Research subject. Volcanism, rock geochemistry, geodynamics, and massive sulfide formation in the Magnitogorsk megazone (MMZ) of the Southern Urals in the Middle Paleozoic.Materials and Methods. Across the largest part of the massive sulfide deposits under investigation, the authors conducted route studies, including geological surveys of individual ore fields and quarries of deposits, core samples of deep wells and transparent sections. Representative analyses of petrogenic and microelements were performed using wet chemistry and ICP-MS in analytical centers in Russia and Europe. Along with the authors’ data, analytical materials published by Russian and foreign researchers were used. Geodynamic reconstructions were carried out taking into account regional data on gravics, thermal field, magnetometry, and seismic stu dies, including «Urseis-95».Results. The geodynamic reconstructions established that the main elements of the paleostructure of the Southern Urals in the Devonian were the subduction zone of the eastern dip and asthenospheric diapirs that penetrated into the «slab-window», which determined the type of volcanic belts, the composition and volume of volcanic rocks of pyrite-bearing complexes, and ore matter of pyrite deposits. The following geodynamic zones in the MMZ were identified: 1 – polychronous accretion prism; 2 – frontal and developed island arcs (D1e2–D2ef1); 3 – zone of back-arc spreading (D1e2); 4 – rear island arc (D2ef1).Conclusions. All investigated zones and ore areas are characterized by an autonomous development of volcanism, a special deep structure and a different composition, as well as by a different volume of massive sulfide deposits that vary in the Cu and Zn ratios and Pb, Ba, Au amounts. In the MMZ volcanic complexes, three groups of plume source basalts are distinguished. The results can be used in predictive-estimation and search operations for massive sulfide mineralization.