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crustal block
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William H Peck ◽  
Matthew P Quinan

The Morin terrane is an allochthonous crustal block in the southwestern Grenville Province with a relatively poorly-constrained metamorphic history. In this part of the Grenville Province, some terranes were part of the ductile middle crust during the 1.09–1.02 Ga collision of Laurentia with the Amazon craton (the Ottawan phase of the Grenvillian orogeny), while other terranes were part of the orogen’s superstructure. New U-Pb geochronology suggests that the Morin terrane experienced granulite-facies metamorphism during the accretionary Shawinigan orogeny (1.19–1.14 Ga) and again during the Ottawan. Seven zircon samples from the 1.15 Ga Morin anorthosite suite were dated to confirm earlier age determinations, and Ottawan metamorphic rims (1.08–1.07 Ga) were observed in two samples. U-Pb dating of titanite in nine marble samples surrounding the Morin anorthosite suite yielded mixed ages spanning between the Shawinigan and Ottawan metamorphisms (n=7), and predominantly Ottawan ages (n=2). Our results show that Ottawan zircon growth and resetting of titanite ages is spatially heterogeneous in the Morin terrane. Ages with a predominantly Ottawan signature are recognized in the Morin shear zone, which deforms the eastern lobe of the anorthosite, in an overprinted skarn zone on the western side of the massif, and in the Labelle shear zone that marks its western boundary. In the rest of the Morin terrane titanite with Shawinigan ages appear to have been only partially reset during the Ottawan. Further work is needed to better understand the relationship between the character of Ottawan metamorphism and resetting in different parts of the Morin terrane.

2021 ◽  
Luis Matias

The paper by Fonseca et al. (2021), hereafter referred as FON21, published in Geophysical Research Letters2 make several conclusions that are not convincingly supported by the evidence of the data that is made available. In this comment we will address the following statements: 1) FON21 “provides new evidence of sinistral simple shear driven by a NNE-SSW first-order tectonic lineament; 2) “PSInSAR vertical velocities corroborate qualitatively the GNSS strain-rate field, showing uplift/subsidence where the GNSS data indicate contraction/extension”; 3) FON21 proposes “the presence of a small block to the W of Lisbon moving independently toward the SW with a relative velocity of 0.96 ± 0.20 mm/yr”; 4) FON21 shows “that the contribution of intraplate faults to the seismic hazard in the LMA is more important than currently assumed”. We conclude that more evidence needs to be collected to confirm or infirm FON21 statements and conclusions. For the moment the proposal of an autonomous crustal block moving with significant velocity in relation to the neighboring domain should be considered speculative and unproved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 5095
Siti Nur Fathiyah Jamaludin ◽  
Manuel Pubellier ◽  
Benjamin Sautter

Across the Luconia continental shelf, the nature and structures of the crust are lacking geological understanding and precise characterization. Newly acquired, aeromagnetic, and airborne gravity data were used to assess deep and shallow sub-surface signals within the Central Luconia Province, off the coast of Sarawak, offshore Malaysia. Regional aeromagnetic anomalies appear to primarily reflect deep crustal features while depth (Z) tensors of airborne gravity anomalies evidence shallow subsurface structures. Strike directions of the interpreted structural trend on aeromagnetic and airborne gravity anomalies maps are measured and plotted into rose diagrams to distinguish the structural orientations for all datasets. Signature patterns extracted from the depth profiles were correlated with parallel seismic lines and nearest exploration wells and coincide well with the top of carbonate for Cycle IV/V and structures seen within the Cycle I and II sediments. The orientation of faults/lineaments at shallower depth is dominated by a NW-SE orientation, similar with the faults extracted from two recently published structural maps. Deeper subsurface sections yielded E-W to NWW-SEE dominant directions which were never presented in the published literature. The E-W oriented anomalies are postulated to represent the remnants of the accretion between the Luconia crustal block and southern boundary of the Palawan block. The NW-SE trend follows the same direction as prominent faults in the region. The insight into shallow and deep subsurface structures in Central Luconia Province imaged through airborne gravity and aeromagnetic data should provide guidelines and complementary information for regional structural studies for this area, particularly in combination with detailed seismic interpretation. Further evaluation on the response of Air-FTG® gravity and aeromagnetic could lead to the zonation of potential basement highs and hydrocarbon prospects in this area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Gabriela Fernández-Viejo ◽  
Sergio Llana-Fúnez ◽  
Jorge Acevedo ◽  
Carlos López-Fernández

The Cantabrian fault (CF) is a crustal-scale structure that cuts obliquely the western North Iberian Margin (NIM) for 160 km and continues onshore transecting the Cantabrian Mountains (CM) for another 150 km as the Ventaniella fault (VF). For most of its length inland, the fault system is aseismic, except for a 70 km long segment at its southern end. Within this segment, a gently north-dipping linear arrangement of earthquakes was interpreted as related to the intersection of a slightly oblique fault to VF with the basal thrust of the CM. In addition to earthquake nucleation along parts of its length, the CF–VF also stands out regionally as a major seismotectonic boundary, separating a seismically active area to the West from an essentially aseismic region to the East. Contrasting tectonothermal evolution in the crust on either side during the Mesozoic rifting may underlie the observed differences. On the other hand, the seismicity within the subsea segment is low magnitude, persistent, and understudied. The scarcity of the permanent seismic stations distribution in the area did not allow to establish more than a generalized consensus relating the offshore events to the submarine structure. A recent local seismic network monitored the area providing the highest accuracy information on the offshore events to date. Although the location of foci is partially challenged by the lack of recording stations from northern azimuths at sea, the observed pattern shows indeed a broad linear trend in the submarine domain in relation to the crustal-scale structure. Specifically, this study shows that the distribution of foci offshore display two preferential areas along the CF–VF within its southern crustal block. Considering the basement rock types and the deep architectural disposition of the margin crust, two possible explanations for the origin of the clusters are put forward in this contribution.

2021 ◽  
Elizaveta Rodina ◽  
Anatoly Nikishin ◽  
Ksenia Startseva

<p>The Mendeleev Rise is represented by an asymmetric uplifted crustal block with strongly rugged by half-graben and horst structures. High-amplitude reflectors similar to SDR (Seaward Dipping Reflectors) were found in half-grabens. Similar structures were found in the Toll and Podvodnikov basins.</p><p>The top of the SDR complex is usually relatively well defined and corresponds to the rift-post-drift boundary with an age of about 100 Ma. Small, sharp conical build-ups with a chaotic internal structure are often observed at the top of the SDR – probably submarine volcanoes. There may have been two stages of volcanism. The bottom of the SDR complex corresponds to the top of the acoustic basement (about 125 Ma). The thickness of one wedge is about 1, 5 - 3 sec. The length of distinct wedges in the Mendeleev Rise’s area is about 25-50 km, in the Podvodnikov basin’s area – 50-100 km.</p><p>Several types of SDR have been identified. The first type is identified within the Toll basin and the Mendeleev Rise. This is the most classic type.  Wedges of this type are characterized by greater thickness, but less length. Wedges are strongly curved. Several distinct wedges stand out. Distinct wedges overlap each other towards the stretch center and start from one point. SDR have longer wedges and slightly less thickness in the Podvodnikov basin’s area. The SDR complex is highly spaced apart. Wedges are less curved. Distinct wedges are located in separate half-grabens and have no common starting point. The reflectors cool down and become brighter in the central part of the Podvodnikov basin, near the axial horst. Both complexes are characterized by probable existence volcanic edifices in the top.</p><p>We traced the distribution and direction of SDRs, the bottom of the grabens, the position of probable volcanic edifices and made a map. There is symmetry and logic in the distribution of SDR. In the Toll basin, reflectors fall into each other – from the Mendeleev Rise and from the Chukotka plateau – and meet at a structure reminded of an interrupted rift. The rift is parallel to the Mendeleev Rise and the Chukotka Plateau. We can see at on Magnetic Anomalies Map. This probably corresponds to the central axis of extension of the Toll basin. Oppositely directed SDRs from the Mendeleev Rise and the Lomonosov Ridge meet near a raised block in the Podvodnikov basin. Nature of raised block is not fully understood. We call it axial horst. This uplift is subparallel to the Mendeleev Rise. This is probably associated with the central extension axis for the Podvodnikov basin.</p><p>Mendeleev Rise, Podvodnikov and Toll basins were formed approximately at the same time according to the seismic correlation.</p><p>This study was supported by RFBR grant (18-05-70011).</p>

Alan Dickin ◽  
Jacob Strong

Nd isotope analyses are presented for granitoid rocks from the western part of Frontenac Terrane in the Grenville Province of Ontario. TDM ages show no correlation with the silica content of the rocks, but instead correlate with geographical location, suggesting that the TDM ages are indicative of regional crustal formation age, and do not result from mixing between sources with different provenance ages. Based on these observations, we identify a new crustal age boundary that follows the Desert Lake – Canoe Lake fault and the Rideau Lake fault, and hence a new juvenile crustal block (Westport domain). This domain is identified as part of the ensimatic back-arc rift zone that formed the juvenile segment of the Central Metasedimentary Belt in Ontario. However, additional sampling along the Ottawa River suggests that the juvenile Westport domain does not extend into Quebec. Instead, a narrower ensialic rift zone is represented by the Marble domain in Quebec. Based on comparison with the Taupo volcanic zone and the northern Red Sea as modern analogues, we suggest that the transition from a wide ensimatic rift zone in Ontario to a narrow ensialic rift in Quebec was accommodated by transtensional motion along a zone of diffuse shear east of Ottawa.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 79
Matthew Tersoo Tsepav ◽  
Abu Mallam

The Centroid method of Spectral Depth analysis was used to evaluate the Curie point depth (CPD), Geothermal Gradient and Heat Flow in some parts of the Bida Basin of Nigeria with a view to determining the energy potential of the area. The reduced-to-pole aeromagnetic data was divided into 16 overlapping ensembles and Fast Fourier Transformed to decompose the anomalies into their energy and wavenumber components using Oasis montaj software. The radial power spectrum was calculated for each of the grid points with the locations of the centres of the ensembles and a plot of Energy spectrum versus frequency was carried out to generate two different gradients: s<sub>1</sub> and s<sub>2</sub> representing different depth source models. These gradients were used to evaluate the average depth to the top of the deepest crustal block, Z<sub>t</sub>, depth to the centroid of the deepest crustal block, Z<sub>0</sub>, CPD, Geothermal Gradient and Heat flow. From the results obtained, the CPD varied from 2.59 to 8.23 Km while the thermal gradient and heat flow in the area revealed values ranging from 70.45 to 224.15 <sup>o</sup>CKm<sup>-1</sup> and 176.13 to 560.37mWm<sup>-2 </sup>respectively. The results of the contouring in conjunction with the CPD, geothermal gradient and the heat flow values have shown that the area has a greater energy potential in the south-eastern block of Katonkarfi, with shallow CPD and high geothermal gradient and heat flow. These results could be incorporated in the GIS and available geological, geophysical and geochemical information of the area to facilitate selection of the optimum site for energy exploration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 221 (3) ◽  
pp. 2155-2169
Alexey Shulgin ◽  
Jan Inge Faleide ◽  
Rolf Mjelde ◽  
Asbjørn Breivik ◽  
Ritske Huismans

SUMMARY The crustal architecture of the Barents Sea is still enigmatic due to complex evolution during the Timanian and Caledonian orogeny events, further complicated by several rifting episodes. In this study we present the new results on the crustal structure of the Caledonian–Timanian transition zone in the western Barents. We extend the work of Aarseth et al. (2017), by utilizing the seismic tomography approach to model Vp, Vs and Vp/Vs ratio, combined with the reprocessed seismic reflection line, and further complemented with gravity modelling. Based on our models we document in 3-D the position of the Caledonian nappes in the western Barents Sea. We find that the Caledonian domain is characterized by high crustal reflectivity, caused by strong deformation and/or emplacement of mafic intrusions within the crystalline crust. The Timanian domain shows semi-transparent crust with little internal reflectivity, suggesting less deformation. We find, that the eastern branch of the earlier proposed Caledonian suture, cannot be associated with the Caledonian event, but can rather be a relict from the Timanian terrane assemblance, marking one of the crustal microblocks. This crustal block may have an E–W striking southern boundary, along which the Caledonian nappes were offset. A high-velocity/density crustal body, adjacent to the Caledonian–Timanian contact zone, is interpreted as a zone of metamorphosed rocks based on the comparison with global compilations. The orientation of this body correlates with regional gravity maxima zone. Two scenarios for the origin of the body are proposed: mafic emplacement during the Timanian assembly, or massive mafic intrusions associated with the Devonian extension.

2020 ◽  
Jerzy Nawrocki ◽  
Jaromir Leichmann ◽  
Magdalena Pańczyk

&lt;p&gt;The Brno Massif forms a part of larger tectonostratigraphic unit named the Brunovistulian Terrane (BVT) that is one of crustal block of Europe with the Neoproterozic basement. &amp;#160;However, the Neoproterozoic orogenic belt was developed in wide area i.e. along the Gondwana margin and near the present day eastern and southern edge of the East European Craton. For more than 20 years, the problem of primary setting of the BVT inside the Neoproterozic orogenic &amp;#160;belt have been discussed. Also the path of their drift and &amp;#160;time of their final accretion have been a matter of debate. To solve these problems the paleomagnetic and isotope studies of vertical intrusions cutting the BVT basement near Brno in Moravia have been undertaken. Preliminary isotope dating of granitic and basaltic intrusions points to the early Silurian age of them. Results of demagnetization of paleomagnetic samples from three localities revealed the presence of stable components with a steep inclination, at that time characteristic for the northern margin of Gondawana but not for the Baltica paleocontinent that during the Silurian was situated between the equator and 30&lt;sup&gt;o&lt;/sup&gt;S. The Emsian &amp;#160;&amp;#8220;old red&amp;#8221; type deposits may indicate that final amalgamation of the BVT took place some-time between the Silurian and the Devonian. This time of joining of the BVT&amp;#160; to Baltica and quite high (50 &amp;#8211; 60&lt;sup&gt;o&lt;/sup&gt;S) paleolatitudes obtained from the early Silurian rocks of the Brno Massif&amp;#160; point to a rapid drift of the BVT across the Rheic Ocean during the Silurian.&lt;/p&gt;

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-109 ◽  
Sylvain Bouley ◽  
James Tuttle Keane ◽  
David Baratoux ◽  
Benoit Langlais ◽  
Isamu Matsuyama ◽  

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