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qualitative change
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2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 113-128
T. A. Izutina

The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that the spread of the coronavirus epidemic has become a serious challenge to achieve the goals and objectives set by the national project, especially taking into account the need to obtain relevant results already in 2030. The author analyzed the impact of the pandemic on the results of achieving the corresponding milestones of federal projects in the short term - in particular, the degree of achievement of the parameters of federal projects in the dock 2019 and in the crisis year 2020 was considered. The long-term implications of the coronavirus-related restrictions are also considered, including in the aspect of a qualitative change in the national project as a whole, associated with a change in the federal projects that fill it. Based on the results of studying the issue, the author presents scenarios about the possibility of implementing a national project by 2030, taking into account the existing market situation, and also gives recommendations on possible mechanisms for the successful completion of all project activities within the timeframes determined by the President of the Russian Federation.

А. П. Модорова

В статье рассмотрена специфика мотива возвращения в творчестве алтайского писателя - Дибаша Каинчина. Были выделены следующие аспекты мотива возвращения, которые отображают религиозно - мифологические представления алтайского народа о смерти: во - первых, возвращение как смерть - это качественное изменение статуса героя после путешествия в «чужую» сторону; во - вторых, смерть как возвращение - это метафоричное «возвращение» души на свою родину; и в - третьих, возвращение осуществляется с целью доживания оставшейся жизни на родине (Алтае) с последующим после смерти захоронением на этой земле. В конечном итоге все эти аспекты описывают последовательно один процесс, приводящий к одному результату, который должен быть достигнут героем: вернуться на родину живым или неживым. Автор статьи приходит к выводу, что в произведениях Дибаша Каинчина отображается менталитет алтайского народа, отношение к смерти, представления о ней, насколько важно для алтайца вернуться домой и закончить свой жизненный путь на родине, а если смерть настигает на чужбине, то происходит метафоричное «возвращение» души на Алтай. The article considers the specifics of the return motif in the literature works of the Altai writer Dibash Kainchin. We highlighted some aspects of the return motif, which reflect the religious and mythological ideas about death of the Altai people: first, return as death is a qualitative change of the hero's status after traveling to a "foreign" side; second, death as return is a metaphorical "return" of a soul to its homeland; and third, return to live out the rest of life on their native land (Altai) with subsequent burial on this land after death. In the end, all these aspects describe one process in sequence, leading to a single result that must be achieved by a hero: to return to his homeland alive or dead.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 389-399
Victor I. Panov ◽  
Alexander V. Kaptsov ◽  
Ekaterina I. Kolesnikova ◽  

The forced transition to distance learning due to the pandemic led to a qualitative change in the components of the educational environment of the university The purpose of article is a comparative analysis of students' evaluation of the educational environment (spatial-subject, communicative and technological components) in regular education before the pandemic and during the transition to distance forms of education during the pandemic. Based on this, a hypothesis was put forward about the correlation between the stage of a student’s subjecthood and the eco-psychological type of his interactions with each of the components of the educational environment in the regular (traditional) and distance (virtual) learning modes. The test subjects were students of the second and fifth years of engineering specialties (N = 159; M = 20.3; SD = 1.5; 68 per cent of girls). To diagnose the evaluation of the interaction of the components of the educational environment, we used the questionnaire, which allows us to evaluate the correlation of each component of the environment with the Eco-psychological types of subject-environmental interactions on an interval scale (from object-object to subject-subject). To assess the stages of the formation of a student’s subjecthood in educational activity, the author modified G. Kelly’s grid, with the help of which the ideographic research method was implemented. The influence of the components of the educational environment on students was determined by stepwise regression analysis. The study identified the stages of the formation of a student’s subjecthood "journeyman" (subject-object and object-subject type), "student" (subject-joint type), "critic" and "creator" (generative subject type) of traditional and digital educational environments. In particular, the increased frequency of the “apprentice” stage of a student’s subjecthood testifies to the dominance of reproductive technologies in teaching both in the traditional (33%) and in the “digital” (22%) environment. In the technological component of the traditional educational environment in the pre-pandemic period, a correlation was revealed with a number of stages of the formation of a student’s subjecthood "observer" (0,20), "journeyman" (0,21), "student" (0,20), "master" (0,17) and "creator" (0,22). Whereas in regard to the “digital” environment, only one inversely proportional relationship with the severity of the “creator” stage (-0,19) in the object-object type of interaction was revealed.

Patan Pragya ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (02) ◽  
pp. 26-34
Bhaba Datta Sapkota ◽  
Indra Mali Malakar

This study aims at exploring the impact of remittance on women's education while employing descriptive cum cross sectional research design. For this purpose, conveniently Raghuganga Rural Municipality, Ward no. 3, (Mauwaphant area), Myagdi District of Gandaki Province and to well represent the universe, 19 households were randomly selected receiving the remittance. Fieldwork method including in-depth interviews, semi-structured questionnaires, focus group discussion, key informants interview, and case study were the basic tools used in this study for obtaining the primary data which were then analyzed by using simple statistical tools such as tabulation, classification, frequency and percentage. The study argues that remittance raises school enrollment, school completion rate, and private school enrolment and thus improving the educational status of women in general and girls in particular in comparison to the past and have brought the qualitative change in children’s educational status. It concludes that remittance can lift budget constraints, thereby providing children in remittance-receiving households the opportunity to go to school and finally directly benefits the households. Wrapping up, this type of study is pertinent as it would attract public attention in terms of policy that could lead to extensive positive policy initiatives for more detailed discussions and their productive usages for crucial policy concern in Nepal.

2021 ◽  
pp. 38-42

The article analyzes the contemporaneity and relevance of the point of creation of preschool children. In the framework of scientific and pedagogical research, creativity considers as a qualitative change in human ability that corresponds to the psychophysical and psycho-emotional processes of the preschool period of personality formation. With the help of the conducted experimental work based on children’s preschool institutions of Poltava region, the art-activity criterion of creativity of children of 5-7 years with the involvement of modern art-game material has been revealed. Particular attention has been paid to modern scientific research, which is devoted to the matter of children’s creativity, which is developing in creative activities. As a result of experimental work, we identified indicators of artistic and creative criteria of creativity of preschool children, namely the indicator of artistic and game literacy, the indicator of artistic and playful actions, and the indicator of improvisation and creative activity.Special attention should be paid to identifying the levels of indicators of artistic and creative criteria of creativity of preschool children with the involvement of contemporary art and game material in the experiment - high, medium, and low levels of creativity, their features, and quality examples. Our article contains a diagnosis of the problems faced by preschool children when playing, as a leading activity or when getting acquainted with the developmental potential of modern art and game material from the standpoint of an artistic and creative criterion of creativity. Prospects for further development in the direction of forming the creativity of preschool children using modern art and game material are aimed at preparing a curriculum in this thematic area.

2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Tetsuya Tamura ◽  
Natsuka Tokumaru

Abstract Research indicates that the labor share of the aggregate income has decreased steadily since the mid-1970s, i.e. when the globalization process began. This paper discusses the ways in which qualitative changes in globalization, coupled with increased offshoring, have changed industrial relationships. In our analysis, we consider a simple Nash bargaining model between employers and employees. Our model proposes the hypotheses that employees gain the power to increase their wages when employers do not have the option of offshoring. However, employees typically lose this power when employers possess an offshoring threat, culminating in wage deduction. Leveraging a panel set of data obtained from 18 OECD countries during the period 1975–2017, we have empirically confirmed these hypotheses by comparing the first phase of globalization—not characterized by an offshoring threat—with the second phase, which entails an offshoring threat. Our findings reveal that workers’ bargaining power, positively affects labor share in the first phase; however, it loses its effect in the second phase when offshoring exerts its negative effects on labor share. We conclude that a qualitative change in globalization with increased offshoring radically changed industrial relationship through the threat effect.

Vladislav Eltishchev ◽  
Sergei Mandrykin ◽  
Ilya Kolesnichenko

Abstract The electro-vortex flow of liquid metal in a cylindrical cell, placed into external vertical magnetic field, in case of axial electric current application is studied numerically and experimentally. The results are compared to those previously obtained in case of a localized electric current application. In the absence of the external magnetic field, the comparison shows no qualitative change in the flow structure. In presence of the external magnetic field, a poloidal motion is suppressed. A critical magnetic field of poloidal suppression is shown to be approximately 50% higher in case of axial electric current application.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 307-323
Sungkyu Jang ◽  
Sung-Jin Park ◽  
Robert J. Eger III

We question why some state legislatures responded to public discourse promptly while other state legislatures resist change. We use the choice of performance-based budgeting (PBB) to set the stage in answering this compelling question. We employ a logit model as a discrete event history analysis (EHA). We use the EHA to determine how and what variables influence the probability of an organization’s qualitative change (or “event”) at a given point in time. In this study, the organizations are states, and the event to be analyzed is the enactment of PBB law. Our data set is a modified panel of 50 states between the years 1993 and 2008. We study the factors that would influence state legislators to pass PBB laws across the nation. While our empirical result shows that political preferences are not statistically significant factors for states to pass PBB law, state legislators seem to favor the factors associated with the financial management explanation to adopt PBB. Also, the factors of path dependence and mimicking influence states to adopt PBB.

2021 ◽  
pp. 76-79
Olga Vyacheslavovna Ananyeva ◽  
Svetlana Ivanovna Chivilgina

In the professional activities of medical personnel providing palliative care, prevention of the formation of burnout syndrome is important. With an increase in work experience, the level of emotional burnout among specialists becomes lower due to the formation of psychological protection and a qualitative change in the meaning of life guidelines.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11/2 (-) ◽  
pp. 19-22
Liudmyla MOROZ ◽  

The paper considers the issue of modernization of Ukrainian economy through the prism of strategic aspects of its implementation. The introduction states that the constant renewal of the economy, which is designed to ensure the lag of Ukrainian development from the developed countries, is based on the successful modernization of the economy in the direction of democratic and dynamic development of the country. The purpose of the paper is to substantiate the need to modernize the economy of Ukraine and characterize the strategic directions of its implementation. It is explained what efforts the state needs to make for the successful modernization of the economic system of Ukraine, given the globalization changes in modern society. It is substantiated that effective structural modernization of the economy requires adequate financial support, which is designed to ensure qualitative change in society. It is argued that public policy in the field of economic modernization should be part of the overall mechanism of modernization, which involves solving three interrelated problems. The conditions to be met by successful reforms in the field of economic modernization have been determined. It is proved that the strategic directions of modernization of Ukraine's economy should take into account the need to implement reforms in accordance with the need to introduce the most effective formats, mechanisms and principles of economic process management in the country. Strategic directions of modernization of Ukrainian economy at the present stage are formulated. In conclusion, it is substantiated that the modernization of the Ukrainian economy is an objectively necessary and inevitable process designed to ensure the growth of welfare and the development of positive transformational changes in the country. Modernization changes must be carried out in accordance with certain efforts of the state aimed at obtaining the best result of the functioning of the economic system. It is concluded that reforms in the economy of Ukraine should be carried out in accordance with a clear strategy of its development and strategic directions, which will implement the chosen state course to modernize the national economy and build an economic system in accordance with the level of developed countries.

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