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tongue movements
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Hitoshi Maezawa ◽  
Momoka Fujimoto ◽  
Yutaka Hata ◽  
Masao Matsuhashi ◽  
Hiroaki Hashimoto ◽  

AbstractCorticokinematic coherence (CKC) between magnetoencephalographic and movement signals using an accelerometer is useful for the functional localization of the primary sensorimotor cortex (SM1). However, it is difficult to determine the tongue CKC because an accelerometer yields excessive magnetic artifacts. Here, we introduce a novel approach for measuring the tongue CKC using a deep learning-assisted motion capture system with videography, and compare it with an accelerometer in a control task measuring finger movement. Twelve healthy volunteers performed rhythmical side-to-side tongue movements in the whole-head magnetoencephalographic system, which were simultaneously recorded using a video camera and examined using a deep learning-assisted motion capture system. In the control task, right finger CKC measurements were simultaneously evaluated via motion capture and an accelerometer. The right finger CKC with motion capture was significant at the movement frequency peaks or its harmonics over the contralateral hemisphere; the motion-captured CKC was 84.9% similar to that with the accelerometer. The tongue CKC was significant at the movement frequency peaks or its harmonics over both hemispheres. The CKC sources of the tongue were considerably lateral and inferior to those of the finger. Thus, the CKC with deep learning-assisted motion capture can evaluate the functional localization of the tongue SM1.

Roshan Koul ◽  
Arjun Maria ◽  
Seema Alam

AbstractInvolvement of tongue is uncommon in Wilson's disease (WD) in early stages. This is usually seen late when the patient has an established neurological WD associated with dyskinesia, dystonia, and tremors. In this article, we presented two children with tongue involvement in which there were slow laterotrusion (side to side) and protrusion and retraction movements. In the first child this was the early and only manifestation without any other neurological features while in the second child this was seen in a previously diagnosed WD. Slow tongue movements in any child with or without extrapyramidal features should be investigated to rule out a treatable condition like WD. Tongue involvement is common in children with different neurological/neuromuscular diseases, drugs, and other unknown conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (12) ◽  
Kara L. Feilich ◽  
J. D. Laurence-Chasen ◽  
Courtney Orsbon ◽  
Nicholas J. Gidmark ◽  
Callum F. Ross

Three-dimensional (3D) tongue movements are central to performance of feeding functions by mammals and other tetrapods, but 3D tongue kinematics during feeding are poorly understood. Tongue kinematics were recorded during grape chewing by macaque primates using biplanar videoradiography. Complex shape changes in the tongue during chewing are dominated by a combination of flexion in the tongue's sagittal planes and roll about its long axis. As hypothesized for humans, in macaques during tongue retraction, the middle (molar region) of the tongue rolls to the chewing (working) side simultaneous with sagittal flexion, while the tongue tip flexes to the other (balancing) side. Twisting and flexion reach their maxima early in the fast close phase of chewing cycles, positioning the food bolus between the approaching teeth prior to the power stroke. Although 3D tongue kinematics undoubtedly vary with food type, the mechanical role of this movement—placing the food bolus on the post-canine teeth for breakdown—is likely to be a powerful constraint on tongue kinematics during this phase of the chewing cycle. The muscular drivers of these movements are likely to include a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic tongue muscles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Satoko Koganemaru ◽  
Fumiya Mizuno ◽  
Toshimitsu Takahashi ◽  
Yuu Takemura ◽  
Hiroshi Irisawa ◽  

Swallowing in humans involves many cortical areas although it is partly mediated by a series of brainstem reflexes. Cortical motor commands are sent to muscles during swallow. Previous works using magnetoencephalography showed event-related desynchronization (ERD) during swallow and corticomuscular coherence (CMC) during tongue movements in the bilateral sensorimotor and motor-related areas. However, there have been few analogous works that use electroencephalography (EEG). We investigated the ERD and CMC in the bilateral sensorimotor, premotor, and inferior prefrontal areas during volitional swallow by EEG recordings in 18 healthy human subjects. As a result, we found a significant ERD in the beta frequency band and CMC in the theta, alpha, and beta frequency bands during swallow in those cortical areas. These results suggest that EEG can detect the desynchronized activity and oscillatory interaction between the cortex and pharyngeal muscles in the bilateral sensorimotor, premotor, and inferior prefrontal areas during volitional swallow in humans.

Grace C. Smarsh ◽  
Yifat Tarnovsky ◽  
Yossi Yovel

Little is known about the ontogeny of lingual echolocation. We examined the echolocation development of Rousettus aegyptiacus , the Egyptian fruit bat, which uses rapid tongue movements to produce hyper-short clicks and steer the beam's direction. We recorded from day 0 to day 35 postbirth and assessed hearing and beam-steering abilities. On day 0, R. aegyptiacus pups emit isolation calls and hyper-short clicks in response to acoustic stimuli, demonstrating hearing. Auditory brainstem response recordings show that pups are sensitive to pure tones of the main hearing range of adult Rousettus and to brief clicks. Newborn pups produced clicks in the adult paired pattern and were able to use their tongues to steer the sonar beam. As they aged, pups produced click pairs faster, converging with adult intervals by age of first flights (7–8 weeks). In contrast with laryngeal bats, Rousettus echolocation frequency and duration are stable through to day 35, but shift by the time pups begin to fly, possibly owing to tongue-diet maturation effects. Furthermore, frequency and duration shift in the opposite direction of mammalian laryngeal vocalizations. Rousettus lingual echolocation thus appears to be a highly functional sensory system from birth and follows a different ontogeny from that of laryngeal bats.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (10) ◽  
pp. e0258322
Mareike Brych ◽  
Supriya Murali ◽  
Barbara Händel

The blink rate increases if a person indulges in a conversation compared to quiet rest. Since various factors were suggested to explain this increase, the present series of studies tested the influence of different motor activities, cognitive processes and auditory input on the blink behavior but at the same time minimized visual stimulation as well as social influences. Our results suggest that neither cognitive demands without verbalization, nor isolated lip, jaw or tongue movements, nor auditory input during vocalization or listening influence our blinking behavior. In three experiments, we provide evidence that complex facial movements during unvoiced speaking are the driving factors that increase blinking. If the complexity of the motor output increased such as during the verbalization of speech, the blink rate rose even more. Similarly, complex facial movements without cognitive demands, such as sucking on a lollipop, increased the blink rate. Such purely motor-related influences on blinking advise caution particularly when using blink rates assessed during patient interviews as a neurological indicator.

Medicina ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (8) ◽  
pp. 848
Jakub Bargiel ◽  
Michał Gontarz ◽  
Krzysztof Gąsiorowski ◽  
Tomasz Marecik ◽  
Paweł Szczurowski ◽  

Background and Objectives: Ankyloglossia is a functional term describing limitations of motor activity of the tongue due to the embryological malformation of the lingual frenulum. The lingual frenulum has a complex, three-dimensional structure, it is not only a mucosal fold, which connects the ventral surface of the tongue and the floor of the mouth. Such knowledge forced us to develop more advanced techniques for tongue release in ankyloglossia. The aim of this study is to describe a novel, precise surgical technique for tongue release. Materials and Methods: Miofrenuloplasty was performed in six patients with impaired tongue movements due to anatomical limitations. All of them were prepared for surgery and evaluated after the procedure by a speech therapist. Results: The healing process was uneventful in all patients. We did not observe any major complications. Tongue mobility and neck muscle tension improved significantly in all cases. In one case, the speech improvement was minor. Conclusions: Miofrenuloplasty is an advanced, but effective and highly predictable procedure for full functional tongue release in cases caused by MFGG complex. It should be done by experienced surgeon.

2021 ◽  
Hitoshi Maezawa ◽  
Momoka Fujimoto ◽  
Yutaka Hata ◽  
Masao Matsuhashi ◽  
Hiroaki Hashimoto ◽  

Measuring the corticokinematic coherence (CKC) between magnetoencephalographic and movement signals using an accelerometer can evaluate the functional localization of the primary sensorimotor cortex (SM1) of the upper limbs. However, it is difficult to determine the tongue CKC because an accelerometer yields excessive magnetic artifacts. We introduce and validate a novel approach for measuring the tongue CKC using a deep learning-assisted motion capture system with videography, and compare it with an accelerometer in a control task measuring finger movement. Twelve healthy volunteers performed rhythmical side-to-side tongue movements in the whole-head magnetoencephalographic system, which were simultaneously recorded using a video camera and examined offline using a deep learning-assisted motion capture system. In the control task, right finger CKC measurements were simultaneously evaluated via motion capture and an accelerometer. The right finger CKC with motion capture was significant at the movement frequency peaks or its harmonics over the contralateral hemisphere; the motion-captured CKC was 84.9% similar to that with the accelerometer. The tongue CKC was significant at the movement frequency peaks or its harmonics over both hemispheres, with no difference between the left and right hemispheres. The CKC sources of the tongue were considerably lateral and inferior to those of the finger. Thus, the CKC based on deep learning-assisted motion capture can evaluate the functional localization of the tongue SM1. In this approach, because no devices are placed on the tongue, magnetic noise, disturbances due to tongue movements, risk of aspiration of the device, and risk of infection to the experimenter are eliminated.

2021 ◽  
Lauriane Jugé ◽  
Ida Olsza ◽  
Fiona L Knapman ◽  
Peter G R Burke ◽  
Elizabeth C Brown ◽  

Abstract Study Objectives To investigate the effect of upper airway fat composition on tongue inspiratory movement and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Methods Participants without or with untreated OSA underwent a 3T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. Anatomical measurements were obtained from T2-weighted images. Mid-sagittal inspiratory tongue movements were imaged using tagged MRI during wakefulness. Tissue volumes and percentages of fat were quantified using an mDIXON scan. Results 40 predominantly overweight participants with OSA were compared to 10 predominantly normal weight controls. After adjusting for age, BMI and gender, the percentage of fat in the tongue was not different between groups (ANCOVA, P=0.45), but apnoeic patients had a greater tongue volume (ANCOVA, P=0.025). After adjusting for age, BMI and gender, higher OSA severity was associated with larger whole tongue volume (r=0.51, P<0.001), and greater dilatory motion of the anterior horizontal tongue compartment (r=-0.33, P=0.023), but not with upper airway fat percentage. Higher tongue fat percentage was associated with higher BMI and older age (Spearman r=0.43, P=0.002, and r=0.44, P=0.001, respectively), but not with inspiratory tongue movements. Greater inspiratory tongue movement was associated with larger tongue volume (e.g. horizontal posterior compartment, r=-0.44, P=0.002) and smaller nasopharyngeal airway (e.g. oblique compartment, r=0.29, P=0.040). Conclusions Larger tongue volume and a smaller nasopharynx are associated with increased inspiratory tongue dilation during wakefulness in people with and without OSA. This compensatory response was not influenced by higher tongue fat content. Whether this is also true in more obese patient populations requires further investigation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
Irini Giannopulu ◽  
Haruo Mizutani

Motor imagery (MI) is assimilated to a perception-action process, which is mentally represented. Although several models suggest that MI, and its equivalent motor execution, engage very similar brain areas, the mechanisms underlying MI and their associated components are still under investigation today. Using 22 Ag/AgCl EEG electrodes, 19 healthy participants (nine males and 10 females) with an average age of 25.8 years old (sd = 3.5 years) were required to imagine moving several parts of their body (i.e., first-person perspective) one by one: left and right hand, tongue, and feet. Network connectivity analysis based on graph theory, together with a correlational analysis, were performed on the data. The findings suggest evidence for motor and somesthetic neural synchronization and underline the role of the parietofrontal network for the tongue imagery task only. At both unilateral and bilateral cortical levels, only the tongue imagery task appears to be associated with motor and somatosensory representations, that is, kinesthetic representations, which might contribute to verbal actions. As such, the present findings suggest the idea that imagined tongue movements, involving segmentary kinesthetic actions, could be the prerequisite of language.

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