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living material
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Oksana Zaporozhchenko ◽  
Kateryna Anikanova

The ecological tendencies of forming of architecture of interiors of modern eco-air terminals for determination of leading principles of design and methods of forming of eco-interiors of this type of structures are elucidated.  It is determined that ecological construction, eco-modernization and eco-reconstruction are important components of the success of modern airports.  The modern eco-terminal is transformed into a sophisticated architectural object that reduces the environmental footprint.  It is determined that the modern ecological environment of airport interiors is created with the help of non-standard planning solutions, organic bionic forms and eco materials.  This environment is developed taking into account innovative technologies based on the synthesis of elements that determine its character: the basic design (its environmental characteristics), the symbolism of the form, the quality of natural light, the harmonious use of color and decoration, as well as natural materials, objects of phyto- and aqua-design, as living material that benefits the health of passengers, creating a comfortable microclimate and a good combination with nature.

Нина Андреевна Некрасова ◽  
Сергей Иванович Некрасов

Целью статьи является анализ обоснование необходимости пересмотра одностороннего представления о взаимодействии духа и материи, бытия и сознания. Основным методом исследования является диалектический анализ взаимосвязи и неразрывного единства противоположных начал человеческого бытия (материи и духа). Результатом исследования является попытка доказать, что материя и дух образуют живую материально-духовную действительность, единую непротиворечивую субстанцию, которая не нуждается в другом основании как условии своего существования, а выступает своей собственной основой. Заслуга авторов состоит в доказательстве того, что существует единая субстанция, - духоматерия, которая содержит в себе и материальную действительность, и потенциально заложенную в ней духовную деятельность человека как естественно развивающуюся область мироздания, заключающую в себе всё многообразие социально-духовного бытия человека, ибо человек как материальное явление, так и его духовность - это результат развития единой всеобщей космической субстанции мироздания - духоматерии. Теоретическая и практическая значимость статьи содержится в попытке доказать не просто взаимосвязь материального и духовного начал, но определить основы взаимодействия этих начал как двух сторон единой космической субстанции мироздания и их диалектического взаимоперехода на разных этапах конкретных форм существования. Авторам удалось углубить предложенную проблематику, что может быть использовано для дальнейшего теоретического анализа проблемы. The purpose of the article is to analyze the substantiation of the need to revise the onesided idea of the interaction of spirit and matter, being and consciousness. The main research method is the dialectical analysis of the relationship and indissoluble unity of the opposite principles of human existence (matter and spirit). The result of the study is an attempt to prove that matter and spirit form a living material-spiritual reality, a single consistent substance that does not need another basis as a condition for its existence, but acts as its own basis. The merit of this approach consists in proving that there is a single substance - spirit-matter, which contains both material reality and the potential spiritual activity of a person embedded in it as a naturally developing area of the universe, containing all the diversity of social and spiritual life of a person, for a person as a material both the phenomenon and its spirituality are the result of the development of a single universal cosmic substance of the universe - spirit matter. The theoretical and practical significance of the article is presented in an attempt to prove not just the relationship between material and spiritual principles, but to determine the basis of the interaction of these principles as two sides of a single cosmic substance of the universe and their dialectical transition at different stages of specific forms of existence. The outlined conclusions should lead to further theoretical analysis of this problem.

2021 ◽  
Eunkyung Ko ◽  
Onur Aydin ◽  
Zhengwei Li ◽  
Lauren Gapinske ◽  
Kai-Yu Huang ◽  

Engineered skeletal muscle act as therapeutics invaluable to treat injured or diseased muscle and a living material essential to assemble biological machinery. For normal development, skeletal myoblasts should express connexin 43, one of the gap junction proteins that promote myoblast fusion and myogenesis, during the early differentiation stage. However, myoblasts cultured in vitro often down-regulate connexin 43 before differentiation, limiting myogenesis and muscle contraction. This study demonstrates that tethering myoblasts with reduced graphene oxide (rGO) slows connexin 43 regression during early differentiation and increases myogenic mRNA synthesis. The whole RNA sequencing also confirms that the rGO on cells increases regulator genes for myogenesis, including troponin, while decreasing negative regulator genes. The resulting myotubes generated a three-fold larger contraction force than the rGO-free myotubes. Accordingly, a valveless biohybrid pump assembled with the rGO-tethered muscle increased the fluid velocity and flow rate considerably. The results of this study would provide an important foundation for developing physiologically relevant muscle and powering up biomachines that will be used for various bioscience studies and unexplored applications.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 527 (2) ◽  
pp. 134-142

The genus Monstera is represented in Colombia by 20 species, 12 of them from the Pacific slope of the Andes. Fieldwork between 2017 and 2019 in this region and a thorough revision of the main Colombian herbaria allowed us to discover two undescribed species belonging to Monstera section Monstera. The two new species are described and illustrated using color photographs of vegetative and reproductive features from living material, and compared to Monstera oreophila, M. epipremnoides and M. dissecta from Central America.

2021 ◽  
Stephen Mann

Abstract Advancing the spontaneous bottom-up construction of artificial cells with high organisational complexity and diverse functionality remains an unresolved issue at the interface between living and non-living matter. To address this challenge, a living material assembly process based on the capture and on-site processing of spatially segregated bacterial colonies within individual coacervate micro-droplets is developed for the endogenous construction of membrane-bounded, molecularly crowded, compositionally, structurally and morphologically complex synthetic cells. The bacteriogenic protocells inherit diverse biological components, exhibit multi-functional cytomimetic properties and can be endogenously remodelled to include a spatially partitioned DNA/histone nucleus-like condensate, membranized water vacuoles and a self-supporting 3D network of F-actin proto-cytoskeletal filaments. The ensemble is biochemically energized by self-sustainable ATP production derived from implanted live E. coli cells to produce a cellular bionic system with amoeba-like external morphology and integrated life-like properties. Our results demonstrate a novel bacteriogenic strategy for the bottom-up construction of functional protoliving micro-devices and provide opportunities for the fabrication of new synthetic cell modules and augmented living/synthetic cell constructs with potential applications in engineered synthetic biology and biotechnology.

2021 ◽  
Lealia Xiong ◽  
Michael Garrett ◽  
Julia Kornfield ◽  
Mikhail Shapiro

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 521 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-47

A new species of Dichaea sect. Dichaea from the Andean forests in Colombia is described and illustrated based on living material. Dichaea andina is compared with the morphologically similar D. lagotis and D. pendula, from which it can be distinguished by a number of vegetative and floral and features. Dichaea andina differs from D. lagotis in the broadly anchoriform lip, the hypochile transversely subrounded and the epichile transversely narrowly elliptic, briefly apiculate. Similarly, it differs from D. pendula in the caespitose habit, the leaves without cross-venation, and the inflorescence straight produced below the foliage, among other features. Ecological information for the new species is also provided.

A. T. Grevtsova ◽  
T. B. Vakulenko ◽  
N. S. Novischenko

The range of most species of the genus Cotoneaster Medik. located in the mountainous regions of Asia.According to the latest report by Janette Fryer and Bertil Hylmo, the genus Cotoneaster is represented by 2 subgenuses,11 sections and 37 series. Cotoneasters of Siberian flora: C. commixtus, C. laxiflorus, C. lucidus, C. megalocarpus, C. multiflorus, C. popovii, C. tjulinae, C. uniflorus, C. yakuticus, located in 2 subgenuses, 4 sections, 4 series. Collection of speciesof the genus Cotoneaster in the Botanical Garden acad. A.V. Fomin was created according the method of genus complexesby F. N. Rusanov, starting from 1972. The source material was attracted both by the extraction of seeds from the catalogsof foreign and Russian botanical gardens, and by the collection of seeds and living material in places of natural growth.Two expeditions were carried out to the regions of Siberia. The first one – Yakutsk in 1982 (10.08 – 29.08) along the route Kiev – Novosibirsk – Irkutsk – Tomsk – Krasnoyarsk – Aldan – Irkutsk – Kiev. The second – Central Siberian in 1983(24.07 – 17.08) along the route: Kiev – Irkutsk – Davsha – Nizhne –Angarsk – Severo –Baikalsk – Ulan –Ude – Kyakhta –Irkutsk – Chita – Moscow – Kiev. Morphological descriptions of annual shoots leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds of three typesof Cotoneasters: C. laxiflorus, C. lucidus, C. neo-popovii, micrographs of endocarp of bones, columns are given. The material is illustrated with photographs of plants introduced in the north-west of Ukraine (Kiev).

Webbia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 76 (2) ◽  
pp. 265-279
Marco Cedeño-Fonseca ◽  
Orlando O. Ortiz ◽  
Alejandro Zuluaga ◽  
Michael H. Grayum ◽  
Thomas B. Croat

Monstera bocatorensis Croat & M.Cedeño, Monstera donosoensis Croat, M.Cedeño & O.Ortiz, Monstera gigas Croat, Zuluaga, M.Cedeño & O.Ortiz, and Monstera titanum Croat, M.Cedeño & O.Ortiz are newly described from Panama, and illustrated from living material.

Phytotaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 516 (2) ◽  

Passiflora coelestis is morphologically and anatomically described from living material as a new species belonging to the section Dysosmia, supersection Stipulata and subgenus and genus Passiflora. The species occurs in Araucaria Moist Forest, a phytophysiognomy of the Atlantic Forest biome. The section has been characterized as one of the most taxonomically complex groups within Passiflora. Passiflora coelestis is related to species within the Dysosmioides group and is similar to P. campanulata, differing mainly in the stipules, petiole, bracts, and corona filaments. The new species is morphologically compared with taxa of the section; moreover, additional anatomic, palynological and molecular data are also discussed with regard to taxonomic classification.

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