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city tourism
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SinkrOn ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-32
Desi Puspita ◽  
Sasmita Sasmita

The purpose of this study was to analyze the application of the k-means algorithm in classifying tourist visits to the city of Pagar Alam. The k-means algorithm in grouping tourist objects begins by determining the number of clusters to be formed, determining the centroid value of each cluster, calculating the distance between the data, and calculating the minimum object distance calculated. There are 10 tourism objects that are superior from the data from the Tourism Office of the City of Pagar Alam. The research data used is the number of tourist visitors during the COVID-19 pandemic, namely 2020. The data are grouped into 4 clusters, namely C1 = high number of tourist visitors, C2 = moderate number of tourist visitors, C3 = low number of tourist visitors, C4 = number of visitors travel is very low. the centroid values ​​used are C1 = 92,494, Centroid C2 = 71,658, Centroid C3 = 26,981 and centroid C4 = 4,485. then we get the results of grouping C1=Green Paradise tourism, C2=Janang Orange Gardens,, C3=Curup Tujuh Kenangan, Curup Mangkok, Curup dew, Tegur Wangi Site, Pelang Kenidai Village, and C4= Lumai Site, Tebing Tinggi Site and Tanjung Aro Site . From the results of grouping for c4 it becomes a note for the government of the City of Pagar Alam in increasing the number of tourist visitors.

Christian M. Rogerson ◽  
Jayne M. Rogerson

Capital city tourism is a significant theme for urban tourism scholarship. Existing international research on capital city tourism mainly concentrates on the global North. For the global South as a whole limited research examines capital cities as tourism destinations and for sub-Saharan Africa scholarship is minimal. This study contributes to the small body of writings that interrogate capital city tourism in the global South. Further, it marks a departure from the mainstream research focus on contemporary issues of capital city tourism by adopting an historical perspective on capital city tourism. Using a range of archival and documentary sources the analysis highlights the making of South Africa’s capital city as a tourism destination. Under scrutiny is the historical evolution and changing character of tourism in Pretoria over a period of a half century from 1920 to 1975. It is shown that the distinctiveness of Pretoria’s early tourism products were a reflection of its capital status. Definition of the tourism product base and its promotion were facilitated by the activities undertaken by national government promotion and the local Pretoria Publicity Association. An historical challenge for tourism development was the poor quality of local hotels, which were at a standard below international norms until at least the late 1960s. The difficulties of the accommodation services sector were compounded by the enactment of apartheid legislation from 1948 onwards, which required the existence of hotels as racialized and segregated spaces.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Arini Murwindarti

Bogor City has been the tourist destination for a long time, making this sector as the leading sector for the city. Tourism activities in Bogor City encourage the growth of creative industry especially craft business that reap the benefit through direct sales to the tourists as souvenirs. Many argue that unlike other industry in the economy, there are factors that influence the growth of creative industry beside factors of production. This study aims to identify factors that are significantly influencing the growth of craft business in Bogor City. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze data collected through interviews with 35 owners of craft business which randomly selected from the sample framework. The data obtained including (1) number of workers, (2) capital, (3) raw materials, (4) showroom ownership, (5) participation in exhibitions, (6) business permit ownership, (7) market orientation, and (8) production quantity. The first three data correspond with factors of production in classical economy, while the rest are related to the characteristics of creative-cultural industry. The result shows that none of the variables related to the classical economy factors of production are statistically significant in this model, instead the variables that are related to characteristics of creative-cultural industry are significant. Among other significant variables, participation in exhibition is the most significant variable in affecting the growth of craft business in Bogor City.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 450-460
Zulkifli Zulkifli ◽  
Anam Ibrahim ◽  
Mangatas Pasaribu ◽  
Bakhrul Khair Amal

Medan City in Indonesia, is rich with iconic forms in the form of historical buildings and cultural products of the past. On the other hand, Medan City tourism has been known since the Dutch colonial era, but has not been supported by the availability of souvenir products. This research article describes the revitalization of the iconic forms of Medan City. The aim is to examine the potential of iconic forms to be used as the basis for the development of relief-dimensional painting as a tourism souvenir product. This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The replicated method is a combination of survey method and creation method. Sources of research data are written data, photo data, interview results, notes on the creation process, and appreciative assessments. Data analysis was carried out using an interactive model: data reduction, data presentation, verification and conclusion drawing. The results showed that the iconic shapes of Medan City have great potential to be explored into original painting themes. Technically, the art of painting with relief dimensions is effectively developed with rubber sheet material, supported by strong texture work. Overall, the paintings produced have an aesthetic quality, exclusive as tourism souvenirs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 132-141
Anggitasari Anggitasari ◽  
M Badar

This study aims to determine and analyze how morale at the Bima City Tourism Office. This type of research is descriptive. The research instrument used was a Likert scale questionnaire with data collection techniques used, namely observation, questionnaires and literature study. The population used in this study were all employees at the Bima City Tourism Office, as many as 61 employees consisting of 37 civil servants (ASN), employees. The sample in this study were all employees at the Bima City Tourism Office, as many as 61 employees, with the sampling technique used, namely the saturated sampling technique, where all members of the population were sampled in the study. The results showed that morale at the Bima City Tourism Office was less than or equal to 70% of the expected (high) acceptable.

Rosaria Mita Amalia

Cultural diversity is one of the nation's wealth that can be a tourist attraction in an area. The city of Bandung as the capital city of West Java Province has the potential and allure of tourism so that it can attract tourists to come. The Bandung City Tourism Culture Office is one of the offices that maximizes their official Instagram account @ disbudpar.bdg as a medium for promoting various tourist attractions and cultural diversity as one of the attractions of Bandung for tourists. The promotional content displayed in the Instagram account feeds represents the cultural and tourism diversity of Bandung city. Various potentials and cultural attractions are displayed in visual images and captivating narratives. The previous studies focuses on the potential value of Instagram for promoting tourism site in Indonesia, especially in Malang and Bali, and describing how Instagram creating brand destination through photography side.This study analyzes the topics presented and the linguistic instruments used as markers of cultural diversity and tourism in these contents. The analysis uses Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis (1995) theory regarding text analysis and the research method is descriptive quantitative. Topics that are displayed such as tourist attractions, art attractions, the use of Sundanese language, culinary tours, etc. show the various cultures and arts from the city of Bandung. The results of the analysis show that there are 11 classification of topics regarding cultural diversity and tourism namely  

Andi Supriadi Chan ◽  
Sharfina Faza

Medan is the third-largest city in Indonesia, so Medan has various kinds of relics used as tourist attractions. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a fall in the number of tourist visits and the lack of promotional facilities for potential tourists who will visit. The important circumstances of the conditions that encourage the development of City Tourism Empowerment in the Era of Society 5.0 based on Virtual Reality as one of the researchers' efforts in developing new tourism concepts during a pandemic by using the research method used are the combination method. The survey was conducted by distributing questionnaires to determine the public's perception of VR technology for tourism, especially designing Virtual Reality 3600, using the 6-stage MDCL design model in building VR applications. It was determining the correct hotspot, switching interfaces, and display flow that made it easy. The application results were then tested as VR-based tourism content in Medan city tourism to get a response time value of <1 second and a UAT value of 94% from 20 users from 18-50 years of age.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 312-323
Melvitasari Tinambunan ◽  
Sanriomi Sintaro

Android, Geographic Information Systems, RESTful, Web One of the mapping technologies widely used today is Geographic Information Systems. Geographic Information Systems (GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS) is a mapping technology in the form of computer-based information systems, designed to work using data that has spatial information or spatial reference. Mapping technology is widely used to facilitate human work. In this research, Geographic Information System technology was used to support one of the business processes at the Bandar Lampung City Tourism Office. This system was built to assist related agencies in recording tourist sites. The system consists of a web-based system and Android-based applications that are connected using RESTful Web Service. The system is implemented using the PHP programming language with the help of CodeIgniter for web-based systems, and the Java programming language for Android-based applications. The method of developing the system used is the waterfall model method according to Rossa U.S. and Saladin (2014). Application design is based on Unified Modeling Language (UML), flowchart diagrams, and interface design. While the application used in the creation of the Android base system is Android Studio. The testing method used is the system's functional Black-Box. The results of black-box testing data show that the system runs as it should, the system is easy to understand by users, and can meet the functional needs of the system needed by the Bandar Lampung City Tourism Office

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Devi Kurniawati Homan ◽  
Aris Darisman

Bandung is the capital of west java province in Indonesia. It was referred to Paris van Java because of the beauty. Nowadays, since access to the city of Bandung is easier both domestically and international, Bandung become the travel destination. Like other travel destination in Indonesia, Bandung known as shopping and culinary tourism destination. To differentiate Bandung with other destination city in Indonesia, it need a differentiator that will help to characterize the city. A character design that used as a soft tourism campaign is needed. It will become the ambassador to persuade the target market to come and love Bandung as a city tourism destination. First of all, mascot will be a good way to represent and branding the city. The mascot should be developed to represent a culture and positive image of the city and become the pride for its citizens. Object of this study was Cepot from wayang golek Sunda. The Research covers visual aspects, philosophical and ideological. Every character designs are influenced by the culture. Each culture has different visual traditions with different ideological backgrounds. The best approach before make a character design, is to recognize the character design in every culture. How a culture affect the human figure and its visual style and the living creatures. The character culture can be found in its design history, anatomy and story. It become the basis of the new character creation. 

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Nguyen Thi Khanh Chi ◽  
Vu Huyen Phuong

Purpose This study aims to investigate the impacts of travel motivations, time perspective and city image that affect travelers’ intention to visit city tourism. Design/methodology/approach The data in this study was collected through a structured questionnaire survey conducted in three big cities in the North of Vietnam (Hanoi, Hai Phong and Ha Long). The data set consists of 625 valid responses by Vietnamese tourists. Correlation analysis and structural equation modeling were used to test the causal relationships among time perspective, city image, travel motivations and tourist intention. Confirmatory factor analysis is conducted to verify the reliability and validity of each latent construct and to evaluate the discriminant validity, convergent validity, composition reliability and average variance extracted for the latent constructs. Findings This study finds that tourists’ travel motivations, time perspective and city image are significantly and positively associated with their intention to visit city tourism. This study also reports that tourists’ time perspective and city image are significantly and positively related to their travel motivation which is in turn significantly and positively correlated to their intention to engage in city tourism. Practical implications City tourism providers need to seek for understanding travel motivations of potential customers. City tourism products should be promoted to people who want to travel for knowledge enhancement, seeking, self-fulfillment, socializing and escape. Tourism businesses and marketers focus more on developing the overall image of city. They should have city slogan and have strategy to establish the city branding to evoke or remind the customers to come in. Since the Corona (COVID-19) pandemic impact on every nation around the world, the artificial intelligence has to be taken on city tourism to minimize the negative influence of this pandemic. Originality/value This study reveals three key determinants of tourists’ intention including travel motivations, city image and time perspective, which have unclear study in the city tourism literature. This study also explains the role of travel motivations in mediating the impacts of their time perspective and city image on their intention to visit city tourism. Improving the city image is important to attract tourists who want to engage in city tourism for knowledge enhancement, seeking, self-fulfillment, socializing or escape. Tourism providers need to have a strategy for establishing the city branding to evoke or remind the customers to come in. The time perspective should be paid more attention to tourists who want to travel to city tourism for knowledge enhancement, seeking, self-fulfillment, socializing or escape.

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