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mechanical engineering
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2023 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
María Suarez Sánchez ◽  
Enrique De La Hoz ◽  
Rohemi Zuluaga ◽  
Alicia Camelo Guarín

2022 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 202-204
Donald S Christian ◽  
Anjela D Christian

Workplace health and safety has been of paramount importance for any nation and the stakeholders- authorities, employers and workers – must have reasonable sensitization for the same. During the COVID 19 pandemic, lots of policy formulations and regulations had to incorporate within the industries for the health and welfare of the workers. The “new normal” will take some time for adjustments, challenges and implications to be implemented effectively and consistently. Certain processes in the workplace, especially in the mechanical engineering companies, are likely for high close contact incidences. Special situations pertaining to workers’’ health, like crowded accommodations, travel risks as well common canteens, all need to be reconsidered for providing safer environment to the workers, as far as the current pandemic is concerned. This requires coordinated efforts from all the stakeholders within the mechanical field through subconscious acceptance of the norms of safety and hygiene at all levels.

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-89
Partonduhan aritonang Partonduhan aritonang ◽  
Parsaoran Tamba ◽  
Jemmy Charles Kewas

PENGARUH GAME ONLINE TERHADAP CARA BELAJAR MAHASISWA JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK MESIN UNIVERSITAS NEGERI MANADO Partonduhan Aritonang1, I. P. Tamba2, Jemmy Charles Kelas3 1,2,3Jurusan Pendidikan Teknik Mesin, Universitas Negeri Manado, Kab. Minahasa e-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]   ABSTRAK Mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Manado yang merupakan anak-anak perantau kini telah mendapatkan dampak yang sangat nyata dari permainan game online. Terbukti dari banyaknya mahasiswa yang ikut ambil bagian dalam permainan ini, dari hasil pengamatan peneliti selaku mahasiswa yang aktif mendapatkan banyak data bahwa mahasiswa Pendidikan Teknik Mesin Universitas Negeri Manado yang aktif bermain memiliki kemampuan cara belajar yang kurang aktif dalam pembelajaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan yakni kuisioner atau angket. Teknik analisi data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu analisis statistik deskriptif, Teknik Analisis Regresi dan pengujian hipotesis.Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni : bahwa pengaruh game online (X) terhadap cara belajar mahasiswa (Y) pada taraf t hitung > t tabel dan hasil uji korelasi rxy 0849. Game online berpengaruh signifikan terhadap cara belajar. Ini dapat dibuktikan dari hasil nilai Fhitung sebesar 4.113 dan nilai signifikansi Ftabel 0.00 < 0.05. Besarnya koefisien determinasi sebesar 0.79 atau 79%. Hal ini berarti 79% pengaruh game online terhadap cara belajar mahasiswa sedangkan untuk selebihnya 21% dipengaruhi oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti oleh penelitian ini.   Kata kunci : Game Online, Cara Belajar Mahasiswa THE INFLUENCE OF ONLINE GAMES ON HOW STUDENTS STUDYING MECHANICAL ENGINEERING AT MANADO STATE UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT Manado university's advanced mechanical engineering student who is a migrant child has now had a very real impact on online gaming. It is evident from the many students participating in the game that researchers as active university students have received a wealth of data that students studying engineering at manado state university who actively play have a learning ability that is less active in learning. The study USES a quantitative descriptive study method. The data collection method used was "questionnaire or angket." The data analysis used in the study are descriptive statistical analysis, regression analysis and hypothetical testing. The results of this study are: that how online games affect students' learning (y) at a level of t count > t tables and rxy 0849 cordating results. Online games significantly affect how to learn. This can be verified from the results of the ftable value of 4,113 and the significance of ftable 0.00. Critical coefficiencies by 0.79 or 79%. This means 79% of the impact online games have on student learning while for the rest 21% are affected by other variables not examined by this study. Key words : Game Online, student learning

2022 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-260
Yashinta Farahsani ◽  
Margaretha Dharmayanti Harmanto

Several studies on translation have been carried out, namely on the problem of untranslation, translation of terms from various fields, and the formation of target language terms with spelling adjustments. One of them is the field of thermodynamics which is part of the field of Mechanical Engineering, which has many terms borrowed from Dutch and English. Therefore, the researchers are interested in investigating the morphological aspects of the translation of thermodynamic terms using the natural borrowing technique. This study used qualitative research methods. Researchers took terminology data from two books, namely The Fundamental of Engineering Thermodynamics and Fluid Mechanics. The results showed that the forms of borrowing that occurred were (1) borrowing by adjusting spelling and pronunciation adjustments; (2) borrowing with spelling adjustment without pronunciation adjustment; (3) borrowing without spelling adjustment, but with pronunciation adjustment; (4) adjustments to the spelling of prefixes and bound forms found 15 forms of adjustment; (5) suffix spelling adjustments found 20 forms of adjustment; and (6) a combination of translation and borrowing. In short, morphological aspects in translating thermodynamics terms are very important because they relate to the technique used.

2022 ◽  
A. Sychugov

Abstract. This work is devoted to improving the quality of engineering design solutions in mechanical engineering on the basis of the comprehensive qualimetric evaluation of ‘shaft’-type part that takes into account cost, complexity, design and technological unification of the parts.

2022 ◽  
I.I. Artemov

Abstract. The results of the analysis of the possibility of constructing a system for ensuring the quality of mechanical engineering parts by nanomodification of the surface layer are presented. The implementation is considered on the example of grinding technologies with nanomodified lubricating coolant. Mathematical models describing the process of creating conditions for nanomodification of the surface layer and algorithms for practical implementation are presented.

2022 ◽  
S.G. Novikov

Abstract. Vibration during turning is a consequence of premature tool wear and an increase in the roughness of parts. The designs of tool bits that increase their durability, reduce vibrations arising during the cutting process, and improve the quality of processing are of practical and scientific interest. Existing developments of vibration-damping bits with elastic damping inserts of constant rigidity, in which a holder or mandrel with a cut-off insert is installed, do not meet the requirements for the efficiency of vibration reduction due to the impossibility of the necessary vibration damping; the consumption of insert materials is high. Innovative designs of tool bits with inserts formed by semi-inserts with different rigidity are proposed, which allows improving the quality of processing by increasing the efficiency of vibration damping, reducing material consumption, because the length of the semi-inserts is less than half the length of the full insert. The tool bits can be used in the area of cutting materials, mechanical engineering and tool manufacturing.

2022 ◽  
pp. 50-68
Ville Isoherranen ◽  
Mira Kekkonen

This chapter introduces project-based learning approach which is used in the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OUAS), School of Engineering and Natural Resources, Mechanical Engineering Department to get local companies to offer project works to mechanical engineering students. The concept is based on organizing a local event or online event for the companies to come to OUAS campus to present their challenges needing engineering students to solve. The companies are then competing, selling, or pitching their problem for engineering students as the engineering students will then individually select the most interesting cases to be solved, and which has linkage to potential summer job and thesis work opportunities if projects are successful. The concept has proven to be successful, and it has been established as traditional event with many companies returning to the pitching event annually to get their industry problems solved by group of motivated engineering students.

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