Disease is as old as mankind itself. Man has always tried to understand natural phenomena and attempted to give his own explanation to it. According to Ayurveda, disease is a state of the body and mind that gives pain and discomfort to us. The cause of disturbance of the normal balance between the mind and body can be external, Agantuka, or internal, Nija. It means that the internal environment of the body is at constant interaction with the outside world. Disorder occurs when these two are out of balance. Hence to change the internal environment, to bring it at balance with the external world, it is important to understand the process of disease occurrence within the mind and body state. Ayurveda provides extensive insight into the concept and process of disease. According to Ayurveda, the root cause of any disease is always the imbalance of tridoshas, or body humours which further manifests as imbalance in other body components inevitably leading to diseases. Three main causes are misuse of intellect (pragyapradha), misuse of senses (Asatmendriyartha samyoga), seasonal variations (parinama or kala).
Key words: Ayurveda, Roga, tridosha, trividha roga ayatana, pragyapradh, asatmendriyartha samyog, parinama.