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scientific expertise
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Josh Reeves

When Christians reject the claims of scientific experts, are they being irrational? Much of recent discussion in scholarly and popular media have discussed science denialism by conservative Christians, linking a low view of scientific expertise to the United States’ current political turmoil. This paper will focus on scientific explanations of science skepticism, asking whether there is anything unique to religious communities that make them vulnerable to misinformation.

2022 ◽  
Floyd Zhang

Abstract High-profile political endorsements by scientific organizations and publications have been common in recent years, which raises concerns about political backlash against the endorsing organization in particular and scientific expertise in general. In a pre-registered large-sample online controlled experiment, I randomly assign subjects to receive information about Nature's endorsement of Joe Biden for the 2020 U.S. presidential election in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Seeing the endorsement message leads to large reductions in self-reported trust in Nature among Trump supporters. This distrust translates into lower demand for COVID-related information provided by Nature, as evidenced by substantially reduced requests for Nature articles on vaccine efficacy and emerging COVID variants when offered. The endorsement also reduces Trump supporters' stated trust in scientists in general, suggesting "reputational externalities" on the scientific community. Treatment effect estimates for Biden supporters are positive but small and often statistically insignificant across outcomes. Finally, I find little evidence that the endorsement is successful at changing subjects' views about Biden and Trump. These results show political endorsement by scientific organizations can undermine public confidence in the endorsing organization and in the scientific community.

2022 ◽  
Vol 354 ◽  
pp. 00031
Bogdan Garaliu-Busoi ◽  
Daniela Carmen Rus ◽  
Claudia Miron ◽  
Olga Miclea ◽  
Dan Pintilie

The field of pyrotechnic articles is very popular and developed, and as a result, the influx of pyrotechnic articles on the market is abundant. However, it should be noted that in addition to compliant products, which meet the applicable essential safety requirements covered by Directive no. 2013/29 / EU, there are also products on the market that can present a significant level of danger when used, handled, transported or stored. Market surveillance authorities frequently find non-compliant products such as pyrotechnic articles offered to the public, some on the legal market, others traded illegally. The establishment of presumptive risks related to pyrotechnic articles can be achieved by applying documented and accredited procedures at national and European level by specialized laboratories, one of these being found within INSEMEX. Technical-scientific expertise activity aims to verify the level of security for products considered suspicious. We have an international collaboration with European authorities, and at the national level, requests for products such as pyrotechnic articles are sent for expertise by the police, the prosecutor’s office or the courts. It was found that most products considered “suspicious” had serious deficiencies that could lead to major risks, and those traded illegally lead to considerable economic losses.

2021 ◽  
Julia Schubert

Notions of the impending climate crisis have pushed a set of highly contested techno-scientific measures onto policy agendas around the world. Suggestions to deliberately alter, to engineer, the Earth’s climate have gained political currency in recent years not as a positive vision of techno-scientific innovation, but as a daunting measure of last resort. The controversial status of various so-called climate engineering proposals raises a simple, yet pressing question: How has it has come to this? And, more specifically, how did such contested measures earn their place on policy agendas, despite enormous scientific complexities and fierce political contestation? Global societal problems, such as climate change, financial crises, or pandemics have brought the political relevance of scientific expertise to the foreground. This book speaks to scholarship in sociology and science studies, seeking to illuminate the essential entanglements between efforts to understand and efforts to govern such problems. By giving climate engineering a life of its own and following its dynamic trajectory as a contested object of expert work, this book sheds light on the reflexive and historically contingent interplay of science and politics as two distinct, yet increasingly interdependent, realms of society.

IDS Bulletin ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
Xiuli Xu ◽  
Lídia Cabral ◽  
Yingdan Cao

This article analyses the interaction between China and the CGIAR (formerly the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) since the 1970s, exploring the formation of China’s modern agricultural science capability and its approach towards learning. While China was previously regarded and treated as a recipient of international scientific expertise, it is now a more equal partner and contributor, with capacity to provide funds, support exchange programmes for scientists, and collaborate in building laboratories and joint research programmes. Some of these now extend beyond the CGIAR system and are creating new platforms for scientific collaboration and knowledge production in the South. By offering an illustration of China’s ‘selective learning’ approach, emphasising self-reliance and pragmatism in its engagement with the CGIAR, this article feeds into broader debates on how China contributes to global development knowledge and learning.

Anatoliy Bychkov

The goal of modern specialized training is to increase the human potential – the sustainable development of schoolchildren in the process of becoming professional adaptability – the ability to cope with the challenges of civilization and globalization in production activities, the active introduction of students into socio-economic life, the formation of satisfaction with the process and results of training that create a positive attitude as a factor for ensuring life success both during school education and in later life. Profiling of training is the development of programs aimed at meeting the needs of students in professional self-determination. Algorithmization of training profiling (building of educational material in a scientifically based sequence) it helps to increase the effectiveness of the educational process aimed at the formation of social and professional success of students. Scientific expertise of specialized training programs is a mechanism for managing the personal success of students in a specialized school. During the examination, an active qualitative analysis of the didactic materials and educational technologies proposed by the developer takes place, methods of their improvement are recommended. This is the activity essence of pedagogical expertise.

2021 ◽  
Jens Ambrasat ◽  
Gregor Fabian

The Covid-19 pandemic initially led to high demands for scientific expertise, while at the same time scientific results, for example in the form of preprints, being widely and sometimes critically discussed in public almost as soon as they were published. It is an open question how Scientists react and adopt to the changed situation. With data from the (German) Scientists Survey, it is possible to map the scientists' involvement in the pandemic - across academic positions and disciplines. Our results show that scientists from all disciplines are involved in corona-related research, have started or acquired projects and already published with relation to COVID-19. Social Sciences are even more involved than e.g. life science. Gender effects emerge I such a way that women actually less rapidly adopt to the new situation.

Francesca Perrone ◽  
Matthias Zilbauer

AbstractThe development of human organoid culture models has led to unprecedented opportunities to generate self-organizing, three-dimensional miniature organs that closely mimic in vivo conditions. The ability to expand, culture, and bank such organoids now provide researchers with the opportunity to generate next-generation living biobanks, which will substantially contribute to translational research in a wide range of areas, including drug discovery and testing, regenerative medicine as well as the development of a personalized treatment approach. However, compared to traditional tissue repositories, the generation of a living organoid biobank requires a much higher level of coordination, additional resources, and scientific expertise. In this short review, we discuss the opportunities and challenges associated with the generation of a living organoid biobank. Focusing on human intestinal organoids, we highlight some of the key aspects that need to be considered and provide an outlook for future development in this exciting field.

2021 ◽  
pp. 187-203
Nithin Jacob Thomas

Mahdi Pichan ◽  
Amir Ahmadnezhad

Science and theories are influenced by the assumptions, beliefs and discourses that govern the situational context, and in other words, by the historical, cultural, social, and scientific conditions that govern the expert scientific community. Accurate and comprehensive explanation of any theory requires reflection on its historical and scientific contexts of its appearance. This study attempts to examine such contexts and contexts as factors that lead to the tendency of Qur'anic scholars to choose the Quranic scientific side of I’jāz over time. One of the most prominent causes of tendency to scientific miracle must be referred to unifying the scientific view of the Quran and avoiding divisive theological and jurisprudential views, confrontation and boredom against progress and colonialism of the West, scientific expertise of believers in scientific miracle and having a materialistic and mundane view toward Qur'anic verses based on the conditions and needs of the time.

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