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science and technology studies
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2022 ◽  
pp. 0013189X2110708
Matthew H. Rafalow ◽  
Cassidy Puckett

Existing scholarship suggests that schools do the work of social stratification by functioning as “sorting machines,” or institutions that determine which populations of students are provided educational resources needed to help them get ahead. We build on this theory of social reproduction by extending it to better understand how digital technology use is implicated in this process of unequal resource allocation in schools. We contend that educational resources, like digital technologies, are also sorted by schools. Drawing on scholarship from both education research and science and technology studies, we show how educational institutions have long played a role in constructing the value of technologies to different ends, by constructing hierarchies of technological activity, like “vocational” and “academic” computer use, even when strikingly similar. We then apply this lens to three areas of inquiry in education research: the use of digital technologies for instruction, school use of student data, and college admissions. Each illustrates how education scholars can view technologies as part of school sorting processes and with implications for inequality within and beyond the classroom.

2022 ◽  
pp. 016224392110696
Bertram Turner ◽  
Melanie G. Wiber

In introducing the contributions to this special section, we explore the links between social and juridical concepts of normativity and science and technology. We follow the Legal Pluralism challenge to the notion of state law as the sole source of normative order and point to how technological transformation creates a pluralistic legal universe that takes on new shapes under conditions of globalization. We promote a science and technology studies (STS)-inspired reworking of Legal Pluralism and suggest expanding the portfolio of legally effective regimes of ordering to include the normativity generated by materiality and technology. This normativity is amply demonstrated in the case studies included in the papers which make up this special section. We conclude that the inclusion of approaches developed in STS research helps analytically to overcome what we view as an incomplete law project, one unable to deal with the technicized lifeworlds of a global modernity. The contributions to this special section illustrate that technomaterial change cannot be understood without recognition of the role of normative impacts, and conversely, the legal pluriverse cannot be understood without recognition of the normative role of techno-material arrangements.

Anne Kuppler ◽  
Hendrikje Alpermann

Planung ist allgemein als Praxis des räumlichen Ordnens anerkannt: Anhand von planerischen Instrumenten, etwa Flächennutzungsplänen und Bebauungsplänen, wird gegliedert, gelockert und verdichtet. Während Planungsinstrumente selbst und deren Interpretation, praktische Nutzung und Umsetzung bereits vielfältig untersucht sind, bleibt die technische Umsetzung und deren aktive Rolle in Planungsprozessen hingegen zumeist unbeleuchtet. Der vorliegende Beitrag widmet sich diesem Forschungsbedarf, indem er der Frage nachgeht, auf welche Art und Weise gängige Techniken – hier vorallem zeichnerische CAD-Programme – in Planungsprozessen wirken. Grundannahme ist hierbei, dass CAD-Programme Planung nicht nur ermöglichen, sondern wesentlich mitgestalten, da mithilfe von digitaler Technik eine Stabilisierung von räumlicher Organisation in Pläne eingeschrieben wird. Anhand prominenter Konzepte der Science and Technology Studies wird aufgezeigt, wie CAD-Programme urbaner Komplexität eine neue materielle Form – die des Plans – geben. Sie tragen wesentlich zu einem Kernbereich der Planung bei und damit zu einer spezifischen Ordnung unserer gebauten Umwelt.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 205395172110706
Marthe Stevens ◽  
Rik Wehrens ◽  
Johanna Kostenzer ◽  
Anne Marie Weggelaar-Jansen ◽  
Antoinette de Bont

Recent buzzes around big data, data science and artificial intelligence portray a data-driven future for healthcare. As a response, Europe's key players have stimulated the use of big data technologies to make healthcare more efficient and effective. Critical Data Studies and Science and Technology Studies have developed many concepts to reflect on such overly positive narratives and conduct critical policy evaluations. In this study, we argue that there is also much to be learned from studying how professionals in the healthcare field affectively engage with this strong European narrative in concrete big data projects. We followed twelve hospital-based big data pilots in eight European countries and interviewed 145 professionals (including legal, governance and ethical experts, healthcare staff and data scientists) between 2018 and 2020. In this study, we introduce the metaphor of dreams to describe how professionals link the big data promises to their own frustrations, ideas, values and experiences with healthcare. Our research answers the question: how do professionals in concrete data-driven initiatives affectively engage with European Union's data hopes in their ‘dreams’ – and with what consequences? We describe the dreams of being seen, of timeliness, of connectedness and of being in control. Each of these dreams emphasizes certain aspects of the grand narrative of big data in Europe, makes particular assumptions and has different consequences. We argue that including attention to these dreams in our work could help shine an additional critical light on the big data developments and stimulate the development of responsible data-driven healthcare.

2022 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 205395172110664
Lukas Engelmann

Epidemiology is a field torn between practices of surveillance and methods of analysis. Since the onset of COVID-19, epidemiological expertise has been mostly identified with the first, as dashboards of case and mortality rates took centre stage. However, since its establishment as an academic field in the early 20th century, epidemiology’s methods have always impacted on how diseases are classified, how knowledge is collected, and what kind of knowledge was considered worth keeping and analysing. Recent advances in digital epidemiology, this article argues, are not just a quantitative expansion of epidemiology’s scope, but a qualitative extension of its analytical traditions. Digital epidemiology is enabled by deep and digital phenotyping, the large-scale re-purposing of any data scraped from the digital exhaust of human behaviour and social interaction. This technological innovation is in need of critical examination, as it poses a significant epistemic shift to the production of pathological knowledge. This article offers a critical revision of the key literature in this budding field to underline the extent to which digital epidemiology is envisioned to redefine the classification and understanding of disease from the ground up. Utilising analytical tools from science and technology studies, the article demonstrates the disruptive expectations built into this expansion of epidemiological surveillance. Given the sweeping claims and the radical visions articulated in the field, the article develops a tentative critique of what I call a fantasy of pathological omniscience; a vision of how data-driven engineering seeks to capture and resolve illness in the world, past, present and future.

2021 ◽  
pp. 183-196
Tanja Schneider ◽  
Klaus Fuchs ◽  
Simon Mayer

Arts ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Wallace Heim

Care takes time. Caring, whether with, for, or about a living being or entity that is more-than-human, disrupts expectations of how a linear, human time should progress. To practice care for the contaminated, the lands, waters, and animate life altered by human industry, is to extend that indeterminacy into distant, deeper time. Aesthetic representation of the affective and ethical dimensions of care, in this extreme, offers an experience that can transfer the arguments about nuclear contamination into more nuanced and sensed responses and contributes to current thinking about care in the arts worlds. I was commissioned to make a sculpture exhibition in 2020 as part of an anthropological study into the future of the Sellafield nuclear site in West Cumbria, UK. The exhibition, ‘x = 2140. In the coming 120 years, how can humans decide to dismantle, remember and repair the lands called Sellafield?’, consisted of three sculptural ‘fonts’ which engaged with ideas of knowledge production, nuclear technologies, and the affective dimensions of care about/for/with the contaminated lands and waters. This article presents my intentions for the sculptures in their context of a nuclear-dependent locale: to engage with the experience of nuclear futures without adversarial positioning; to explore the agential qualities of the more-than-human; and to create a stillness expressive of the relationality of the human and the contaminated through which one could fathom what care might feel like. These intentions are alongside theories of time, aesthetics, and care across disciplines: care and relational ethics, science and technology studies, and nuclear culture.

2021 ◽  
pp. 016224392110687
Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner ◽  
Kean Birch ◽  
Maria Amuchastegui

In this paper, we analyze the role of science and technology studies (STS) journal editors in organizing and maintaining the peer review economy. We specifically conceptualize peer review as a gift economy running on perpetually renewed experiences of mutual indebtedness among members of an intellectual community. While the peer review system is conventionally presented as self-regulating, we draw attention to its vulnerabilities and to the essential curating function of editors. Aside from inherent complexities, there are various shifts in the broader political–economic and sociotechnical organization of scholarly publishing that have recently made it more difficult for editors to organize robust cycles of gift exchange. This includes the increasing importance of journal metrics and associated changes in authorship practices; the growth and differentiation of the STS journal landscape; and changes in publishing funding models and the structure of the publishing market through which interactions among authors, editors, and reviewers are reconfigured. To maintain a functioning peer review economy in the face of numerous pressures, editors must balance contradictory imperatives: the need to triage intellectual production and rely on established cycles of gift exchange for efficiency, and the need to expand cycles of gift exchange to ensure the sustainability and diversity of the peer review economy.

2021 ◽  
Ilse Dijkstra

Inspired and informed by contemporary research within Science and Technology Studies (STS), this essay discusses how social epidemiological research serves to create and produce health inequalities in society. Focusing in particular on how social epidemiology establishes the relationship between socio-economic status and health, it examines how the accumulation of different studies relying on different indicators and measures results in the construction of new facts and generalizations concerning the health of people with a lower socio-economic status. By identifying groups “known to be unhealthy”, the essay presents social epidemiology as participating in the co-production of the social and political infrastructures underlying policy decisions. To increase awareness within social epidemiology of the politics of its own knowledge practices, it concludes by recommending new interdisciplinary collaborations.

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