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Rekayasa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 334-339
Masriansyah Masriansyah ◽  
Untung Purnomo ◽  
Binsar Mangaratua Sirait

The Navy Debriefing Service is a central implementing agency whose main task is a series of supply chain management, which has several problems related to the uneven competence of Disbekal personnel, limited human resources and lack of creation, innovation, improvisation, as a result of the large number of personnel who have been around for a long time. served in Disbekal. So the purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of competence and the influence of organizational culture partially on the work productivity of Disbekal. As well as analyzing the influence of competence and organizational culture simultaneously on the work productivity of Disbekal. Descriptive verification research method with data analysis techniques using Path Analysis. The number of samples is 88 personnel, with data collection through stratified random sampling. The results showed that there was a significant influence between competence, and organizational culture on the work productivity of the TNI AL debriefing service partially and simultaneously. Where the direct influence of the competence variable is 30.2%, and the organizational culture variable is 18.5%. The total effect is 68.1% overall, while 39.1% is the influence of other factors that were not researched.

2021 ◽  
pp. 203228442110612
Jonathan Collinson

Deportation is a core state practice for the management and control of time-served foreign national offenders. Post-Brexit law changes mean that EU national offenders in the UK will become subject to the same deportation rules which apply to non-EU national offenders. This article argues that the law that applied to EU national offenders before Brexit, derived from the EU’s Citizens’ Rights Directive, was underpinned by a focus on the offender as an individual person. In contrast, UK deportation law that applies to third-country nationals, and to EU nationals after Brexit, sees only the label of ‘offender’. This argument is made by examining two important elements of the contrasting deportation laws: the permitted justifications for deportation and the importance of rehabilitation. On permitted justifications for deportation, the Citizens’ Rights Directive requires individualised rationales for deportation and prohibits justifications based solely on the fact of past offending. This future-orientation also encouraged UK courts to focus on the foreign national offender as an individual who is capable of rehabilitation and reform, whereas the UK’s post-Brexit rules justify deportation on the basis of the status of offender: a status that is determined by prior conviction, is hard to lose and makes limited space for considering the potential for rehabilitation.

Miguel A. Jiménez-Crespo ◽  
Joseph V. Casillas

Abstract “Literal translation” is a popular construct in Translation Studies. Research from computational approaches has consistently shown that non-literal translations, i.e., renderings semantically and syntactically different or not close to the source text, are more difficult or effortful to produce than literal ones. This paper researches whether literal translations are systematically less effortful to process than non-literal ones using comparable corpus data. The effort incurred in processing literal translations from a parallel corpus is compared to that of processing the most frequent non-literal renderings found in previous comparable corpus studies. Ten professional translators edited a text using a mock translation environment setup using the keylogger Inputlog. The task was presented as a regular editing process with a full cohesive text presented segment pair by segment pair. Time served as a proxy for overall cognitive effort. We analyzed time from presentation to type (TTP) and time to completion of segment edit (TC), or complete editing events. Results showed that processing efforts are indistinguishable between categories, suggesting that cognitive effort to edit non-literal default translation candidates is not always higher when compared to the most frequent literal translations from a parallel corpus.

2021 ◽  
pp. 0160323X2110207
Alexandra G. Cockerham

It is widely accepted that executive term limits provide a check on executive power. I challenge this assumption by arguing that executive term limits pose an obstacle to inter-branch bargaining because they both limit tenure potential and force an executive from office precisely when she is most prone to bargain. While previous research has assumed that an executive’s tenure potential remains constant throughout his time in office, I argue that the tenure potential of a term-limited executive varies with time left in office. The perfect correlation between time served (experience) and maximum remaining time in office (tenure potential) among U.S. presidents precludes empirical analysis about the effects of tenure potential and experience. Accordingly, I turn to the American states for analysis, and find strong empirical support for my theory.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 408-438
Anita Mukherjee

This paper examines the impact of private prison contracting by exploiting staggered prison capacity shocks in Mississippi. Motivated by a model based on the typical private prison contract that pays a per diem for each occupied bed, the empirical analysis shows that private prison inmates serve 90 additional days. This is alternatively estimated as 4.8 percent of the average sentence. The delayed release erodes half of the cost savings offered by private contracting and is linked to the greater likelihood of conduct violations in private prisons. The additional days served do not lead to apparent changes in inmate recidivism. (JEL H76, K42)

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 138-149
Dewi Untari Dewi ◽  
Nys. Arfa

ABSTRAK Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membahas dasar pertimbangan hakim dalam menjatuhkan pidana terhadap pelaku penyalahguna narkotika. Tipe penelitian adalah yuridis empiris. Berdasarkan penelitian, ditemukan bahwa tindakan terdakwa telah memenuhi unsur-unsur dari syarat pemidanaan atau telah memenuhi ketentuan penerapan sanksi terhadap tindak pidana penyalahguna Narkotika Golongan I jenis shabu-shabu. Dalam Putusan yang di teliti, hakim menjatuhkan pidana penjara selama 8 (delapan) bulan. Seharusnya Hakim tidak hanya mempertimbangkan fakta yuridis, fakta persidangan dan fakta sosiologis para terdakwa tetapi juga peranan para terdakwa dalam tindak pidana karena tindak pidana dilakukan lebih dari 1 orang. Hakim seharusnya menjatuhkan pidana yang lebih berat terhadap Rida Susana dan Jasrul Harja dibanding Syahrul Yanto karena yang memulai perbuatan pidana ini adalah Rida Susana dan Jasrul Harja sebagai seorang anggota Polri. Oleh karena itu dalam menjatuhkan beratnya pidana terhadap para terdakwa, hakim diharapkan untuk lebih mempertimbangkan peranan terdakwa dalam tindak pidana agar menimbulkan efek jera dan rasa keadilan baik bagi para terdakwa dan masyarakat. ABSTRAK This article aims to discuss the basis for the judges’ consideration in imposing sanction against narcotics offender. The type of research is empirical juridical. It is found that the actions of the defendant had fulfilled the provisions for the application of sanctions against the abuse of Narcotics Group I. In the verdict examined, the judge sentenced him imprisonment for 8 (eight) months. Judges should not only consider the juridical facts, the facts of the trial and the sociological facts of the defendants but also the role of the defendants in the criminal act as the crime was committed by more than 1 person. Judges should have imposed more severe penalties on Rida Susana and Jasrul Harja compared to Syahrul Yanto, as those who started the crime were Rida Susana and Jasrul Harja while in the same time served as member of the National Police. Therefore, in sentencing the sanction against the defendants, the judges are expected to better consider the role of the defendants in the crime in order to create a deterrent effect and sense of justice both for the defendants and the public.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 47-55
Jason Snider

The Iron Gates gorge system is formed by the convergence of the Carpathians and Balkan mountain ranges that collide and plunge directly into the Danube River (Fig. 1). The geographical conditions of this region have created a frontier zone in different periods, and the historical context of this article deals specifically with the period between 1429 and c. 1435 when this castle system was placed under the control of a contingent from the Teutonic Order to help defend the Kingdom of Hungary against an impending Ottoman invasion. The Teutonic Order’s mission was a military expedition and King Sigismund’s use of a contingent from the Teutonic Order as a military force in this region was a part of his overall strategy to protect his kingdom from further invasion by Ottoman armies under Sultan Murad II (1404–1451). The Danube river, itself, at this time served as the frontier between the Kingdom of Hungary and the recently conquered Ottoman territory on the southern bank. The theme of this article centers on the application of traditional techniques of landscape archaeology to perform a military analysis of these fortifications in the Iron Gates castle chain using more novel avenues of research- given travel bans and other restrictions brought about by the on-going Corona-19 crisis.

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