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faecal samples
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2024 ◽  
Vol 84 ◽  
G. G. Silva ◽  
A. J. Green ◽  
C. Stenert ◽  
L. Maltchik

Abstract Endozoochory by waterbirds is particularly relevant to the dispersal of non-flying aquatic invertebrates. This ecological function exercised by birds has been demonstrated in different biogeographical regions, but there are no studies for the neotropical region. In this work, we identified propagules of invertebrates in faeces of 14 syntopic South American waterbird species representing six families, and hatched additional invertebrates from cultured faeces. We tested whether propagule abundance, species richness and composition varied among bird species, and between the cold and warm seasons. We found 164 invertebrate propagules in faecal samples from seven different waterbirds species, including eggs of the Temnocephalida and Notonectidae, statoblasts of bryozoans (Plumatella sp.) and ephippia of Cladocera. Ciliates (including Paramecium sp. and Litostomatea), nematodes and rotifers (Adineta sp. and Nottomatidae) hatched from cultured samples. Potential for endozoochory was confirmed for 12 of 14 waterbird species. Our statistical models suggest that richness and abundance of propagules are associated with bird species and not affected by seasonality. Dispersal by endozoochory is potentially important to a broad variety of invertebrates, being promoted by waterbirds with different ecological and morphological traits, which are likely to drive the dispersal of invertebrates in neotropical wetlands.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. e0262236
Bartosz Rybak ◽  
Beata Krawczyk ◽  
Beata Furmanek-Blaszk ◽  
Magdalena Wysocka ◽  
Magdalena Fordon ◽  

Wild birds can be colonized by bacteria, which are often resistant to antibiotics and have various virulence profiles. The aim of this study was to analyze antibiotic resistance mechanisms and virulence profiles in relation to the phylogenetic group of E. coli strains that were isolated from the GI tract of wildfowl. Out of 241 faecal samples, presence of E. coli resistant to a cephalosporin (ESBL/AmpC) was estimated for 33 isolates (13,7%). Based on the analysis of the coexistence of 4 genes encoding ESBLs/AmpC (blaCTX-M, blaTEM, blaSHV, blaAmpC) and class 1 and 2 integrons genes (intI1, intI2) a subset of two resistance profiles was observed among the investigated E. coli isolates carrying blaAmpC, blaSHV, and blaCTX-M, blaTEM, class 1 and 2 integrons, respectively. The E. coli isolates were categorized into 4 phylogenetic groups A (39.4%), B2 (24.25%), D (24.25%) and B1 (12.1%). The pathogenic B2 and D groups were mainly typical for the Laridae family. Among the 28 virulence factors (Vfs) detected in pathogenic phylogenetic groups B2 and D, 7 were exclusively found in those groups (sfa, vat, tosA, tosB, hly, usp, cnf), while 4 VFs (fecA, fyuA, irp2, kspMTII) showed a statistically significant association (P≤0.05) with phylogroups A and B1. Our results indicated that strains belonging to commensal phylogroups A/B1 possess extensive iron acquisition systems (93,9%) and autotransporters (60,6%), typical for pathogens, hence we suggest that these strains evolve towards higher levels of virulence. This study, which is a point assessment of the virulence and drug resistance potential of wild birds, confirms the importance of taking wild birds as a reservoir of strains that pose a growing threat to humans. The E. coli analyzed in our study derive from different phylogenetic groups and possess an arsenal of antibiotic resistance genes and virulence factors that contribute to their ability to cause diseases.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 100-111
Amir n. Saleem

The activity of a single subcutaneous injection of ivermectin at dose of 200 mcg/kg of body weight was evaluated against naturally acquired gastro-intestinal parasites in mules. Faecal samples were examined at the time of treatment and weekly thereafter up to 4 weeks. Results indicated that invrmectin was highly effective (100%) against Oxyuries equi, Strongyloides westeri, Tristostronglus axei, Trichhonema spp., and Strongylus spp. as judged one week after ivermectin administration.  Complete elimination of Parascaris equorum eggs occurred two weeks after treatment. In contrast, ivermectin was not effective against the tape worms, Anoplocephala spp.. Infected animals had low levels of haemoglobin and red blood cells counts and an elevated packed cell volume, white blood cells and erythrocyte sedimentation rate.  These values returned to normal values 21 days post treatment. No adverse reaction was recorded in the treated animals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 165-173
Afnur Imsya ◽  
Yuanita Windusari ◽  
Laila Hanum ◽  
Hikayati Hikayati

One of the problems that occur in buffalo farms in tanjung pering village is that buffaloes often experience health problems caused by parasites. The results of initial observations showed that livestock showed symptoms such as dry skin, hair loss, loss of appetite, lethargy and finally decreased productivity and even death. This disease often appears during the transition from the rainy season to the dry season. Based on the results of research that has been carried out on faecal samples of swamp buffalo in the villages of tanjung pering and tanjung senai, the identification of the presence of parasite eggs of cestode, nematode and trematode. This activity aims to provide knowledge innovation to the farming community in tanjung pering village about the methods and importance of biological control as an alternative to controlling the spread of parasitic diseases. The methods used in this activity are counseling, training in the form of demonstrations and activity evaluations. The results of the extension activities show that there is an increase in the understanding of farmers about the causes and symptoms of the disease, how to handle and biological control of parasites by using the nematophagus fungus. The conclusion of this activity is the existence of continuous application of disease control using biological agents to suppress livestock populations experiencing parasitic infections.

Dinesh Kumar Sharma ◽  
Kumaresan Gururaj ◽  
Gopal Dass ◽  
Nitika Sharma ◽  
Anil Kumar Mishra ◽  

Background: Gastrointestinal (GI) parasitism in goats is a serious and widely distributed problem. Diarrhoea, moderate or severe, though a result of various factors involving feed, fodder, seasons and state of gut physiology of digestion, is a common symptom in goats infested with GI parasites, the nematodes and coccidia. Intensity of diarrhoea corresponds to quantum and type of parasitism. Methods: In the present study, 1451 faecal samples collected from goats of different ages ( less than 3 M, greater than 3-6 M, greater than 6-12 M and greater than 12 M) were categorized as normal, lumpy and diarrheic based on their consistency and were processed for parasitic infections. The GI parasitic load was quantified by faecal eggs/oocysts counting (FEC and FOC) per gram of faeces through the modified Mac-master technique. Identification of parasites was based on the morphology of third-stage larvae procured by coproculture of randomly selected positive samples. FEC/FOC data (strongyle and coccidian), being skewed and uneven, were log-transformed to normalize. The transformed data [loge (100+n)] was analyzed statistically and results were interpreted. Result: Means of FEC and FOC in three type of faecal samples viz. normal, lumpy and diarrheic, were significantly different. Similarly, the effect of age on FEC and FOC was significant. The interaction between animals age × faecal sample type was significant in coccidian and non-significant in strongyle infection. The results were discussed to support the hypothesis that faecal consistency was a measure of coccidian and strongyle worm load in goats and can be a basis of targeted selective treatment.

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Pamela C. Köster ◽  
Eva Martínez-Nevado ◽  
Andrea González ◽  
María T. Abelló-Poveda ◽  
Hugo Fernández-Bellon ◽  

We assessed the occurrence, genetic diversity, and zoonotic potential of four protozoan (Cryptosporidium spp., Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba dispar, Giardia duodenalis), one stramenopile (Blastocystis sp.), one microsporidia (Enterocytozoon bieneusi), and two ciliate (Balantioides coli, Troglodytella abrassarti) intestinal parasite or commensal protist species in captive non-human primates (NHP) and their zookeepers from six European zoological gardens in France (n = 1), Germany (n = 1), and Spain (n = 4). Faecal samples from NHP (n = 454) belonging to 63 species within 35 genera and humans (n = 70) were collected at two sampling periods in each participating institution between October 2018-August 2021. Detection and species identification was accomplished by PCR and Sanger sequencing of the ssu rRNA and/or ITS genes. Sub-genotyping analyses using specific markers were conducted on isolates positive for G. duodenalis (gdh, bg, tpi) and Cryptosporidium spp. (gp60). Overall, 41.0% (186/454) and 30.0% (21/70) of the faecal samples of NHP and human origin tested positive for at least one intestinal protist species, respectively. In NHP, Blastocystis sp. was the most prevalent protist species found (20.3%), followed by G. duodenalis (18.1%), E. dispar (7.9%), B. coli and T. abrassarti (1.5% each), and Cryptosporidium spp. and E. bieneusi (0.9% each). Occurrence rates varied largely among NHP host species, sampling periods, and zoological institutions. The predominant protist species found in humans was Blastocystis sp. (25.7%), followed by Cryptosporidium spp. (2.9%), E. dispar (1.4%), and G. duodenalis (1.4%). Sequencing of PCR-positive amplicons in human and/or NHP confirmed the presence of Cryptosporidium in six isolates (C. hominis: 66.7%, C. parvum: 33.3%), G. duodenalis in 18 isolates (assemblage A: 16.7%, assemblage B: 83.3%), Blastocystis in 110 isolates (ST1:38.2%, ST2:11.8%, ST3: 18.2%, ST4: 9.1%, ST5: 17.3%, ST8: 2.7%, ST13: 0.9%), and E. bieneusi in four isolates (CM18: 75.0%, Type IV: 25.0%). Zoonotic transmission events involving Blastocystis ST1–ST4 were identified in four zoological institutions. Zoonotic transmission of C. hominis was highly suspected, but not fully demonstrated, in one of them. Monitoring of intestinal protist species might be useful for assessing health status of captive NHP and their zookeepers, and to identify transmission pathways of faecal-orally transmitted pathogens.

2022 ◽  
Vol 335 ◽  
pp. 00006
Penny Humaidah Hamid ◽  
Widagdo Sri Nugroho ◽  
Sigit Prastowo ◽  
Rini Widayanti

Coccidiosis is the costliest disease in the rabbit industry. The kits do not obtain maternal immunity against the diseases and therefore suckling to weaning period being the riskiest time of infection. To date, control of coccidiosis is relied on the use of chemical coccidiostat as a drug or as the substance in feed. Whilst, continuous exposure to antibiotics develops resistance and contamination in the carcass. There is no commercially provided vaccine to prevent rabbit coccidiosis cases. In this report, we processed precocious lines from the strain of Yogyakarta origin by using selection pressure to attenuate Eimeria spp. The vaccine candidate composed of 50% of each Eimeria media and Eimeria intestinalis were given orally to initiate protective immunity against rabbit coccidiosis. The vaccinated groups with 5 x 102 oocyst dosage exhibited 95% less total oocyst excretion compared to the non-vaccinated group. Our experiment showed no mortality and without any significantly detrimental response of vaccinated rabbits during the observation time (P<0.0001). Since the oocysts in the vaccinated rabbits are excreted in dropped faecal samples, it provides recirculation and provokes a group immunity within the flock. A vaccine candidate is a promising tool as a more environmentally friendly strategy for sustainable rabbit production.

2021 ◽  
Per Wallgren ◽  
Emelie Pettersson

Abstract BackgroundAn outdoor pig herd was affected by severe respiratory disease in one out of three pastures. At necropsy, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida were detected in the lungs, as well as the lung worm Metastrongylus apri. The life cycle of Metastrongylus spp. includes earth worms as an intermediate host, and since domesticated pigs mainly are reared indoors lungworms has not been diagnosed in domestic pigs in Sweden for decades, not even in pigs reared outdoors. Therefore, this disease outbreak was scrutinised from the view of validating the impact of Metastrongylus spp..ResultsAt the time of the disease outbreak, neither eggs of Metastrongylus spp. nor Ascaris suum were detected in faeces of pigs aged ten weeks. In contrast, five-months-old pigs at the pasture with respiratory disease shed large amounts of eggs from Ascaris suum, whereas Ascaris suum not was demonstrated in healthy pigs aged six months at another pasture. Low numbers of eggs from Metastrongylus spp. were seen in faecal samples from both these age categories.At slaughter, seven weeks later, ten normal weighted pigs in the preceding healthy batch were compared with ten normal weighted and five small pigs from the affected batch. Healing Mycoplasma-like pneumonic lesions were seen in all groups. Small pigs had more white spot liver lesions, and all small pigs shed eggs of Ascaris suum in faeces, compared to around 50% of the pigs in the normally sized groups. Metastrongylus spp. were demonstrated in 13 of the 25 pigs (52%), %), representing all groups included.ConclusionAs Metastrongylus spp. were demonstrated regardless of health status, and in another healthy outdoor herd, the impact of Metastrongylus spp. on the outbreak of respiratory disease was depreciated. Instead, Metastrongylus spp. was suggested to be common in outdoor production, although rarely diagnosed. The reason for this is because they will escape detection at routine inspection at slaughterhouses, and that they appeared to generally not induce clinical signs of respiratory disease. Instead, a possible association with a high burden of Ascaris suum was suggested to have preceded the severe outbreak with respiratory disease.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 82
Misha K. Rowell ◽  
Rachel M. Santymire ◽  
Tasmin L. Rymer

Animals can respond physiologically, such as by adjusting glucocorticoid hormone concentrations, to sudden environmental challenges. These physiological changes can then affect behavioural and cognitive responses. While the relationships between adrenocortical activity and behaviour and cognition are well documented, results are equivocal, suggesting species-specific responses. We investigated whether adrenocortical activity, measured using corticosterone metabolite concentration, was related to problem solving in an Australian rodent, the fawn-footed mosaic-tailed rat (Melomys cervinipes). Mosaic-tailed rats live in complex environments that are prone to disturbance, suggesting a potential need to solve novel problems, and have been found to show relationships between physiology and other behaviours. We measured problem solving using five food-baited puzzles (matchbox and cylinder in the home cage, and activity board with pillars to push, tiles to slide and levers to lift in an open field), and an escape-motivated obstruction task in a light/dark box. Faecal samples were collected from individuals during routine cage cleaning. Adrenocortical activity was evaluated non-invasively by measuring faecal corticosterone metabolites using an enzyme immunoassay, which was biochemically and biologically validated. Despite varying over time, adrenocortical activity was not significantly related to problem solving success or time spent interacting for any task. However, as adrenocortical activity is reflective of multiple physiological processes, including stress and metabolism, future studies should consider how other measures of physiology are also linked to problem solving.

2021 ◽  
Indre Karaliute ◽  
Rima Ramonaite ◽  
Jurga Bernatoniene ◽  
Vilma Petrikaite ◽  
Audrius Misiunas ◽  

Abstract Background: Klebsiella quasipneumoniae is an opportunistic pathogen causing antibiotic-resistant infections of the gastrointestinal tract in many clinical cases. Orally delivered bioactive Klebsiella-specific antimicrobial proteins, klebicins, could be a promising method to eradicate Klebsiella species infecting the gut.Methods: Mouse infection model wasestablished based on infection of streptomycin treated BALB/C mice with K. quasipneumoniae strain DSM28212. Four study groups were used (3 animals/group) to test the antimicrobial efficacy of orally delivered klebicin KvarIa: vehicle-only group (control, phosphate-buffered saline), and other three groups with bacteria, antibiotic therapy and 100 µg of uncoated Kvarla, 100 µg coated KvarIa, 1000 µg coated-KvarIa. Because of the general sensitivity of bacteriocins to gastroduodenal proteases, Kvarla doses were coated with Eudragit®, a GMP-certified formulation agent that releases the protein at certain pH. The coating treatment was selected based on measurements of mouse GI tract pH. The quantity of Klebsiella haemolysin gene (khe) in faecal samples of the study animals was used to quantify the presence of Klebsiella.Results: GI colonization of K. quasipneumoniae was achieved only in the antibiotic-treated mice groups. Significant changes in khe marker quantification were found after the use of Eudragit® S100 formulated klebicin KvarIa, at both doses, with a significant reduction of K. quasipneumoniae colonization compared to the vehicle-only control group.Conclusions: Mouse GI tract colonization with K. quasipneumoniae can be achieved if natural gut microbiota is suppressed by prior antibiotic treatment. The study demonstrates that GI infection caused by K. quasipneumoniae can be significantly reduced using Eudragit®-protected klebicin KvarIa.

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