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ascaris suum
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2029 ◽  
Vol 74 (10) ◽  
pp. 6144-2029

Research into the determination of intestinal parasitic levels in free-living animals can provide knowledge enabling action to be taken to improve their health status. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the carcass weight of wild boars and the degree of endoparasite infection. The research was performed on 165 culled wild boars, from which a representative group (n = 50) was separated and divided according to sex (males n = 24, females n = 26) and age (2-3 years). Separate weight groups were defined for males (< 70 kg, n = 6; 70-80 kg, n = 9; > 80 kg, n = 9) and females (< 45 kg, n = 10; 45-60 kg, n = 10; > 60 kg, n = 6). Oesophagostomum spp., Ascaris suum, Trichuris suis, Eimeria spp. and Strongyloides ransomi were observed and defined in the study population. A statistically significant effect of the overall infection on carcass weight was obtained (F = 9.96; P ≤ 0.01). In the case of overall infection, a more than 7 kg lower carcass weight was observed in infected males. A carcass weight over 15 kg lower was noted for overall infection of females (F = 38.47; P ≤ 0.01), for which average EPG was 2946.67 ± 6485.31 with a median of 400 (50-25 300). Correlations were proven between sex and the average number of Eimeria spp. oocysts, and carcass weight for males (r = –0.84, P ≤ 0.05). In the case of females, correlations were noted between carcass weight and infection by nematodes (r = –0.63, P ≤ 0.05). Studies have shown that there is a need to monitor the environment in order to improve the condition of free-living animals.

2021 ◽  
Per Wallgren ◽  
Emelie Pettersson

Abstract BackgroundAn outdoor pig herd was affected by severe respiratory disease in one out of three pastures. At necropsy, Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Pasteurella multocida were detected in the lungs, as well as the lung worm Metastrongylus apri. The life cycle of Metastrongylus spp. includes earth worms as an intermediate host, and since domesticated pigs mainly are reared indoors lungworms has not been diagnosed in domestic pigs in Sweden for decades, not even in pigs reared outdoors. Therefore, this disease outbreak was scrutinised from the view of validating the impact of Metastrongylus spp..ResultsAt the time of the disease outbreak, neither eggs of Metastrongylus spp. nor Ascaris suum were detected in faeces of pigs aged ten weeks. In contrast, five-months-old pigs at the pasture with respiratory disease shed large amounts of eggs from Ascaris suum, whereas Ascaris suum not was demonstrated in healthy pigs aged six months at another pasture. Low numbers of eggs from Metastrongylus spp. were seen in faecal samples from both these age categories.At slaughter, seven weeks later, ten normal weighted pigs in the preceding healthy batch were compared with ten normal weighted and five small pigs from the affected batch. Healing Mycoplasma-like pneumonic lesions were seen in all groups. Small pigs had more white spot liver lesions, and all small pigs shed eggs of Ascaris suum in faeces, compared to around 50% of the pigs in the normally sized groups. Metastrongylus spp. were demonstrated in 13 of the 25 pigs (52%), %), representing all groups included.ConclusionAs Metastrongylus spp. were demonstrated regardless of health status, and in another healthy outdoor herd, the impact of Metastrongylus spp. on the outbreak of respiratory disease was depreciated. Instead, Metastrongylus spp. was suggested to be common in outdoor production, although rarely diagnosed. The reason for this is because they will escape detection at routine inspection at slaughterhouses, and that they appeared to generally not induce clinical signs of respiratory disease. Instead, a possible association with a high burden of Ascaris suum was suggested to have preceded the severe outbreak with respiratory disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 1463-1467
Igor G. Glamazdin

To continue the fight against pig helminthiasis, a detailed analysis of the current prevalence of nematodes in these productive animals is required. The assessment of the material after the technological slaughter of pigs kept in the Moscow region revealed the presence of parasitization in their intestines of four nematodes (Ascaris suum, Metastrongylus spp., Trichocephalus spp., Strongyloides spp.) In the form of monoinvasion and any combination thereof. The total infestation of pigs with intestinal nematodes was 55.24%. Trichocytic invasion (Trichocephalus spp.) Occurred in pigs most often (23.77%), ascarous invasion (Ascaris suum) reached 22.38%, strongyloid invasion (Strongyloides spp.) Was noted in 9.09% of cases, metastrongylous (Metastrongylus spp.) was present in 1.75% of cases. In conditions of an increase in the severity of monoinvasion, the size of helminth eggs decreased in Trichuris: size in length by 5.9%, size in width by 7.4%, in Ascaris: length by 4.9%, width by 4.6%, in strongulata eggs a decrease in size is also noted. In the case of mixed Ascaris-Metastrongylous invasion, there was a clear antagonistic relationship, manifested in a decrease in the size of Ascaris eggs. The size of the eggs of Trichuris in the case of an invasion mixed with Ascaris decreased, which is apparently associated with the development of antagonism between them. Comparative analysis of information on the prevalence of nematodes in pigs in farms of the Moscow region and their size can help to increase the effectiveness of treatment and prophylactic measures against helminthiasis, and can be taken into account in the course of further examination of pigs in the Moscow.

2021 ◽  
Xia Wang ◽  
Qiushi Wang ◽  
Ruijun He ◽  
Qi Zhang ◽  
Jin Shan ◽  

Sperm motility acquisition during maturation is essential for successful fertilization.Extracellular adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) level mediation by MIG-23, which is a homolog of human ecto-nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase (E-NTPDase), was required for major sperm protein filament dynamics and sperm motility in the nematode Ascaris suum. MIG-23 was localized on the sperm plasma membrane. During sperm activation, mitochondrial activity was increased dramatically, and a large amount of ATP was produced and stored in refringent granules (RGs). In addition, a portion of the produced ATP was released to the extracellular space through ATP channels, which were composed of innexins and localized on the sperm plasma membrane. Spermatozoa, instead of spermatids, hydrolyzed exogenous ATP and processed ecto-ATPase activity. MIG-23 contributed to the ecto-ATPase activity of spermatozoa. MIG-23 activity was interrupted, spermatozoa also decreased their ATP hydrolysis activity. Blocking MIG-23 activity resulted in an increase in the depolymerization rate of MSP filaments in pseudopodia, which eventually affected nematode sperm migration. Overall, our data imply that MIG-23, which contributes to the ecto-ATPase activity of spermatozoa, regulates sperm migration by modulating extracellular ATP levels.

2021 ◽  
Luciana Maria de Oliveira ◽  
Denise Silva Nogueira ◽  
Ricardo Marcelo Geraldi ◽  
Fernando Sérgio Barbosa ◽  
Chiara Cássia Oliveira Amorim ◽  

Ascariasis is a neglected tropical disease, widespread in the world and causing important socioeconomic impacts. The presence of various stages of worm development in the pulmonary and intestinal mucosa induces a humoral and cellular immune response. However, although there is much evidence of the protective role of mucosal immunity against various pathogens, including helminthes, there is still a gap in the knowledge about the immune response and the mechanisms of action that are involved in protection against diseases, especially in the initial phase of ascariasis. Then, the aim of this study was to evaluate the kinetic aspects of the immune parasitological parameters in intestinal and pulmonary mucosa in male mice with early ascariasis. Therefore, two mice strains showed a different susceptibility to ascariasis (BALB/c and C57BL6/j), when experimentally infected with 2,500 infective eggs of Ascaris suum from time-point 0 and the immune parasitological parameters evaluated each two days after infection, during the period of 12 days. The results were suggestive of a synergetic action of intestinal and pulmonary SIgA contributing for the protection against early ascariasis by reducing the amount of migrating larval as well as the influx of leukocytes in the lung and the consequent impair of the pulmonary capacity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 1698-1716
Akouavi Carine Chimène Adoho ◽  
Pascal Abiodoun Olounlade ◽  
Erick Virgile Bertrand Azando ◽  
Sylvie Hounzangbe-Adote ◽  
Armand Bienvenu Gbangboche

En Afrique et particulièrement au Bénin, l’élevage du porc constitue une activité génératrice de revenu. Toutefois, les acteurs de ce secteur sont confrontés à de nombreuses difficultés dont le parasitisme qui entraîne une baisse de production et de productivité. Le présent travail a pour but de faire une revue de littérature sur les parasites qui affectent l’élevage des porcs en Afrique et particulièrement au Bénin. De l’analyse des données collectées, il ressort que trois types d’élevage sont pratiqués au Bénin : l’élevage traditionnel, prédominant et pratiqué à 65%, l’élevage semi-intensif ou semi moderne à 32% et enfin l’élevage intensif ou moderne à 3%. L’amélioration des conditions d’élevage et particulièrement l’alimentation du porc indigène d’Afrique est favorable à l’expression de son potentiel zootechnique. Malgré l’optimalisation des rations, les performances zootechniques du porc local restent encore faibles par rapport à celles des races améliorées. Très peu d’étude sont abordé la prévalence des parasites internes du porc au plan national, mais parmi les parasites rapportés, on a noté : Ascaris suum, Strongyloides ransomi, Trichuris suis, le genre Hyostrongylus et d'autres parasites internes du porc. Il s’impose de mener une étude sur les parasites du porc au Bénin afin de déterminer la prévalence des différents parasites et le danger que ces derniers représentent pour le développement de cette filière.   English title: Zootechnical importance and internal parasites of local pigs (Sus crofa domesticus) raised in Benin: bibliographic synthesis In Africa, and particularly in Benin, pig farming is an income-generating activity. However, the actors of this sector are confronted with many difficulties, including parasitism which leads to a decrease in production and productivity. The aim of this study is to review the literature on parasites affecting pig farming in Africa, articularly in Benin. From the analysis of the data collected, it appears that three types of livestock production are practised in Benin: traditional livestock production, which is predominant and practised at 65%, semi-intensive or semi-modern livestock production at 32% and finally intensive or modern livestock production at 3%. The improvement of breeding conditions and particularly the feeding of the indigenous African pig is favorable to the expression of its zootechnical potential. Despite the optimization of rations, the zootechnical performance of local pigs is still low compared to that of improved breeds. Very few studies have addressed the prevalence of internal parasites of pigs at the national level, but among the parasites reported were: Ascaris suum, Strongyloides ransomi, Trichuris suis, the genus Hyostrongylus and other internal parasites of pigs. It is necessary to conduct a study on pig parasites in Benin in order to determine the prevalence of the different parasites and the danger that they represent for the development of this sector.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (11) ◽  
pp. e1010067
Denise Silva Nogueira ◽  
Luciana Maria de Oliveira ◽  
Chiara Cássia Oliveira Amorim ◽  
Ana Clara Gazzinelli-Guimarães ◽  
Fernando Sérgio Barbosa ◽  

Human ascariasis is the most prevalent but neglected tropical disease in the world, affecting approximately 450 million people. The initial phase of Ascaris infection is marked by larval migration from the host’s organs, causing mechanical injuries followed by an intense local inflammatory response, which is characterized mainly by neutrophil and eosinophil infiltration, especially in the lungs. During the pulmonary phase, the lesions induced by larval migration and excessive immune responses contribute to tissue remodeling marked by fibrosis and lung dysfunction. In this study, we investigated the relationship between SIgA levels and eosinophils. We found that TLR2 and TLR4 signaling induces eosinophils and promotes SIgA production during Ascaris suum infection. Therefore, control of parasite burden during the pulmonary phase of ascariasis involves eosinophil influx and subsequent promotion of SIgA levels. In addition, we also demonstrate that eosinophils also participate in the process of tissue remodeling after lung injury caused by larval migration, contributing to pulmonary fibrosis and dysfunction in re-infected mice. In conclusion, we postulate that eosinophils play a central role in mediating host innate and humoral immune responses by controlling parasite burden, tissue inflammation, and remodeling during Ascaris suum infection. Furthermore, we suggest that the use of probiotics can induce eosinophilia and SIgA production and contribute to controlling parasite burden and morbidity of helminthic diseases with pulmonary cycles.

Pathogens ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (11) ◽  
pp. 1419
Sarina Koehler ◽  
Andrea Springer ◽  
Nicole Issel ◽  
Stefanie Klinger ◽  
Michael Wendt ◽  

Ascaris suum, the most important pig parasite, also infects humans as a zoonotic pathogen. Malabsorption upon infection probably results from impaired nutrient transport, presumably mediated by the parasite´s excretory-secretory (ES) or cuticle somatic (CSO) antigens. The present study investigated the electrogenic transport (∆Isc) of glucose, alanine and the dipeptide glycyl-l-glutamine (glygln), as well as glucose net flux rates in pig jejunal tissue after in vitro exposure to adult A. suum total ES or CSO antigens in Ussing chambers. ∆Isc of glucose, alanine and glucose net flux rate were significantly decreased after one hour of exposure to total ES antigen. In contrast, CSO antigens increased the transport of glygln. Additionally, nutrient uptake and ES antigen pattern were compared in culture medium from untreated adult worms and those with sealed mouth and anal openings. Untreated worms completely absorbed glucose, while cuticular absorption in sealed worms led to 90% reduction. Amino acid absorption was 30% less effective in sealed worms, and ammonia excretion decreased by 20%. Overall, the results show that A. suum total ES antigen rapidly impairs nutrient transport in vitro. Future studies confirming the results in vivo, narrowing down the ES components responsible and investigating underlying molecular mechanisms are needed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Anja Joachim ◽  
Christian Winkler ◽  
Ursula Ruczizka ◽  
Andrea Ladinig ◽  
Michaela Koch ◽  

Abstract Background Ascaris suum, the large roundworm of pigs, is one of the economically most important pig parasites worldwide. In Austria it is commonly diagnosed by monitoring livers for milk spots at the slaughterhouse and intravital diagnosis (flotation for detection of fecal egg shedding). Recently, serological diagnosis based on the detection of specific antibodies with an ELISA (SERASCA®) with high sensitivity has been developed. To introduce and evaluate serology for A. suum screening in Austrian pigs, blood (for serology) (n = 177) and feces (for copromicroscopy) (n = 177) were taken from randomly selected slaughter pig batches from 18 farms at a slaughterhouse in Lower Austria. In addition, livers presented at slaughter (n = 844; max. 70/farm) were evaluated for milk spots. Results Overall, 19% of the livers were milk spot-positive (22% of those with complete diagnostic evaluations). Thirteen percent of the fecal samples contained A. suum eggs, while 69% of the blood samples were serologically positive. Despite we did not determine the sensitivity of the ELISA specifically, results ouf our study confirmed the high sensitivity of the ELISA, which was claimed by the manufacturer prior to our work (sensitivity: liver assessment: 23.5–27.0%; copromicroscopy: 8.5–9.0%; ELISA: 99.5%), and a high percentage of A. suum infections that remained undetected by standard liver assessment. Conclusions This suggests that the current method of roundworm diagnostics is insufficient and antibody detection at the end of the fattening period should be established as the standard procedure.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Sarina Koehler ◽  
Andrea Springer ◽  
Nicole Issel ◽  
Stefanie Klinger ◽  
Christina Strube ◽  

Abstract Background The roundworm Ascaris suum is one of the parasites with the greatest economic impact on pig farming. In this context, lower weight gain is hypothesized to be due to decreased nutrient absorption. This study aims at characterizing the effects of A. suum infection on intestinal nutrient transport processes and potential molecular mechanisms. Methods Three groups of six piglets each were infected orally (10,000 embryonated A. suum eggs) in a single dose (“single infection”). Another three groups were infected orally (1000 embryonated eggs) for 10 consecutive days (“trickle infection”). Animals were necropsied 21, 35 and 49 days post-infection (dpi). Three groups served as respective controls. The Ussing chamber technique was applied for the functional characterization of small intestinal tissues [short-circuit currents (Isc) as induced by glucose, alanine and peptides; 3H-glucose net flux rates; tissue conductance (Gt)]. Transcription and expression levels of relevant cytokines and nutrient transporters were evaluated (qPCR/western blot). Results Peptide- and alanine-induced changes in Isc were significantly decreased in the jejunum and ileum of the trickle-infected group at 49 dpi and in the ileum of the single-infected group at 49 dpi. No significant differences regarding glucose transport were observed between the Ascaris-infected groups and the control group in Ussing chamber experiments. Transcription levels of the glucose and peptide transporters as well as of selected transcription factors (transcription of signal transducer and activator of transcription 6 [STAT6] and hypoxia-inducible factor 1-alpha [Hif-1α]) were significantly increased in response to both infection types after some periods. The transcription of interleukins 4 and 13 varied between decrease and increase regarding the respective time points, as did the protein expression of glucose transporters. The expression of the peptide transporter PepT1 was significantly decreased in the ileal single-infected group at 35 dpi. Hif-1α was significantly increased in the ileal tissue from the single-infected group at 21 dpi and in the trickle-infected group at 35 dpi. The expression levels of Na+/K+-ATPase and ASCT1 remained unaffected. Conclusions In contrast to the current hypothesis, these results indicate that the nutrient deprivation induced by A. suum cannot be explained by transcriptional or expression changes alone and requires further studies. Graphical abstract

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