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community leaders
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2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 114
Fatwa Hidayat ◽  
Mindo Tua Siagian ◽  
Mido Ester Sitorus

Background: The 3M Plus mosquito nest eradication movement is the most effective activity to prevent the occurrence of dengue disease and to realize environmental hygiene and healthy living behavior. The purpose of the 3M Plus mosquito nest eradication activity is to eradicate the breeding places of the Aedes mosquito through efforts to foster community participation so that dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) can be optimally prevented.Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the behavior of the head of the family with the implementation of eradicating the mosquito nests of dengue hemorrhagic fever.Method: This type of research uses a descriptive analytic approach with a cross sectional study design with a sampling technique using simple random sampling. The sample in this study were 73 heads of families from a population of 264 families. This research was conducted in March-September 2021. The data was collected by interview using a questionnaire, and supported by observational data. Data processing is carried out in a computerized manner starting with the stages of editing, coding, tabulating. Data analysis was performed bivariate (Chi-square test) and multivariate (Binary Logistics Regression) at 95% CI.Results: The results showed that there was a significant relationship between attitudes (p= 0.000) and the role of community leaders (p= 0.039) with the eradication of dengue mosquito nests. There was no relationship between knowledge (p= 0.767) and the eradication of dengue mosquito nests. The attitude variable is the dominant predictor of its relationship with the implementation of the eradication of dengue mosquito nests in Seunagan District, Nagan Raya Regency (Exp (B) = 7.2).Conclusion: There is a relationship between attitudes and the role of community leaders in eradicating dengue mosquito nests, but knowledge does not show a relationship. The success of eradicating dengue mosquito nests is dominated by the positive attitude of the local community.

2022 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Agus Ali ◽  
Nurwadjah Ahmad EQ ◽  
Andewi Suhartini

This article aims to discuss the history and development of the modern Islamic boarding school Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogor including: history, founder profile, goals, vision and mission. By using a descriptive qualitative method. Based on the results of research on integrated curriculum management at the Modern Islamic Boarding School Ummul Quro Al-Islami, it can be concluded as follows: (1) The history of the modern Islamic boarding school Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogor was founded by KH. Helmi Abdul Mubin, Lc with a capital of 250 thousand rupiah, was motivated by the arrival of a delegation from Australia to the Islamic boarding school where he taught to find an ustadz who was good at English to teach religion in the Australian Muslim community (2) KH. Helmi Abdul Mubin, Lc as the founder of the modern Islamic boarding school Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogor is a Madurese son born on March 23, 1956, the first of four children of the late Abdul Mubin and Musyaroh, who spent his childhood in Prenduan Madura, after graduating from Pragaan Elementary School in Sumenep last continued his education at the modern Gontor boarding school in Ponorogo, East Java. (3) The purpose of establishing the modern Islamic boarding school Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogor is to participate in building a just and prosperous society and republic of Indonesia and receive the pleasure of Allah SWT, forming a generation of Muslims who excel in academic and non-academic achievements as a provision to continue to higher education. and or live independently, produce a generation of Muslims who are polite in speech and behavior, create a generation of Islam with a social spirit (serving the community) and grow a generation of Muslims who are diligent in carrying out mandatory and sunnah worship based on the understanding of ahlussunnah wal jama'ah. The vision of the modern Islamic boarding school Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogor is the realization of a generation of Muslims who excel in achievement, have noble character, do good deeds and diligently worship according to the teachings of Islam Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-jama'ah, as for the mission of the modern Islamic boarding school Ummul Quro Al-Islami Bogor namely providing quality education in achieving academic and non-academic achievements, preparing cadres of ulama and community leaders who are mutafaqqih fi ad-diin with the understanding of Ahl as-Sunnah wa al-jama'ah, preparing competent Islamic generations (science, skills, social behavior, sincere faith) to take part in the international world and educate generations of Islam who are obedient to Allah and His Messenger and have a sense of responsibility towards themselves, their family, society and country. Keyword: History, Development and Modern Islamic Boarding School

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1140-1144
Kharisma Pratama ◽  
Jaka Pradika ◽  
Cau Kim Jiu ◽  
Gusti Jhoni Putra ◽  
Wuriani Wuriani ◽  

Increasing in the incidence of diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) among diabetes mellitus patients (DM), which then access to health services is so far, as well as the lack of knowledge of the local community in preventing and caring for DFU made researchers try to initiate training related to prevention and basic wound care for village health cadres, community leaders, and families family members with DM and at risk for UKD. The activity, which carried out in March 2021, involved the puskesmas in Sui District. Raya, Kab. Kubu Raya. After obtained a permit to carry out activities, the Team briefly contacted the community with the assistance of the Head of RT and RW. Participants who toke part in this activity were those who lived or have a family with diabetes mellitus. Participants were given training related to prevention and treatment of basic wounds, which in the end evaluation followed by publication.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Mustakim Mustakim ◽  
Kasmar Kasmar

Supervision of Bhabinkamtibmas in the use of village funds, aims to ensure that Bhabinkamtibmas can carry out their duties properly. The method used is a normative legal research method with a statutory and conceptual approach. The results of this study indicate that the supervision of Bhabinkamtibmas in the use of village funds is needed to increase the role of Bhabinkamtibmas in village development and coordinate with village community leaders. Because when many community leaders supervise, it is better for the Village Government not to abuse their positions and KKN in the implementation of village development because village funds can tempt officials to do wrong. Bhabinkamtibmas should be involved since planning or deliberation in the hamlet/village, village deliberations (musrenbangdes) so that the development direction is according to priorities in the village and monitoring the village development process. Thus the task of supervising Bhabinkamtibmas can run smoothly, so that it can build a prosperous village without corruption, collusion and nepotism.

2022 ◽  
pp. 17-43
Lynn A. Wilson

Informed action by the leaders of the future is critical for creating resilient communities. Preparing these future leaders through formal and informal education, research, and environmental/climate change programs that interweave local knowledge with the most current global science positions them to becomes the catalysts that propel community leaders to engage a wider range of possible futures. This chapter integrates findings from a SeaTrust Institute research project with the sustainable development goals in an analysis supporting dynamic and reconfigurable combinations of agents that promote the attributes of elasticity, future orientation, and motivation to address the high stakes choices for resilience to climate and environmental/social change. Author objectives in this chapter are to illustrate the optimum roles of youth in the process and what preparations and conditions are needed to instill and support youth in their ability to flip a process at the point of catastrophe to restore equilibrium and promote resilience.

2022 ◽  
pp. 202-220
Tshimangadzo Selina Mudau ◽  
Roehl Sybing

The aim of this study is to present how critical discourse analysis was used to enhance social justice among teenaged mothers. Critical discourse analysis was used to promote critical dialogue between the socially legitimate structures and the marginalized teenaged mothers to deconstruct text and discourses that perpetuate social injustice. The study is anchored on community engagement. Data was generated with seven teenaged mothers, parents, and community leaders. Individual interviews, focus group discussions, and reflections were used to generate data with co-researchers. The study found that when teenaged mothers are exposed to social marginalization, they are denied the needed support in the development of personal, cultural, and social skills. Through critical dialogue, social text and discourses were deconstructed to co-create contextual and shared meaning leading to social justice for the marginalized teenaged mothers. The study concludes that critical discourse analysis is most appropriate in studies with youth or marginalized groups.

Al-Qadha ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 127-143
Faisal Faisal

There is a phenomenon that occurs in Langsa City regarding the understanding of some Imum Gampong (Village Imams) and some community leaders who argue that in the pronunciation of the ijab-qabul lafadz spoken by the bride's guardian or by the prospective groom, it must be sige tareik nafah. This sige tareik nafah, as said by Tengku imum gampong (village priest), is very burdensome for the prospective groom or guardian, because in addition to the long sentences, nervousness becomes an obstacle and interferes with concentration in pronouncing consent, so many feel afraid before the implementation of the marriage contract, such rules or customs seem too excessive. This article uses the sociology of law theory. The results of the study show that the scholars of Langsa City in this matter are a habit or custom that develops in society, so that the gampong priests understand it as a legal stipulation, then in pronouncing the ijab-qabul it must be with sige tareik nafah, otherwise the marriage is invalid. . Then this sige tareik nafah is an addition to the understanding of the village priest about the prohibition of fashl in pronouncing the ijab-qabul and the qabul-qabul must be in one assembly.

Heni Voni Rerey ◽  

This research is motivated by the role of women in the household environment, so this role is considered an obligation that must be done hereditary by women. It can be described that the role of women in life ranging from pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding children, maintaining the survival of children to adulthood is a nature that must be lived by a woman. This study examined the role of Papuan women in the Sentani tribe as a family booster and health resilience for the community from the cultural point of view of the Sentani tribe, Papua. This research uses qualitative research methods of phenomenology in May - October 2021. The data collection was conducted with interviews with 14 informants consisting of tribal chiefs, community leaders, fathers, mothers and young women sentani. The results showed sentani women began their role in the household by preparing all the needs of family members as an early education for young women about their obligations as women. Mothers have an important responsibility to keep young women in a pattern of association and behave with boys. Sentani women have a dual role, in addition to shouldering the responsibility of being a mother who gives birth and prepares all the needs of children and her husband, they also play a role to prepare foodstuffs such as gardening or looking for fish in the lake. This role is always attached and passed down to their daughters.

Genealogy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Robert Douglas Dunbar

Gaelic-speaking emigrants brought with them a massive body of oral tradition, including a rich and varied corpus of song–poetry, and many of the emigrants were themselves highly skilled song-makers. Elegies were a particularly prominent genre that formed a crucially important aspect of the sizeable amount of panegyric verse for members of the Gaelic aristocracy, which is a tradition dating back to the Middle Ages. This contribution will demonstrate that elegies retained a prominent place in the Gaelic tradition in the new world Gaelic communities established in many parts of Canada and in particular in eastern Nova Scotia. In many respects, the tradition is a conservative one: there are strong elements of continuity. One important difference is the subjects for whom elegies were composed: in the new world context, praise for clan chiefs and other members of the traditional Gaelic aristocracy were no longer of relevance, although a small number were composed primarily out of a sense of personal obligation for patronage shown in the Old Country. Instead—and as was increasingly happening in the nineteenth century in Scotland, as well—the deaths of new community leaders, including clergy, and other prominent Gaels were recorded in verse. The large number of songs composed to mark the deaths of community members is also important—particularly young people lost at sea and in other tragic circumstances, occasionally in military service, and so forth. In these song–poems, we see local poets playing a role assumed by song-makers throughout Gaelic-speaking Scotland and Ireland: that of spokespeople for the community as a whole.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 143-154
Eka Asih Putrina Taim

Kutai Lama merupakan salah satu kota lama yang terdapat di daerah aliran Sungai Mahakam. Salah satu bukti hubungan antara Kutai Lama dengan dunia luar adalah banyaknya sebaran pecahan keramik asing, terutama dari Cina, yang padat di sepanjang tepian sungai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memahami keberadaan keramik kuno di daerah aliran Sungai Mahakam. Adapun sasaran penelitian ini adalah bentuk dan variasi keramik, sehingga diketahuifungsi serta peranan keramik Cina pada masa itu. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena belum ada penelitian terdahulu yang mengulas tentang besarnya pengaruh eksistensi keramik Cina dalam perkembangan kebudayaan di kawasan Kutai Lama. Situs Kutai Lama merupakan kawasan penting bagi rekonstruksi sejarah awal perkembangan Islam di Kutai Kartanegara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif-deskriptif, dan perbandingan-perbandingan berdasarkan literatur keramik Cina. Hasil analisis morfologi dan kronologi menunjukkan bahwa keramik Dinasti Song-Yuan mendominasi populasi temuan keramik di Kutai Lama. Hal ini menjadi indikasi komoditi dagang tersebut dihargai sebagai suatu hadiah, sehingga menjadi barang berharga yang dimiliki oleh kalangan tertentu atau tokoh masyarakat. Kutai Lama is one of the old towns located in the Mahakam River catchment. One of the items of evidence of the relationship between Kutai Lama and the outside world is a large number of fragments of foreign ceramic, especially from China, which was densely found along the banks of the river. The objective of this study was to understand the existence of old ceramics in the Mahakam River catchment. The target of this research was the form and variation of ceramics, thus providing information on the purpose and role of Chinese ceramics then. This research was conducted because there were no previous studies that reviewed the magnitude of the influence of the existence of Chinese ceramics in the cultural development in the Kutai Lama region. The Kutai Lama site is an important area for the reconstruction of the early history of Islamic development in Kutai Kartanegara. The research method used was qualitative-descriptive, and comparative based on Chinese ceramics literature. The results of the morphological and chronological analyses showed that the Song-Yuan Dynasty ceramics dominate the population of ceramic findings in Kutai Lama. This is an indication that such trade commodity was also valued as gifts, therefore, it became valuable items owned by certain groups or community leaders.

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