan ◽  
Shikha Mishra ◽  
S. A. Ansari

The review paper attempts a review and summarization of the existing literature available on organizational culture and employee development. Employee development is seen as an asset for the organizations, which arises from within the organization and is build by the organizational culture. The paper has shown that a positive and direct relationship exists between organizational culture and development of an employee. Employee development is dependent on the culture of the organization and that organizational culture is instrumental in building mental health of the employees.

Budiyono Santoso

Organizations need to encourage their employees to have high job performance in the hope of getting a lot of benefits for the organization, but not making employees feel disadvantaged. This condition is strongly influenced by the role of a leader in the organization, initiatives and employee development. The aims of this study are: 1) To determine and analyze the effect of effort on Moral of job. 2) To find out and analyze the effect of initiative on Moral of job. 3) To find out and analyze effort on job performance. 4) To find out and analyze the effect of initiative on job performance. 5) To find out and analyze the effect of Moral of job on job performance. 6) To find out and analyze effort on job performance with the mediating variable Moral of job. 7) To find out and analyze the effect of initiative on job performance with the mediating variable Moral of job. Based on considerations of time, effort, and funds, as well as the scope of the problem and the large number of subjects in a population of 336 people, this study uses the Slovin formula with a significance (p) (0.1) so that a sample of 79 people is determined. Where all members of the population are sampled, the data analysis tool uses the SmartPLS software version 3.3.7. From the results of the study, it can be concluded as follows: 1) effort has a significant effect on Moral of job 2) Initiative has no effect on Moral of job 3) Effort has no effect on Job performance 4) Initiative has a significant effect on Job performance 5) Moral of job has no effect on Job performance 6) effort has an indirect effect on Job performance through Moral of job 7) Initiative has an indirect effect on Job performance through Moral of job.

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