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reporter mice
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2022 ◽  
pp. 074873042110694
Ciearra B. Smith ◽  
Vincent van der Vinne ◽  
Eleanor McCartney ◽  
Adam C. Stowie ◽  
Tanya L. Leise ◽  

Circadian rhythms are endogenously generated physiological and molecular rhythms with a cycle length of about 24 h. Bioluminescent reporters have been exceptionally useful for studying circadian rhythms in numerous species. Here, we report development of a reporter mouse generated by modification of a widely expressed and highly rhythmic gene encoding D-site albumin promoter binding protein ( Dbp). In this line of mice, firefly luciferase is expressed from the Dbp locus in a Cre recombinase-dependent manner, allowing assessment of bioluminescence rhythms in specific cellular populations. A mouse line in which luciferase expression was Cre-independent was also generated. The Dbp reporter alleles do not alter Dbp gene expression rhythms in liver or circadian locomotor activity rhythms. In vivo and ex vivo studies show the utility of the reporter alleles for monitoring rhythmicity. Our studies reveal cell-type-specific characteristics of rhythms among neuronal populations within the suprachiasmatic nuclei ex vivo. In vivo studies show Dbp-driven bioluminescence rhythms in the liver of Albumin-Cre;Dbp KI/+ “liver reporter” mice. After a shift of the lighting schedule, locomotor activity achieved the proper phase relationship with the new lighting cycle more rapidly than hepatic bioluminescence did. As previously shown, restricting food access to the daytime altered the phase of hepatic rhythmicity. Our model allowed assessment of the rate of recovery from misalignment once animals were provided with food ad libitum. These studies confirm the previously demonstrated circadian misalignment following environmental perturbations and reveal the utility of this model for minimally invasive, longitudinal monitoring of rhythmicity from specific mouse tissues.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Mikkel Ø. Nørgård ◽  
Lasse B. Steffensen ◽  
Didde R. Hansen ◽  
Ernst-Martin Füchtbauer ◽  
Morten B. Engelund ◽  

AbstractThe in vivo function of cell-derived extracellular vesicles (EVs) is challenging to establish since cell-specific EVs are difficult to isolate and differentiate. We, therefore, created an EV reporter using truncated CD9 to display enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) on the EV surface. CD9truc-EGFP expression in cells did not affect EV size and concentration but enabled co-precipitation of EV markers TSG101 and ALIX from the cell-conditioned medium by anti-GFP immunoprecipitation. We then created a transgenic mouse where CD9truc-EGFP was inserted in the inverse orientation and double-floxed, ensuring irreversible Cre recombinase-dependent EV reporter expression. We crossed the EV reporter mice with mice expressing Cre ubiquitously (CMV-Cre), in cardiomyocytes (αMHC-MerCreMer) and renal tubular epithelial cells (Pax8-Cre), respectively. The CD9truc-EGFP positive mice showed Cre-dependent EGFP expression, and plasma CD9truc-EGFP EVs were immunoprecipitated only from CD9truc-EGFP positive CD9truc-EGFPxCMV-Cre and CD9truc-EGFPxαMHC-Cre mice, but not in CD9truc-EGFPxPax8-Cre and CD9truc-EGFP negative mice. In urine samples, CD9truc-EGFP EVs were detected by immunoprecipitation only in CD9truc-EGFP positive CD9truc-EGFPxCMV-Cre and CD9truc-EGFPxPax8-Cre mice, but not CD9truc-EGFPxαMHC-Cre and CD9truc-EGFP negative mice. In conclusion, our EV reporter mouse model enables Cre-dependent EV labeling, providing a new approach to studying cell-specific EVs in vivo and gaining a unique insight into their physiological and pathophysiological function.

Karen Aymonnier ◽  
Julie Ng ◽  
Laura E Fredenburgh ◽  
Katherin Zambrano-Vera ◽  
Patrick Münzer ◽  

Infection by the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) engages the inflammasome in monocytes and macrophages and leads to the cytokine storm in COVID-19. Neutrophils, the most abundant leukocytes, release neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs), which have been implicated in the pathogenesis of COVID-19. Our recent study shows that activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome is important for NET release in sterile inflammation. However, the role of neutrophil inflammasome formation in human disease is unknown. We hypothesized that SARS-COV-2 infection may induce inflammasome activation in neutrophils. We also aimed to assess the localization of inflammasome formation, (i.e. ASC speck assembly), and timing relative to NETosis in stimulated neutrophils by real time video microscopy. Neutrophils isolated from severe COVID-19 patients demonstrated that approximately 2% of neutrophils in both the peripheral blood and tracheal aspirates presented ASC speck. ASC speck was observed in neutrophils with an intact poly-lobulated nucleus, suggesting early formation during neutrophil activation. Additionally, 40% of nuclei were positive for citrullinated histone H3, and there was a significant correlation between speck formation and nuclear histone citrullination. Time-lapse microscopy in LPS-stimulated neutrophils from fluorescent ASC reporter mice showed that ASC speck formed transiently and at the microtubule organizing center, long before NET release. Our study shows that ASC speck is present in neutrophils from COVID-19 patients with respiratory failure and that it forms early in NETosis. Our findings suggest that inhibition of neutrophil inflammasomes may be beneficial in COVID-19.

2022 ◽  
Maxwell Claef Hakun ◽  
Janet Rossant ◽  
Bin Gu

Spermiogenesis, the post-meiotic stage of sperm development, is critical for normal male fertility. Many genetic defects and environmental assaults that affect spermiogenesis have been shown to be associated with male infertility. In addition, this later stage of spermatogenesis has been proposed to be an ideal target for male contraceptive development. The mouse is a widely used model for studying the mechanisms of spermatogenesis and spermiogenesis. However, due to the complexity and the asynchronous nature of spermatogenesis in adult testis, it is challenging to study molecular processes restricted to this specific developmental stage. It is also challenging to monitor the spermiogenesic activity in live mice, which is critical for screening for fertility-modulating interventions such as contraceptives. Here we reported the development of a Nutm1-T2A- luciferase 2(Luc2)-tandem Tomato(TdTomato) knock-in reporter mouse model that specifically labels post-meiotic spermatids. Homozygous reporter mice are healthy and fully fertile, demonstrating no interference with the normal functions of the Nutm1 gene by the reporter. We demonstrated the visualization of post-meiotic spermatids by fluorescent imaging of the TdTomato reporter in both live and fixed testis tissues. We also demonstrated bioluminescence imaging of Nutm1 expressing cells in live mice. The Nutm1-T2A-Luc2TdTomato reporter mouse can serve as a valuable tool for studying spermiogenesis.

Linda Alex ◽  
Izabela Tuleta ◽  
Venugopal Harikrishnan ◽  
Nikolaos G. Frangogiannis

Background In the myocardium, pericytes are often confused with other interstitial cell types, such as fibroblasts. The lack of well‐characterized and specific tools for identification, lineage tracing, and conditional targeting of myocardial pericytes has hampered studies on their role in heart disease. In the current study, we characterize and validate specific and reliable strategies for labeling and targeting of cardiac pericytes. Methods and Results Using the neuron‐glial antigen 2 (NG2) DsRed reporter line, we identified a large population of NG2+ periendothelial cells in mouse atria, ventricles, and valves. To examine possible overlap of NG2+ mural cells with fibroblasts, we generated NG2 DsRed ; platelet‐derived growth factor receptor (PDGFR) α EGFP pericyte/fibroblast dual reporter mice. Myocardial NG2+ pericytes and PDGFRα+ fibroblasts were identified as nonoverlapping cellular populations with distinct transcriptional signatures. PDGFRα+ fibroblasts expressed high levels of fibrillar collagens, matrix metalloproteinases, tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases, and genes encoding matricellular proteins, whereas NG2+ pericytes expressed high levels of Pdgfrb , Adamts1 , and Vtn . To validate the specificity of pericyte Cre drivers, we crossed these lines with PDGFRα EGFP fibroblast reporter mice. The constitutive NG2 Cre driver did not specifically track mural cells, labeling many cardiomyocytes. However, the inducible NG2 CreER driver specifically traced vascular mural cells in the ventricle and in the aorta, without significant labeling of PDGFRα+ fibroblasts. In contrast, the inducible PDGFRβ CreER line labeled not only mural cells but also the majority of cardiac and aortic fibroblasts. Conclusions Fibroblasts and pericytes are topographically and transcriptomically distinct populations of cardiac interstitial cells. The inducible NG2 CreER driver optimally targets cardiac pericytes; in contrast, the inducible PDGFRβ CreER line lacks specificity.

2021 ◽  
Jennifer L Davis ◽  
Nitin K Pokhrel ◽  
Linda Cox ◽  
Roberta Faccio ◽  
Deborah J Veis

Abstract NF-κB has been reported to both promote and inhibit bone formation. To further explore its role in osteolineage cells, we conditionally deleted IKKα, an upstream kinase required for non-canonical NF-κB activation, using Sp7/Osterix (Osx)-Cre. Surprisingly, we found no effect on either cancellous or cortical bone, even following mechanical loading. However, we noted that IKKα conditional knockout (cKO) mice began to lose body weight after 6 months of age with severe reductions in fat mass in geriatric animals. Low levels of recombination at the IKKα locus were detected in fat pads isolated from 15 month old cKO mice. To determine if these effects were mediated by unexpected deletion of IKKα in peripheral adipocytes, we looked for Osx-Cre-mediated recombination in fat using reporter mice, which showed increasing degrees of reporter activation in adipocytes with age up to 18 months. Since Osx-Cre-driven recombination in peripheral adipocytes increases over time, we conclude that loss of fat in aged cKO mice is most likely caused by progressive deficits of IKKα in adipocytes. To further explore the effect of IKKα loss on fat metabolism, we challenged mice with a high fat diet at 2 months of age, finding that cKO mice gained less weight and showed improved glucose metabolism, compared to littermate controls. Thus, Osx-Cre mediated recombination beyond bone, including within adipocytes, should be considered as a possible explanation for extraskeletal phenotypes, especially in aging and metabolic studies.

Christopher R. Donnelly ◽  
Archana Kumari ◽  
Libo Li ◽  
Iva Vesela ◽  
Robert M. Bradley ◽  

AbstractThe fungiform papilla (FP) is a gustatory and somatosensory structure incorporating chorda tympani (CT) nerve fibers that innervate taste buds (TB) and also contain somatosensory endings for touch and temperature. Hedgehog (HH) pathway inhibition eliminates TB, but CT innervation remains in the FP. Importantly, after HH inhibition, CT neurophysiological responses to taste stimuli are eliminated, but tactile responses remain. To examine CT fibers that respond to tactile stimuli in the absence of TB, we used Phox2b-Cre; Rosa26LSL−TdTomato reporter mice to selectively label CT fibers with TdTomato. Normally CT fibers project in a compact bundle directly into TB, but after HH pathway inhibition, CT fibers reorganize and expand just under the FP epithelium where TB were. This widened expanse of CT fibers coexpresses Synapsin-1, β-tubulin, S100, and neurofilaments. Further, GAP43 expression in these fibers suggests they are actively remodeling. Interestingly, CT fibers have complex terminals within the apical FP epithelium and in perigemmal locations in the FP apex. These extragemmal fibers remain after HH pathway inhibition. To identify tactile end organs in FP, we used a K20 antibody to label Merkel cells. In control mice, K20 was expressed in TB cells and at the base of epithelial ridges outside of FP. After HH pathway inhibition, K20 + cells remained in epithelial ridges but were eliminated in the apical FP without TB. These data suggest that the complex, extragemmal nerve endings within and disbursed under the apical FP are the mechanosensitive nerve endings of the CT that remain after HH pathway inhibition.

2021 ◽  
pp. 100132
Nika Taghdiri ◽  
David M. Calcagno ◽  
Zhenxing Fu ◽  
Kenneth Huang ◽  
Rainer H. Kohler ◽  

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