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2022 ◽  
pp. 126125
Dagmar Hagen ◽  
Marianne Evju ◽  
Pål Skovli Henriksen ◽  
Svein Solli ◽  
Lars Erikstad ◽  

Educatio ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 260-279
László Gadár ◽  
Zsuzsanna Banász ◽  
Zsolt Tibor Kosztyán ◽  
András Telcs

Összefoglaló. Tanulmányunkban arra kerestük a választ, hogy a friss diplomások munkaerőpiaci kereslete és kínálata mennyire illeszkedik egymáshoz. Kísérletet tettünk arra, hogy képzési területenként meghatározzuk a legjellemzőbb korai karrierutat egy erre alkalmas hálózatban, modulok feltárásával. Megnéztük a szakterületre leginkább jellemző elhelyezkedésektől való eltérések területi és intézményi eloszlásait. Elemzéseinkhez a Diplomás Pályakövetési Rendszer adatait használtuk fel. A 2014–2015-ös tanév 1. félévében, alapképzésben, legalább abszolutóriumot szerzett (22 759 fő) hallgatók elhelyezkedési adatait vizsgáltuk. Részletesebben két szakterület (gazdaságtudomány, műszaki) képzéseit vizsgáltuk intézményi és megyei bontásokban. Summary. In this study, we investigated the performance of the recent graduates in the labour market in terms of the supply and the demand matching. A network science based method was introduced to identify the most typical occupations of the graduate’s training area by exploring modules. We analyzed the spatial and institutional differences in the average early career path. Our analysis is based on the data of Hungarian Administrative Career Tracking System. We examined the employment data of students who obtained a bachelor diploma in the 2014–2015 academic year (22,759 people). We studied more specifically the early career path of graduates who graduated in the economic or engineering training area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 5643-5658
Simmi Chawla ◽  
Dr. Parul Tomar ◽  
Dr. Sapna Gambhir

Smart education is a idea that defines studying in the digital age, has received growing interest that allows leading generation in instructional establishments. The purpose is to promote inclusive knowledge to cope with the various needs of students, via the use of latest information and communique technology. IoT in lecturers is a brand new revolution to the internet era which added “Smartness” in the whole IT infrastructure. IoT guarantees to equip college students with 21st century digital abilities and Universities ought to adapt computerized approaches which can help to beautify productiveness and their getting to know consequences to enhance students’ performance. then again the massive volume of information is produced through existing programs inside the education global. there may be usually a problem a way to effectively manipulate the generated facts. these days the quantity of current researches mentioned the position of large records analytics, but, existing research fail to address the unique troubles like interoperability, scalability, and versatility of the facts gathered and processing in training area. This paper is designed to encapsulate the function of IoT in education and advise an interoperable architecture which describes how the records accrued, processed may be analyzed and manage present troubles. We additionally described choice making technique for Universities or institutes to take decision timely. We additionally describe the feasible challenges and want for transforming the training area. despite the fact that IoT brings fantastic adjustments in adapting this revolution to the better education system, with the development of smart technologies in education system it lies in three factors: a) scholar’s progressive tracking and evaluation b) integration of IoT technology in cutting-edge teaching systems c) design and development of tutorial middleware. IoT impacts education in many methods that allow institutions to make greater knowledgeable decisions for you to enhance pupil gaining knowledge of, efficiency and campus protection and lots extra. net of factors isn't just a generation but it may lead to make bigger the complete training gadget and society.

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 2583
Primo Micarelli ◽  
Federico Chieppa ◽  
Antonio Pacifico ◽  
Enrico Rabboni ◽  
Francesca Romana Reinero

Between the years 2008 and 2013, six annual research expeditions were carried out at Dyer Island (Gansbaai, South Africa) to study the surface behaviour of white sharks in the presence of two passive prey: tuna bait and a seal-shaped decoy. Sightings were performed from a commercial cage-diving boat over 247 h; 250 different white sharks, with a mean total length (TL) of 308 cm, were observed. Of these, 166 performed at least one or more interactions, for a total of 240 interactions with bait and the seal-shaped decoy. In Gansbaai, there is a population of transient white sharks consisting mainly of immature specimens throughout the year. Both mature and immature sharks preferred to prey on the seal-shaped decoy, probably due to the dietary shift that occurs in white sharks whose TL varies between 200 cm and 340 cm. As it is widely confirmed that white sharks change their diet from a predominantly piscivorous juvenile diet to a mature marine mammalian diet, it is possible that Gansbaai may be a hunting training area and that sharks show a discriminate food choice, a strategy that was adopted by the majority of specimens thanks to their ability to visualize energetically richer prey, after having been attracted by the odorous source represented by the tuna bait.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Monteiro et al. ◽  

Accounting conservatism and Accounting-based Earnings Management Practices (AEMP) introduce bias in financial information (FI), thereby influencing stakeholder behavior in the decision-making process. This study aims to analyze, from the certified accountants’ perspective, the AEMP in Portugal. Specifically, it analyses (1) the development of the AEMP and its impact on FI reporting, (2) the main hampered on its implementation, and (3) the need for the instruments and corporate governance mechanisms to mitigate the AEMP. Besides this research analyses (4) the relationship between the certified accountant’s characteristics (gender, age, professional experience, educational qualifications, and training area. To achieve the proposed objectives, we have used a quantitative methodological approach with a survey questionnaire, conducting an empirical study based on a sample of certified accountants. Based on a sample of 159 certified accountants, the results found that the majority of respondents indicate that Portuguese companies develop AEMP and that these practices have a negative and significant impact on the quality of financial statements (FS). Moreover, most certified accountants point out that is important to adopt measures that will prevent the abuse of AEMP and the main instruments for this are the establishments of more precise and concrete accounting standards and the application of the sanctions. The results also indicate that the audit committee and efficient internal control are corporate governance mechanisms AEMP able of mitigating the effects of the AEMP. Finally, the individual characteristics of certified accountants, such as professional experience, educational qualifications, and training area, significantly influence their perception of the need to mitigate the AEMP. This study presents relevant contributions to theory and practice. First, it develops the literature that evaluates AEMP, particularly in Portugal, where studies are scarce. Second, this study is original because it considers the relationship characteristics of accounting and AEMP professionals. Third, it allows entities that operate in accounting standardization and for accountants and FI users to have a more in-depth knowledge of the AEMP’s instruments and mechanisms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 335-343
Emiliyana Dimitrova

The article presents the requirements for the development of vocational education and training until 2025 in the light of the Osnabruck Declaration. The Declaration describes the objectives to be achieved at European and national level in the following areas of development: resilience and excellence through quality, inclusive, and flexible vocational education and training; establishing a new lifelong learning culture – relevance of CVET and digitalisation; sustainability – a green link in VET European Education and Training Area and international dimension of vocational education and training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 128-131
Tae-Dong Kim ◽  
In-Su Yeom

The objective of this study is to analyze the effect of smoke obscuration on the signal sensitivity of microwaves received from a drone. A spectrum analyzer and a directional antenna were employed for analyzing the received signal sensitivity and measuring the mean received power, both before and after the drone entered the smoke layer for one min in the fire training area. The drone operated in the range of 2.4 GHz to 2.48 GHz. It is found that the received power before entering the smoke layer is –39.3 dBm, at which signals and image data can be received. However, upon entering the smoke layer, the received power is reduced to –47 dBm, at which signals and image data cannot be received. Hence, the received power undergoes an attenuation of approximately 7.7 dBm (5.9 mW) owing to smoke obscuration, which causes communication outage. Based on this study, it can be concluded that the received power undergoes attenuation owing to smoke obscuration during fires. Furthermore, if a communication problem occurs due to microwave attenuation, it affects the drone’s operation.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (4) ◽  
pp. 1290
Józef Pyra ◽  
Maciej Kłaczyński

The paper tackles the issues of data acquisition during the measuring of vibrations caused by the detonation of explosive charges in various types of works (blasting in mines, demolition works, tunneling). Depending on the placement of an explosive charge (a charge detonated on the surface or a charge placed in a hole), it triggers side effects in the form of mechanical vibrations, which are propagated in the environment and may pose a hazard to buildings. In the case of propagation in the air, there is an acoustic wave and an airblast wave. For the assessment analysis on the impact of vibrations on buildings, a ground-propagated signal is used, while what is propagated by air is a disturbance. Selected examples in the paper demonstrate how an acoustic wave and an airblast wave interferes with the signal recorded by geophones. Afterwards, the paper presents the results of the tests conducted at a training area, during which various masses of explosive charges placed in different ways were detonated. The examples demonstrate that this interference may lead to the misinterpretation of recorded measurements. This paper is the first of two papers that will present the results of research into this matter and the suggested resolutions in order to eliminate this interference.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 7
Nupur Pattanaik ◽  
Krishna Kar ◽  
Durga Madhab Satapathy ◽  
Anshuman Pattanaik

Objectives: Reproductive tract infection/sexually transmitted infection (RTI/STI) has become a silent epidemic that devastates women’s life. Improper maintenance of menstrual hygiene is one of the important causes of ascending infection of genital tract leading to RTI. The objectives of the study were to assess reproductive health status and menstrual hygiene practices of adolescent girls residing in the urban slums. Material and Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study conducted among adolescent girls residing in urban slums situated under field training area of the Department of Community Medicine, S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha. From among 10 Anganwadi Centres (AWCs) under this field training area, four AWCs having relatively more slum population were selected for the study. A total of 277 adolescent girls were studied who had attended menarche. Pre-designed and pre-tested questionnaire was used to collect information regarding the reproductive health status of adolescent girls. Results: Among the 277 adolescent slum girls, 116 (41.9%) had no complaint related to menstruation and reproductive health. Most of the adolescent girls had dysmenorrhea followed by irregular cycles, menorrhagia, and scanty menstruation. As per syndromic approach, 15.2% of adolescent girls had symptoms of RTI/STI. Only 36.8% of girls were using sanitary napkins. Conclusion: More than half of adolescent slum girls had one or more menstrual problems, the common being dysmenorrhea. Symptom of RTI/STI was also a common problem encountered among these girls as almost one in seven girls were having these symptoms and this was more among the girls not using sanitary pad during menstruation.

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