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qualitative changes
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Xiao-Li Cai ◽  
Su-Jin Li ◽  
Peng Zhang ◽  
Ziyin Li ◽  
Geoff Hide ◽  

Pleomorphic Trypanosoma brucei are best known for their tightly controlled cell growth and developmental program, which ensures their transmissibility and host fitness between the mammalian host and insect vector. However, after long-term adaptation in the laboratory or by natural evolution, monomorphic parasites can be derived. The origin of these monomorphic forms is currently unclear. Here, we produced a series of monomorphic trypanosome stocks by artificially syringe-passage in mice, creating snapshots of the transition from pleomorphism to monomorphism. We then compared these artificial monomorphic trypanosomes, alongside several naturally monomorphic T. evansi and T. equiperdum strains, with the pleomorphic T. brucei. In addition to failing to generate stumpy forms in animal bloodstream, we found that monomorphic trypanosomes from laboratory and nature exhibited distinct differentiation patterns, which are reflected by their distinct differentiation potential and transcriptional changes. Lab-adapted monomorphic trypanosomes could still be induced to differentiate, and showed only minor transcriptional differences to that of the pleomorphic slender forms but some accumulated differences were observed as the passages progress. All naturally monomorphic strains completely fail to differentiate, corresponding to their impaired differentiation regulation. We propose that the natural phenomenon of trypanosomal monomorphism is actually a malignant manifestation of protozoal cells. From a disease epidemiological and evolutionary perspective, our results provide evidence for a new way of thinking about the origin of these naturally monomorphic strains, the malignant evolution of trypanosomes may raise some concerns. Additionally, these monomorphic trypanosomes may reflect the quantitative and qualitative changes in the malignant evolution of T. brucei, suggesting that single-celled protozoa may also provide the most primitive model of cellular malignancy, which could be a primitive and inherent biological phenomenon of eukaryotic organisms from protozoans to mammals.

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Daria Zvyagintseva ◽  
Helgi Sigurdsson ◽  
Valerii K. Kozin ◽  
Ivan Iorsh ◽  
Ivan A. Shelykh ◽  

AbstractPolaritonic lattices offer a unique testbed for studying nonlinear driven-dissipative physics. They show qualitative changes of their steady state as a function of system parameters, which resemble non-equilibrium phase transitions. Unlike their equilibrium counterparts, these transitions cannot be characterised by conventional statistical physics methods. Here, we study a lattice of square-arranged polariton condensates with nearest-neighbour coupling, and simulate the polarisation (pseudospin) dynamics of the polariton lattice, observing regions with distinct steady-state polarisation patterns. We classify these patterns using machine learning methods and determine the boundaries separating different regions. First, we use unsupervised data mining techniques to sketch the boundaries of phase transitions. We then apply learning by confusion, a neural network-based method for learning labels in a dataset, and extract the polaritonic phase diagram. Our work takes a step towards AI-enabled studies of polaritonic systems.

Processes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 127
Jan Kyzioł ◽  
Andrzej Okniński

In this paper, we study the bifurcations of non-linear dynamical systems. We continue to develop the analytical approach, permitting the prediction of the bifurcation of dynamics. Our approach is based on implicit (approximate) amplitude-frequency response equations of the form FΩ,A;c̲=0, where c̲ denotes the parameters. We demonstrate that tools of differential geometry make possible the discovery of the change of differential properties of solutions of the equation FΩ,A;c̲=0. Such qualitative changes of the solutions of the amplitude-frequency response equation, referred to as metamorphoses, lead to qualitative changes of dynamics (bifurcations). We show that the analytical prediction of metamorphoses is of great help in numerical simulation.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 254
Magdalena Zborowska ◽  
Hanna Waliszewska ◽  
Boguslawa Waliszewska ◽  
Slawomir Borysiak ◽  
Jakub Brozdowski ◽  

The aim of the study was to determine the quantitative and qualitative changes taking place in biomass components actively participating in methane fermentation, i.e., in carbohydrates, as a result of chemical pretreatment. Analyses were conducted on agricultural waste (corn stover, also called corn straw, and corncobs) as materials most commonly used in methane fermentation, as well as poplar wood, a material relatively rarely used in biogas production. Pretreatment with the aim of increasing efficiency of methane fermentation was carried out with the use of acid and alkaline solutions of different concentrations. The effect of pretreatment on carbohydrates was analyzed based on the quantitative and qualitative changes in this component. Due to the structural heterogeneity of carbohydrates, their varied reactivity and fermentability were determined in terms of holocellulose, cellulose, and pentosans. The chemical structure of cellulose was also analyzed. It is shown in this study that chemical pretreatment causes transformations of carbohydrate components, which differ quantitatively and qualitatively in the compared raw materials. It was found that the alkaline treatment caused smaller changes in the percentage shares of the carbohydrate biomass components as compared to the acid treatment. Moreover, it was observed that the compared materials differ in terms of quantitative changes in their chemical composition depending on the composition of the raw material prior to pretreatment. In the case of corn waste subjected to the action of 1 and 3% NaOH, the share of pentosans in the biomass increased. It was established that this is a change with a positive effect on fermentation efficiency. The action of acids and alkalis on the biomass led to similar structural changes in cellulose, which are adverse for the fermentation process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (20) ◽  
pp. 179-185
Sándor Rózsa ◽  
Vasile Lazăr ◽  
Orsolya Borsai ◽  
Tincuța-Marta Gocan ◽  
Ileana Andreica ◽  

Dehydrated plums are distinguished by a pleasant taste, but at the same time they are also distinguished by a special nutritional value, which brings many benefits to human health. After apples, plums are the most cultivated fruits in Romania. Quality as a notion is a general and specific characteristic being represented by certain features that condition both the marketing and the use of the finished product. The physical condition of dehydrated plums is determined by the anatomical structure, structural firmness, water content and appearance. The composition of the soluble dry matter is influenced by the variety, the degree of maturation, at which the raw material has been processed and by the qualitative changes undergone by each component, during dehydration. In this paper, we followed the influence of blanching treatment on 4 varieties of plums, dehydrated in a stream of warm air, at a temperature of 70 °C. The fruits taken into analysis were characterized by a water content of 75-84%, soluble dry matter 9-24%, total sugar 7-13%, acidity 0.45-0.98% and 2-17 mg ascorbic acid. After dehydration, the analyzed parameters were as follows: 16-24% water, total sugar 31-51%, total acidity 1.1-2.3%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 3-23
V. I. Byshev ◽  
M. V. Anisimov ◽  
A. V. Gusev ◽  
A. N. Sidorova

One of the most remarkable peculiarities of the modern climate, undoubtedly, should be recognized as the climatic shift observed in the mid-70s of the last century. The reasons for this phenomenon for a long time, despite the activation of climatologists from all over the world, remained a mystery that requires its disclosure. First of all, this was due to the fact that the shift that took place turned out to be unexpected for scientists and was accompanied by rapid qualitative changes in the planetary climate. To date, thanks to the efforts of scientists using the results of rapidly developing numerical modeling, diagnostic calculations and observational data in large hydrophysical experiments in various regions of the World Ocean (WO), an understanding of the role of the ocean factor in the variability of the current climate has developed. It became clear that climatic shifts are an important feature of the internal dynamics of the climate system. The most obvious evidence of intrasystemic processes should be considered the discovered planetary structures in the atmosphere – Global Atmospheric Oscillation (GAO) and in the ocean – Multi-decadal Oscillation of the Heat content in the Ocean (MOHO), which are quasi-synchronous accompanying variations in the modern climate. GAO, its structure and features have been discussed in detail earlier in a number of studies. As for the MOHO, its structure and features are discussed in the proposed work. It is characteristic that the MOHO is located in the layer of the main thermocline (100-600 m). In a quasi-uniform layer (0–100 m), and in a deep layer (600-5500 m), the thermodynamic regime differs from the regime in the layer of the main thermocline. Probably, it is precisely this circumstance that did not allow earlier to draw attention to such an important detail in the structure of the WO thermodynamic variability. The presence of extreme multi-decadal temperature field disturbances at intermediate levels (200, 300, 400, 500, 600 m) should be noted as an important characteristic feature of the oscillation. Large-scale hydrophysical experiments (POLYGON-70, POLYMODE, etc.) made it possible to reveal the vortex structure in the dynamics of WO waters and to discover that the vortices of the open ocean have maxima of kinetic energy precisely in the layer of the main thermocline. This allows us to assume a connection between synoptic eddy activity and MOHO. However, the latter remains to be studied.

Yulia V. Razvadovskaya

The processes of industrialization, reindustrialization and new industrialization differ not only in the content and mechanisms of implementation, but also in the set of resources required for their application. New industrialization as a process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the economy is based on a complex of resources. These resources are necessary, on the one hand, for the modernization of traditional industries, and on the other hand, for the formation of promising economic activities and industries. Keeping a balance between the resources used to achieve the goals of modernization and innovative development in order to achieve the goals of modernization and innovative development is one of the tasks of a methodological nature and requires the development of appropriate theoretical approaches and models. At the same time, the second most important task is the application of such theories and concepts that will provide a solution to the problems associated with the identification, assessment and description of the parametric characteristics and functions of resources in the system of industrial development of the domestic economy. To solve these problems, the article highlights the features of new industrialization; its differences from such phenomena as industrialization, deindustrialization and reindustrialization. It is substantiated that the use of the resource concept as a methodological basis for new industrialization will make it possible to determine the following: to draw up a typology of the resources of new industrialization; identify criteria for strategic and complementary resources of new industrialization; to identify the subjects of relations in the resource allocation system, as well as their specific functions. The article concludes that modernization processes are provided mainly by massive resources and complementary capabilities and competencies, while the processes of innovative and technological development within the framework of the new industrialization of the economy presuppose the presence of strategic, unique resources and competencies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2 (114)) ◽  
pp. 44-58
Sandugash Serikbayeva ◽  
Jamalbek Tussupov ◽  
Madina Sambetbayeva ◽  
Aigerim Yerimbetova ◽  
Zhanna Sadirmekova ◽  

The paper deals with general issues of organizing access to electronic documents in the framework of scientific and educational activities. Large volumes of already existing information, its continuous growth, the heterogeneous nature of storage and distribution, the lack of a unified way of working with it create many difficulties when using it. Awareness of these difficulties, qualitative changes in the field of information technology and telecommunications have led to the need to solve the problem of finding new approaches to the creation of repositories of information resources, their structure, and the development of tools necessary for users. Currently, such approaches are called “digital” or “electronic” libraries. According to the preliminary concept, an intelligent scientific and educational Internet resource will be an information system accessible via the Internet, providing systematization and integration of scientific knowledge, data, and information resources into a single information space, meaningful and effective access to them, as well as support for their use in solving various scientific and educational tasks. Another problem of the organization of effective information support for scientific and educational activities is that, due to its diversity and multidimensional nature, scientific and educational information resources are dispersed on remote pages of many sites and in distributed electronic libraries and archives. To solve this problem, it is necessary to solve the problem of bringing such resources related to one area of knowledge into a single information space, and also, no less important, to support their logical integrity. Without solving these two related tasks, it is impossible to solve the main task – to provide all participants of scientific and educational activities with meaningful access to integrated information resources and means of their analysis. The support of information systems in the field of scientific and educational activities is relevant, since the need for information always exists. In order to satisfy this need, it is necessary to organize access to various resources.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Tetsuya Tamura ◽  
Natsuka Tokumaru

Abstract Research indicates that the labor share of the aggregate income has decreased steadily since the mid-1970s, i.e. when the globalization process began. This paper discusses the ways in which qualitative changes in globalization, coupled with increased offshoring, have changed industrial relationships. In our analysis, we consider a simple Nash bargaining model between employers and employees. Our model proposes the hypotheses that employees gain the power to increase their wages when employers do not have the option of offshoring. However, employees typically lose this power when employers possess an offshoring threat, culminating in wage deduction. Leveraging a panel set of data obtained from 18 OECD countries during the period 1975–2017, we have empirically confirmed these hypotheses by comparing the first phase of globalization—not characterized by an offshoring threat—with the second phase, which entails an offshoring threat. Our findings reveal that workers’ bargaining power, positively affects labor share in the first phase; however, it loses its effect in the second phase when offshoring exerts its negative effects on labor share. We conclude that a qualitative change in globalization with increased offshoring radically changed industrial relationship through the threat effect.

Mohammad Akmal ◽  
Rabia Goher

Uncertain heat shock by a rapid increase in temperature particularly at the critical growth stage affects plant productivity. The study aimed to assess qualitative changes in wheat grains when plant exposed to high temperature shock (HTS) at starting anthesis for limited durations (48, 72 and 96h). Selected wheat cultivars (Pirsabak-2005, Pakhtunkhwa-2015, Pakistan-2013, DN-84, P-2, P-12 and P-18) were exposed to extending HTS effective from anthesis in the field covering plants within plastic tents for a limited duration. The experiment was conducted in 2017-18 and 2018-19 at the Research Farm, the University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan in a randomized complete block design, in three replications. Temperatures inside and outside plastic tents were manually noted. Two years mean data showed significant effects of HTS on the wheat grain quality. Imposed HTS for 48, 72 and 96h resulted in a reduction on grain amylose by 23, 39 and 48% and wet gluten by 16, 25 and 36%, respectively when compared with the control (i.e. no HTS). Contrary to this, as compared to the control treatment an increase noted in the grain amylopectin by 7, 11 & 17% and in the grain N-content by 13, 28 & 41% with imposing HTS extending to a duration of 48, 72 and 96h, respectively. The study concluded adverse effects of HTS at the anthesis stage on wheat grain quality disturbing amylose and amylopectin ratios, which latter on brought changes in floor structure and gluten elasticity. However, cultivar did differ to respond to the changes but have the option to choose the best one.

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