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student profile
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Touria Hamim ◽  
Faouzia Benabbou ◽  
Nawal Sael

The student profile has become an important component of education systems. Many systems objectives, as e-recommendation, e-orientation, e-recruitment and dropout prediction are essentially based on the profile for decision support. Machine learning plays an important role in this context and several studies have been carried out either for classification, prediction or clustering purpose. In this paper, the authors present a comparative study between different boosting algorithms which have been used successfully in many fields and for many purposes. In addition, the authors applied feature selection methods Fisher Score, Information Gain combined with Recursive Feature Elimination to enhance the preprocessing task and models’ performances. Using multi-label dataset predict the class of the student performance in mathematics, this article results show that the Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM) algorithm achieved the best performance when using Information gain with Recursive Feature Elimination method compared to the other boosting algorithms.

Atik Dwi Kurniasih

<p><em>To realize the Pancasila Student Profile, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology issued one of the Independent Learning Program policies, namely the "Sekolah Penggerak". "Sekolah Penggerak" is implemented by strengthening the capacity roles of principals and driving teachers. The principal is a learning leader in each academic unit who is expected to move the school by collaborating with stakeholders to realize a student-centred school. "Guru Penggerak" are learning leaders who apply independent learning and move the entire educational ecosystem to realize learner-centred education. Becoming a learning leader as a "Sekolah Penggerak" Principal or "Guru Penggerak" requires a new paradigm shift. There is one Javanese local wisdom that can be actualized as a leadership model, namely Astha  Brata . This research is a descriptive study by examining the actualization of Astha  Brata 's leadership to realize the Pancasila Student Profile in the "Sekolah Penggerak". The method used is literature study through books, journals related documents and news/online. Study results show that Astha  Brata 's leadership values are still relevant and can be actualized to answer the challenges of being a school principal and "Guru Penggerak", who is expected to become a learning leader to realize the Pancasila Student Profile.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 26-39
Razqyan Mas Bimatyugra Jati ◽  
Nurul Zuriah ◽  
Hari Sunaryo

The Minister of Education and Culture Regulation Number 3 and 20 of 2020, students are given the right to study for a maximum of three semesters of study outside the study program and campus through the Merdeka Learning-Independent Campus or “Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka” (MBKM) Program and the Pancasila student profile as the embodiment of Indonesian students. “Merdeka” Student Exchange Program or “Program Pertukaran Mahasiswa” (PMM) to accommodate the MBKM program and the realization of the Pancasila student profile. In the implementation of PMM, there are learning activities that provide experiences of diversity, inspiration, reflection, and national social contribution through the Nusantara Module (MN). The MN provides an opportunity to implement the concept of Pancasila student character in the implementation of PMM at the University of Merdeka Malang. The purpose of this study was to obtain the concept of the character of Pancasila students in higher education. The research method used descriptive qualitative, with the entire population of the PMM participants in the University of Merdeka Malang. Data were obtained through observation, questionnaires, interviews, and FGDs. The result is the concept of Pancasila character in higher education could be supported by the PMM program with the MN activities.

Sherly Sherly ◽  
Herman Herman ◽  
Fitria Halim ◽  
Edy Dharma ◽  
Ridwin Purba ◽  

This community service aims to improve and develop knowledge related to the Pancasila Student Profile program for educators and students. The Pancasila Student Profile Program is one of the Independent Learning programs launched by the Ministry of Education and Culture, which removes the National Examination and is replaced with a Minimum Competency Assessment (AKM) where one component of the AKM is a character survey which is a selected aspect of the six elements of the Pancasila Student Profile, namely faith. Moreover, pious to TYME and have a noble character, global diversity, cooperation, independence, critical and creative reasoning. The objectives of this socialization activity are: 1) Educators and students get to know the Pancasila Student Profile; 2) Educators are willing to implement the Pancasila Student Profile Program through habituation, coaching, and online learning; 3) Educators can implement the Pancasila Student Profile Program through habituation, coaching and online learning; 4) Educators prepare students to face AKM, especially character surveys; and 5) Achieved student Wellbeing 

Haixia Yu ◽  
Jidong Wang ◽  
Mohanraj Murugesan ◽  
A. B. M. Salman Rahman

Recently, the teaching and learning method in the conventional engineering education system needs a group of learners with personalized learning paths. The introduction of technologies like Artificial Intelligence will aid the learners to identify and detect learning opportunities utilizing historical information, present student profile and success data from an institution, and recommend learning measures to enhance their performance. This study proposes an Artificial Intelligence-based Meta-Heuristic Approach (AIMHA) for personalized learning detection systems and quality management. The proposed model has been utilized to optimize learning effectiveness by considering the nature of the learning path and the number of simultaneous visits to every learning action. In addition, a quality resolution can be determined by a meta-heuristic approach. The simulation findings of the learning actions have been utilized to examine the efficiency of the suggested method. The proposed method is evaluated learning activities achieved an efficiency ratio of 92.3%, sensitivity analysis ratio of 88.4%, performance ratio of 92.3%, precision ratio of 94.3% compared to other existing models.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 11-20
Matthew R. Merritt ◽  
Athipat Cleesuntorn ◽  
Laura Brahmakasikara

This research study was conducted in 2018 and resulted in an instructional system designed to support university instructors that seek to promote student agency in lecture-based learning environments. The objective of the study was to design and test an instructional system that supplements the traditional lecture and provides opportunities for the development of agentic engagement. In support of the instructional system design, the study examined ways in which university undergraduates used a digital backchannel, determined if using a digital backchannel affected agentic engagement, and identified the features of a digital backchannel that influenced student agency. The study employed a mixed methodology design using a questionnaire to collect quantitative student profile data and phenomenography to conduct a qualitative inquiry into participants’ experience. The population for this study consisted of undergraduates at a private, international university located outside of Bangkok, Thailand. A total of 171 participants took part in this study, with ten students selected for a focus group through a non-probability, purposive sampling. Overall, the study found that a lecturing system that employs the strategic use of a digital backchannel can promote student agentic engagement. Student agency and instructor effectiveness were both positively influenced through the employment of an instructional system.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Gian Pietro Zaccomer ◽  
Maurizia Sigura

Abstract. The currently IT tools provides increased opportunities to organize professional and recreational activities by interactive maps easily accessible for users. An experiment was conducted to understand if the great potential offered by new technologies match with the ability to produce good quality spatial data by users. The goal was to assess whether their knowledge of GIS affected the quality of their mapping activity by online map-based survey with maps as part of on line questionnaire. The attention was paid to university students as target of potential users of these tools, considering different skills acquired during their studies: from theoretical courses of geography, to theoretical and practical courses (dedicated labs) on GIS. The experiment involved more than 200 students of the University of Udine during the academic year 2019–2020. In this framework, a further study was developed investigating factors playing a role in students’ ability to complete the proposed exercises. The analysis was based on a multiple regression model which assumes the number of exercises completed as a dependent variable, and the student profile characteristics (gender, type of student, knowledge of GIS, and other IT skills) as independent variables. The estimated models pointed out both students’ willingness and deep knowledge of GIS as main factors effected the students’ ability to complete the proposed exercises. Fewer effects were associated to their gender and residence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-32
Iveta Ķestere ◽  
Manuel Joaquín Fernández González

The New Soviet Man has been studied primarily from the perspective of its creators, propagators of Communist ideology, while the recipients of the New Soviet Man project and its immediate end users, namely pupils and teachers were largely ignored. Hence, the present research, while capturing and utilizing the experience of Soviet Latvia from 1945 to 1985, sets the research questions as to how the image of the New Soviet Man was presented and introduced at schools and how the concept of the New Soviet Man was perceived and utilised by the “objects” of this state contract – teachers and pupils. The research corpus includes 26 textbooks, 265 school photos and 367 student profile records. For the research purposes, four discursive domains of the New Soviet Man project were identified, namely, socio-biological discourse (gender, body, sexuality and health); social discourse (social class); spatial discourse (nationality) and discourse of individuality (personality, character traits). Given that the dictatorship unavoidably engenders the conflict of interests and resistance, the research corpus allowed to detect some tiny openings for the oppressed to express their views, some elements of pupils’ and teachers’ subtle resistance to the creation of the New Soviet Man, by using horizontal solidarity, avoidance, and slipping into the Grey Zone.

2021 ◽  
pp. 61-70
Jessie Bravo ◽  
Janet Aquino ◽  
Roger Alarcón ◽  
Nilton Germán

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