The paper investigates organization of internal audit at risk-oriented enterprises. The differences between traditional and risk-oriented approaches of internal audit at enterprises are considered. The risk-oriented internal audit allows us to investigate not only financial risks that arise in internal control and accounting, and the risks of differentiated audit are to evaluate various risks groups: financial, operational, technical, informational, etc. Each group has a corresponding hierarchy. Thus, financial risks include accounting risks (second level), which in accordance with IFRS and GAAP requirements include three groups of economic risks: market risk, credit risk and risk of main activity - third level. The risk-oriented internal audit allows you to evaluate the risks at the level of the enterprise divisions. The introduction of the principles and postulates of the concept of "liability centers" in the enterprise allows, for example, in the implementation of expert risk assessment, use personal opinion of managers and specialists of various units in the formation of the chain of values of the enterprise. The risk-oriented internal audit focuses on assessing risks that are not enough or excessively controlled. At the same time, risks are taken into account by the level of significance on the Luckyert scale: minor, moderate and large. But for each subdivision, the level of materiality can be different - it is necessary to calculate the integral risk for the enterprise in general. The risk map of the financial department of the enterprise is built on the basis of the concept of stakeholders. It has been proved that the risk map allows monitoring of the risks of significant distortion of accounting (financial) and non-financial reporting in terms of responsibility centers. The prospects for further research are determined: the development of internal audit documents using the principles of risk-oriented approach - an audit plan, audit program, audit report, schedule document circulation of internal audit service, etc.