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savannah zone
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2022 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 91-101
A.S. Nsangou ◽  
F. Meutchieye ◽  
T.K. Manchang ◽  
G.S. Bah

This study is aimed at evaluating the phenptypic and genetic diversity of local cattle breeds in Cameroon. To this end, biometric data were collected randomly in six (6) localities of the Mayo-Banyo Division, on a sample of 321 adult Banyo Gudali zebu cattle (234 cows and 87 bulls) aged between 6 and 16 years and having a body condition score varying from 2 to 4. Results reveal a variability of the coat color i.e., 19,00% white coat and its derivatives (speckled, stoat, grey, truiture); 9.99% black coat and its derivatives (black list and black piebald); 18.06% piebald (4.67% black piebald and 13.39 red piebald); 52.94% red and its derivatives (red piebald and red list). The single-colored coats are less represented (38.94%)compared to double-colored coats (61.06%). The frequency of alleles S+, D, ED, Aa, E+, s, A+, e and P are respectively 0.315; 0.201; 0.140; 0.267; 0.859; 0.685; 0.733; 0.386 and 1.000. There is a predominance of white-black horns (50.2%) over grey horns (42.4%). This population is characterized by long hairs, straight-edged ears oriented laterally and with humps occupying a cervico-thoracic position. The facial and back profiles are straight. The neck has a horizontal curved profile, the rump with a low set tail. Crescent shaped horns predominate (73,5%) followed by the horns in low lyre (15,9%) with the other shapes (stump, lateral pointed tip, crown and asymmetrical deformed right or left) being the least represented. The raised horns (92.5%) are predominant. Erect and moderate humps (86.6%) are dominant over drooping ones (13.4%).

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (40) ◽  
pp. 240
Loukou N’Goran Etienne ◽  
Soro Kouhana ◽  
Soro Brahima ◽  
Rognon Xavier ◽  
Kayang B. Boniface ◽  

Les poulets locaux, malgré leur rôle important dans l’aviculture ivoirienne, souffrent de leur faible productivité. Pour contribuer à l’amélioration de leur productivité, une étude descriptive a été réalisée sur son élevage auprès 206 paysans natifs de deux zones agro-écologiques à l’aide d’un questionnaire. Les résultats indiquent les paysans exploitent les poulets locaux dans un système exclusivement extensif. L’aviculture villageoise est une activité dominée par les hommes (79,60 %) et la considérant comme secondaire (97 %). La plupart de ces aviculteurs sont analphabètes (52,5 %). La rusticité et la qualité organoleptique des produits constituent les principales motivations en faveur de cet élevage dans 82 % cas en moyenne. Ils ont débuté l’élevage par achat (59 %) d’un petit noyau initial, par don ou par héritage (41 %) en zone de forêt et par confiage (60 %) en zone de savane. La 1ère ponte d’une poulette intervient en moyenne à 6 mois d’âge (52,5 %). Un faible effectif (23 poulets) composé en majorité de jeunes sujets (55,21 %), de poules (33,19 %) et de coqs (11,40%) a été observé dans les cheptels. Le plein air intégral (73,30 %) a été le mode privilégié d’élevage en zone de savane. Les épizooties (54,35 %) et les prédateurs (38 %) ont été les premières causes de mortalité. Les produits d'élevage issus de ce système ont été utilisés en autoconsommation (62 %) en zone de forêt et vendus (65 %) en zone de savane. La levée des contraintes caractérisant le système le système extensif pourrait aider à l’amélioration de la productivité des poules locales. Local chickens play an important role in Ivorian poultry farming, but this animal resource suffers from its low productivity. In order to contribute to the improvement of this productivity, a descriptive study was carried out on its breeding among two hundred and six (206) farmers who were native to two agro-ecological zones using a structured questionnaire. The results indicate that these farmers are exploiting local chickens in an extensive system exclusively. Village poultry farming is an activity dominated by men (79.60%) and considered secondary (97%). Most of these poultry farmers are illiterate (52.5%) and the rusticity and organoleptic quality of the products are the main motivations for this breeding in an average of 82% cases. They began breeding by purchasing a small nucleus (59%), by gifts or inheritance (41%) in the Forest zone and by entrusting (60%) in the Savannah zone. The first laying of a pullet occurs on average at 6 months of age (52.5%) and the early pullet lays its first eggs between 4 and 6 months (13%). A few chickens (23), the majority of which were youngsters (55.21%), hens (33.19%) and roosters (11.40%), were observed in the flocks. In Savannah areas, free-range rearing (73.30%) was the preferred method of rearing. Epizootics (54.35%) and predators (38%) were the main causes of mortality. The livestock products from this system were used for self-consumption (62%) in the forest zone and sold (65%) in the Savannah zone. Removing the constraints that characterize the extensive system could help to improve the productivity of local chickens.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 395-403
A. M. Ibrahim ◽  
J. Sanusi ◽  
A. G. Adesoji

Multi location field trials were conducted during the 2019/2020 dry season at Teaching and Research Farm of Federal University Dutsin-Ma (Badole) 11058`N, 80 26`E and 475m above sea level and Kugado Fadama site (110 33 N, 80 23 E and 481m above Sea level). Treatments consisted of three varieties of groundnut (SAMNUT 24, SAMNUT 25 and SAMNUT 26), 3 intra-row spacing (15, 20 and 25cm), and three irrigation intervals (3, 6 and 9days) replicated three times. The treatments were factorized and laid out in a randomized complete block design (RCBD). Results from the study revealed that groundnut variety had significant (P≤0.05) effect on the performance of groundnut at the two locations. SAMNUT 24 significantly (P≤0.05) outperformed SAMNUT 26 and 25 respectively in terms of stand establishment count, plant height, canopy spread, pod number per plant, pod weight per plant, and haulms weight per plant at the two locations. Intra-row spacing of 15cm significantly (P≤0.05) outperformed 20 and 25cm respectively however, 6days irrigation interval on growth and 3days irrigation interval on yield parameters recorded a significant (P≤0.05) effect at Badole while at Kugado 6days for growth and 9days irrigation interval for yield parameters was significant. The study revealed that SAMNUT 24, intra-row spacing of 15cm, 6days irrigation interval on growth and 3 days on yield parameters at Badole and Kugado SAMNUT 24, intra-row spacing of 15cm, 6days irrigation interval on growth and 9days irrigation interval on yield component proved to be most effective

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-46
O. T. Olayemi ◽  
K. J. Lawal ◽  
K. D. Salami ◽  
O. V. Oyerinde

The research examined the gender based activities on Parkia biglobosa and Vitelleria paradoxa value chains in derived savannah zone of Nigeria using Oyo State as a case study. The research survey design was adopted which involved administration of semi-structured questionnaires of one hundred and twenty (120) respondents in two Local Government areas of Oyo State namely: Atisbo and Saki. The study areas were purposively selected based on the abundance of the selected Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs). The data were analysed using descriptive statistic. The result showed that farm had the highest number of seeds for collection (48.3% and 41.7%) of Parkia biglobosa and Vitelleria paradoxa followed by community forests. Greater percentage of the population of Shea butter and Parkia producers in the study area were dominated by aged group which were mostly women. Produce were mainly for local consumption while a few numbers attract the larger domestic and international markets. Therefore, it is recommended that government should help in providing simple, easy technology that will facilitate good hygiene practices, packaging and also provide basic infrastructures like boreholes, sorting, cracking, dehuller and milling machines for both the fruits and seeds processors

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 20-26
Iliya Bawa ◽  
H. Nahunnaro ◽  
Luka Yelwa Barde ◽  
Tabita Sule Gaba ◽  
Alhaji Musa

A multilocational field trial was conducted to investigate the effect of some plant extracts (Bolanite aegyptica, Eucalyptus camaldulensis and Citrus aurantium) and a synthetic antibiotic (Streptomycin) on the incidence and severity of angular leaf spot on five cotton geno-types namely SAMCOT-8, SAMCOT-9, SAMCOT-10, SAMCOT-11 and SAMCOT-12 in Yola and Jalingo, both located in the northern guinea savannah zone of Nigeria. The experiment was carried out on a split-plot design having three replications with cotton genotypes on the main plots and plant extracts on the sub-plots. Data collected on the incidence and severity of the disease were analysed using the Generalized Linear Model procedure and means separation at 5% level of probability by Duncan Multiple Range Test. Findings of the study revealed that Streptomycin and Bolanite aegyptiaca were able to reduce the disease incidence by 18.12% from 58.69% in Yola at 13 WAS. In Jalingo however, B. aegyptiaca was found to have re-duced the disease severity from 52.12% to 19.69% at 13 WAS. SAMCOT-8 consistently recorded lower incidence and severity means in Yola and Jalingo of 47.96%; 59.12% and 40.82%; 39.70% while SAMCOT-12 recorded higher means of 53.29%; 59.82% and 48.03%; 46.70% respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Isaac A. Hinne ◽  
Simon K. Attah ◽  
Benedicta A. Mensah ◽  
Akua O. Forson ◽  
Yaw A. Afrane

Abstract Background Understanding the ecology of larval malaria and lymphatic filariasis mosquitoes in a changing environment is important in developing effective control tools or programmes. This study characterized the breeding habitats of Anopheles mosquitoes in rural communities in different ecological zones in Ghana during the dry and rainy seasons. Methods The spatio-temporal distribution, species composition, and abundance of larval Anopheles mosquitoes in breeding habitats were studied in five locations in three ecological zones of Ghana. These were Anyakpor (coastal savannah area), Duase (forest area), and Libga, Pagaza, and Kpalsogu (Sahel savannah area). Larvae were collected using standard dippers and were raised in the insectary for identification. Results Out of a total of 7984 mosquito larvae collected, 2152 (27.26%) were anophelines and were more abundant in the rainy season (70.82%) than in the dry season (29.18%). The anophelines comprised 2128 (98.88%) An. gambiae s.l., 16 (0.74%) An. rufipes, and 8 (0.37%) An. pharoensis. In the coastal savannah and forest zones, dug-out wells were the most productive habitat during the dry (1.59 larvae/dip and 1.47 larvae/dip) and rainy seasons (11.28 larvae/dip and 2.05 larvae/dip). Swamps and furrows were the most productive habitats in the Sahel savannah zone during the dry (0.25 larvae/dip) and rainy (2.14 larvae/dip) seasons, respectively. Anopheles coluzzii was the most abundant sibling species in all the ecological zones. Anopheles melas and An. arabiensis were encountered only in the coastal savannah and the Sahel savannah areas, respectively. Larval habitat types influenced the presence of larvae as well as larval density (p < 0.001). The land-use type affected the presence of Anopheles larvae (p = 0.001), while vegetation cover influenced larval density (p < 0.05). Conclusion The most productive habitats were dug-out wells in the coastal savannah and forest zones, and furrows from irrigated canals in the Sahel savannah zone. Anopheles coluzzii was the predominant vector species in all the ecological zones. The abundance of Anopheles breeding habitats and larvae were influenced by anthropogenic activities. Encouraging people whose activities create the larval habitats to become involved in larval source management such as habitat manipulation to stop mosquito breeding will be important for malaria and lymphatic filariasis control.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 73-75
O. O. Akerejola

Little work has been done to determine blood protein and electrolyte levels in healthy goats in the savannah zone of Nigeria. With the increasing interest in goats as experimental animals and for production, there is an obvious need to determine these parameters. The free range goat husbandry methods in this zone are such that the intake of minerals needs to be known and thus correlated with the blood levels under the grazing conditions needs to be known so as to form a baseline for intensive farming methods. Reported are some biochemical components of serum in goats

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-88
C. F. I. ONWUKA ◽  
D. W. EGBE ◽  
B. I. UMOH ◽  

Some 78 Holstein-Friesian cattle in a private commercial farm in the derived savanna zone of Northern Cross River State were used in the study that reported the milk production potentials of Friesian cattle in the tropics. The Cows were stall-fed with supplementary concentrates and forage within the 306-day study period. Their milk records showed production levels ranging from 0.00 to 14.92£0.83 kg milk per cow per day. Individual cow milk yield as high as 15.77 kg/day (P<0.05) was obtained in June. Production dwindled with the onset of the dry season while milk production levels decreased significantly (P<0.05) as lactation progressed. During the period, the environmental temperature varied between 23.08 -1.90oC and 38.35 0.75°C while the average relative humidity was between 26% and 95%. The main disease problem encountered was mastitis. Lactation levels were still fair up to 214th day of Lactation.

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