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practice mode
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2021 ◽  
Yuyao Sun ◽  
Jinfeng Wang ◽  
Jing Xie ◽  
Chenlong Wu

Based on the principle of transcritical CO2 two-stage compression refrigeration system, a virtual simulation teaching platform was developed. Two operation modes can be selected which are practice mode and test mode. According to questions and tips about experiments, students can do simulation experiments by open required valves, running the refrigeration system, adjusting pressure control valves and so on. When these operations are completed, students can save the file of the simulation experiment and exit the system. Then, test marks of students can be exported to Excel for teachers to view. In addition, some risks of operational errors can also be avoided, such as equipment damage. Moreover, if there is a computer, the simulation experiments can be done by this virtual simulation teaching platform, which is very convenient. The virtual simulation teaching platform is innovative and practical. The application of this virtual simulation teaching platform can improve the quality of the traditional teaching in the refrigeration field.

2021 ◽  
Vol 105 ◽  
pp. 364-376
Tao Yu ◽  
Peng Nai ◽  
Xiao Hong Zeng ◽  
Yin Zhu Zhang

Applied national law talents are a kind of specialized talents who are familiar with the legal phenomena of ethnic relations, can skillfully apply legal knowledge and ethnological knowledge to solve ethnic and legal problems, and have strong practical ability. This kind of personnel training cannot be separated from a reasonable teaching system. The author puts forward the path of constructing the teaching system of applied national law talents, and designs three teaching modes: Reading Teaching and Mark Teaching; Simulated Trial Teaching and Virtual Simulation Teaching; New Practice Mode of "Off-line plus On-line" . Meanwhile, the author also presents some opinions on the organization and arrangement of the teaching content, the design and innovation of the teaching mode, and the application of modern teaching techniques. It is emphasized that modern technology should be combined with the training of legal talents. Through the combination of modern multimedia teaching and network technology, case teaching and experimental teaching system modeling technology, virtual simulation experiment teaching and other educational means, accelerate the construction and technological innovation of applied ethnic legal talents teaching system, and design a teaching system that meets the needs of modern society.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 ◽  
Lingbo Cheng ◽  
Maryam Kalvandi ◽  
Sheri McKinstry ◽  
Ali Maddahi ◽  
Ambika Chaudhary ◽  

In December 2019, an outbreak of novel coronavirus pneumonia occurred, and subsequently attracted worldwide attention when it bloomed into the COVID-19 pandemic. To limit the spread and transmission of the novel coronavirus, governments, regulatory bodies, and health authorities across the globe strongly enforced shut down of educational institutions including medical and dental schools. The adverse effects of COVID-19 on dental education have been tremendous, including difficulties in the delivery of practical courses such as restorative dentistry. As a solution to help dental schools adapt to the pandemic, we have developed a compact and portable teaching-learning platform called DenTeach. This platform is intended for remote teaching and learning pertaining to dental schools at these unprecedented times. This device can facilitate fully remote and physical-distancing-aware teaching and learning in dentistry. DenTeach platform consists of an instructor workstation (DT-Performer), a student workstation (DT-Student), advanced wireless networking technology, and cloud-based data storage and retrieval. The platform procedurally synchronizes the instructor and the student with real-time video, audio, feel, and posture (VAFP). To provide quantitative feedback to instructors and students, the DT-Student workstation quantifies key performance indices (KPIs) related to a given task to assess and improve various aspects of the dental skills of the students. DenTeach has been developed for use in teaching, shadowing, and practice modes. In the teaching mode, the device provides each student with tactile feedback by processing the data measured and/or obtained from the instructor's workstation, which helps the student enhance their dental skills while inherently learning from the instructor. In the shadowing mode, the student can download the augmented videos and start watching, feeling, and repeating the tasks before entering the practice mode. In the practice mode, students use the system to perform dental tasks and have their dental performance skills automatically evaluated in terms of KPIs such that both the student and the instructor are able to monitor student’s work. Most importantly, as DenTeach is packaged in a small portable suitcase, it can be used anywhere by connecting to the cloud-based data storage network to retrieve procedures and performance metrics. This paper also discusses the feasibility of the DenTeach device in the form of a case study. It is demonstrated that a combination of the KPIs, video views, and graphical reports in both teaching and shadowing modes effectively help the student understand which aspects of their work needs further improvement. Moreover, the results of the practice mode over 10 trials have shown significant improvement in terms of tool handling, smoothness of motion, and steadiness of the operation.

2021 ◽  
Peijiang Chen ◽  
Mei Zhang ◽  
Hu Han ◽  
Xiaojie Wang

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 239
Joe Yuan Mambu

School lessons can be uninteresting and even dull. Subjects like maths, physics or chemistry are on top of the list, and one topic that often hard to grasp is the projectile motion lesson. Gamification is seen as one of the concepts where learning can be much more engaging. Using Unity 3D, we were able to develop gamification of the projectile motion lesson. By transforming it into an Angry Birds look alike, the learning process is experienced in this turn-based game become much more enjoyable. Instead of pointing where to shoot, students are asked to calculate the velocity by taking the given value such as angle and distance. The game can be played alone, as in practice mode, or two players as in versus mode or even two groups which is very applicable in a class (i.e. Group 1 vs Group 2) and since it uses real physics equation, the application able to show a realistic simulation of the projectile motion path. School lessons can be uninteresting and even dull. Subjects like maths, physics or chemistry are on top of the list, and one topic that often hard to grasp is the projectile motion lesson. Gamification is seen as one of the concepts where learning can be much more engaging. Using Unity 3D, we were able to develop gamification of the projectile motion lesson. By transforming it into an Angry Birds look alike, the learning process is experienced in this turn-based game become much more enjoyable. Instead of pointing where to shoot, students are asked to calculate the velocity by taking the given value such as angle and distance. The game can be played alone, as in practice mode, or two players as in versus mode or even two groups which is very applicable in a class (i.e. Group 1 vs Group 2) and since it uses real physics equation, the application able to show a realistic simulation of the projectile motion path.

Retos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Hugo Simões ◽  
Pedro Manuel Santos ◽  
Beatriz Pereira ◽  
Abel Figueiredo

Resumo. Esta revisão sistemática teve por objetivo sintetizar e analisar os estudos que relacionam a prática de Artes Marciais & Desportos de Combate (AM&DC) com a violência, nomeadamente com o fenómeno de Bullying em idade escolar. De fevereiro a agosto de 2018 foram recolhidas e analisadas 48 publicações de sete bases de dados científicas internacionais, mas apenas 18 cumpriram os critérios para serem incluídas neste estudo. Esta revisão evidencia que a prática de AM&DC promove alterações genericamente favoráveis no léxico biopsicossocial das crianças e adolescentes que as praticam. São um ótimo meio de desenvolvimento biopsicoemocional, ético e estético de crianças e adolescentes, sendo reportados nos seus praticantes níveis superiores de comportamentos pró-sociais entre pares. Esta condição é tanto mais benéfica quanto maior for a graduação do praticante (tempo de prática), a modalidade de participação nas AM&DC (praticante ou competidor), as qualificações profissionais dos treinadores, as características dos locais de prática, a tipologia de artes marciais ou mesmo o estilo (tradicional ou moderno). Palavras-Chave: artes marciais; bullying; relações entre pares; crianças; adolescentes. Abstract. This systematic review aims to synthesize and analyse studies that relate the practice of Martial Arts and Combat Sports (AM&DC) with violence, in particular the phenomenon of school bullying. From February to August, 48 publications were collected from seven international scientific databases on the subject under analysis, but only 18 met all the criteria to be included in this study. This review shows that the practice of AM&DC promotes generically favorable changes in the biopsychosocial lexicon of children and adolescents who practice them. They are great ways of biopsychosocial, ethical and aesthetic development of children and adolescents, and their practitioners report higher levels of prosocial behavior among peers. This condition is all the more beneficial the higher the practitioner’s degree (length of practice), mode of participation in the AM&DC (practitioner or competitor), the professional qualification of coaches, characteristics of places of practice, the typology of martial arts or even the style (traditional or modern). Resumen. Esta revisión sistemática tuvo como objetivo sintetizar y analizar los estudios que relacionan la práctica de artes marciales y deportes de combate (AM&DC) con la violencia, en particular el fenómeno del acoso escolar. De febrero a agosto se recopilaron 48 publicaciones de siete bases de datos científicas internacionales sobre el tema en análisis, pero solo 18 cumplieron con todos los criterios para ser incluidos en este estudio. Esta revisión muestra que la práctica de AM&DC promueve cambios genéricamente favorables en el léxico biopsicosocial de niños y adolescentes que los practican. Son un excelente medio de desarrollo biopsicosocial, ético y estético de niños y adolescentes, con niveles más altos de comportamiento prosocial entre los pares en sus practicantes. Esta condición es tanto más beneficiosa cuanto mayor sea el grado del profesional (duración de la práctica), el modo de participación en AM&DC (profesional o competidor), las calificaciones profesionales de los entrenadores, las características de los lugares de práctica, la tipología de artes marciales o incluso el estilo (tradicional o moderno).

Chien-Hsing Chou ◽  
Yi-Zeng Hsieh ◽  
Shih-Syun Lin ◽  
Tao-Jen Yang ◽  
Wei-An Chen ◽  

In this article, a passive haptic learning method for Taiwanese Braille writing was developed for visually impaired individuals through the employment of an effective user-friendly learning strategy. This system was designed with portability and low cost by applying the learning concept of passive haptic learning. This system designed a pair of gloves for visually impaired people to study Braille writing. Furthermore, we also designed a Braille writing teaching system for visually impaired people to learn and practice the Braille writing. Depending on the learning content, the corresponding vibration motors on the glove fingertips vibrate to produce the Taiwan Braille input gestures. The visually impaired people then feel tactile vibration feedback from the glove fingertips. In addition, the corresponding auditory feedback is provided from the Braille writing teaching system. After receiving a series of tactile vibration feedback, user’s finger muscles could memorize the corresponding Braille input gestures by the passive haptic learning. In the practice mode, the teaching system randomly selects practice content and announces the selected content in an auditory manner. Visually impaired users must then input the corresponding Braille codes by using the Braille writing input module. This mode can further reinforce users’ memorization of correct Braille codes for Mandarin characters.

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