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seismic refraction
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2022 ◽  
Vol 159 ◽  
pp. 105020
Victor José Cavalcanti Bezerra Guedes ◽  
Susanne Taina Ramalho Maciel ◽  
Marcelo Peres Rocha

2021 ◽  
Abraham Mulualem

Abstract Geophysical investigation using seismic refraction method was conducted for engineering characterization of the foundation conditions of Injibara University buildings construction site located in Injibara town of Amhara Regional State, northwestern Ethiopia. The principal objective of the research was studying the suitability of the foundation earth materials underlying the site, where Injibara University is established. The seven refraction seismic spreads, seismic velocity models interpretation have provided valuable geotechnical information incorporated with available geologic information in the study area. Interpretation of geophysical data revealed that the subsurface geology of the area is composed of three layers. The topsoil consisted of clay, silt and sand mixtures having a 1-4 m thickness and 255-510 m/s p-wave velocity ranges are mapped over the whole area. The second layer attributed to the highly weathered and fractured vesicular basalt is characterized by 948-1802 m/s P-wave velocity range and revealed somewhat undulating morphology. The depth extent of this layer varies from about 10m on the North West end and southeastern parts and to about 27m around the central part. The third layer occurred in the depth range of 10-27m is characterized by greater than 2550m/s average high p-wave velocity and it is due to moderately weathered and fractured basaltic bedrock, which is deeper near to the center of the profiles and gets shallower towards North West end and southeastern portions. Besides, analyses of collected data have suggested the possible locations of minor structural discontinuities (maybe local fractures).The geophysical results show that the bedrock is found at shallow depth in the northwestern end and southeastern part of the study area, whereas in the central part of the survey area the bedrock is found relatively at high depth. Therefore, setting the building foundation is more recommended in the southeastern part of the construction site.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (12) ◽  
pp. 5805-5817
Antoine Guillemot ◽  
Alec van Herwijnen ◽  
Eric Larose ◽  
Stephanie Mayer ◽  
Laurent Baillet

Abstract. In mountainous, cold temperate and polar sites, the presence of snow cover can affect relative seismic velocity changes (dV/V) derived from ambient noise correlation, but this relation is relatively poorly documented and ambiguous. In this study, we analyzed raw seismic recordings from a snowy flat field site located above Davos (Switzerland), during one entire winter season (from December 2018 to June 2019). We identified three snowfall events with a substantial response of dV/V measurements (drops of several percent between 15 and 25 Hz), suggesting a detectable change in elastic properties of the medium due to the additional fresh snow. To better interpret the measurements, we used a physical model to compute frequency-dependent changes in the Rayleigh wave velocity computed before and after the events. Elastic parameters of the ground subsurface were obtained from a seismic refraction survey, whereas snow cover properties were obtained from the snow cover model SNOWPACK. The decrease in dV/V due to a snowfall was well reproduced, with the same order of magnitude as observed values, confirming the importance of the effect of fresh and dry snow on seismic measurements. We also observed a decrease in dV/V with snowmelt periods, but we were not able to reproduce those changes with our model. Overall, our results highlight the effect of the snow cover on seismic measurements, but more work is needed to accurately model this response, in particular for the presence of liquid water in the snowpack.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 109-122
Besse Nurul Luthfiani Azis ◽  
Ketut Arya Wikranta ◽  
Nur Siti Anifah ◽  
Wihdah Syamsiyah Q Syamsiyah Q ◽  
Dirga Wahyuzar

Kabupaten Bantul merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang berpotensi terjadi tanah longsor, tepatnya di daerah Srimartani, Kecamatan Piyungan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mendapatkan data dan informasi mengenai parameter metode geofisika daerah longsor dan mengetahui dugaan zona potensi longsor. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survei lokasi, akuisisi metode seismik refraksi, akuisisi metode resistivitas, dan pemetaan foto udara (geospasial). Dari penampang bawah permukaan seismik refraksi metode hagiwara didapatkan bahwa lapisan lapuk pada daerah riset berupa soil dan pasir tuffan dikarenakan memiliki sifat permeable dan bidang gelincirnya yang bersifat impermeable. Pada penampang bawah metode seismik refraksi lapisan pertama yaitu soil dengan kecepatan V1 sekitar 313.8 m/s – 461.6 m/s dan lapisan kedua yaitu pasir dengan kecepatan V2 sekitar 459 m/s – 1567 m/s. Sementara penampang bawah permukaan metode resistivitas konfigurasi dipole – dipole didapatkan lapisan lapuk tersebut memiliki nilai resitivitas yang kecil dikarenakan lapisan tersebut bersifat lunak sehingga ada kemungkinan lapisan tersebut dalam kondisi basah. Pada penampang resistivitas memiliki nilai 126 ohm.m hingga lebih dari 301 ohm.m, daerah tersebut diperkirakan terdapat batuan breksi batuapung dari formasi semilir yang diduga sebagai bidang gelincir. Dari segi geologi, daerah penelitian sangat rentan terjadi tanah longsor dikarenakan kondisi lereng searah dengan kondisi struktur regional di daerah penelitian yaitu barat-timur, didukung oleh kondisi batuan yang ada berupa breksi batuapung dan tuff yang sangat rawan terjadi longsor. Dengan adanya penelitian ini, diharapkan dapat menambah pengetahuan mengenai antisipasi masyarakat dalam meminimalisir dampak yang ditimbulkan dari adanya tanah longsor. Bantul Regency is one of the districts that have the potential for landslides to occur, precisely in the Srimartani area, Piyungan District. This research was conducted with the aim of obtaining data and information about the parameters of the geophysical method of landslide areas and knowing the alleged landslide potential zone. The methods used in this research are site survey, seismic refraction acquisition method, resistivity method acquisition, and aerial photography (geospatial) mapping. From the subsurface seismic refraction of the Hagiwara method, it was found that the weathered layer in the research area was soil and sand due to its permeable properties and impermeable slip plane. . In the lower section of the seismic refraction method, the first layer is soil with a V1 velocity of around 313.8 m/s – 461.6 m/s and the second layer is sand with a V2 velocity of about 459 m/s – 1567 m/s. While the subsurface resistivity method of the dipole - dipole configuration found that the weathered layer has a small resistivity value because the layer is soft so there is a possibility that the layer is in a wet conditionIn the cross section resistivity has a value of 126 ohm.m to more than 301 ohm.m, the area is estimated to contain pumice breccia from the breccia formation which is thought to be a slip plane. In terms of geology, the research area is very susceptible to landslides because the slope conditions are in line with the regional structural conditions in the research area, namely west-east, supported by the existing rock conditions in the form of pumice breccia and tuff which are very prone to landslides. With this research, it is hoped that it can increase knowledge about community anticipation in minimizing the impact of landslides.

2021 ◽  
Vol 93 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-127
Raul Mollehuara-Canales ◽  
Nikita Afonin ◽  
Elena Kozlovskaya ◽  
Juha Lunkka ◽  

We applied active-source seismic method for the interpretation of elastic parameters in tailings facilities which is essential for evaluating stability and seismic response. The methodology uses different analysis methods on the same dataset, i.e., conventional seismic refraction (SR) to determine compressional-wave velocity (Vp) and multichannel analysis of surface wave (MASW) to estimate shear-wave velocity (Vs). Seismic velocities in conjunction with tailings physics approach revealed interpretable data in terms of elastic parameters and hydrogeological conditions. The results determined the empirical linear relationships between Vp and Vs that are particular to an unconsolidated media such as tailings and showed that variability of hydrogeological conditions influences the elastic seismic response (Vp and Vs) and the elastic parameters. The analysis of the elastic parameters identified the state condition of the tailings at the time of the survey. The Bulk modulus K that relates the change in hydrostatic stress to the volumetric strain was predominant between 1.0−2.0 GPa. The Young’s modulus E in the tailings media was in the low range of 0.15−0.23 GPa. Poisson’s ratio values in all sections were in the upper limit in the range of 0.37−0.49, meaning that the tailings media is highly susceptible to transverse deformation under axial compression.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 119
Dwi Haryanto ◽  
Yoshi Rachael ◽  
Dhatu Kamajati ◽  
Gagah Hari Prasetyo ◽  
Heri Syaeful ◽  

ABSTRAK. Pemerintah Indonesia dalam Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 38 Tahun 2018 tentang Rencana Induk Riset Nasional Tahun 2017–2045, menetapkan beberapa bidang utama yang akan menjadi prioritas penelitian nasional, salah satunya adalah bidang energi. Dalam tema riset teknologi kelistrikan berbasis energi baru dan terbarukan rendah/nol karbon terdapat topik riset teknologi Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Nuklir (PLTN) skala komersial. Pada topik riset tersebut, ditetapkan bahwa dalam jangka waktu penelitian tahun 2020–2024, dihasilkan purwarupa PLTN. Pada penelitian ini, karakterisasi geoteknik tapak PLTN dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode seismik refraksi guna melengkapi data penelitian sebelumnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui profil perlapisan batuan bawah permukaan untuk estimasi pekerjaan terkait fondasi PLTN. Pemetaan geologi dan akuisisi data geofisika, pengolahan, serta interpretasi tanah/batuan berdasarkan parameter kecepatan gelombang kompresi (Vp). Hasil pemetaan geologi menunjukkan adanya 2 satuan batuan beku yaitu diorit kuarsa dan andesit. Hasil pengolahan dan interpretasi data seismik refraksi menghasilkan model penampang Vp pada lapisan batuan bawah permukaan. Terdapat 3 lapisan batuan di lokasi penelitian yaitu lapisan tanah (Vp = 361–715 m/s), lapisan batuan beku lapuk (Vp = 1.386–2.397 m/s), dan lapisan beku segar (Vp = 3.789–6.133 m/s). Perkiraan densitas batuan beku segar berdasarkan perhitungan adalah 2,43–2,74 g/cm3. Hasil pemodelan dapat menunjukkan kedalaman dan struktur bawah permukaan lapisan batuan beku segar yang dapat menjadi fondasi bangunan PLTN.ABSTRACT. Presidential Regulation (Perpres) number 38 of 2018 concerning the National Research Master Plan for 2017–2045, the Government of Indonesia establishes several main areas that will become national research priorities, one of which is the energy sector. In the research theme of electricity technology based on new and renewable low/zero carbon energy, there is the topic of research on commercial-scale Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) technology. On the research topic, it was determined that within the research period of 2020–2024, a prototype nuclear power plant would be produced. Research related to the geotechnical characterization of the nuclear power plant site using the seismic refraction method was carried out to complement the previous research data. The purpose of this study was to determine the subsurface rock layer profile for estimation of work related to nuclear power plant foundations. Geological mapping and geophysical data acquisition, processing, as well as soil/rock interpretation based on the compression wave velocity (Vp) parameter are carried out to achieve this goal. The results of geological mapping show that there are 2 igneous rock units, namely quartz diorite and andesite. The results of processing and interpreting seismic refraction data produced a cross-sectional model of Vp in the subsurface rock layers. There are 3 rock layers in the research location, namely soil layer (Vp = 361–715 m/s), weathered igneous rock layer (Vp = 1.386–2,396 m/s), and fresh igneous layer (Vp = 3.789–6.133 m/s). The estimated density of fresh igneous rock based on calculations is 2.43–2.74 g/cm3. The modeling results can show the depth and structure of the subsurface layer of fresh igneous rock that can be the foundation of nuclear power plants.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (Vol. 64 (2021)) ◽  
Parisa Imani ◽  
Amr Abd El-Raouf ◽  
Gang Tian

Since the early 1960s, near-surface seismic refraction tomography (SRT) has been extensively used as a non-invasive and cost-effective geophysical method to characterize complex geological structures for landslide investigation. This geophysical technique is able to characterize the slope material, the sliding surface's geometry, the landslide mass movement, the physical properties of media, and the water saturation effects on the slope. Therefore, this method has become an appropriate method due to the increasing progress of novel algorithms and the improvements of field-data collection systems. In this paper, we attempt to review the essential research that investigated various types of landslides influenced by water saturation and landslide materials and identified in various areas, since the year 2000. Significant conclusions obtained by applying different survey strategies and data processing algorithms in seismic refraction surveys are widely discussed concentrating on the advantages and disadvantages of this method. The main results obtained by the few available studies applying time-lapse SRT (TLSRT) are particularly analyzed.

2021 ◽  
Jennifer Louise Rollo

<p>A model of the sub-surface structure of the south-western part of the Wairarapa sedimentary basin in central New Zealand was constructed from geophysical data obtained by the author during the period 1990-1991. A total of 122 new gravity observations, eight magnetotelluric (MT) stations and approximately two kilometres of seismic refraction lines were established in the study area. All methods complemented each other in the determination of the final result. The gravity data provided the depth for the basement layer of the basin, and determined the position of a fossil fault in the region of the Wharepapa River channel. The MT and seismic data confirmed the fossil nature of the fault. The results for the boundaries determined by the MT surveys were also shown to agree with the upper layers of the gravity model. The final model presented is of a sedimentary basin with thickness of approximately 2km, with a fossil fault dividing the basin near the vicinity of the Wharepapa River. To the west of the study area is a highly anomalous region which could not be fully modelled in this study because of lack of data in this particular area.</p>

2021 ◽  
Jennifer Louise Rollo

<p>A model of the sub-surface structure of the south-western part of the Wairarapa sedimentary basin in central New Zealand was constructed from geophysical data obtained by the author during the period 1990-1991. A total of 122 new gravity observations, eight magnetotelluric (MT) stations and approximately two kilometres of seismic refraction lines were established in the study area. All methods complemented each other in the determination of the final result. The gravity data provided the depth for the basement layer of the basin, and determined the position of a fossil fault in the region of the Wharepapa River channel. The MT and seismic data confirmed the fossil nature of the fault. The results for the boundaries determined by the MT surveys were also shown to agree with the upper layers of the gravity model. The final model presented is of a sedimentary basin with thickness of approximately 2km, with a fossil fault dividing the basin near the vicinity of the Wharepapa River. To the west of the study area is a highly anomalous region which could not be fully modelled in this study because of lack of data in this particular area.</p>

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