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spacetime curvature
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2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (12) ◽  
Gabriel León ◽  
Gabriel R. Bengochea

AbstractWe propose a novel realization for the natural extrapolation of the continuous spontaneous localization (CSL) model, in order to account for the origin of primordial inhomogeneities during inflation. This particular model is based on three main elements: (i) the semiclassical gravity framework, (ii) a collapse-generating operator associated to a relativistic invariant scalar of the energy-momentum tensor, and (iii) an extension of the CSL parameter(s) as a function of the spacetime curvature. Furthermore, employing standard cosmological perturbation theory at linear order, and for a reasonable range within the parameter space of the model, we obtain a nearly scale invariant power spectrum consistent with recent observational CMB data. This opens a vast landscape of different options for the application of the CSL model to the cosmological context, and possibly sheds light on searches for a full covariant version of the CSL theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (12) ◽  
Cristobal Laporte ◽  
Antonio D. Pereira ◽  
Frank Saueressig ◽  
Jian Wang

Abstract Asymptotic Safety provides an elegant mechanism for obtaining a consistent high-energy completion of gravity and gravity-matter systems. Following the initial idea by Steven Weinberg, the construction builds on an interacting fixed point of the theories renormalization group (RG) flow. In this work we use the Wetterich equation for the effective average action to investigate the RG flow of gravity supplemented by a real scalar field. We give a non-perturbative proof that the subspace of interactions respecting the global shift-symmetry of the scalar kinetic term is closed under RG transformations. Subsequently, we compute the beta functions in an approximation comprising the Einstein-Hilbert action supplemented by the shift-symmetric quartic scalar self-interaction and the two lowest order shift-symmetric interactions coupling scalar-bilinears to the spacetime curvature. The computation utilizes the background field method with an arbitrary background, demonstrating that the results are manifestly background independent. Our beta functions exhibit an interacting fixed point suitable for Asymptotic Safety, where all matter interactions are non-vanishing. The presence of this fixed point is rooted in the interplay of the matter couplings which our work tracks for the first time. The relation of our findings with previous results in the literature is discussed in detail and we conclude with a brief outlook on potential phenomenological applications.

Mohammed B. Al-Fadhli

The recent Planck Legacy release has confirmed the presence of an enhanced lensing amplitude in the cosmic microwave background power spectra, which prefers a positively curved early Universe with a confidence level greater than 99%. In addition, the spacetime curvature of the entire galaxy differs from one galaxy to another due to their diverse energy densities. This study considers both the implied positive curvature of the early Universe and the curvature across the entire galaxy as the curvature of ‘the background or the 4D bulk’ and distinguishes it from the localized curvature that is induced in the bulk by the presence of comparably smaller celestial objects that are regarded as ‘relativistic 4D branes’. Branes in different galaxies experience different bulk curvatures, thus their background or bulk curvature should be taken into consideration along with their energy densities when finding their induced curvatures. To account for the interaction between the bulk and branes, this paper presents extended field equations in terms of brane-world modified gravity consisting of conformal Einstein field equations with a boundary term, which could remove the singularities and satisfy a conformal invariance theory. A visualization of the evolution of the 4D relativistic branes over the conformal space-time of the 4D bulk is presented.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (11) ◽  
pp. 2099
Angel Ballesteros ◽  
Giulia Gubitosi ◽  
Flavio Mercati

Recent work showed that κ-deformations can describe the quantum deformation of several relativistic models that have been proposed in the context of quantum gravity phenomenology. Starting from the Poincaré algebra of special-relativistic symmetries, one can toggle the curvature parameter Λ, the Planck scale quantum deformation parameter κ and the speed of light parameter c to move to the well-studied κ-Poincaré algebra, the (quantum) (A)dS algebra, the (quantum) Galilei and Carroll algebras and their curved versions. In this review, we survey the properties and relations of these algebras of relativistic symmetries and their associated noncommutative spacetimes, emphasizing the nontrivial effects of interplay between curvature, quantum deformation and speed of light parameters.

GPS Solutions ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
Krzysztof Sośnica ◽  
Grzegorz Bury ◽  
Radosław Zajdel ◽  
Javier Ventura-Traveset ◽  
Luis Mendes

AbstractThree main effects from general relativity (GR) may change the geometry and orientation of artificial earth satellite orbits, i.e., the Schwarzschild, Lense–Thirring, and De Sitter effects. So far, the verification of GR effects was mainly based on the observations of changes in the orientation of satellite orbital planes. We directly observe changes of the satellite orbit geometry caused by GR represented by the semimajor axis and eccentricity. We measure the variations of orbit size and shape of GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo satellites in circular and eccentric orbits and compare the results to the theoretical effects using three years of real GNSS data. We derive a solution that assumes the GR to be true, and a second solution, in which the post-Newtonian parameters are estimated, thus, allowing satellites to find their best spacetime curvature. For eccentric Galileo, GR changes the orbital shape and size in perigee in such a way that the orbit becomes smaller but more circular. In the apogee, the semimajor axis decreases but eccentricity increases, and thus, the orbit becomes more eccentric. Hence, the orbital size variabilities for eccentric orbits are greatly compensated by the orbital shape changes, and thus the total effect of satellite height change is much smaller than the effects for the size and shape of the orbit, individually. The mean semimajor axis offset based on all GPS, GLONASS, and Galileo satellites is − 17.41 ± 2.90 mm, which gives a relative error of 0.36% with respect to the theoretical value.

2021 ◽  
Shivam S Naarayan

The paper presents modifications to Einstein field equations (EFEs) based on the model proposed in the working paper, 'Rippling 3-Riemannian structure describing gravity with dark matter effects'. The model proposes matter and energy are separate entities and energy is a property of three dimensional probabilistic structure spanning space. Mass interacts by binding energy density causing variations in length and time scales, mathematically equivalent to spacetime curvature in general relativity. Gravity is thus described as flow and distribution of energy density. Bounded energy density is the additional source of gravity leading to dark matter observations. The results of the model proposes two EFEs for large and largest scales and further predicts dependence of cosmological constant on space and time coordinates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (10) ◽  
Hemant Rathi ◽  
Dibakar Roychowdhury

Abstract We construct the most general theory of 2D Einstein-dilaton gravity coupled with U(1) gauge fields that contains all the 2-derivative and the 4-derivative interactions allowed by the diffeomorphism invariance. We renormalise the 2D action and obtain the vacuum solution as well as the black hole solution. The vacuum solution in the UV is dominated by Lifshitz2 with dynamical exponent (z = $$ \frac{7}{3} $$ 7 3 ) while on the other hand, the spacetime curvature diverges as we move towards the deep IR limit. We calculate the holographic stress tensor and the central charge for the boundary theory. Our analysis shows that the central charge goes as the inverse power of the coupling associated to 4-derivative interactions. We also compute the Wald entropy for 2D black holes and interpret its near horizon divergence in terms of the density of states. We compare the Wald entropy with the Cardy formula and obtain the eigen value of Virasoro operator (L0) for our model. Finally, we explore the near horizon structure of 2D black holes and calculate the central charge corresponding to the CFT near horizon. We further show that the near horizon CFT may be recast as a 2D Liouville theory with higher derivative corrections. We study the Weyl invariance of this generalised Liouville theory and identify the Weyl anomaly associated to it. We also comment on the classical vacuum structure of the theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 81 (10) ◽  
Roberto Caroli ◽  
Mariusz P. Da̧browski ◽  
Vincenzo Salzano

AbstractRecently, a new cosmological framework, dubbed Ricci cosmology, has been proposed. Such a framework has emerged from the study of relativistic dynamics of fluids out of equilibrium in a curved background and is characterised by the presence of deviations from the equilibrium pressure in the energy–momentum tensor which are due to linear terms in the Ricci scalar and the Ricci tensor. The coefficients in front of such terms are called the second order transport coefficients and they parametrise the fluid response to the pressure terms arising from the spacetime curvature. Under the preliminary assumption that the second order transport coefficients are constant, we find the simplest solution of Ricci cosmology in which the presence of pressure terms causes a departure from the perfect fluid redshift scaling for matter components filling the Universe. In order to test the viability of this solution, we make four different ansätze on the transport coefficients, giving rise to four different cases of our model. On the physical ground of the second law of thermodynamics for fluids with non-equilibrium pressure, we find some theoretical bounds (priors) on the parameters of the models. Our main concern is then the check of each of the case against the standard set of cosmological data in order to obtain the observational bounds on the second order transport coefficients. We find those bounds also realising that Ricci cosmology model is compatible with $$\Lambda $$ Λ CDM cosmology for all the ansätze.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Qasem Exirifard ◽  
Eric Culf ◽  
Ebrahim Karimi

AbstractThe current race in quantum communication – endeavouring to establish a global quantum network – must account for special and general relativistic effects. The well-studied general relativistic effects include Shapiro time-delay, gravitational lensing, and frame dragging which all are due to how a mass distribution alters geodesics. Here, we report how the curvature of spacetime geometry affects the propagation of information carriers along an arbitrary geodesic. An explicit expression for the distortion onto the carrier wavefunction in terms of the Riemann curvature is obtained. Furthermore, we investigate this distortion for anti de Sitter and Schwarzschild geometries. For instance, the spacetime curvature causes a 0.10 radian phase-shift for communication between Earth and the International Space Station on a monochromatic laser beam and quadrupole astigmatism; can cause a 12.2% cross-talk between structured modes traversing through the solar system. Our finding shows that this gravitational distortion is significant, and it needs to be either pre- or post-corrected at the sender or receiver to retrieve the information.

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