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earth satellite
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2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 149
Halija Halija ◽  
Jufri Karim ◽  
Sawaludin Sawaludin

Abstrak: Penataan ruang kawasan pesisir harus dipandang sebagai upaya dalam peningkatan kualitas kawasan fisik dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini, yaitu tidak berfungsinya drainase secara optimal belum terdapatnya sarana mandi, cuci, kakus (MCK) dan kondisi faktor fisik rumah yang masih berstruktur kayu dan semi permanan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) menganalisis kondisi fisik permukiman kawasan pesisir; (2) menganalisis kualitas permukiman kawasan pesisir dan merumuskan strategi pemecahan masalah permukiman kawasan pesisir Kecamatan Marobo Kabupaten Muna. Metode penelitian ini, yaitu: (1) kondisi fisik permukiman diketahui dengan melakukan interpertasi citra satelit Google Earth:(2)kualitas permukimandiketahui denganpendekatan keruangan dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografi pada aplikasi ArcGIS dengan melakukan teknik analisis scoring. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1)nilai kelayakan bangunan rumah hunian Desa Marobo, yaitu 70% dengan luas lantai >7,2, skor  5 bisa di kategorikan cukup luas, kemudian kelurahan Paroha 50 %, dengan luas lantai >7,2 skor  3,  Kelurahan Wadolau nilai kelayakan bangunan rumah hunian, yaitu 30% dengan luas lantai >7,2 skor  2  dan terakhir Kelurahan Tapi-Tapi nilai kelayakan bangunan rumah hunian, yaitu <10% dengan luas lantai>7,2 skor  1, sehingga bisa di kategorikan cukup kecil/sempit; (2) permukiman penduduk di Pesisir Desa Tapi-Tapi, Desa Wadolau, dan Desa Marobo didominasi oleh rumah nelayan, dengan luas pekarangan dan luas rumah tinggal cukup kecil/sempit.  Kondisi fisik rumah tinggal penduduk di Kecamatan Marobo termasuk kategori semipermanen yang tercermin dari jenis bahan dinding rumah yang mayoritas terbuat dari  papan kayu berkualitas sedang.Kata kunci: kondisi fisik, kualitas permukiman, kawasan pesisirAbstract: Coastal spatial planning must be seen as an effort to improve the quality of physical areas and the welfare of the community. The problem in this study are the drainage does not function optimally, among others there are no facilities for bathing, washing, latrines and the physical condition of the house which is still structured in wood and semi-permanent. The purpose of this study are: (1) to analyze the physical condition of the coastal area settlement in Marobo District Muna Regency; (2) to analyze the quality of coastal area settlements and formulate strategies for solving the problem of coastal area settlements in Marobo District Muna Regency. The research methods are: (1) the physical condition of the settlement is known by interpreting Google Earth satellite imagery; (2) settlement quality is known by spatial approach using Geographic Information Systems with ArcGIS by conducting a scoring analysis technique. The results of this study are: (1)the feasibility value of Marobo Village residential building is 70% with a floor area >7,2 score 5 can be categorized quite broadly, Paroha Village 50%, with a floor area >7,2 score 3 Wadolau Village the feasibility value of residential building is 30% with a floor area >7,2, score 2 and lastly the Tapi-Tapi Village feasibility value of residential buildings is <10% with a floor area >7,2 score 1 so that it can be categorized quite small/narrow; (2) the residential settlements in the Tapi-Tapi Village, Wadolau Village and Marobo Village are dominated by fishermen's houses, with a large yard area and a small/narrow residential area. The physical condition of resident houses in Marobo District belongs to the semi-permanent category, which is reflected in the type of wall material of the house which is mostly made of medium quality wood plasterKeywords: physical condition, quality of settlements, coastal area

GPS Solutions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Krzysztof Sośnica ◽  
Grzegorz Bury ◽  
Radosław Zajdel ◽  
Javier Ventura-Traveset ◽  
Luis Mendes

AbstractThree main effects from general relativity (GR) may change the geometry and orientation of artificial earth satellite orbits, i.e., the Schwarzschild, Lense–Thirring, and De Sitter effects. So far, the verification of GR effects was mainly based on the observations of changes in the orientation of satellite orbital planes. We directly observe changes of the satellite orbit geometry caused by GR represented by the semimajor axis and eccentricity. We measure the variations of orbit size and shape of GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo satellites in circular and eccentric orbits and compare the results to the theoretical effects using three years of real GNSS data. We derive a solution that assumes the GR to be true, and a second solution, in which the post-Newtonian parameters are estimated, thus, allowing satellites to find their best spacetime curvature. For eccentric Galileo, GR changes the orbital shape and size in perigee in such a way that the orbit becomes smaller but more circular. In the apogee, the semimajor axis decreases but eccentricity increases, and thus, the orbit becomes more eccentric. Hence, the orbital size variabilities for eccentric orbits are greatly compensated by the orbital shape changes, and thus the total effect of satellite height change is much smaller than the effects for the size and shape of the orbit, individually. The mean semimajor axis offset based on all GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo satellites is − 17.41 ± 2.90 mm, which gives a relative error of 0.36% with respect to the theoretical value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (20) ◽  
pp. 15569-15587
Xiaomeng Jin ◽  
Qindan Zhu ◽  
Ronald C. Cohen

Abstract. Biomass burning emits an estimated 25 % of global annual nitrogen oxides (NOx), an important constituent that participates in the oxidative chemistry of the atmosphere. Estimates of NOx emission factors, representing the amount of NOx per mass burned, are primarily based on field or laboratory case studies, but the sporadic and transient nature of wildfires makes it challenging to verify whether these case studies represent the behavior of the global fires that occur on earth. Satellite remote sensing provides a unique view of the earth, allowing for the study of emissions and downwind evolution of NOx from a large number of fires. We describe direct estimates of NOx emissions and lifetimes for fires using an exponentially modified Gaussian analysis of daily TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI) retrievals of NO2 tropospheric columns. We update the a priori profile of NO2 with a fine-resolution (0.25∘) global model simulation from NASA's GEOS Composition Forecasting System (GEOS-CF), which largely enhances NO2 columns over fire plumes. We derive representative NOx emission factors for six fuel types globally by linking TROPOMI-derived NOx emissions with observations of fire radiative power from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). Satellite-derived NOx emission factors are largely consistent with those derived from in situ measurements. We observe decreasing NOx lifetime with fire emissions, which we infer is due to the increase in both NOx abundance and hydroxyl radical production. Our findings suggest promise for applying space-based observations to track the emissions and chemical evolution of reactive nitrogen from wildfires.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 421-435
Kevin H. Mahan ◽  
Michael G. Frothingham ◽  
Ellen Alexander

Abstract. The COVID-19 pandemic hindered the ability to conduct field geology courses in a hands-on and boots-on traditional manner. In response, we designed a multi-part virtual field module that encompasses many of the basic requirements of an advanced field exercise, including designing a mapping strategy, collecting and processing field observations, synthesizing data from field-based and laboratory analyses, and communicating the results to a broad audience. For the mapping exercise, which is set in deformed Proterozoic crystalline basement exposed in the Front Range of Colorado (USA), student groups make daily navigational decisions and choose stations based on topographic maps, Google Earth satellite imagery, and iterative geological reasoning. For each station, students receive outcrop descriptions, measurements, and photographs from which they input field data and create geologic maps using StraboSpot. Building on the mapping exercise, student groups then choose from six supplements, including advanced field structure, microstructure, metamorphic petrology, and several geochronological datasets. Because scientific projects rarely end when the mapping is complete, the students are challenged to see how samples and analytical data may commonly be collected and integrated with field observations to produce a more holistic understanding of the geological history of the field area. While a virtual course cannot replace the actual field experience, modules like the one shared here can successfully address, or even improve on, some of the key learning objectives that are common to field-based capstone experiences while also fostering a more accessible and inclusive learning environment for all students.

The article presents the results of the study of horizontal riverbed deformations of the Sukil river in the area from the town of Bolekhiv to its confluence with the Svicha river during 1880–2019. The studied section of the riverbed is located within the Precarpathian height and is marked by significant dynamics of the riverbed, which is mainly due to frequent floods, including catastrophic ones. The analysis of long-term horizontal riverbed deformations of the Sukil river and identification of the main factors of their manifestation were carried out in three stages. The first stage involved an assessment of the riverbed displacement over a long-term period of tens of years and was performed based on topographic maps of 1880, 1929-1939, and 1990. The second stage focused on the analysis of the riverbed displacement during a short-term period of 5-7 years and was conducted on the basis of Google Earth satellite images of 2006, 2011, and 2017–2019. The third stage was dedicated to the verification of the obtained results by field research and to the identification of the main reasons for the development of horizontal riverbed deformations. The analysis of historical maps and satellite images was mainly conducted by cartographic methods using ArcGIS 10.1. The riverbed of the Sukil river has significant differences in the development of horizontal deformations on the section of Bolekhiv – the village of Podorozhnie (the mouth of the river). According to the type of manifestation and scale of the riverbed deformations development, two sections (hereinafter dynamic sections) with significant horizontal deformations have been identified: the first one – from Bolekhiv to the village of Lysovychi; the second one – from the village of Lysovychi to the village of Podorozhnie (the Sukil mouth). On dynamic section 1, the horizontal deformations are differently manifested depending on the type of the riverbed. The maximum displacements which were found on the meandering sections are approximately 340 m. They were recorded during the period of 1880–1939. On the sections with a “transitional” type of riverbeds (in the late 19th-early 20th century they were braided, and now they are single channel), the deformations are small (up to 60 m) and are manifested mainly within the boundaries of the riverbed. On dynamic section 2, the Sukil riverbed is meandering and the deformations are much larger. The maximum riverbed displacements reach approximately 500 m (during the period of 1880–1939). For dynamic section 2 as well as for the whole section of the Sukil riverbed from Bolekhiv to the mouth, a certain tendency of the riverbed changes on the plan has been revealed. Thus, from 1889 to 1990 we observe a decrease in the meandering of the riverbed caused by anthropogenic influence, in particular, by the straightening of the riverbed in the 70-80s of the last century and by change in the position of the mouth; since 1990, a natural increase in the Sukil riverbed’s meandering has been observed. Key words: horizontal deformations; riverbed types; Sukil; meandering; historical maps; remote sensing.

2021 ◽  
Muhammad Saqlain ◽  
Nazar Muhammad Idrees ◽  
Shiwei Wang ◽  
Lu Zhang ◽  
Xianbin Yu

Vladimir A. SOLOVIEV ◽  
Viktor V. SINYAVSKIY ◽  

The article briefly discusses the key achievements of the enterprise over 75 years from the formation of OKB-1 headed by S.P. Korolev for producing intercontinental range missiles to the current status of RSC Energia being the country’s and world leader in manned space flight. The developed intercontinental missiles R-7 and a closed-loop oxygen-hydrocarbon liquid-propellant rocket engine provided the basis for developing integrated launch vehicles which were used to launch the world's first Earth satellite, the first cosmonaut on the Earth, automatic interplanetary stations to the Moon, Venus, Mars. The diversification of the enterprise impeded S.P. Korolev to concentrate on manned space flights, and he initiated the transfer of development and manufacture of combat missiles to Makeyev DB, integrated launch vehicles to TsSKB Progress, communication and other satellites to M.F. Reshetnev ISS, lunar and interplanetary stations to S.A.Lavochkin NPO. In the 1980s under the guidance of V.P. Glushko the Energia super-heavy launch vehicle and Energia-Buran system in unmanned configuration were developed and successfully launched on the first try. The Salyut manned single-module orbital stations, Mir multifunctional multi-module space laboratory and successfully operating upgraded manned transportation (Soyuz) and logistics (Progress) spacecraft were developed. In the hard times of 1990s, RSC Energia under the guidance of Yu.P. Semenov saved the national cosmonautics through commercial research performed on the Mir station. At present, by launching three additional modules RSC Energia is completing assembly and integration of the Russian Segment into the International Space Station. Keywords. ОKB-1, S.P.Korolev RSC Energia, V.P. Glushko, Yu.S. Semenov, integrated launch vehicle, orbital station, crew transportation spacecraft, logistics transportation spacecraft, International Space Station.

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