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common rail injection
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2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (5) ◽  
Giacomo Silvagni ◽  
Vittorio Ravaglioli ◽  
Fabrizio Ponti ◽  
Enrico Corti ◽  
Lorenzo Raggini ◽  

2021 ◽  
Rafał Longwic ◽  
Przemyslaw Sander ◽  
Dawid Tatarynow

The article discusses the results of research on the use of canola oil and canola oil with the addition of n-hexane in a compression-ignition engine. An engine with a Common Rail injection system was tested in real traffic conditions on the road and on a chassis dynamometer. The tested fuels were fed to the engine by an additional fuel supply system. An analysis of the effect of the addition of n-hexane on the emission of the main components of toxic exhaust gases was carried out. The proposed solution may contribute to extending the service life of currently used compression ignition engines due to the improvement of the ecological properties of this type of drive sources.

Thin Quynh Nguyen ◽  
Andrey Y. Dunin ◽  
Mikhail G. Shatrov

This paper presents a method and results, which studies influences of the fuel flow mode on the pressure oscillation in the volumes of the accumulator fuel system. The fuel is supplied through nozzle holes into a constant volume chamber, which is installed a jet for fuel discharge into the low-pressure line. Results show that the increase in the base pressure value of the fuel accumulator leads to the rise in the slope of the leading edge of the differential characteristics and the maximum dQ/dt value changes closer to the beginning moment of the fuel injection process. At the same time, the control pressure value is a significant parameter that greatly influences the shape of the injection characteristic. In addition, when using the drain orifices with different diameters, received values and differential characteristics vary during the fuel supply process. The differential characteristics of the study are the basis for implementing fuel injection control solutions.

InterConf ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 258-263
Serhii Kovalov

The expediency of converting transport diesel engines into gas internal combustion engines with spark ignition has been substantiated. A multifunctional synthesis technology Avenir Gaz has been developed, designed to convert diesel engines of vehicles in operation into spark-ignited gas internal combustion engines operating on a cheaper and environmentally friendly gas fuel - LPG. The synthesis technology is based on three electronic microprocessor control units Avenir Gaz 37 of level "A", Avenir Gaz 37 of level "B" and Avenir Gaz 37 of level "C". It is shown that Avenir Gaz synthesis technology of level "A" allows converting diesel engines into gas internal combustion engines with LPG supply through a gas-air mixer into the intake pipeline, and level “B” provides group or sequential LPG injection by electromagnetic gas nozzles (common rail injection system ) into the intake manifold. Avenir Gaz synthesis technology of level "C" allows the use of an electronic inductive spark ignition system with an immovable voltage distributor (with two-spark or individual ignition coils).

Carlo Coratella ◽  
Lewis Parry ◽  
Yanfei Li ◽  
Hongming Xu

AbstractInjection-induced rail pressure fluctuations are proven to cause nonuniform spray development. These fluctuations are also responsible for generating lower injection pressures, to the detriment of jet penetration length and break-up timing. Despite the vast literature dealing with such issues, several aspects of rail pressure fluctuations remain unclear. Additionally, the need for compliance with the emission legislation has shed light on the potential of alternative fuels, which represent a pathway for sustainable mobility. This scenario has motivated the present study dealing with the assessment of the time history of rail pressure correlated with fuel properties. Tests have been performed using a last-generation common rail injection equipment under various injection settings, employing diesel and 2-methylfuran-diesel blend. This paper describes the research activity and aims to provide new insights into the correlation of rail pressure fluctuations with fuel properties.

2021 ◽  
Vol 351 ◽  
pp. 01033
Marek Idzior ◽  
Wojciech Karpiuk

Fuel injectors are the most damage-sensitive component of the diesel fuel injection system in self-ignition engines. Therefore, an important issue is their diagnosis for the proper assessment of their wear condition. The paper presents a method involving the use of an image from a thermal imaging camera to assess the technical condition of injectors used in common rail injection systems. Four injectors, whose technical condition was known, were tested. Three of them were characterized by a common fault they had damaged control valve seats, while one of the injectors was fully functional. In order to precisely assess their technical condition, the injectors were tested on a test bench. While the injectors were working, the temperature of the body in the place of the control valve was measured at a constant time interval. The conducted research has shown that there is a relationship between the rate of temperature rise of the damaged injectors’ body and their maximum temperatures, and the injection dose expenditure and the overflow expenditure.

2020 ◽  
pp. 80-85
П.С. Орлов ◽  
И.М. Соцкая

Зaгpязнeниe oкpужaющeй cpeды тoкcичными кoмпoнeнтaми oтрaбoтaвшиx гaзoв двигaтeлeй (выxлoпa) пpивoдит к cнижeнию уpoжaйнocти cельcкoхoзяйcтвeнныx кyльтyp, пpoдyктивнocти живoтнoвoдcтвa и pыбoлoвствa, a их пoвышeнныe кoнцeнтрaции нa рaбoчиx мecтaх и в кaбинaх aвтoмoбилeй, тpaктoрoв и caмoхoдныx мaшин пагубнo вoздeйcтвyют нa здoрoвьe paбoтaющиx и пpивoдят к cнижeнию пpoизвoдитeльнoсти тpyдa и yгpожают иx здopовью. Электротранспорт – эффективное решение экологической проблемы городов и один из самых перспективных видов транспорта на ближайшее время. Современный железнодорожный и городской электротранспорт имеет экономические преимущества. Электробусы оказались экономичнее обычных автобусов даже с учётом того, что они потребляют в два раза больше электроэнергии, чем обычные троллейбусы. Продолжается совершенствование и двигателя внутреннего сгорания (ДВС) в целях повышения его экономичности и экологичности. При сoздaнии нoвыx ДВС влияниe изнoсoв дeтaлeй топливной аппаратуры нa экoлoгичeскиe пoкaзaтeли нe учитывaются, пoэтoмy oдним из нaпрaвлeний к peшeнию прoблeмы cнижeния врeдныx выбpocoв дизeлeй являeтcя oптимизaция eё регулировочных пapaмeтpoв пpи пpoвeдeнии peмoнтнo-oбслyживaющиx paбoт. В peзyльтaтe исслeдoвaний рaзрaбoтaнa мeтoдикa рacчётa гидpaвличecкиx пoтepь в тoпливныx cиcтeмax. Нa ocнoвe пpoвeдённoгo aнaлизa гидpaвличecкиx пoтepь ycтaнoвлeнo, чтo дaнныe пoтepи минимaльны в aккyмyлятopнoй тoпливнoй cиcтeмe (ATC), наиболее близки к ней по величине потерь насос-форсунки. Сравнительный анализ рабочего процесса ATC и насос-форсунок показал, что обе топливные системы при полной нагрузке имеют практически одинаковые показатели по выбросам вредных веществ. Создание и апробация работы насос-форсунок, использующих электрогидравлический эффект, преобразующий электрическую энергию в механическую работу, совершаемую без промежуточных механических звеньев с высоким КПД, представляет большой интерес. Pollution of the environment with toxic components of engine exhaust gases (exhaust) leads to a decrease in crop yields, livestock farming and fishing productivity and their increased concentrations in the workplaces and cabins of vehicles, tractors and self-propelled machines are destructive of the workers’ health and lead to a decrease in labour productivity and threaten their health. Electric transport is an effective solution to the environmental problem of cities and one of the most promising means of transportation in the nearest future. Modern railway and urban electric transport has economic advantages. Electric buses turned out to be more economical than ordinary buses, even considering that they consume twice as much electricity as ordinary trolleybuses. The improvement of internal combustion engine (ICE) continues in order to increase its efficiency and environmental friendliness. When creating new internal combustion engines, the impact of wear of fuel equipment parts on environmental indicators is not taken into account, therefore, one of the ways to solve the problem of reducing polluting emissions of diesel engines is the optimization of its adjustment parameters during repair and maintenance work. As a result of the research a method for calculating hydraulic losses in fuel systems was developed. Based on the conducted analysis of hydraulic losses it was found that these losses are minimal in the common-rail injection system, the closest to it in terms of pump and injector unit losses. A comparative analysis of the working process of the common-rail injection system and pump and injector unit showed that both fuel systems at full load have almost the same indicators for hazardous substances emissions. It is of great interest to create and test the operation of pump and injector units using an electrohydraulic effect that converts electrical energy into mechanical work performed without intermediate mechanical links with high performance index.

Energies ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (22) ◽  
pp. 6118
Iman K. Reksowardojo ◽  
Hari Setiapraja ◽  
Rizqon Fajar ◽  
Edi Wibowo ◽  
Dadan Kusdiana

In this study, biodiesel fuel with a ratio of 20% volume (B20) was used on vehicles that are used in common rail injection systems, complying with Euro2 emission regulations. Laboratory and road tests were conducted to evaluate the effects of B20 on performance, emissions and engine components. Using diesel fuel and B20 as reference fuels, tests were conducted using Euro2 vehicle technology to investigate the effects on emissions, fuel consumption, and power. Durability testing was run for travel distances covering 40,000 km under various road and environmental conditions, while vehicle performance and emissions tests were conducted using the ECE R84-03 and ECE R101 test methods, respectively. The results show that B20 has lower CO and hydrocarbon (HC) emissions for every distance travelled, with an average of around 30%. Particulate emission was a bit lower, averaging 3.4% for B20 compared to B0, while NOx was found to slightly increase at around 2% for B20. Due to its lower calorific value, for an average distance traveled, the fuel economy of B20 was around 0.5% higher compared to B0. Furthermore, the maximum power of B20 was 3% lower compared to that of B0 for the entire distance traveled. However, an evaluation of engine components after 40,000 km showed that B20 and B0 were similar. Moreover, vehicles using B20 tend to have a comparable durability of engine components when compared with B0.

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