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drainage system
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Ya Li ◽  
Kang Yang ◽  
Shuai Gao ◽  
Laurence C. Smith ◽  
Xavier Fettweis ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-36
Hayat Ait inoh ◽  
Mohamed Tayebi ◽  
Rajji Abdelatif

In view of the progressive retreat of groundwater due to rarity, continuous depletion and overexploitation of water, especially in mountainous areas, which are a major source of water, there is a need for artificial recharge for better management of these resources to ensure their long-term sustainability. The approach used is a contribution of new geomatic technologies; Remote Sensing coupled with Geographic Information Systems, for the mapping of potential areas of artificial recharge in the fractured medium of the Talmakent region, which is located in the western high atlas and is characterized by the presence of impermeable rocks. This study requires the consideration of different factors influencing the recharge potential, which are the characteristics of the land surface such as geology lineaments, geomorphology and drainage system. All these criteria are grouped in a GIS prototype in which a multi-criteria overlay analysis has been done for the cartographic restitution of the potential areas for artificial groundwater recharge. The existing basins in the area revealed that only 6% of the total area was identified as having a high potential for groundwater recharge, hence suitable for the implementation of new artificial recharge structures. While 94% of the area has a low to moderate recharge potential, hence unsuitable for groundwater recharge processes.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 170
Chusnul Arif ◽  
Satyanto Krido Saptomo ◽  
Budi Indra Setiawan ◽  
Muh Taufik ◽  
Willy Bayuardi Suwarno ◽  

Evapotranspirative irrigation is a simple idea in a watering field based on the actual evapotranspiration rate, by operating an automatic floating valve in the inlet without electric power to manage water levels. The current study introduces a model of evapotranspirative irrigation and its application under different water levels. The objectives were (1) to evaluate the performances of evapotranspirative irrigation under various irrigation regimes, and to (2) to observe crop and water productivities of the system of rice intensification (SRI) as affected by different types of irrigation. The experiment was performed during one rice planting season, starting from July to November 2020, with three irrigation regimes, i.e., continuous flooded (CFI), moderate flooded (MFI) and water-saving irrigation (WSI). Good performance of the system was achieved; low root mean square error (RMSE) was indicated between observed water level and the set point in all irrigation regimes. Developing a better drainage system can improve the system. Among the regimes, the WSI regime was most effective in water use. It was able to increase water productivity by up to 14.5% while maintaining the crop yield. In addition, it has the highest water-use efficiency index. The index was 34% and 52% higher than those of the MFI and CFI regimes, respectively. Accordingly, the evapotranspirative irrigation was effective in controlling various water levels, and we recommend the system implemented at the field levels.

Water ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 110
Raphael Schneider ◽  
Simon Stisen ◽  
Anker Lajer Højberg

About half of the Danish agricultural land is drained artificially. Those drains, mostly in the form of tile drains, have a significant effect on the hydrological cycle. Consequently, the drainage system must also be represented in hydrological models that are used to simulate, for example, the transport and retention of chemicals. However, representation of drainage in large-scale hydrological models is challenging due to scale issues, lacking data on the distribution of drain infrastructure, and lacking drain flow observations. This calls for more indirect methods to inform such models. Here, we investigate the hypothesis that drain flow leaves a signal in streamflow signatures, as it represents a distinct streamflow generation process. Streamflow signatures are indices characterizing hydrological behaviour based on the hydrograph. Using machine learning regressors, we show that there is a correlation between signatures of simulated streamflow and simulated drain fraction. Based on these insights, signatures relevant to drain flow are incorporated in hydrological model calibration. A distributed coupled groundwater–surface water model of the Norsminde catchment, Denmark (145 km2) is set up. Calibration scenarios are defined with different objective functions; either using conventional stream flow metrics only, or a combination with hydrological signatures. We then evaluate the results from the different scenarios in terms of how well the models reproduce observed drain flow and spatial drainage patterns. Overall, the simulation of drain in the models is satisfactory. However, it remains challenging to find a direct link between signatures and an improvement in representation of drainage. This is likely attributable to model structural issues and lacking flexibility in model parameterization.

Geology ◽  
2022 ◽  
Lilian M. Leandro ◽  
Ana P. Linhares ◽  
Marcelo A. De Lira Mota ◽  
Gerson Fauth ◽  
Alessandra Santos ◽  

The timing of continental-scale marine flooding events in Western Amazonia during the Neogene is still an unsolved question. Despite broad proxy-based evidence of such events, the pathways and duration of late Miocene marine incursions remain controversial. We provide coupled calcareous and organic microfossil and geochemical data from six onshore cores from Neogene sequences of the Solimões Basin, Brazil. Our records support minor marine influence in the early Miocene (23.0, 21.1, 18.6, and 16.3 Ma), middle Miocene (14.9, 13.7, and 12.9 Ma) and early Pliocene (4.7, 4.2–4.1, and 3.8 Ma), and conspicuous marine incursions in the late Miocene (11.1–8.8 Ma) suggested by the consistent presence of salinity-indicative microfossils and geochemical data. Our findings challenge the view of major marine incursions in the early and middle Miocene in the studied area. We propose for the first time a new late Miocene incursion (LMI) event as the main marine flooding event in Western Amazonia during the Neogene. These onshore records are compared with three offshore cores from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The similarity between microfossil assemblages of the Solimões Basin and the Caribbean Sea, and evidence of increased runoff from the Orinoco river drainage system, strongly suggest the Caribbean Sea as the primary source area of the marine incursions, supporting a Venezuelan seaway. We further show for the first time the potential linkage between Neogene marine incursions (mainly the LMI) into the Solimões Basin and major disturbances in the global carbon cycle.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 612-622
Indra Mahdi ◽  
Oka Agus Kurniawan Shavab ◽  
Empung Empung ◽  
Hendra Hendra ◽  
Albi Muhammad Fauzi ◽  

The objectives of this service activity are as follows: 1). Increase public understanding of the dangers of chikungunya mosquitoes and their solutions, 2). They were suppressing the spread of chikungunya mosquitoes through fogging and implementing the recommendations for the Eradication of Mosquito Nests (PSN) in the surrounding environment, 3). They are creating a drainage prototype to prevent chikungunya mosquito nests which can be used as examples for making the next prototype, 4). Increase community participation in suppressing chikungunya mosquito nests through the construction of drainage channels, 5). Improve a clean culture in maintaining the cleanliness of the drainage in the surrounding environment. The planned activities to be carried out are in collaboration with the local health center, and the Tasikmalaya city health office to reduce the number of chikungunya mosquito nests and, together with the community, build good drainage channels. The method of activity used is by bringing in experts from puskesmas, health offices, and unsil academics. Next, an approach is taken in solving problems through the 5W 1H strategy, which is solving problems from the questions: what, who, where, when, why, how. The solutions to the problems found in the field are as follows: 1). Provide a stimulus with the construction of a drainage system in accordance with the rules of the Public Works Department, 2). Cooperating with the Cigeureung Health Center by providing chemicals for fogging, 3). Counseling with the Health Center and the Tasikmalaya City Health Office regarding the dangers and solutions of diseases originating from chikungunya

2022 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. e245424
Rachna Meel ◽  
Asha Samdani ◽  
Sahil Agrawal ◽  
Deepsekhar Das

Heminasal agenesis is an exceedingly rare congenital anomaly which is frequently associated with disorders of eye, lacrimal drainage system and face. At times, a proboscis may also be noted with this condition. Herein, we present a case of a 13-year-old boy who presented to us with heminasal agenesis with concomitant microphthalmos, leucomatous corneal opacity, blepharoptosis, dacryocystocoele and maxillary hypoplasia. The child underwent a modified transeptal external dacryocystorhinostomy with placement of a lacrimal stent. There was significant improvement of epiphora and discharged following surgery. Heminasal aplasia with dacryocystocoele is surgical challenge; however, a well thought out surgical approach can yield satisfactory outcomes.

2022 ◽  
Vol 955 (1) ◽  
pp. 012030
A Safitri ◽  
S I Wahyudi ◽  

Abstract The provision of clean water for the community is not optimal, so that the distribution of water is not evenly distributed. The distribution network of PDAM Tirta Jati serves Taman Tukmudal Indah Housing, Sumber District, which is supplied from Cigusti springs with a gravity drainage system, currently reaching 1,037 units of house connections. Geographic Information Systems visualize spatial data related to positions on the earth’s surface. Analysis of Clean Water Service Capacity in the discussion of clean water quality that has been tested in the Bandung Institute of Technology laboratory. The samples tested for analysis showed that the clean air quality met the quality standards. The standard of clean water needs is 60 liters/person/day. Continuity shows that the clean air pressure is not in accordance with the minimum standards that have been determined because most of the air pressure is still low. The lowest air pressure = 1.00 meters, and the highest = 50 meters, the lowest average air pressure is at 22:00 and the highest is at 09:00. The minimum air pressure that must be met is 1.0 atm. This pattern is expected to maintain the quality, quantity, and continuity of clean water services.

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