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segmental mandibulectomy
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OTO Open ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 2473974X2110702
Akina Tamaki ◽  
Shruthi Sethuraman ◽  
Lucy Shi ◽  
Songzhu Zhao ◽  
Keith C. Carver ◽  

Objectives Osseous microvascular free tissue transfer (MFTT) is the gold standard for reconstruction for most segmental mandibulectomy defects. The most common osseous MFTT utilized in reconstruction is the fibular, scapular, and osteocutaneous radial forearm (OCRF) free flap. We evaluated postoperative bone union as well as clinical complications following MFTT and the impact of various patient and reconstructive characteristics, including type of osseous MFTT. Study Design Retrospective cohort study. Setting Tertiary care academic hospital. Methods This study examined patients who underwent osseous MFTT for mandibular defects from January 2017 to January 2019. Results An overall 144 osteotomies in 58 patients were evaluated. Of the 144 junctions, 28 (19.4%) showed radiographic nonunion. Patients who underwent preoperative (odds ratio [OR] = 0.30, P = .027) and postoperative (OR = 0.28, P = .003) radiation had a significantly lower bone union score. Time from surgery to postoperative imaging was associated with higher bone union scores (OR = 1.07, P = .024). When bone union scores were compared among types of MFTT, fibular (OR = 5.62, P = .008) and scapular (OR = 4.69, P = .043) MFTT had significantly higher scores than OCRF MFTT. Twelve (20.7%) patients had postoperative complications. There was no statistically significant correlation between clinical complications and various variables, including type of osseous MFTT. Conclusion Pre- and postoperative radiation and time from surgery have an impact on bone union. Regarding the type of MFTT, fibular and scapular MFTT appeared to have higher bone union when compared with OCRF. There was no impact of bone union or type of osseous MFTT on clinical complications.

Shigeo Ishikawa ◽  
Kazyuki Yusa ◽  
Kaoru Edamatsu ◽  
Shohei Ueda ◽  
Ayako Sugano ◽  

A particulate cancellous bone and marrow (PCBM) graft combined with titanium (Ti-) mesh tray has become one of the most popular mandibular reconstruction methods. The technique has been applied to the mandibular discontinuity defects after segmental mandibulectomy. To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports on using the technique after hemimandibulectomy, during which a wide mandibular resection, including the condyle, is performed. Here we report firstly a case of mandibular reconstruction after hemimandibulectomy, using a plate and soft-tissue free flap, followed by a Ti-mesh and PCBM harvested from the bilateral posterior ilia, which was successful. This case report first revealed how bone resorption occurred clinically in mandibular reconstruction using PCBM and Ti-mesh tray after hemimandibulectomy. We also revealed the high predictability of the mandibular reconstruction using PCBM and Ti-mesh tray after hemimandibulectomy. Our report also provides a guiding principle to overcome the limitation of mandibular reconstruction using PCBM and Ti-mesh tray after hemimandibulectomy. However, our manuscript has limited evidence being a case report.

Medicina ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (12) ◽  
pp. 1383
Juan-You Qiu ◽  
Kuan-Min Huang ◽  
Nan-Chin Lin

Cemento-ossifying fibroma (also known as ossifying fibroma or cementifying fibroma) is a benign osteogenic neoplasm. Pain and paresthesia are rarely associated with cemento-ossifying fibroma; thus, nerves must be preserved during excision. With the advent of computer-aided techniques, the use of virtual surgical planning and a customized template can improve the precision of resection and reconstruction, reduce operating time, and improve postoperative outcomes. In this report, we describe a case of cemento-ossifying fibroma in a female patient who underwent segmental mandibulectomy and reconstruction with an iliac bone graft. Additionally, we describe a simple and effective way to preserve the inferior alveolar nerve.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-73
Anjali Tandukar ◽  
Bodh Bikram Karki ◽  
Saroj Singh ◽  
Pramod Raj Joshi

Surgical resection of maxilla and /or mandible due to the presence of benign or malignant tumor is most common. Segmental resection frequently causes deviation of mandible towards the defective side and disturbances in maxillomandibular relationship. Variety of materials and techniques have been used for the construction of prosthetic replacement of acquired surgical defects. This case report describes prosthodontic management of a patient who has undergone partial maxillectomy and segmental mandibulectomy using the mandibular guide flange prosthesis with acrylic guidance ramp. This not only helps to correct the deviation but also guides the mandible for achieving occlusal contact with opposing teeth.

2021 ◽  
pp. 000348942110474
Patrick Tassone ◽  
Tabitha Galloway ◽  
Laura Dooley ◽  
Robert Zitsch

Objective: Orocutaneous fistula (OCF) after reconstruction for oral cavity resection can lead to prolonged hospitalization and adjuvant treatment delay. Few studies have examined factors leading to OCF after oral cavity resection. Primary objective: evaluate overall incidence and factors associated with OCF after oral cavity reconstruction. Data Sources: Scopus 1960—database was searched for terms: “orocutaneous fistula,” “oro cutaneous fistula,” “oral cutaneous fistula,” “orocervical fistula,” “oral cavity salivary fistula.” Review Methods: English language studies with >5 patients undergoing reconstruction after oral cavity cancer resection were included. About 1057 records initially screened; 214 full texts assessed; 78 full-texts included. PRISMA guidelines were followed, and MINORS criteria used to assess risk of bias. Data were pooled using random-effects model. Primary outcome was OCF incidence. Meta-analysis to determine the effect of preoperative radiation on OCF conducted on 12 eligible studies. Pre-collection hypothesis was that prior radiation therapy is associated with increased OCF incidence. Post-collection analyses: free versus pedicled flaps; mandible-sparing versus segmental mandibulectomy. Results: Seventy-eight studies were included in meta-analysis of overall OCF incidence. Pooled effect size showed overall incidence of OCF to be 7.71% (95% CI, 6.28%-9.13%) among 5400 patients. Meta-analysis of preoperative radiation therapy on OCF showed a pooled odds ratio of 1.68 (95% CI, 0.93-3.06). OCF incidence was similar between patients undergoing free versus pedicled reconstruction, or segmental mandibulectomy versus mandible-sparing resection. Conclusion: Orocutaneous fistula after oral cavity resection has significant incidence and clinical impact. Risk of OCF persists despite advances in reconstructive options; there is a trend toward higher risk after prior radiation.

Oral Oncology ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 118 ◽  
pp. 13
Filippo Carta ◽  
Melania Tatti ◽  
Valeria Marrosu ◽  
Cinzia Mariani ◽  
Mauro Bontempi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Mitsunobu Otsuru ◽  
Sakiko Soutome ◽  
Saki Hayashida ◽  
Satoshi Rokutanda ◽  
Souichi Yanamoto ◽  

Abstract Purpose Few studies have focused on segmental mandibulectomy for the surgical treatment of patients with medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ). The purpose of this retrospective study was to investigate the extent of mandibular resection required and the treatment outcomes. Methods One hundred thirty-seven patients with MRONJ who underwent surgical treatment at the Nagasaki University Hospital between 2011 and 2019 were included in the study. A total of 168 surgeries (155 marginal mandibulectomies; 13 segmental mandibulectomies) were performed. The relationship between various clinical and imaging factors and the treatment outcomes were investigated in the 13 cases of segmental mandibulectomy. Results Preoperative computed tomography revealed osteolytic lesions (13/13), periosteal reaction (PR; 12/13), and osteosclerosis (12/13) in patients who underwent segmental mandibulectomies. Postoperative CT revealed no residual osteolytic lesions and PR, although osteosclerosis persisted in nine patients. The cure rate of segmental mandibulectomy was 92.3% (12/13), whereas that of marginal mandibulectomy was 67.1% (104/155). One patient relapsed after segmental mandibulectomy was cured by additional resection. Two and four patients received reconstruction with free fibula flap and reconstruction metal plate, respectively; seven patients did not undergo reconstructive surgery in consideration of their poor general condition or will. Finally, in all the 13 patients, clinical symptoms such as pain and purulent discharge disappeared and oral intake was possible. Conclusion Considering the end-of-life care, segmental mandibulectomy is a treatment option for refractory MRONJ, because it can eliminate clinical symptoms early. When segmental mandibulectomy is performed, the area involving osteolytic lesions and PR must be included.

2021 ◽  
Mayumi Kamaguchi ◽  
Noritaka Ohga ◽  
Hironobu Hata ◽  
Kazuhito Yoshikawa ◽  
Ken‐Ichiro Sakata ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 (3) ◽  
pp. 143
Rumartha Putri Swari ◽  
Arfan Badeges ◽  
Vera Julia

Pendahuluan: Ameloblastoma adalah tumor invasif lokal dengan insidensi kekambuhan yang tinggi jika tidak dieksisi sepenuhnya. Mandibulektomi segmental sebagai pilihan tatalaksana yang dapat menyebabkan deformitas dan asimetri pada wajah, serta masalah pengunyahan. Pemulihan defek setelah reseksi mandibula menimbulkan masalah yang cukup berat. Tujuan laporan kasus ini untuk melaporkan hasil rekontruksi menggunakan cangkok tulang non-vaskularisasi mandibulektomi segmental pada pasien dengan ameloblastoma mandibula. Laporan kasus: Pria berusia 33 tahun datang ke Poliklinik Rawat Jalan Bagian Bedah Mulut dan Maksilofasial RS Persahabatan dengan keluhan utama pembengkakan mandibula yang perlahan bertambah dan tidak nyeri sejak enam tahun lalu. Pemeriksaan ekstra oral tampak asimetri wajah, bukaan mulut tidak ada limitasi, tidak teraba pembesaran kelenjar getah bening regio leher. Pemeriksaan intraoral didapatkan adanya benjolan regio mandibula kiri dengan batas tegas, konsistensi padat, permukaan tampak trauma oklusi gigi antagonis, immobile, dan terdapat nyeri tekan. Gambaran radiologis menunjukan lesi radiolusen multilokuler menyerupai honeycomb pada corpus mandibula kiri meluas ke regio ramus mandibula kiri. Pemeriksaan biopsi menunjukkan hasil ameloblastoma tipe folikuler pada mandibula kiri dan dilakukan mandibulektomi segmental dengan rekonstruksi cangkok tulang fibula non-vaskularisasi. Sembilan bulan setelah operasi, cangkok tulang non-vaskularisasi tidak menunjukkan komplikasi intraoral dengan bekas luka submandibular ekstraoral baik. Simpulan: Cangkok tulang fibula non-vaskular dapat dipertimbangkan sebagai salah satu pilihan untuk rekonstruksi setelah mandibulektomi segmental pada pasien ameloblastoma.Kata kunci: Mandibulektomi segmental, cangkok fibula non-vaskularisasi, ameloblastoma folikuler. ABSTRACTIntroduction: Ameloblastoma is a locally invasive tumour with a high incidence of recurrence if not completely excised. Segmental mandibulectomy as a treatment option that can cause facial deformities and asymmetry and mastication problem. Recovery of the defect after mandibular resection presents a severe problem. This case report was aimed to report the results of reconstruction using a segmental non-vascularised mandibulectomy bone graft in a patient with mandibular ameloblastoma. Case report: A 33-year-old male came to the Outpatient Polyclinic of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Division of Persahabatan General Hospital with the chief complaint of mandibular inflammation, which was slowly increasing yet painless since six years prior. Extraoral examination showed facial asymmetry, no limitation in mouth opening, no palpable enlargement of lymph nodes in the neck region. Intraoral examination revealed a lump in the left mandibular region with firm borders, solid consistency. The surface appears to be traumatic occlusion of the antagonist tooth, immobile, and tenderness was found. Radiological features showed a multilocular, honeycomb-like radiolucent lesion on the left mandibular body extending into the left mandibular ramus region. A biopsy showed follicular ameloblastoma in the left mandible, and a segmental mandibulectomy was performed with non-vascular fibular bone graft reconstruction. Nine months after surgery, non-vascular bone grafts showed no intraoral complications with either extraoral submandibular scar. Conclusion: Non-vascular fibular bone graft can be considered an option for reconstruction after segmental mandibulectomy in ameloblastoma patients. Keywords: Segmental mandibulectomy, non-vascularised fibula graft, follicular ameloblastoma.

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