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Perspectives of science and education
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Published By Perspectives Of Science And Education


2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 192-210
Svetlana N. Dvoryatkina ◽  
Vera S. Merenkova ◽  
Eugeny I. Smirnov ◽  

Introduction. The problem of improving the process of organizing and supporting the project and research activities of schoolchildren through intelligent management for the purpose of self-organization of the individual, understanding and comprehending complex mathematical knowledge as a principle of personal development is relevant and far from solved. Intelligent systems provide the process of individualization of learning, the establishment of personalized and computerized feedback of cognitive and creative processes. The purpose of the article is to assess the student's readiness for research activities in the context of designing a hybrid intelligent learning environment. Materials and methods. The assessment of the student's psychological readiness for research activities in the conditions of using a hybrid intellectual environment was carried out on an experimental representative sample of students of 1-2 courses of secondary vocational education (n1=42) and students of the senior classes of secondary schools (n2=30). The diagnosis was carried out using the intelligence structure test of R. Amthauer, the creativity questionnaire of D. Johnson, the test "Individual styles of thinking" by A. Alekseev, L. Gromova, the methods of value orientations by M. Rokich, etc. The significance of the differences was established by means of Student's t-test, Fisher's angular transformation, χ2-test. The results of the study. The assessment of psychological readiness for research activities in mathematics was carried out on the basis of the developed nine parameters of scientific potential. The presented results allow us to pre-set the framework of boundary conditions in order to minimize the imprinting time of a hybrid intelligent system (including the selection of the neural network topology). For all three groups of criteria, differences by gender were established, for example, by the parameter "value orientations" (temp  = 2.26 > tcr = 2.02); by the parameter "creativity" (χemp2 = 6,02 ≥ χcr2 (0,05;2) = 5,99). And also by the type of educational institution, for example, by the parameter “motivation to achieve the result” (φemp = 0,186 > φcr = 1,64). Conclusion. The results of the research are of practical value, as they serve as a technological basis for establishing the boundaries and boundary conditions of the most significant parameters for the effective realization of scientific potential, expressed in the work of a specialized web interface created with the student's personal account.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 155-171
Pavel A. Kislyakov ◽  
Elena A. Shmeleva ◽  
Vasily N. Feofanov ◽  
Yekaterina I. Dubrovinskaya ◽  

Introduction. The relevance of the study is due to the need to match the requirements of stakeholders to the level of preparedness of a graduate of a master's degree. The purpose of the research. The research is aimed at the development and scientific substantiation of the master's degree program in the field of speech therapy support for persons with communication disorders of various categories in terms of interaction with stakeholders. Methodology and research methods. The Master's program is based on the principles and provisions of practice-oriented and competence-based approaches that ensure the formation of students ' professional competencies and practical skills in solving real professional problems, both in practical classes and during industrial practice on the basis of stakeholders. The research used methods of design, content analysis, questionnaires, mathematical statistics (descriptive statistics, factor analysis). The results. The mechanism of designing the master's degree program is based on the inclusion of stakeholders in the process of forming professional competencies of graduates, the development of its structure, content and areas of implementation (educational process, scientific work, practice, final qualification work, career guidance). The conducted research with the participation of stakeholders (56 people: speech therapists, speech pathologists, psychologists, rehabilitologists, managers) allowed us to determine the four-factor structure of knowledge, skills and labor actions (professional competencies) necessary for a speech therapist when working with people with communication disorders of various categories: ability to plan and implement the content of correctional and developmental classes (percentage of dispersion – 29.4); the ability to design an adapted basic general education program and a special individual development program (percentage of dispersion – 24.5); the ability to implement speech therapy support in the rehabilitation work system (percentage of dispersion – 18.9); the ability to plan and conduct applied scientific research in education, including the diagnosis of persons with communication disorders of various categories (percentage of dispersion – 7.8). Practical significance. The results obtained can be used by the heads of universities focused on the development of interaction with stakeholders, can help to encourage the introduction of practices and strategies that take into account the influence of stakeholders in the development of management decisions and the organization of effective training of teachers in the master's program. They may be of interest to speech therapists-practitioners, scientific supervisors of master's programs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 521-535
Grigory A. Vorobiev ◽  
Andrey V. Chebotarev ◽  
Irina P. Panova ◽  

School nowadays is focused on students’ health as a prerequisite for a successful performance. The health status is a multifaceted concept which is gauged by various indicators. Determining the health status of children takes a lot of time resources on the part of educational staff engaged in systemizing and analysing the data and making practical recommendations for optimising students’ health. Boosting the quality of health monitoring can be achieved via modern IT systems by creating a digital health passport for school students. This research is based on the methods of theoretical analysis, synthesis, data generalisation, analytical modelling of the content and organisational process of health monitoring via modern information technology. An attempt was made to create a scientific and methodological model for collating and evaluating data on school children’s physical health, mental health and physical preparedness. The data are presented in the form of a digital health passport. The data were used as a basis for the computer programme The Health Passport which allows the user to obtain information on the general health status and differentiated aspects of health, such as physical or mental health and physical preparedness. The programme can also give individualised practical recommendations by analysing the test results; store statistically relevant information on individual and group performance; conduct comparative analysis of individual and group performance of comprehensive school students on the methodological basis of mathematical statistics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 374-388
Sergey B. Pashkin ◽  
Elena P. Korablina ◽  
Natalia B. Lisovskaya ◽  
Eugenia I. Brazhnik ◽  

Problem and purpose. The issue of resilience is very urgent today. Rapid social, economic, political changes in society, the speed of technical and technological changes affect the psychological health of a person, provoking stress, neuroses, inappropriate behavior, depressive states. The study of the relationship of resilience and its components with personality traits will serve as the basis for creating programs for the development of resilience, through the formation of personal characteristics of students necessary for harmonious development and professional self-realization in society. The purpose of the article is to identify and describe the relationship between personality traits and resilience in students. Materials and methods. The study involved 50 students between the ages of 20 and 25 of The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. The study was conducted from October to December 2020 (during the COVID-19 Pandemic) and was carried out remotely. using a Google form. The following methods were used in the study: Hardiness Survey (Hardiness Survey, S. Maddy), 5PFQ personality questionnaire, Multifactorial personality questionnaire 16PF R. Cattell, T.V. Kornilova New questionnaire uncertainty tolerance. To process the data obtained, methods of quantitative and qualitative analysis were used; descriptive statistics methods, r-Spearman rank correlation coefficient. Results. The results of a theoretical and empirical study of hardiness and its relationship with personal factors in students of a pedagogical university are presented. Statistical data are presented, on the basis of which the relationship of hardiness and its components with communicative, intellectual, emotional and regulatory properties of a person is revealed. The study revealed a statistically significant positive relationship between the scale "Resilience" and such indicators of the Multifactorial Personality Questionnaire 16PF as factor A: "isolation-sociability" (r = 0.28; p≤0.05), factor C: "emotional instability-emotional stability "(r = 0.64; p≤0.05), and etc. Conclusion. It was found that hardiness and its components are positively associated with communicative factors (sociability, courage, that is, the activity of social communication, gullibility, plasticity and dominance in social contacts), intellectual factors (plasticity, radicalism, curiosity, that is, flexibility and efficiency of thinking), emotional factors (emotional stability, restraint, calmness and relaxation, expressiveness, that is, expressiveness, sensitivity) and regulatory factors (self-control, responsibility). The solution to the research problem is proposed in the form of creating and implementing a practice-oriented program for the development of hardiness in students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 576-591
Yulia Yu. Bocharova ◽  
Anna V. Bagachuk ◽  
Polina A. Sergeeva ◽  

Introduction. Achieving the strategic goals of scientific-technological development, corresponding to the modern technological mode, is impossible without increasing the competitiveness of the education system, which is ensured by new continuous professional education models for school teachers of an engineering-technological profile, among which urban educational formats are increasingly used, as well as communities of experts, formed around groups of masters and relying on co-creation, transfer of experience and technology. The research purpose is to assess the potential of urban professional communities and the conditions for the formation of an informal pedagogical education ecosystem in the field of engineering-technological education of schoolchildren. Materials and methods. To study the structure of professional contacts of the urban network of teachers engaged in engineering-technological education of schoolchildren, the sample was constructed using the "snowball" method. The content analysis of a semi-structured interview was used to identify professional roles and professional contacts, to assess the density of networks using the method of network analysis of an educational organization according to K. Ushakov. Results. On the basis of a semi-structured interview with working teachers engaged in engineering-technology education, the links between the accepted roles (teacher, mentor, expert) and the network density were revealed, a great potential for the network development was revealed (84% of new links can still be formed, 53% of participants are ready to master new roles). The leading roles of leaders, “network nodes”, are “an expert” and “a mentor”. The authors highlight the characteristics of urban forms of interaction between teachers that enhance the social capital of a territory: co-existence format, heterogeneity of participants, reliance on experience and taking into account the ambitions to accept roles, distributed leadership, support of professional reflection, joint design of events. Practical significance. The presented method for assessing the social capital of a territory on the example of an informal education network of teachers engaged in engineering-technological education can be used in the management of local educational ecosystems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 434-442
Nurfer Tercan ◽  
Gulzhikhan Nurysheva ◽  

Introduction. The study of Al-Farabi’s pedagogical heritage is relevant, since it allows forming a scientific idea of the level of progressive experience in teaching and upbringing in the conditions of the early Middle Ages, in the era of the flourishing and rise of culture in the East. Research purpose is to consider Al-Farabi’s creative heritage and give an overview of his scientific-pedagogical ideas. Materials and methods. The authors used Al-Farabi’s treatises, reflecting his pedagogical ideas, as well as the works of modern teachers, historians and philosophers. Research methods: analysis, synthesis and historical-pedagogical interpretation of the data contained in the sources; systematization and generalization of materials obtained as a result of studying open Internet sources and modern scientific literature. Research results. Despite the fact that Al-Farabi’s ideas were based on the works by Plato and Aristotle on the cognizability of the world, the scholar has developed original applications of this theory in relation to the needs of that time, taking into account the state religious policy. According to the thinker, the ideal of upbringing and education includes the mastery of scientific knowledge, moral and aesthetic perfection of both the student and the teacher. The rules proposed by Al-Farabi asserted the social significance of teaching and upbringing based on mutual respect of teachers and students. The educational system and teaching methods proposed by Al-Farabi made it possible to activate the students’ creative and cognitive activity, contributed to the development of logical thinking and comprehension of the information they receive. Discussion and conclusion. The study and analysis of Al-Farabi’s treatises show that the thinker considered all aspects of the educational process: educational goal, learning content, teaching methods and tools, the duties of the student and the teacher. The thinker’s entire creative heritage is imbued with the ideas of humanizing and democratizing society through its improvement by upbringing and educational tools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 69-83
Anna V. Diachkova ◽  
Olga N. Tomyuk ◽  
Anastasia R. Faizova ◽  
Andrei Yu. Dudchik ◽  

Problem and goal. In the context of digital globalization traditional forms of communication at the university are forced to transform in order to meet educational objectives. However, the established practice of building communications in universities in new formats has revealed a number of problems of ineffective interaction between participants in the educational process. The article aims to identify the main features of the transformation of the forms of communication in distance learning at the university. Particular attention is paid to the conditions for the formation of an effective digital dialogue in the university-student-teacher triad. Materials and research methods. The study of the transformation of communication is considered from an economic, pedagogical, and philological (semiological) point of view. The economic approach includes consideration of resource constraints that prevent the development of various forms of communication in the educational space, and an assessment of the effectiveness of the communication process. The pedagogical approach allows to evaluate the technologies and formats of communication in online learning. The semiological approach is focused on the choice of techniques and schemes that are adequate to digital dialogue. The empirical research was carried out using the questionnaire. The survey involved 2–4-year students at the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin. Research results. In the 2020–2021 academic year, students were able to adapt to rapid inclusion in distance learning and the use of digital technologies, but half of the students prefer to return to the traditional format of education, 39% of students for a mixed (blended learning) format. It was found that if the verbal forms of communication when transferring the course content from the teacher to the students were not transformed taking into account the digital environment and online learning, then this could lead to unnecessary complexity for perception (according to 54.5% of respondents), the appearance of information noise, as a consequence, the appearance of discomfort (for 40% of the respondents) and attempts to avoid communication (for 18%). 52% of students indicated that their opinion about distance improved over time. Discussion and conclusions. The authors concluded that digital skills today mean more than digital literacy. In communication, it is important to develop new technologies, techniques and tools that are adequate to new educational and upbringing tasks. And in modern conditions, burdened by pandemic threats, other ways of digitalizing the university with the construction of effective communications are rather impossible.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 23-36
Dmitriy A. Belyaev ◽  
Ulyana P. Belyaeva ◽  

Video games have become a prominent part of on-screen technoculture today, breaking the purely entertaining social labelling framework. They contribute to the generation of new social activities, and also become an innovative media space for the explication of artistic and aesthetic values, political meanings and educational practices. The aim of the study is the reconstruction and analysis of the cultural constitution of video games, revealing the features of their screen rhetorical capabilities, as well as revealing the educational potential of gamification practices and Digital Game Based Learning strategies. This is intended to form the competence-thematic framework of video games as a platform for modern media education. The methodological basis of the work is the cultural-historical and dialectical approaches, as well as the methods of systemic and structural-functional analysis. The study made it possible to trace the genesis of the cultural formation of video games, which demonstrated many strategies for their integration into the space of mass media culture. The main rhetorical models implemented in video games are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the comprehensive consideration of procedural rhetoric as an original way of convincing the user through gameplay, interactive involvement in virtual practices. The foundations of the practice of gamification and the strategy of Digital Game Based Learning in education are considered. It identifies the possibilities of gamification as an innovative methodology for organizing incentives and rewards, and also identifies the range of difficulties and risks of total gamification of the educational process. Based on the results of the study, it was determined that video games use an original complex of rhetorical techniques that combine both traditional audiovisual formats of narrative, characteristic of other on-screen media, and procedural-interactive techniques. They made it possible to directly integrate the user into virtual narratives, turning them from a passive recipient into an actor. The importance of gamification as a tool for building strategies of internal stimulation with elements of entertaining practices in the dynamics of learning is also revealed, which increases the effectiveness of education. It has been revealed the significant educational potential of video games as a promising media platform in the framework of the implementation of the Digital Game Based Learning strategy. They can act both as carriers of knowledge and as a virtual environment for the formation of competencies in the field of history, economics, literature and social management. Procedural and rhetorical tools allow a person to become a part of an interactive scenario, which greatly increases the likelihood of assimilating information and developing professional skills.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 592-605
Dmitry V. Maltsev ◽  

Introduction. Currently, civil passivity, unwillingness to bear responsibility, is very common among students of higher educational institutions. Creating conditions for the active life of students is a complex problem, the solution of which depends on the efficiency of the enterprises of the region and the country. The education of the norms of collective life in young specialists, the development of civil and social responsibility is an important and urgent task. The purpose of the study: to develop measures to improve educational work with students of technical universities by creating conditions for their active life in accordance with the purpose and objectives of the approximate work program of education recommended by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. Materials and methods. The analysis of scientific sources in the field of education, organization of student self-government, improvement of student satisfaction is applied. The study analyzed the results of the questionnaire survey of 947 students of Perm National Research Polytechnic University. Methods of mathematical statistics: t-Student test for independent samples. The results of the study. Stated the facts of unsatisfactory consideration of the opinion of students, as well as the imperfection of the existing mechanisms of student self-government and regulation of the educational process. The identified comments and suggestions of students regarding the organization of the university's work remain mostly in self-examination reports, which was confirmed when comparing data on student satisfaction for 2019 and 2020, no significant differences were found according to the Student's criterion (p > 0.1). The practical significance lies in identifying the points of growth of higher educational institutions in terms of improving educational work. The results of the study can be useful and applicable for creating conditions for the active life of students in other universities of the country. In the future, it is planned to repeat the research in order to evaluate the recommendations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (6) ◽  
pp. 606-620
Olga A. Chikova ◽  
Natalia N. Davydova ◽  
Alevtina A. Simonova ◽  

Relevance. Currently, the most popular public administration mechanism in the field of education is the assessment of the quality of educational services rendered, an important component of which is an independent assessment of the quality of conditions for implementing educational activities. The use of the ECSI methodology based on structural equation modeling (SEM) can make an important contribution to the development of mechanisms for the independent assessment of the quality of education (IAQE). The research purpose is to study the possibilities of using the method of statistical data analysis for an independent assessment of the quality of conditions for implementing educational activities in the process of clarifying and confirming the results of monitoring studies in education. Materials and methods. Structural equation modeling was used to study data obtained in 1,143 educational institutions of the Sverdlovsk region (Russian Federation) located in 30 municipal districts, 25 cities, 4 closed administrative-territorial entities. The general population of respondents selected for the IAQE was 350,950 people, including parents (legal representatives) – 298,485 people (85%) and students aged over 14 – 52,465 people (15%). Research results. An original methodology for statistical analysis of data from an independent assessment of the quality of education has been developed. The method of structural equation modeling revealed statistically significant links between indicators with integral criteria of structural SEM-models of the IAQE. In particular, the structural SEM-model of the IAQE has a single negative value of the regression coefficient r=-1.32 for the indicator "Availability of information about the organization's teachers on its official website", and the structural SEM-model of the IAQE criterion "Comfort of the conditions in which educational activities are carried out" found the smallest value of the regression coefficient r=0.36 for the indicator "Availability of conditions for organizing the training and education of students with disabilities and disabled people". These results of the statistical analysis of the IAQE allow identifying directions for improving educational and management practices in the region. Conclusion. The developed original methodology can be used to clarify and confirm the results of monitoring studies in the field of independent assessment of the quality of conditions for implementing educational activities in the regions, especially in cases of any questions about the results of the studies conducted and obtaining controversial results.

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