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2022 ◽  
Fabian Schadt ◽  
Ina Israel ◽  
Alexandra Beez ◽  
Kastriot Alushi ◽  
Judith Weiland ◽  

Abstract Little is known about changes in brain metabolism following SAH, possibly leading towards secondary brain damage. Despite sustained progress in the last decade, analysis of in vivo acquired data still remains challenging. The present interdisciplinary study uses a semi-automated data analysis tool analyzing imaging data independently from the administrated radiotracer. The uptake of 2-[18F]Fluoro-2-deoxy-glucose ([18F]FDG) was evaluated in different brain regions in 14 male Sprague-Dawley rats, randomized into two groups: (1) SAH induced by the endovascular filament model and (2) sham operated controls. Serial [18F]FDG-PET measurements were performed. Quantitative image analysis was performed by uptake ratio using a self-developed MRI-template based data analysis tool. SAH animals showed significantly higher [18F]FDG accumulation in gray matter, neocortex and olfactory system as compared to animals of the sham group, while white matter and basal forebrain region showed significant reduced tracer accumulation in SAH animals. All significant metabolic changes were visualized from 3 hours, over 24 hours, day 4 and day 7 following SAH/sham operation. This [18F]FDG-PET study provides important insights into glucose metabolism alterations following SAH - for the first time in different brain regions and up to day 7 during course of disease. The present tool improves PET image quantification and provides more flexible data analysis advocating its clinical application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-168
Suyatmi Suyatmi ◽  
Reza Widhar Pahlevi

This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and learning orientation on competitive advantage; determine the effect of entrepreneurial orientation and learning orientation on performance and determine the effect of competitive advantage on performance. The data collection method was obtained by using a questionnaire on MSME actors in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and collected 204 respondents. The data analysis tool uses the AMOS Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. The results show that there is an influence between entrepreneurial orientations and learning orientation on competitive advantage, there is an influence between entrepreneurial orientation and competitive advantage on performance. However, there is no effect between learning orientation on performance

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-199
Mahbub Ghozali ◽  
Ali Usman

The Rationality in interpretation that tends to be disputed can be used as an instrument to provide the contextual meaning of the Qur’an. Rationality equipped by science can actualize meanings that are more relevant to the development of society. The actual meaning has an impact on easier understanding for the community. This study aims to reveal the function of rationality in contextual interpretation without having to be fixated on the significance of a verse. This study uses primary data sources from Terjemah dan Tafsir al-Qur’an bahasa Arab dan Latin by Bachtiar Surin. This interpretation is used, aside from being abandoned by many researchers, it is also used as another way to actualizing meaning. This study uses a qualitative method with content analysis as a data analysis tool. This study finds the significance of rationality in interpretation through the inseparable relationship of reason with the Qur'an. Intellect as a gift from God can be used to explain God's language. In its application, Rationality can provide contextual meaning in two forms. First, the actualization of meaning with terms that are relevant to a modern context. Second, rationality functions as scientific reasoning to provide factual evidence for the meaning of the Qur'an. The actualizing of the Qur'an meaning can be achieved by rationality so that the contextual device in interpretation does not only emphasize significant meaning on the verse. Rasionalitas dalam penafsiran yang cenderung diperselisihkan dapat dijadikan sarana untuk memberikan pemahaman terhadap al-Qur’an secara kontekstual. Rasionalitas yang dilengkapi oleh ilmu pengetahuan dapat mereaktualisasi makna yang lebih relevan dengan perkembangan masyarakat. Pemaknaan secara aktual berdampak pada pemahaman yang lebih mudah kepada masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan fungsi rasionalitas dalam penafsiran kontekstual tanpa harus terpaku dengan signifikansi pesan yang terkandung dalam sebuah ayat. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan sumber data primer dari Terjemah dan Tafsir al-Qur’an bahasa Arab dan Latin karya Bachtiar Surin. Tafsir ini digunakan, selain ditinggalkan oleh banyak peneliti juga didasarkan pada penggunaan cara lain dalam mengaktualisasi makna. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan content analysis sebagai perangkat analisa data. Penelitian ini menemukan signifikansi rasionalitas dalam penafsiran melalui hubungan akal dengan al-Qur’an yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Akal sebagai anugerah Tuhan dapat digunakan untuk menjelaskan bahasa Tuhan. Dalam aplikasinya, akal dapat memberikan penafsiran secara kontekstual dalam dua bentuk. Pertama, reaktualisasi makna dengan istilah yang relevan dengan keilmuan modern. Kedua, rasionalitas berfungsi sebagai penalaran ilmiah dengan bentuk memberikan bukti faktual atas kebenaran kandungan makna al-Qur’an. Keberhasilan rasionalitas dalam mereaktualisasi makna dengan dua bentuk tersebut membuktikan bahwa penafsiran kontekstual dapat ditempuh dengan menggunakan rasionalitas yang bersifat subjektif, sehingga perangkat kontektulitas dalam penafsiran tidak hanya menekankan pada penemuan pesan makna sesuai dengan penggunaannya di masa al-Qur’an turun.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 557-568
Neni Wahyuni ◽  
Idhar Yahya ◽  
Sirojuzilam .

This study aims to empirically prove the effect of taxation knowledge, tax supervision, tax socialization, taxpayer awareness, and quality of tax services on individual taxpayers' annual tax return reporting with tax sanctions as a moderating variable. Respondents in this study were 100 individual taxpayers registered at Pratama West Medan. The sampling technique in this research is using the purposive sampling technique. The data used are primary. The data analysis tool used is SEM-PLS. The study results indicate that tax knowledge and tax service quality significantly affect reporting individual taxpayers' annual tax returns at the Pratama Medan Barat Tax Office. Tax sanctions are able to moderate the effect of taxation socialization on the reporting of the annual tax return of individual taxpayers at the Pratama Medan Barat Tax Office. However, it cannot moderate the effect of tax knowledge, tax supervision, taxpayer awareness and quality of tax services on the reporting of individual taxpayers' annual tax returns at the Pratama Medan Barat Tax Office. Keywords: tax knowledge, tax control, tax socialization, tax awareness, tax service quality, tax sanction, individual taxpayers' annual tax return reporting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 226-244
Fajriah Salim ◽  
Suyudi Arif ◽  
Abrista Devi

This study aims to determine the effect of Islamic financial literacy, Islamic branding, and religiosity on student decisions in using Islamic banking services. The dependent variable in the study is student decisions, while the independent variables are Islamic financial literacy, Islamic branding, and religiosity. The data in this study were collected through questionnaires distributed to active FAI students class 2017-2018 who had transacted using Islamic banks. The research method used is quantitative. The population in this study are active students of FAI class 2017-2018 who have transacted using Islamic banks, with data collected totaling 100 respondents. The data analysis tool used in this study uses the Partial Least Square (PLS) approach. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive and significant influence of the Islamic financial literacy variable, Islamic branding on student decisions in using Islamic banking services, while the religiosity variable has a positive but not significant effect on student decisions in using Islamic banking services. Keywords: Using Islamic Banking Services, Islamic Financial Literacy, Islamic Branding, Religiosity, and Student Decisions

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 263-273
Ade Lia ◽  
Ibdalsyah Ibdalsyah ◽  
Hilman Hakiem

This study aims to determine the effect of consumer perceptions, halal labeling and brand image on purchasing decisions, while the independent variables are consumer perceptions, halal labeling and brand image. The data in this study were collected through questionnaires distributed to consumers who had purchased and used SR12 herbal skincare products in Bogor. The research method used is quantitative. The population in this study were consumers of SR12 herbal skincare products. With the data collected amounted to 100 respondents. The data analysis tool used in this study used multiple linear regression. The results of this study indicate that the variables of consumer perception, halal labeling and brand image have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions for sr12 herbal skincare products. Keywords: Consumer Perception, Halal Labeling, Brand Image and Purchase Decision

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-221
Sumiatik Sumiatik ◽  
Sumitro Sarkum ◽  
Zuriani Ritonga

This study aims to analyze the effect of compensation, motivation, work environment, leadership on employee performance with organizational commitment as an intervening variable. Data collection in this study was conducted through a survey approach with quantitative descriptive research type by distributing questionnaires to 217 respondents. The data analysis tool used in this study was SPSS (Statistical Product Software Solution). The results of this study indicate that partially compensation, motivation, work environment, leadership have a significant effect on Organizational Commitment. Compensation, motivation, work environment and leadership have a positive and significant effect on employee performance, organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 99
I Made Agus Oka Gunawan ◽  
I Made Agus Widiana Putra ◽  
Kadek Laksmi Damayanthi

Ganeca Digital merupakan aplikasi perpustakaan digital yang dikembangkan berbasis website dan aplikasi mobile. Pada 2 tahun berjalannya layanan aplikasi Ganeca Digital ini, masih terdapat pengguna yang mengeluhkan penggunaan Ganeca Digital, salah satunya adalah dari halaman pustakawan. Sehingga perlu dilakukan evaluasi lanjutan untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi pengembangan Ganeca Digital. Salah satu metode evaluasi berbasis pengguna yang dapat digunakan adalah evaluasi usability. Berdasarkan kajian yang dilakukan, akan dikombinasikan teknik User Experience Questionnaire dan Think Aloud dalam melakukan evaluasi berbasis pengguna. User Experience Questionnaire (UEQ) mencakup enam aspek dengan 26 butir pernyataan. Analisis data UEQ dilakukan dengan menggunakan UEQ Data Analysis Tool dengan membandingkan nilai setiap aspek dengan kumpulan data produk yang tersedia. Pada UEQ akan dilibatkan 20 responden untuk mendapatkan nilai kepuasan pengguna. Evaluasi Think Aloud melibatkan 10 responden berdasarkan hasil UEQ. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 25 skenario tugas yang disesuaikan dengan fungsional yang ada. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa aspek daya tarik, ketepatan, stimulasi dan kebaruan termasuk kategori sangat baik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan prioritas perbaikan dapat difokuskan pada aspek kejelasan yang termasuk kategori diatas rata-rata dan aspek efisiensi yang termasuk kategori baik. Adapun nilai rata-rata setiap aspek adalah sebagai berikut: aspek daya tarik sebesar 1,77; aspek kejelasan sebesar 1,39; aspek efisiensi sebesar 1,65; aspek ketepatan sebesar 1,84; aspek stimulasi sebesar 1,86 dan aspek kebaruan sebesar 1,54. Hasil evaluasi Think Aloud berhasil memperoleh 10 permasalahan yang dikemukakan responden. Pengembangan untuk penelitian selanjutnya, dapat digunakan teknik Performance Measurement untuk membandingkan hasil evaluasi antara pakar dan pengguna aplikasi.

Jurnal KIRANA ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nikolas Dwi Setio Aji ◽  
Djoko Soejono

Forest management carried out by the Panti District community in collaboration with Perhutani is regulated through an agroforestrybased Social Forestry program. This study focuses on the role and contribution of stakeholders to the agroforestry program, the household income of agroforestry farmers and the contribution of the household income of agroforestry and non-agroforestry farmers. The research method uses analytical descriptive. The sampling method used purposive sampling and incidental sampling. The data collection method used primary and secondary data. The data analysis tool uses quantitative description, income analysis and analysis of household income contribution of agroforestry farmers. The results showed that: (1) LMDH Rengganis acts as a policy creator, coordinator, facilitator, and implementer. Perhutani has a role as coordinator, facilitator and accelerator. KLHK acts as a policy creator. SDInpres and Bank BRI have a role as a facilitator. Community Empowerment Team (TPM) as facilitator and accelerator. Cabang Dinas Kehutanan (CDK) Wilayah Jember as facilitator, coordinator and accelerator. Village government as coordinator; (2) The average income of agroforestry is Rp. 24,673,333/year and is classified as profitable; (3) The contribution of agroforestry to LMDH Rengganis farmers in Pakis Village, Panti Subdistrict is categorized as high with a percentage of 84%.. Keywords: Social forestry, agroforestry, stakeholders, role, and agroforestry income

Fikri Zainun Nasihin

The objectives of this research are: 1) Analyzing career development on employee productivity. 2) Analyzing the effect of education on employee productivity. 3) Analyzing career development on performance. 4) Analyzing the effect of education on performance. 5) Analyzing the effect of employee productivity on performance. 6) Analyzing career development on performance through mediating variables of employee productivity. 7) Analyzing the effect of education on performance through the mediating variable of employee productivity. The population in this study were all employees at the Rijan Mart Unit with a total of 27 people and the M2M Indonesian Fast Food unit 20 people, the total population was 47 people. so that the sampling method is to use the census technique. Where all members of the population are sampled. data analysis tool using SmartPLS software version 3.3.7 for students. From the research results, it can be concluded as follows: 1) Career development has no effect on employee productivity 2) Education has a significant effect on employee productivity 3) Career development has no effect on employee performance 4) Education has no effect on employee performance 5) Employee productivity has a significant effect on performance employees 6) Career development has a significant effect on employee performance through employee productivity 7) Education has a significant effect on employee performance through employee productivity

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